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The Seamless Body of Golden Light


Visualize your body as a seamless body of golden light, which in the center holds the platinum
ray- diamond bright. Your body is seamless in the sense that it has no divisions at all; it is
smooth and perfected.

Call forth to Vywamus and ask that this body now be made fully manifest within you. Feel
Vywamus' hands running down this body, molding into you all the characteristics and qualities
of divinity that we hold in truth. Ask to sit in the Shamballa seat of ascension and ask Vywamus
to sit with you and meld his energies with you for the purpose of perfecting this seamless body of
golden and platinum light.

Feel the unity of heart and mind and the entire chakra system. Feel the adjustment Vywamus is
making of lower and higher, losing separation and definition of opposites and becoming one.
Feel unification throughout your entire being, inner and outer dissolving. Experience the purity
and innocence in this new body. Experience the joy of Vywamus, galactic being, playing within
your energy field.

Contemplate now, from this Shamballa ascension seat, which is at the ninth-dimensional level,
the purpose of the planet. Then blend your consciousness with Lord Maitreya at the eighth
dimensional level as head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and blend in total oneness and unity with
the solar, galactic and universal masters in the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek. Feel the
unification just as God, Christ and the Holy Spirit are one. This is the journey of the Mahatma
taking all 352 steps back to the godhead.

Call forth now a special dispensation from the Karmic Board. See before you Kwan Yin holding
the scales of justice, mercy and compassion. See Buddha, Mother Mary and all the rest of the
Karmic Board. Call forth for a special dispensation of karmic balance for your sector and twelve
body system and overall program.
See Sai Baba appear and place a petition of light upon the Karmic Board table to allow this
balance within your bodies, planet and universe to be brought into divine order. Call forth an
acceleration of your path of ascension, as Sai Baba, Vywamus, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Buddha,
Lord Maitreya, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta, Melchior, the Lord of Sirius from the Great
White Lodge and the Karmic Board members stand before you. In essence, you are petitioning
balance for the entire monadic 144 soul extension consciousness.

You are requesting for every theme to be harmonized through you. You are asking to take your
place and your puzzlepiece of the great ascension process of humanity and the planet. You are
committing yourself to your part of the world-service work of the divine plan and to demonstrate
that part in both waking and dreaming consciousness as a unifier. Holding balance and holding
your Earth mission as woman, as man, as ascended being- a representative of the Spiritual
Hierarchy, a bodhisattva.

Speak and pray privately now in the sanctuary of your own being to the Karmic Board and all the
masters gathered, for whatever you need to assist you with this purpose, for the highest good of
all concerned. Know finally and completely that what you have requested is upheld and granted

Sit now within the inner chamber in the stillness and let all the energies of negative ego be
dissipated. Let all past mistakes now be completely forgiven. Let any harm that has been done to
self or others in this life or any past lives be healed, cleansed, forgiven, and now balanced. Let all
the patterns, habits, archetypes, subpersonalities and past-life aspects come into harmony with
the Christ/Buddha/Melchizedek archetype and pattern.

Feel all archetypes, rays and astrological signs now become divinely integrated into perfect
harmony and balance. Feel all of these aspects becoming balanced under the mighty energies of
wisdom. Feel the flame of God burning brightly within the core of your being. Feel the violet
transmuting flame of Saint Germain and Archangel Zadkiel purifying and burning up all that is
not of the light of God.

Before all the masters present, in the inner silence of your own being, instead of praying, this
time make your ultimate vows of commitment and service to God, the likes of which you have
never made before, in a way and manner that you know you will never allow yourself to break.
Make vows with absolute steel-like strength and power.
This is the vow that completes your freedom to fully be yourself and assures your success in
your planetary and cosmic ascension process. Make the vow and reaffirmation of the "I am that I
am." The vow that, "I am all that I am!" Now breathe this fully into your being and lock it into
place for all eternity.

Peace has come at last. Feel how grounded you now are in this energy. Everything that you have
become is now brought into your physical body and is now connected to the Earth. You have
brought heaven to Earth and are now the living embodiment of the monad and the mighty I Am
Presence on Earth. You are here for no other reason but to serve, which is the vow of the
bdhisattva. You are God made manifest on Earth to demonstrate that this is your true identity and
share it in unconditional love, complete egolessness and balance in all things.

Open your eyes after completing this meditation. Hold this place and attunement, knowing you
don't have to go into meditation to achieve it. In truth, it has been there all along. Meditation is
nothing more than a tool to help you remember who and what you really are, always have been
and always will be.

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