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Seat I Total No, ofPages : 4
No. l

T.E. (Mechanical) (Part - III) (Semester - VI) (Reviserl)

Examination, IIay - 2018
Sutr. Code: 66837
Day and Date : Thursday,03 - 05 - 2018 TotalMarks:.100
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
lnstructions : 1) All questions arc compulsory.
2) Figure! to the right ind icate full marks.
3) Assume suilable data, ifnecessary.
,l) All questions are to be solved on one ansx,er book onlv.

Ql) Attemptanyfour: l}0l

a) Explain in briefprinciple oforganizing.
b) What is the selection process followed in public sector underta$gs?

c) Prepale a suitable plan of training to fresh engineering graduates for a

laige scale manu lacRrring concern.

d) Discuss the relationship between leadership, motivatr{n & produativity.

e) How does Herzberg's theory ofmotivation differs fron.r Maslow,s theory


Q2) Attempt any two : l12l

a) What factors are studied in conducting feasibiliry repolt writing ofany
propsed business activity?

b) How market assistance is rendered by government to small scale


c) Explain postii,e and negative impacr of globalizarion on srnall icale

indusrries ln Irrdia.

Q3) Write short notes on any three: tlg]
a) Diff'erence between Marketing & selling concept.
b) Types _of Advertising. -,.1

c) Objdiives ofPurchasing. t'

d) Evril'uation olPurchase Performance.
e) Cosr connol and Cos( reduc(ion.

Q4) Attempt any thee: Ilgl

a) What is a Operations Research model? Discuss the advantages of
limitation ofgood Operations Reseach model.
b) Use Graphical method to solve the following;
Maximize Z:9Xt+4){,
Subjected to constraints,
7X ,5X,<70.
4Xr + 64 5 48
- 3X, 6X-<42

x.. x., : 0
c) A sheet meral operalion company manufacrures four models of tray.
.lEach ray is first cut on cuttirg piocess in the t.imning silop anO nexr
sent to the soldering shop where edges are joined. The average time in
n':inutes for eachjob in theses shops is as follows:

Shop Tray A Tray B Tray C Tray D

Trimming shop 2 2 3 4
Soldering shop 4 6 7 8
Because oflimitations in capacity ofthe plart, no more than 700 minutes/
day ofcapacity is expected in Trimming shop and 1400/day minutes
capacity is expected in the soldering shop in the next six months. The
contdbulion from sales for each tray is as given below: Tray A :
Rs. l2 - per qrir. Tray B:Rs. l2 - perunir.Tral C: Rs. l2l-perunirand
Tray D : Rs. l2r- per unit. Formulare LppSuggesr suitable meLbod lor
solution rd LPP

d) Use simplexto solvethe following problem and obtain initial and second
leasible solution {two simplex rables onlyl
Minimise Z- 6X - 5Xr - 4X-
Subjeciied to constraints 6X, + 5;qr 1 10\ Si6
x,. x". x" > 0
Q5) Attempt any two: [141
a) Indicate how you will test for optimality ofinitial feasible solution ofa
transpoltation problem.
b) The unit transportation cost along with capacity and requirements from
a factories to a warehouses is as given below:

Factorv Capacity
I 3 4

l1L l!- nL lE- 500

B,,I l1q l1q [1 lq 600

C p1 hL llr lq 800

Requirements 400 450 550 600

Obtair initial basic feasible solution by least cost m6thod & VAM.
c) A company has lour workers and fiveiobs. Time taken by each worker
to complete eachjob in minutes rnachine giveninthe matrix below. Solve
tle assignment problem & estimate the total time to complete alljobs.
l 20 22 8 4 16
2 14 22 20 28 24
3 10 12 18 24 t8
4 26 30 22 20 t4

Q6) Wr-ite short notes on any . -.,
r) D iscuss the difl erence beru een dec ision under cenain
ry. under uncenaint)
and under.risk. ,.
b) The following maffix gives the payoff (in Rs.) of different strategies

S 45000

Whatwill be your decision under the following approaches:

i) OptimisticCriterion
ii) PessimisticCriterion
iii) Laplace Criterion
iv) Hurwicz Criterion (cr:0.'1)
c) Draw the proj ect network for the following activities and determine critical
path and proj ect duration.
Preceding activiry Duration(days)

d) Detemine optimal sequence, elapsed time and idle time of the following
eight jobs on the machine Ml and M2 used in the same sequence to
process these jobs.
Machines JI 12 J] J4 J5 J6 t7 .I8

M1 5 4 22 t6 15 11 9 4
M2 6 10 12 8 20 7 2 2l

o-a o-o
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