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- Divided into three parts: fundus, body or greater

Functions curvature, and pylorus
- Take food into mouth, where it is mechanically - Esophageal/cardiac sphincter – opening from the
broken down esophagus into the stomach
- Peristalsis – rhythmic muscular contractions and - Pyloric sphincter – end of the stomach; regulates
segmented movement when single segments of entrance of food into duodenum
the intestine alternate between contraction and  Gastric juices
relaxation to push food through the digestive - Enteroendocrine glands – secrete gastrin;
tract stimulates cells to produce HCl and pepsinogen
- Parietal cells – produce HCl acid, which
Organs of digestion converts pepsinogen into pepsin and destroys
bacteria and microorganisms that enter the
 Mouth stomach
- Inside is covered by mucous membrane - Parietal cells – also produce intrinsic factor,
- Roof – consists of hard and soft palate element necessary for the absorption of vitamin
- Uvula – cone-shaped flap of tissue hanging from B12
the middle of the soft palate; prevents food from - Chief-type cells – produce pepsinogen, which
entering the nasal cavity when swallowing converts to pepsin; pepsin breaks down protein
 Tongue into smaller pieces called proteoses and peptone
- Helps in chewing and swallowing - Mucous cells – secrete alkaline mucus, which
- Lingual frenulum – band of tissue that attaches helps neutralize the effects of HCl acid and the
the tongue to the floor of the mouth; limits the other digestive juices
motion of the tongue  Small Intestine
 Salivary amylase - Final absorption (duodenum)
- Saliva is 99.5% water - 20 feet
- Salivary amylase – begins the breakdown of - Three sections: duodenum, jejunum, and the
complex carbohydrates into simple sugars ileum
- Three pairs of salivary glands: parotid, - Held in place by the mesentery
submandibular, and sublingual - Secretes digestive juices and covered with villi;
- Parotid gland: largest salivary gland found on absorb the end products of digestion
both sides of the face; inflamed during an attack - Hepatopancreatic ampulla – site where the
of mumps pancreatic duct and the common bile duct of the
- Submandibular gland – secretions contain mucin liver enter
and salivary amylase - Pancreatic duct – empties the digestive juices of
- Sublingual gland – smallest of the three; found the pancreas and the common bile duct empties
under the side of the tongue; contains mainly bile from the liver
mucus  Digestive Juices in the small intestine
 Teeth - Secretin and cholecystokinin – stimulate
- Helps in mastication; break down food into very digestive juices in the liver, pancreas and
small morsels gallbladder
o Incisors – biting - Pancreatic juices (protease) – breaks down
o Canines – tearing protein to amino acids
o Molars – crushing and grinding - Amylase (carbohydrase) – breaks down starches
 Esophagus to glucose
- Muscular tube about 25 centimeters long - Lipase – breaks down fats to fatty acids and
- Begins at the lower end of the pharynx toward glycerol
the mediastinum and passes through the - Pancreatic juices – contain sodium bicarbonate
diaphragm going to cardiac portion of the which neutralizes the food content of the
stomach stomach which is high in acid
- Upper third muscle: voluntary; lower portion: - Bile – necessary to break down or emulsify fat
smooth muscle into smaller fat globules to be digested by lipase
- Cardiac/esophageal sphincter – muscular ring; - Intestinal juices – maltase, lactase and sucrase
closes to prevent the stomach contents from change starch into glucose; peptidase changes
regurgitating into the esophagus proteoses and peptone into amino acids; lipase
changes fat into fatty acids and glycerol
 Pancreas - Salivary amylase – converts the starches in
- Functions both an exocrine gland and endocrine carbohydrates into simple sugars
gland 2. Pharynx
- Islets of Langerhans – produce insulin and - Common passageway for food and air
glucagon - Swallowing – voluntary process; Involuntary
- Acini cells – produce digestive juices process in the esophagus
- Duct cells – secrete sodium bicarbonate, which 3. Esophagus
helps neutralize the acidic content of food as it - Food is pushed through the esophagus by
leaves the stomach peristalsis
- Pancreatic duct – unite with common bile duct 4. Stomach
and enter the duodenum in a common duct - Cardiac sphincter relaxes and allows the food to
called hepatopancreatic ampulla enter
 Liver - The action of the gastric juices is helped by the
- Largest organ in the body churning of the stomach walls
- Portal vein – carries the products of digestion - Chyme – semiliquid food
from the small intestine to the liver - Chyme leaves the stomach through the pyloric
- Manufactures bile – necessary for digestion of sphincter
fat 5. Small intestine
