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Hopper 1

Josie Hopper

ENG 101-004T

Paula Boyd

10 May 2019

Post Mortem

Progress: The process of creating the project went by very slowly. We wanted a good video

making software so that we can use to create a nice quality video and also be able to use it later

in life with other projects. We looked at a variety of software to make the video and ended up

buying Power Director 17. One of the biggest struggles for me was time management. I was

away all weekend working or taking art classes, plus a family emergency. This left me

emotionally drained and tired. The video turned out better than I thought was going to happen.

Another struggle we had was the audio recording software, it was tricky to use and to get the

audio levels the same.

Originally, we wanted to use all stop motion with a voice overlay, but with us being

away from each other and homework we decided against it. We ended up using half stop

motion and half slideshow. Getting the audio to fade in and out of the video took some time to

figure out and executed effectively, but other than a few snags here and there the video went

by slowly but surely. Nothing was really disappointing about the project besides not being able

to use our original idea.

I was not really comfortable using the video making software, but I learned as I went. To

make the video so smoother I watched other videos about the software. I had also never done
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a stop motion before, but it was the only thing I could do when I was away from the internet

last weekend. I did most of the visuals while Jacob did the audio and a majority of the script.

We wanted to use music for our transitions and thought the Wii store music would add

a light humor tone to our video. For the video we did not have a color scheme but just an

overall technology use theme. When editing the video I attempted to time the stop motion

with the music to add some sort of effort into the audio selection.

Purpose: The purpose for this presentation was to inform people about the harmful effects of

prolong use of social media. We tried to incorporate many different social media sites plus a

handful of effects that can happen. The content in the video is all social media themed in one

way or another, by including pictures of people on their phone or using effects to create a social

media theme. The reason why we wanted to make the video on social media is because today

there is so many people constantly on their phones and not communicating with one another.

People are lacking the communication skill from only using social media and texting as the main

way of communication. We wanted to address this issue also while using the theme from unit

three for the video.

Audience: For our video we thought it would be geared toward the pre-teen to young adult

audience. We felt that as a whole they use social media the most because they want to feel

connected to the world and their friends with minimal conversation. The theme social media in

general is normally geared toward the younger generation because the social media sites target
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them specifically so we kind of chose our audience when we chose the topic for the video. To

make the video more themed for this audience we tried to make a script that we thought

would be interesting for them to know. We also added some key points and various effects to

make the video more visually appealing towards the selected audience.

Organization: We organized our video to talk about what social media is and how it effects

our minds and life style. We first separated them into certain scene labeled; what, mental

effects, physical effects, and how to fix the issues. Then we added more information to match

each scene as we went along. We wanted the organization to be more informational, so we

wanted to address the “What” subject first. Our second and third transitions could have been

swapped in order and still made sense, but we wanted our ending scene to be how to fix the rut

of being addicted to social media. We chose a linear format for the video so that it would make

more sense to our audience.

Collaboration: The collaboration did not work as fluidly as I had hoped, I felt that if I was not

away this weekend the project would have been better. When we were finally able to get the

script and audio done the video came together very quickly but with a few snags from the

recording software. I would say that I did pull my weight, but we both tried hard to get the

project done, pushing through other homework and work. Jacob worked more on the script

than I did, I provided an outline while he filled it up back at home, I was creating the stop

motion segments at the 4-H camp in Monticello. I did all the video editing because I had the
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software on my laptop. He did all the audio for the video by finding stock sounds or by reading

the script he wrote. Overall, I liked the collaboration, once we started to focus on the project

we worked efficiently.

Lessons Learned and Overall Conclusion: During this project I had learned how to edit

videos and create my first stop motion segments. I had also learned how to mix audio and

effects to add a bit of pizazz to the video. I understood the purpose, audience and organization

for the video. I did learn about the technology we used to create the video as well as more

information about the topic we chose. I learned that even though we were away from each

other we both still collaborated equal amounts. I felt that we could have done a better job if I

was not so tired from being with family members in the hospital so that I could focus on getting

the video done with a better quality instead of sleeping the day away.
Hopper 5

Works Cited

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@acsifferlin, Alexandra Sifferlin. “Why Facebook Makes You Feel Bad About
Yourself.” Time, Time, 24 Jan. 2013,

Ahmadi, Zainab. “The Agents of Socialization.” Daily Outlook Afghanistan, the

Leading Independent Newspaper., 20 July 2013,

AsapSCIENCE, director. 5 Crazy Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain Right
Now. YouTube, YouTube, 7 Sept. 2014,

Beres, Damon. “10 Weird Negative Effects of Social Media on Your Brain.” Reader's
Digest, 2019,

CLARKE, JOSEPH, director. Old Movie Beep. YouTube, YouTube, 8 Dec. 2017,

DeLauer, Thomas, director. Social Media’s Impact on Health: The Psychology of Self
Esteem- Thomas DeLauer. YouTube, YouTube, 29 Nov. 2017,

Dr. Kimberly S. Young, Psy.D. “Social Media Addiction: Assessment and

Treatment.” Social Media Addiction: Assessment and Treatment, 2016,

Drouin, michelle. “Phantom Vibrations among Undergraduates: Prevalence and

Associated Psychological Characteristics.” Computers in Human Behavior,
Pergamon, 14 Apr. 2012,

Hughes, Anthony. “Should You Allow Social Media in the Workplace? 5 Pros and 5
Cons.” Coburg Banks, 5 Sept. 2016,
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“Is Social Media Destroying Your Social Life?” Executive Style, 22 May 2014,

Jefferys, Michael. “Volition Is a Secondary Illusion.” Michaeljeffreys, 13 Sept. 2013,

Langfield, Amy. “He's Licked! Taco Bell Fires Shell-Licking Employee.”, NBCUniversal News Group, 5 June 2013,

Mackey, Robert. “Is Social Networking Killing You?” The New York Times, The
New York Times, 24 Feb. 2009,

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Networking, 2019,

Nintendo. “Mii Channel Music (Plaza) HQ.” YouTube, YouTube, 14 Oct. 2014,

Taii, Lina Al. “Unplugged: a Life Away from Social Media.” Blast, 9 Nov. 2015,

Vedantam, Shankar, et al. “When It Comes To Our Lives On Social Media, 'There's
Always Another Story'.” NPR, NPR, 18 Apr. 2017,

Wynne, Griffin. “The Psychology Behind Texting Anxiety, According To Science.”

Elite Daily, Elite Daily, 18 Apr. 2019,

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