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1. a. Identify the purposes of conducting Language Arts activities in the primary

ESL Classroom.
 Build intra inter personal development
- Help the students to recognize evidence and make appropriate
- Develop positive and realistic self- concept
- Develop feelings of self- worth and self- esteem
- Recognize own values and choose from among them
- Understand emotions and express them in socially acceptable
 Help in linguistic development
- Help a person to make sense of the world through language
- Enrich vocabularies
- Improve listening skill
- Build communicative skill
- Enjoy and appreciate creative and aesthetic use of language
 Aesthetic development
- Encourage imagination
- Exhibit a sensory awareness of their environment
- Explore and use of various form of art media
- Enjoy and appreciate works of art
- Exhibit understanding through creative movement
 Moral values
- Encourage inferences about feelings and intentions to others
- Grow out egocentrism
- Encourage prosocial behaviour
- Making judgment of others’ behaviour in specific situation
- Recognize and appreciate social diversity
- Encourage sense of group
- Opportunity in evaluating solutions to various moral and ethical
1. b. Figure 1 shows an activity being carried out in a Language Arts Classroom.
Discuss the benefits of the activity to the language development of the pupils.
Activity: Storytelling (using picture book)
o correct pronunciation of the words
o extended vocabularies
o improve listening skill
o improve literacy skill

2. Multimedia is seen as a catalyst for 21st century learning. All teachers should
have the knowledge on how to use multimedia tools in the classroom.
1. Explain one multimedia technique that can be used in Language Arts
Multimedia Techniques: Using Video
o Easy to assess and use in the classroom
- Can get the video from the internet/ Youtube
- Free downloading
- Or get the link and share with the pupils
o Trigger interesting and unique discussion
- Pupils will be attracted to the video (audio and visual)
- They will participate actively in the language arts lesson
- It’s the time for them to express their emotions and
feelings through activities after the watching video
o Videos like songs triggers their creativity (through creating
- Pupils are allowed to create and come out with their own
actions ( when they sing the song)

2. Based on the activities shown in Figure 2 below, describe how the

experience in performing the activity will help to enhance children’s self-
o Drama
- Build self- concept and self- confidence
- Feel self-belonging
- Helps in intra- interpersonal development
- Enhance linguistic development
- Improve social skills
- Able to communicate and collaborate with peers

o Games
- Build psychomotor
- Build good moral values (healthy competition)
- Intra- inter personal development

3. a. Define Children’s Literature. State 3 different genres of Children’s


Children’s literature can be defined as materials written or produced for the

information or entertainment of young children. It is the study of English
Language and includes all fields of study that have to do with communication,
as well as all literary, artistic genres and physical formats. The three different
types of Children’s Literature are poetry, graphic novels and drama.

b. State two types of books that you want to use in a Language Arts class.
Justify the reasons for your selection for each of the type.

Graphic novel is a combination of words and images that lead to the

formation of a story. Usually, a graphic novel consists of linear narrative,
illustrations and simple dialogues. Due to this, I would want to use it in a LA
class it can easily arouse pupils’ interest to do further reading. Also, the rich
and interesting plots would be able to engage the pupils in reading.

As graphic novel contains a lot of colourful illustrations, this could make

the LA lesson more purposeful and meaningful. Pupils will get attracted to the
pictures and this indirectly helps in their understanding of the storylinel. They
will get to learn through pictures in the graphic novel as those illustrations give
contextual clues to the meaning of the words. In other words, using graphic
novels in LA class will pupils to learn in a more interesting way and this will
help in improving their language proficiency.