- Bile – contains bile salts, bilirubin - Process of digestion is completed and absorption
- Hepatic duct joins with the cystic duct of the gall occurs
bladder to form the common bile duct, which - Bile emulsifies fat to prepare it for digestion by
carries bile to the duodenum pancreatic and intestinal juices
- If common bile duct is blocked, it could cause - Pancreatic juices neutralize the acidic chyme
jaundice (yellowish color of the skin and sclera) and complete the digestion of carbohydrates, fats
- Produces and stores glucose in the form of and proteins
glycogen - Carbohydrates – simple sugars
- Detoxifies - Fat – fatty acids and glycerol
- Prepares urea, chief waste product of protein - Proteins – amino acids
metabolism - Passage of food through the small intestine
- Stores vitamins A, D, E, and K occurs because of peristalsis and segmented
- Removes worn-out RBC movement
 Gall Bladder 6. Large Intestine
- Small green organ - Concerned with water absorption, bacterial
- Stores and concentrates bile action, fecal formation, gas formation, and
- When food high in fat enters duodenum, bile is defecation
released by the gallbladder through the cystic
- About 5 feet long and 2 inches in diameter
- Haustra – provide more surface area in the colon Functions
- Provides structures for the exchange of oxygen
and carbon dioxide in the body through
 Cecum and appendix respiration
- Blind pouch located below ileocecal valve 1. External respiration
- Lower left of the cecum is the vermiform - Breathing
appendix - Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
- Appendix has massive amounts of lymphoid between the lungs, the body, and the outside
tissue and plays a role in immunity environment
2. Internal respiration
- Exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen
OVERVIEW OF DIGESTION between the cells and the lymph surrounding
them, plus the oxidative process of energy in the
1. Mouth cells
- Food is broken down by the teeth and mixed
with saliva Respiratory organs and structures
 Nasal Cavity
- Air enters through the nostrils Breathing process
 Pharynx
- Commonly known as the throat  Inhalation
- Common passageway for air and food - External intercostals lift the ribs upward and
- About 5 inches long and can be subdivided into outward
the nasopharynx, oropharynx and - Diaphragm contracts and becomes flattened,
laryngopharynx moving downward
- Epiglottis – flap of cartilage lying behind the - Decrease in pressure
tongue and in front of the entrance to the larynx; - Atmospheric pressure is now greater, air rushes
allows air to pass through the larynx and to the in all the way down to the alveoli
lungs  Exhalation
 Larynx - Passive process
- Voice box - Intercostal muscles and diaphragm relax
- Lined with mucous membrane - Ribs move down, diaphragm moves up
 Trachea - Surface tension of the fluid lining the alveoli
- Windpipe reduces the elasticity of the lung tissue and
- Tubelike passageway some 11.2 centimeters cause the alveoli to collapse
- Extends from the larynx, passes in front of the - Relaxes the lungs, space between the thoracic
esophagus, and continue to form the two bronchi cavity decreases, thus increasing the internal
- Walls are composed of alternate bands of pressure
membranes and C-shaped rings - Increased pressure forces air from the lungs,
 Bronchus resulting in exhalation
- Right bronchus – shorter, wider and more Normal rate: 14 to 20 breaths per minute
vertical in position
- As bronchi enter the lung, they subdivide into Lung capacity and volume
bronchial tubes and smaller bronchioles
 Tidal volume
 Alveoli
- Amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs
- Rapid exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen
with each breath
- Normal amount is about 500 mL
- In the blood capillaries, carbon dioxide diffuses
 Inspiratory reserve volume
from the erythrocytes, through the capillary
- Amount of air you can force a person to take in
walls, into the alveoli and is exhaled through the
over and above the tidal volume
mouth and nose
- Normal amount is 2100 to 3000 mL
- Opposite process occurs with oxygen, which
 Expiratory reserve volume
diffuses from the alveoli into the capillaries, and
- Amount of air you can force a person to exhale
from there into the erythrocytes
over and above the tidal volume
- Normal amount is 1000 mL
 Lungs
 Vital lung capacity
- Separated from each other by the mediastinum
- Total amount of air involved with tidal volume,
and the heart
inspiratory reserve volume, and expiratory
- Porous and spongy
reserve volume
- Right lung is larger and broader than the left
- Normal vital capacity is 4500 mL
lung because the heart inclines to the left side
 Residual volume
- Right side is also shorter due to diaphragm’s
- Amount of air that cannot be voluntarily
upward displacement on the right to
expelled from the lungs
accommodate the liver
- Allows for the continuous exchange of gases
