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About International GCSEs

Edexcel International GCSEs direct students around the globe towards a better future, preparing
them for Level 3 study, or for employment.

Developed by subject specialists and reviewed regularly, many of our International GCSEs
include specific international content to make them relevant to students worldwide.

What are International GCSEs?

Available in over 40 subjects, Edexcel International GCSEs are academic qualifications aimed at
learners aged 14 to 16. They’re equivalent to a UK General Certificate of Secondary Education
(GCSE), and are the main requirement for progression to Level 3 studies.

International GCSEs are linear qualifications, meaning that students take all of the exams at the
end of the course. They are available at Level 1 (grades D-G) and Level 2 (grades A*-C).

There are currently more than 100,000 learners studying Edexcel International GCSEs, in
countries throughout Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.

Are International GCSEs available in the UK?

Our Edexcel International GCSEs were initially developed for the international market, and are
renowned for being academically rigorous. Many of the qualifications have since become
popular among independent schools in the UK, but are not approved for use in UK state schools.

Please note that no UK centres (whether state-funded or independent) will be able to submit
candidate entries for examinations after summer 2015 for the following International GCSE

 Accounting (4AC0)
 Arabic (First Language) (4AR0)
 Art and Design: Fine Art (4FA0)
 Art and Design: Graphic Design (4GD0)
 Art and Design: Photography (4PY0)
 Art and Design: Textiles (4TE0)
 Bangladesh Studies (4BN0)
 Bengali (4BE0)
 Classical Arabic (4CA0)
 Commerce (4CM0)
 Gujarati (4GU0)
 Islamiyat (4IS0)
 Modern Greek (4MG0)
 Pakistan Studies (4PA0)
 Sinhala (4SI0)
 Swahili (4SW0)
 Turkish (4TU0)
 Urdu (4UR0)

Summer 2015 will be the last opportunity for these qualifications to be sat in the UK. They will,
however, continue to be available in international centres.

Why teach Edexcel International GCSEs?

 Flexible course content: International GCSEs let you incorporate local content into the
specification, making the course more relevant and engaging for learners.

 Analytical and diagnostic tools: Our exclusive ePen and ResultsPlus technology lets
you assess learners’ performance so you can help them to improve.

 Subject Advisors: We have experts in each subject area on hand to answer your subject-
specific questions personally.

 Unbeaten support: We’re committed to supporting you in your day-to-day teaching,

from our online subject communities to sample assessment materials, mark schemes and
published resources.

Why study Edexcel International GCSEs?

 Wide subject range: Edexcel International GCSE qualifications are currently available
in 40 subjects, offering more choice to students wanting to study a variety of topics.

 Options for progression: On successful completion of these qualifications, students can

choose to further their study by taking AS and A levels or other equivalent qualifications
such as our BTEC Nationals or the Edexcel International Diploma.

 Global recognition: Our International GCSEs help students apply to study and work
across the world. Recognised by employers and educators worldwide, they are equivalent,
grade for grade, to UK GCSEs, with the same status for university entry requirements.

 Extensive student support: We offer our students a wide range of resources and
assistance, from exam timetables and past papers to revision tips and the opportunity to
comment on our blogs, share a query on Twitter or ask us a question on Facebook.
Edexcel, formally known as Pearson Edexcel - London Examinations,[2] is a multinational
education and examination body owned by Pearson. Edexcel, the only privately owned
examination board in the UK[3] and part of Pearson PLC, is a portmanteau term combining the
words Education & Excellence. It regulates school examinations under the British Curriculum
and offers qualifications for schools on the international and regional scale. Edexcel is the UK’s
largest awarding organisation offering academic and vocational qualifications in schools,
colleges and work places in the UK and abroad. It is also recognised internationally.[4]

adi IB itu apa sih?

Basically sebuah organisasi yang merancang program/kurikulum yang namanya IB itu yang dimulai dari
35 tahun yang lalu. Yang jelas ya bukan kurikulum sembarang kurikulum yaa, karena dibuat berdasarkan
research (IB mempunyai 6500 examiners di 100 negara)

Programnya apa?
Programnya ada 3
- Primary Years Program (PYP) untuk anak umur 3-12 tahun
- Middle Years Program (MYP) untuk anak umur 11 - 16
- Diploma Program untuk anak umur 16 – 19

- Memasuki tahun ajaran baru, saatnya memilih sekolah yang tepat. Banyak sekolah mencantumkan
label kurikulum berbasis International Baccalaureate (IB).

Maksudnya adalah sekolah terebut menerapkan sistem pendidikan internasional. Pusatnya berada di
Genewa Swiss.

Lembaga pendidikan ini membentuk sebuah sistem pendidikan yang memungkinkan setiap anak dapat
melanjutkan perguruan tinggi di mana pun. IB lahir untuk mendorong setiap anak berpikir bebas, kreatif,
berkarakter, dan berwawasan global.

IB memiliki kurikulum yang membagi siswanya dalam 3 program pendidikan:

Primer Years Programme, 3-12 tahun.

Program ini dirancang agar anak mengembangkan diri dan aktif belajar. Bidang studi yang dipelajari
adalah yaitu language, social study, mathematic, art, science, dan physical education.

Midle Years Programme, 11-16 tahun.

Anak diajarkan untuk menjadi warga dunia dan memiliki karakter positif. Bidang studi yang diajarkan
adalah mother tongue, second language, humanities, science, mathematics, art, physical education, dan

IB Diploma Programme, 16-19 tahun.

Program diploma ini berlangsung selama dua tahun untuk mempersiapkan anak memasuki perguruan
tinggi. Dalam tahap ini anak akan memilih salah satu dari 6 program yang disediakan dalam bidang
matematika, seni, pelajaran sosial, bahasa serta pengalaman eksperimental.

Untuk lulus siswa harus melewati beberapa elemen berikut:

Extended essay, siswa wajib melakukan penelitian mandiri terhadap subyek yang dipelajari.
Theory of knowledge, meminta siswa untuk merenungkan bagaimana mereka tahu apa yang mereka
ketahui dan mengekstraksinya dalam sebuah teori.
CAS (Creative, Action, Service), mengharuskan siswa berkomitment untuk seni, kegiatan olahraga, dan
pelayanan masyarakat.

Saat ini, di Indonesia sudah banyak sekolah yang telah menerapkan sistem pendidikan ini. Kelebihannya
tentu membuat anak berwawasan global dan berkesempatan melanjutkan studi di luar negeri.

Kelemahannya, pendidikan diploma belum diakui jika melanjutkan studi di dalam negeri. Biaya yang
relatif mahal, bahkan beberapa sekolahnya hanya menerima pembayaran dengan mata uang dollar

Beberapa contoh sekolah yang telah menerapkan sistem ini adalah: Jakarta International School atau JIS,
Bandung International School, Bali International School, Sekolah Ciputra, dan Binus International School

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