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Steps to run the script:


1. From your email, save the attached file to your PC e.g. \ directory and extract
2. ftp nickel to the server, any directory e.g. /tmp.

Steps to ftp nickel from PC to server,

a. In Start-Programs, open MS-DOS prompt, cd \
b. ftp hostname, or ftp IP_address, login as root.
c. ftp> cd /tmp
d. ftp> bin
e. ftp> put nickel
f. ftp> bye

3. in the server, # cd /tmp

5. # chmod 755 nickel
6. # ./nickel ( run this command )
7. A file nickel.<hostname>.tar.gz will be created in present working directory i.e
/tmp ==> e.g /tmp/nickel.hostname.tar.gz
7. ftp this file back to you PC and send this file to me.

Steps to ftp nickel.hostname.tar.gz from server to PC.

a. In Start-Programs, open MS-DOS promtp, cd \
b. ftp hostname, or ftp IP_address, login as root.
c. ftp> cd /tmp
d. ftp> bin
e. ftp> get nickel.hostname.tar.gz
f. ftp> bye

8. Please e-mail the nickel.<hostname>.tar.gz file to me

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