 Pleura
between breaths
- Covering of the lungs
- Normal residual volume is 1500 mL
- Visceral pleura – covering the lungs
 Functional residual capacity
- Parietal pleura – lining the thoracic cavity and
- Sum of the expiratory reserve volume plus the
upper surface of the diaphragm
residual volume
 Diaphragm
- Normal amount is 2500 mL
- Separates the thoracic cavity from the abdomen
 Total lung capacity
 Mediastinum
- Includes tidal volume, inspiratory reserve,
- Called the interpleural space
expiratory reserve and residual air
- Total amount is 6000 mL
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM ventricle into the aorta but not backward
into the left ventricle
Circulation/physiology of the heart
- Circulates blood to all parts of the body
- Take blood from the heart to the cells and return 1. Right heart
from the cells back to the heart - Blood (deoxygenated) flows into the heart from
- Carries the waste products away and carries the superior and inferior vena cava, to the right
oxygen and nutrients atrium, to the tricuspid valve, to the right
- Returns excess fluid from the tissues to the ventricle, through pulmonary semilunar valves,
general circulation to the right and left pulmonary arteries which
take blood to the lungs for oxygen
Organs of the circulatory system 2. Left heart
 Heart - Oxygenated blood flows into the heart from the
- Responsible for circulating blood throughout the lungs by the pulmonary veins to the left atrium,
body through the bicuspid (mitral) valve to the left
- Pericardium – surrounds the heart ventricle through the aortic semilunar valve to
- Epicardium – outer muscle tissue the aorta to general circulation
- Myocardium – cardiac muscle tissue Cardiac output – total volume of blood ejected from the
- Endocardium – inner lining; cover heart valves heart per minute
and lines blood vessels
- Interventricular septum – separates heart into Heart sounds
right half and left half
 Lubb
Structures leading to and from the heart - Made by the valves (tricuspid and bicuspid)
closing between the atria and ventricles
1. Superior and inferior vena cava  Dupp
- Large venous blood vessels that bring - Second sound heard
deoxygenated blood to the right atrium from all - Shorter and higher pitched
parts of the body - Caused by the semilunar valves in the aorta and
2. Pulmonary artery – takes blood away from the the main pulmonary artery closing
right ventricle to the lungs for oxygen
3. Pulmonary vein – takes oxygenated blood from Conduction system of the heart
the lungs to the left atrium
4. Aorta – takes blood away from the left ventricle  Sinoatrial node
to the rest of the body - Pacemaker
- Sends out an electrical impulse that begins and
Chambers and valves regulates the heart
- Impulse spreads out over the atria, making them
a. Atrium – upper chambers contract
b. Ventricle – lower chambers - Stimulates the contraction of both atria
c. Valves – open and close during the contraction of  Atrioventricular node
the heart, preventing blood from flowing backward - Where electrical impulse reaches
o Tricuspid valve – positioned between right - Another conducting cell group located between
atrium and right ventricle; there are three the atria and ventricles
points or cusps of attachment (chordae - Stimulates contraction of both ventricles
tendineae)  Atrioventricular bundle or bundle of His
o Bicuspid valve (mitral valve) – located - Where the electrical impulse is carried from the
between the left atrium and left ventricle AV node
d. Semilunar valves – located where blood will leave - Divides into a right and left branch
the heart  Purkinje network
o Pulmonary semilunar valve – found at the - Fine network of branches spreading throughout
orifice of the pulmonary arteries; allows the ventricles; electrical impulses shoot along
blood to travel from the right ventricle into Purkinje fibers
the right and left pulmonary arteries and
then into the lungs
o Aortic semilunar valve – at the orifice of the
aorta; permits the blood to pass from the left
Types of Circulation  Diastole
- Relaxation
1. Cardiopulmonary circulation – blood from the
heart to the lungs, and back to the heart Pulse
- Alternating expansion and contraction of an
artery as blood flows through it
2. Systemic circulation – blood from the heart to
the tissues and cells and back to the heart Blood
- Transporting fluid of the body
- Carries nutrients from the digestive tract to the
cells, oxygen from the lungs to the cells, waste
3. Coronary circulation – brings blood from the products from the cells to the various organs of
heart to the myocardium excretion, and hormones from the secreting cells
to the other parts of the body
- Aids in the distribution of heat formed in the
4. Portal circulation – takes blood from the more active tissues to all parts of the body