As for short story book, it is a brief work of literature which is usually

written in the form of narration. It consists of a theme, specific settings, and a
simple plot with one main character and a few supporting characters. One of
the reasons for my selection for this type of book is mainly because pupils will
be able to relate the story to their real-life experience. Since the pupils can
relate the story to themselves, they will automatically find it interesting and
continue reading. As they read, they might discover new vocabulary and since
they are interested to know how the story goes about, they might take the
initiative to find out the meaning of the words by asking me in the class. With
this, both their reading and vocabulary skills can be improved. Short story
always contains moral values. Therefore, after going through the story with
pupils, I can prompt questions related to the story in order to generate their
critical and creative thinking skills. For example, using the plot or the
characters in the story, I can ask “What kind of a person is Jack?”, and from
here, I can introduce pupils the moral values in the story. Besides, I can also
ask open-ended questions where pupils will be able to express their creative
thinking. This can also encourages pupils to learn to share their thought and
use the language more effectively.

4. a. Identify 5 types of written assessment in Language Arts classroom.

o Playcript
o Jazz chants
o Stories
o Poems
o Critical responses
o Reflections

b. Explain how poetry recital as an assessment strategy in Language Arts

classroom can help to enhance the language development of young learners.

Aural-oral assessment refers to an assessment which focuses mainly

on the ability of pupils to listen and speak effectively. In LA classroom, poetry
recital is an assessment strategy that can be used to enhance the language
development of young learners. Getting the pupils to be involved in poetry
recital helps expose them more to the language. Before they can actually
recite poem, they will need to listen to their teacher in order to get a feel for
the rhythm and sounds of the poem.


1. The book that I had chosen is “Goodbye Mousie by Robie H. Haris. It is about
a young boy’s pet mouse has died and how he has undergone the changing
of feeling from frustrated to feel better by saying goodbye to his pet mouse.

Reason for selecting the book:

o It is relevance to the topic of the discussion which is losing someone

you love.
o The appropriateness of the information suits the readers’
developmental level because it is about losing the the young boy’s pet
o By referring to the synopsis of the book, the books can help the
students who had lost someone they love to overcome negative
feelings such as frustration or sadness. As the story is being read by
the readers, they will understand the changing of feelings of the
character which can be a guide for them to overcome the feelings of
losing someone they love.

Ways to use the book for a reading lesson:

- Shared reading
- States the concern that will be discussed in the lesson.
- The teacher asks the pupils to associate themselves with the
main character of the book - the young boy.
- The pupils share their feelings and motivations of the book’s
- The teacher provides insight to the pupils (use questions that
will lead the pupils to reflect, analyse and relate to themselves)
- The pupils will realize that this situation can be dealt with more
effectively by imitating or adapting the ideas from the reading
- The pupils share how they will overcome or help their friends to
overcome this situation or concern.

2. Year 5 poem- ‘The Meal’

Activity: Create your own meal.

1. The teacher elicits the pupils’ prior knowledge about the topics by asking them
questions such as ‘Have you ever had a meal like the one Timothy Tompkins
had?’ ’When did you usually had your meal?’
2. The teacher explains and shows the example of the well-balanced meal to the
3. The pupils will be divided into groups of four and will be given a template of a
4. The pupils need to discuss and design their own well-balanced meal.
5. The pupils draw the food that they think should put in their well - balanced
6. The pupils share will their friends about their own meal.
7. The other will provide comments and feedback on their meal.

- Intra & interpersonal development: collaboration between the pupils

through discussion
- Linguistic development: pupils use the language to discuss and
share their ideas with their friends; they also use the language to
comment and provide feedback to their friends.
- Aesthetic development: pupils will be understood better about how
a well-balanced meal should be and appreciate what they have in
their meal.
- Moral values: pupils will learn about well-balanced meal and its


1. a. Identify five features of a learner- centred Language Arts classroom.

5 features of a learner-centred LA classroom are
o promote intrapersonal development,
o interpersonal development,
o linguistic development,
o aesthetic development and
o moral values which bring positive effects to pupils’ growth.

b. Three theoretical perspectives by Cox (2008) suggest that learning

Language Arts is:

- An active and constructive process

- a social interactive process

- a transactional process of reader response

Relate any one of these theoretical perspectives to the teaching of

Language Arts in your classroom.

