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ANATOMY OF PADDY FROG (Fejervarya cancrivora)

By :
Name : Devina Alifah
Student ID : B1B017010
Group : II
Subgroup :4
Assistant : Sharon Hillary




A. Background
Amphibian is vertebrates that are typically able to live both in fresh
water (no one in sea water) and on land. Most had metamorphosed from tadpoles
(aquatic and breathing with gills) to adult (amphibious and breathe with lungs).
The word amphibian comes from the Greek, Amphi means two and Bios
meaning life because of that amphibious animal is defined as having two forms
of life on land and at water. In general, amphibian have a life cycle early in the
waters and the life cycle of both is on the mainland. (Zug, 1993).
Paddy frog (Fejervarya cancrivora) is one of amphibians class and
including into Anura ordo. Paddy frog live at rice field area, good at jumping
and have unique sound. Paddy frog pass metamorphosis from tadpoles (aquatic
and breath use gill) to adult frog (amphibious, breath use lungs and skin). Skin
of Paddy frog generally always wet because there is skin gland secretion
(mucous gland) which produce mucus (Djuhanda, 1984).
Frog and toad have differences, frog easy to be known from his
characteristics body by having four legs, unclear neck, eyes tend to be large, the
surface of the skin is slippery and slimy. While the toad have a rough skin
texture and bumply it is covered by briery bumps, hands and legs tend to be
shorter than frog’s legs. Frog likes the others animals have a range of what they
need to specific environment factors for every types. Anura (frog) have broad
spread area as all mainland and freshwater habitats, settlements, trees, along the
river area or flowing water, and at primary and secondary forest (Izza &
Kurniawan, 2014).
Paddy frog (Fejervarya cancrivora) used as a preparation at his practice
for representing Amphibious group. Paddy frog choosed because the skin not
contain toxic. Moreover, this animal have easy structure and morphology to

B. Purpose
The purpose of this practical class are to see and know the anatomy and
morphology of Paddy frog (Fejervarya cancrivora).

A. Material
The materials that used in this practice are Paddy frog (Fejervarya
cancrivora) and chloroform.
The tools that used in this practice are praparations tub, tweezers,
surgical scissors, and latex.