organs of digestion to the liver through the - Regulate the acid-base balance and protect
portal vein against infection
Composition of blood
1. Plasma
5. Fetal circulation – occurs in the pregnant - Contains cellular elements
female 2. Erythrocytes
- Red blood cells
3. Leukocytes
- White blood cells
4. Thrombocytes
Blood vessels - Platelets
 Arteries Blood plasma
- Carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to
the capillaries (except pulmonary artery) - Comprising 55% of the blood volume
- Transport blood under very high pressure: - Water makes up about 92% of the total volume
elastic, muscular, and thick walled of plasma
 Capillaries Hematopoiesis
- Smallest blood vessels
- Branches of finest arteriole divisions - Formation of blood cells
- Responsible for transporting blood to all tissues - Occurs in the red bone marrow (myeloid tissue)
 Veins
- Carry deoxygenated blood away from the Hemoglobin
capillaries to the heart - Red pigment
- Less elastic and muscular - Protein molecule called globin and an iron
- Walls of the veins are thinner than those of the compound called heme
arteries because they do not have to withstand  Oxyhemoglobin
such high internal pressures - Circulate to the capillaries of tissues
- Have valves along their length; allow blood to - Oxygen is released to the capillaries of tissues
flow in one direction - Carbon dioxide that is formed in the cells is
picked up by the plasma as bicarbonate
- Blood cells that travel in the arteries carry
Blood pressure oxyhemoglobin, which gives blood its bright red
- When the heart pumps blood into the arteries,  Carbaminohemoglobin
the surge of blood filing the vessels creates - Contained in blood cells of the vein
pressure against their walls - Responsible for dark, reddish-blue color
 Systole characteristic of venous blood
- Contraction
White Blood Cells Blood types
- Called leukocytes - Four major blood types: A, B, AB, O
- Have nuclei and no pigment - Determined by the presence or absence of
- Granular or agranular agglutinogen or antigen on the surface of the red
- Manufactured in both red bone marrow and blood cell
lymphatic tissue o Type A = A antigen
- Body’s natural defense against injury and o Type B = B antigen
disease o Type AB = both A and B antigens
o Type O = neither of the antigens
Granulocytes - There is a protein present in plasma known as
- When stained with Wright’s stain, the cytoplasm agglutinin or antibody
of a leukocyte will show the presence or absence o Type A = B antibodies
of granules o Type B = A antibodies
 Granulocytes o Type AB = no antibodies
a. Neutrophils o Type O = both A and B antibodies
- Also called polymorphonuclear leukocytes - Agglutination – clumping of blood, clogs blood
- Phagocytize bacteria with lysosomal enzymes vessels, impeding circulation
- Surrounds, engulfs and digests harmful bacteria - Rh factor – first found in the rhesus monkey;
- 2-6 lobes found on the surface of red blood cells
b. Eosinophils - If an Rh- individual receives a transfusion of
- Phagocytize the remains of antibody-antigen Rh+ blood, he or she will develop antibodies to
reaction it. The antibodies take 2 weeks to develop
- Increase in great numbers in allergic conditions, - Second transfusion – accumulated Rh antibodies
and in parasite or worm infestations will clump with Rh antigen (agglutinogen of
c. Basophils blood being received)
- Activated during an allergic reaction or - When an Rh- mother is pregnant with an Rh+
inflammation fetus, the mother’s blood can develop anti-Rh
- Produce histamine (a vasodilator) and heparin antibodies to the fetus’s Rh antigens. The
(an anticoagulant) firstborn child will normally suffer no harmful
- Become mast cell effects; however, subsequent pregnancies will be
 Agranulocytes affected because the mother’s accumulated anti-
d. Lymphocytes Rh antibodies will clump the baby’s red blood
- B and T lymphocytes cells
- Helps form antibodies at a site of inflammation
- Protects against cancer
e. Monocytes Blood Norms
- Assist in phagocytosis of cellular debris and
foreign substances - Complete blood count – information about
- Become macrophages kinds and numbers of cells, includes RBC,
WBC, WBC differential, hemoglobin (Hgb),
hematocrit (Hct), and platelet counts
- Hematocrit – blood test that measures the
Thrombocytes percentage of the volume of the whole blood
- Smallest of the solid components of blood that is made up of red blood cells
- Ovoid-shaped structures, synthesized from the
larger megakaryocytes in red bone marrow
- Platelets
- Masses of lymphatic tissues that are capable of
 Interstitial fluid producing lymphocytes and filtering bacteria
- Acts as intermediary between the blood in the  Spleen
capillaries and the tissue - Blood passing through the spleen is filtered
- Similar in composition to blood plasma - Stores large amounts of red blood cells
- Carries metabolic waste products away from the - Destroys and removes old or fragile red blood