One of the theoretical perspectives to the teaching of LA to be used in

my classroom is learning LA is an active and constructive process. When
teaching language using literature in my LA classroom, pupils will control their
own learning.

For example, I- introduce a poem entitled “My Holiday”, the pupils have to
explore the poem at the first place and discover the meaning behind the
poem. While exploring and discovering, they will, indirectly, construct their
own new knowledge and understandings based on what they already know.

In other words, when teaching LA with the aid of literature, the pupils will
interact with the text. At this point, I play the role in initiating their prior
experiences and this is where they have to get themselves actively engaged
in the literature and build personal response to the literature.

2. a. Set 5 story- telling techniques you can use in your primary Language
Arts classroom.
o Read aloud
o Shared reading
o Reader’s Theatre
o Round Robin Reading
o Choral Reading

b. Based on the extract given in Figure 1 below, show how the story
can be used in reader’s theatre in your Year 3 Language Arts class.

Reader’s Theatre is a strategy that combines both reading and

performing in order to enhance pupils’ reading skills and boost their
confidence by getting them to read with a purpose. In reader’s theatre,
pupils will get the chance to read aloud.

Based on the extract given, the story can be effectively used in a

reader’s theatre in my Y3 LA class. It can be seen that there are a lot of
dialogues in the story provided. This allows me to go through the story
paragraph by paragraph to ensure every pupil knows what the story is
about. While going through the story, I will ask pupils to repeat after me.
Then, I can divide pupils into small groups and get them to discuss the
story. In the discussion, they will need to decide who to divide the lines
among themselves and think of the suitable actions for every single line.
After the discussion, I will get the groups to perform and this is when all
the pupils have to read out loud the lines and show actions.
3. a. The expression “graphic novel” was born in the 1960s, introduced by
the comic, critic, Richard Kyle in 1964 in a small- press article about the
“future of comics”.
State 5 features of graphic novel.
o Have story and plot
o Colourful graphics
o Have word balloon
o Having characters
o Have linear narrative

b. Discuss a suitable activity based on a graphic novel in the primary ESL

classroom that can be used to enhance pupils language development.

Activity: Dramatization


- Teacher will go through the novels with the pupils.

- After the pupils familiar with the text and read with correct
pronunciation after a few lesson, teacher will ask the students to
pick a scene that they wish to dramatized.
- Teacher will provide the props to the pupils and they need to use
their own creativity to make up themselves and the setting.
- Pupils will divide the characters among themselves in groups.
- Pupils will dramatized the scene with the correct pronunciation.
- Through dramatization, they will not only learn to speak in correct
pronunciation, but also build the new vocab and use in the
4. a. Suggest five formative assessment strategies that can be used to
assess Language Arts in the primary ESL classroom.
o Portfolio
o Projects/ presentations
o Reflections
o Critical responses
o discussion
b. Discuss the use of portfolio as a form of assessment in the Language
Arts classroom.

o To collect students’ work that has been selected and

organized to show students’ learning progress or to show
samples of students’ best work
o To give pupils the opportunity to reflect on their growth over
a period of time
o Enhance student’ learning (little emphasis on content, more
emphasis on students’ reflection)
o Is used for self- evaluation


1. The story addressed the boy’s feelings and fear after he noticed about the
death of his mother and what did his Grandma did in order to help the boy to
overcome the sadness, loneliness and fear.
- Addresses the concern that the character had faced.
- Children who are in the same situation will feel encouraged and
motivated when they found out that there is another person who
also faced the same situation.
- They will adapt and modify the ways to overcome the situations and
then helping their friends to overcome it.
- This will also mature the thinking of the children and they are able
to overcome the situation when they faced a similar situation.
- For those who did not face the same situation will develop their
empathy towards their friends who are in situations and try to help
them to overcome it together.
- This will enhance and build a rapport between the children when
they overcome the situations together.
- They will also understand how others feel when they are in this
- The children will also understand that they can get support from
their friends, family members and teachers when they faced some

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