B. Methods
The methods that used in this activity are:
1. The frog was drugged using chloroform.
2. Fog skin was cut from medio-posterior to anterior, and finally all ventral skin
was skinned and observed the muscular system.
3. Surgery was continued on viscera in-situ. Stomach wall beside medio-
posterior of Paddy frog was clamped by tweezers and slightly raised then cut
the left-right muscle linea alba carefully to keep if there was abdominalis
vena under linea alba.
4. The base of esophagus until the end of rectum was dissected so we could
observe digestive system.
5. The mouth of Paddy frog was opened widthly so we could see the inne parts
of it
6. The skin of posterior extremity was cut from the base of femur until the pes,
so the muscles could be seen.
B. Discussion
Classification of Paddy frog (Fejervarya cancrivora) based on Jasin
(1989) are as follows :
Phylum : Chordata
Subphylum : Vertebrata
Class : Amphibia
Ordo : Anura
Family : Dicroglossidae
Genus : Fejervarya
Species : Fejervarya cancrivora
Paddy frog body (Fejervarya cancrivora) consist of caput, truncus,
anterior extremity, and posterior extremity. The skin that cover frog always wet
because there is secretion from skin glands. Paddy frog skin have a rule at
respiration because there is capillaries under the skin from vein and magna
cutanea artery (Radiopoertro, 1996). Paddy frog is a cosmopolitan animal. The
habitat of Paddy frog usually at rice field area which is can be classified as a
moist area. That condition make paddy frog potentially exposed by bacteria,
fungi, and pathogen virus such as water mold Saprolegnia sp. dan Ambystoma
tirgrinum virus (Fujita et al., 2015).
Head of Paddy frog connect with their body, nostril, and eyes located at
top of the head. Paddy frog does not have tail, because it inhibit them for
jumping. Anterior extremity shorter and smaller than posterior extremity. They
only have four digities. The digiti of posterior extremity have five digities.
Posterior extremity bigger and longer. They have big and strong crus muscle for
jumping. And also they have colu mella (pool membrane) located between
posterior digities and it is used to make it them easier for swimming
(Mahardono, 1980). From morphology can be differentiated between male and
female frog that is, male body frog is smaller, at anterior legs there are nuptial
flight who has function to push female body and give a signal if male frog will
release sperm and at the lower part of jaw there is a couple of black spot which
indicate if the male frog have sac voice (saccus vocalis) who has function as
sound resonance (Iskandar, 1998).
Digestive system of Paddy frog consist of cavum oris, pancreas,
gastrum, pylorus, intestine, rectum, cloaca and mesenterium. Digestive tract at
Paddy frog (Fejervarya cancrivora) start from oral cavity until release at cloaca.
Food enter through the mouth that there are teeth on the upper jaw of the ceiling
and have cone shape and forked branches tongue which is have function to catch
the food, then helped by teeth and salivary gland, the food pass the esophagus as
short channel which passed by food to go to stomach, which the stomach looks a
like hanging sac and it can be getting bigger if filled by food. If the essences of
the food have been smooth it will be absorbed by wall of small intestine that
contain so many blood capillaries. This intestine end at cloaca which has
function as excretion system, but before released from cloaca, wasted food
stored at rectum (Saktiono, 1989).
Reproduction system at male frog consist of testis, vasa efferentia,
seminal vesicles, corpus adiposum that are material of storage food which used
at season of sweating. Male frog have a pair of testis (have oval shape, the color
is white) located at the upper of kidney. At testis is found vasa efferentia that the
end at cloaca (Zug, 1993). Reproduction organ of female frog consist of a pair of
ovaries which located at back of body cavity. When breed season female frog at
ovary there found ovum that has mature, that will go to channel that called
oviduct. The part of oviduct posterior will be getting bigger and form uterus.
Next the egg will released trough cloaca and exit out of the body. Fertilization at
frog is external fertilization. The fertilization is done with male frog attach on
the backs of female frog, then both of them squirt out their gamete cells out of
the body (Zug, 1993).
Muscle system of frog divided into four parts they are, muscle system at
head part, pectoral, abdomen or ventral, and posterior extremity. Muscle system
at posterior extremity from Paddy frog consist of two parts they are, femur and
crus. At femur part can be known muscle from lateral direction to medial, such
as: muculus trisep femoris, musclis sartorious, musculus adductor magnus,
musculus gracillis mayor, and musculus gracillis minor. While the muscle
which build part of frog crus such as: musculus gastronimeus, musculus tibialis
anticus langus, musculus tibialis anticus brevis and musculus tibialis posticus.
This things according to Kimball (1991) statement which state if posterior
extremity area there are muculus trisep femoris, musclis sartorious, musculus
adductor magnus, musculus gracillis mayor, and musculus gracillis minor. Crus
part built by musculus gastronimeus, musculus tibialis anticus langus, musculus
tibialis anticus brevis and musculus tibialis posticus, and there are tendon
muscles and tibiofibula bones (Kimball, 1991).

Based on the result can be concluded that :

1. The anatomy of Paddy frog (Fejervarya cancrivora) consist of digestive
system, reproduction system and muscle system.
2. The morphology of Paddy frog (Fejervarya cancrivora) consist of caput,
truncus, anterior extremity, and posterior extremity.

Djuhanda, T., 1984. Analisa Struktur Vertebrata Jilid 2. Bandung: Armico.

Fujita G., Shoji N., & Tadashi M., 2015. Modernization of Drainage Systems
Decreases Gray-Faced Buzzard Occurrence by Reducing Frog Densities in
Paddy-Dominated Landscapes. Japan: Laboratory of Biodiversity Science,
School of Agriculture and Life SciencesUniversity of Tokyo. Vol 11(1), pp.
Iskandar. 1998. Amphibi Biologi. Bogor: Erlangga.
Izza Q., & Kurniawa N., 2014. “Eksplorasi Jenis- Jenis Amfibi di Kawasan OWA
Cangar dan Ir Terjun Watu Ondo, Gunung Welirang, TAHURA R. Soerjo”.
Jurnal Biotropika. Vol 2(2): 103-108.
Jasin, M., 1989. Sistematik Hewan Vertebrata dan Invertebrata. Surabaya: Sinar
Kimball, J., 1991. Biologi. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Mahardono, A., 1980. Anatomi Katak. Penerbit PT Intermasa.
Radiopoertro. 1996. Zoologi. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Saktiono. 1989. Amphibi Biologi. Bogor: Erlangga.
Zug, G. R., 1993. Herpetology: an Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reftiles.
London: Academic Press.

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