cells and back into the capillaries for excretion cells and forms erythrocytes in the embryo
 Edema  Thymus gland
- Some fluids that are not reabsorbed, which - Function to produce and mature lymphocytes
results into swelling of the tissue - T lymphocytes
- Secretes hormone called thymosin, which
stimulates the maturation of lymphocytes into T
- The contractions of the skeletal muscles against lymphocytes
the lymph vessels cause the lymph to surge  Peyer’s patches
forward into larger vessels - Found in the walls of small intestines
- Produce macrophages
- Breathing movements also cause lymph to flow  Lacteals
- Specialized lymph capillaries in the villi of the
- Valves located within lymph capillaries prevent small intestine
backward lymph flow - Absorb digested fat and fat-soluble vitamins and
carry them to the general circulation
 Lymph vessels
- Accompany and closely parallel the veins
- Form an extensive, branchlike system  Non-specific Immune Defense
throughout the body - Not dependent on prior exposure to the antigens
- May be considered auxiliary to the circulatory - Innate
system - Skin and normal flora – physical barrier against
 Lymphatics infectious agents
o Thoracic duct (left) - Mucous membranes – entrap infectious agents
 Receive lymph from the left side of and contain antibodies, lactoferrin, and
the chest, head, back, abdominal lysozyme, which inhibit bacterial growth
area and lower limbs - Elimination and an acidic environment present
 Lymph is carried to left subclavian microbial growth of pathogenic organisms:
vein, brachiocephalic vein, superior include resident flora of the large intestine,
vena cava, and right atrium acidity of urine, and normal vaginal flora
o Right lymphatic duct - Inflammation
 Right arm, right side of the head, - Immunoglobulins:
and upper trunk o Ig G – most abundant class of
 Enters the right subclavian vein, antibodies; found in the blood serum
brachiocephalic vein, and flows into and lymph; active against bacteria,
superior vena cava fungi, viruses and foreign particles
o Ig A – class of antibodies produced
- Lymph only travels in one direction against ingested antigens; found in
saliva, sweat, tears; function to prevent
 Lymph nodes the attachment of viruses and bacteria to
- Filter the lymph the epithelial cells
- As lymph enters the node through the afferent o Ig M – antibodies that are first to appear
vessel, the immune response is activated in response to an initial exposure to an
- Any microorganisms or foreign substances in antigen
the lymph stimulate the germinal centers to o Ig D – found only on B cells and are
produce lymphocytes, which are then released important in B-cell activation
into the lymph o Ig E – responsible for allergic reactions
- Grouped in various places in the body
 Specific Immune Defense into a person’s body to protect him or her
against a specific disease
 B cells - Ex. Baby acquiring antibodies from mother’s
- Found in the lymph node, spleen and other placenta and milk
lymphoid tissue  Active acquired immunity
- Form plasma cells and memory cells - Lasts longer
 Plasma cells o Natural acquired immunity
- Formed by B cells and produce huge quantities  Result of having had and
of the same antibody or immunoglobulin recovered from a disease
 Helper T cells o Artificial acquired immunity
- Bind with specific antigens presented by  Comes from being inoculated
macrophages with a suitable vaccine, antigen,
- Stimulate the production of killer T cells and or toxoid
more B cells to fight the invading pathogens  Ex. Child being vaccinated for
- Release lymphokines measles
 Killer T cells/Cytotoxic T cells
- Kill virus-invaded body cells and cancerous
body cells
 Suppressor T cells
- Slows down the activities of B and T cells once
an infection has been controlled
 Memory cells
- Descendants of activated T and B cells produced
during an initial immune response
- Exist in the body for years, enabling it to
respond quickly to any future infection from the
same pathogen
 Macrophages
- Engulf and digest the antigen
- Present parts of these antigens in their cell
membrane for recognition by T cells

 Lymphokines
- Released by lymphocytes and macrophages
- Help cellular immunity by stimulating activities
of monocytes and macrophages
 Cytokines
- Proteins produced by damaged tissue and WBC
 Interferon
- Type of cytokine produced by cells that have
been infected by a virus
- Binds to neighboring cells and stimulates them
to produce chemicals that may protect these
adjacent cells from the virus

Natural and Acquired Immunities

 Natural Immunity
- Immunity with which we are born
- Inherited and permanent
 Passive acquired immunity
- Borrowed immunity
- Acquired artificially by injecting antibodies
from the blood of other individuals or animals

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