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Common options:

-d, --devices Comma separated list of CUDA devices to use.

Device IDs start counting from 0!
Example: -d 0,1,3 (GPU 1, 2 and 4 will be active)
Alternatively take string names of your cards like gtx780ti or
(matching 2nd gt640 in the PC)

-i --intensity=N GPU intensity 8.0-25.0 (default: auto)

Decimals are allowed for fine tuning
Example: -i 19,20 (GPU 1 will set intensity 19, GPU 2 will set 20
and GPU 3 will set automatically)

-n, --ndevs List cuda devices

-N, --statsavg Number of samples used to compute hashrate (default: 30)

--donate=N Percentage of time to donate to developer

Where N=percentage between 1-99
Minimum is 1% (1 minute goes to dev for every 100 minutes you

-c, --config=FILE Load a JSON-format configuration file ( .conf)

--coinbase-addr=WALLETADRESS Receive address for solo-mining

Overclock options:
--mem-clock=3505 Set the gpu memory boost clock

--mem-clock=+500 Set the gpu memory offset

--gpu-clock=1150 Set the gpu engine boost clock

--plimit=100 Set the gpu power limit in percentage

--tlimit=80 Set the gpu thermal limit in degrees

--benchmark Set the algo order to be 0123456789ABCDEF

( 0=blake
| 1=bmw |
| 2=groestl |
| 3=jh |
| 4=keccak |
| 5=skein |
| 6=luffa |
| 7=cubehash |
| 8=shavite |
| 9=simd |
| A=echo |
| B=hamsi |
| C=fugue |
| D=shabal |
| E=whirlpool |
F=sha512 )

All options:
-a, --algo=ALGO specify the hash algorithm to use
bastion Hefty bastion
bitcore Timetravel-10
blake Blake 256 (SFR)
blake2s Blake2-S 256 (NEVA)
blakecoin Fast Blake 256 (8 rounds)
bmw BMW 256
c11/flax X11 variant
decred Decred Blake256
deep Deepcoin
equihash Zcash Equihash
dmd-gr Diamond-Groestl
fresh Freshcoin (shavite 80)
fugue256 Fuguecoin
groestl Groestlcoin
hmq1725 Doubloons / Espers
jackpot JHA v8
keccak Deprecated Keccak-256
keccakc Keccak-256 (CreativeCoin)
lbry LBRY Credits (Sha/Ripemd)
luffa Joincoin
lyra2 CryptoCoin
lyra2v2 VertCoin
lyra2z ZeroCoin (3rd impl)
myr-gr Myriad-Groestl
neoscrypt FeatherCoin, Phoenix, UFO...
nist5 NIST5 (TalkCoin)
penta Pentablake hash (5x Blake 512)
phi BHCoin
polytimos Politimos
quark Quark
qubit Qubit
sha256d SHA256d (bitcoin)
sha256t SHA256 x3
sia SIA (Blake2B)
sib Sibcoin (X11+Streebog)
scrypt Scrypt
scrypt-jane Scrypt-jane Chacha
skein Skein SHA2 (Skeincoin)
skein2 Double Skein (Woodcoin)
skunk Skein Cube Fugue Streebog
s3 S3 (1Coin)
timetravel Machinecoin permuted x8
tribus Denarius
vanilla Blake256-8 (VNL)
veltor Thorsriddle streebog
whirlcoin Old Whirlcoin (Whirlpool algo)
whirlpool Whirlpool algo
x11evo Permuted x11 (Revolver)
x11 X11 (DarkCoin)
x13 X13 (MaruCoin)
x14 X14
x15 X15
x16r X16R (Raven)
x17 X17
wildkeccak Boolberry
zr5 ZR5 (ZiftrCoin)
-d, --devices Comma separated list of CUDA devices to use.
Device IDs start counting from 0! Alternatively takes
string names of your cards like gtx780ti or gt640#2
(matching 2nd gt640 in the PC)
-i --intensity=N[,N] GPU intensity 8.0-25.0 (default: auto)
Decimals are allowed for fine tuning
--cuda-schedule Set device threads scheduling mode (default: auto)
-f, --diff-factor Divide difficulty by this factor (default 1.0)
-m, --diff-multiplier Multiply difficulty by this value (default 1.0)
-o, --url=URL URL of mining server
-O, --userpass=U:P username:password pair for mining server
-u, --user=USERNAME username for mining server
-p, --pass=PASSWORD password for mining server
--coinbase-addr=WALLETADRESS receive address for solo-mining
--cert=FILE certificate for mining server using SSL
-x, --proxy=[PROTOCOL://]HOST[:PORT] connect through a proxy
-t, --threads=N number of miner threads (default: number of nVidia GPUs)
-r, --retries=N number of times to retry if a network call fails
(default: retry indefinitely)
-R, --retry-pause=N time to pause between retries, in seconds (default: 30)
--shares-limit maximum shares [s] to mine before exiting the program.
--time-limit maximum time [s] to mine before exiting the program.
-T, --timeout=N network timeout, in seconds (default: 300)
-s, --scantime=N upper bound on time spent scanning current work when
long polling is unavailable, in seconds (default: 10)
--submit-stale ignore stale jobs checks, may create more rejected shares
-n, --ndevs list cuda devices
-N, --statsavg number of samples used to compute hashrate (default: 30)
--no-gbt disable getblocktemplate support (height check in solo)
--no-longpoll disable X-Long-Polling support
--no-stratum disable X-Stratum support
--no-extranonce disable extranonce subscribe on stratum
-q, --quiet disable per-thread hashmeter output
--no-color disable colored output
-D, --debug enable debug output
-P, --protocol-dump verbose dump of protocol-level activities
--cpu-affinity set process affinity to cpu core(s), mask 0x3 for cores 0
and 1
--cpu-priority set process priority (default: 3) 0 idle, 2 normal to 5
-b, --api-bind=port IP:port for the miner API (default:, 0
--api-remote Allow remote control, like pool switching, imply --api-
--api-allow=... IP/mask of the allowed api client(s), 0/0 for all
--max-temp=N Only mine if gpu temp is less than specified value
--max-rate=N[KMG] Only mine if net hashrate is less than specified value
--max-diff=N Only mine if net difficulty is less than specified value
Can be tuned with --resume-diff=N to set a resume value
--max-log-rate Interval to reduce per gpu hashrate logs (default: 3)
--mem-clock=3505 Set the gpu memory boost clock
--mem-clock=+500 Set the gpu memory offset
--gpu-clock=1150 Set the gpu engine boost clock
--plimit=100 Set the gpu power limit in percentage
--tlimit=80 Set the gpu thermal limit in degrees
--led=100 Set the logo led level (0=disable, 0xFF00FF for RVB)
--hide-diff hide submitted block and net difficulty (old mode)
-B, --background run the miner in the background
--benchmark Set the algo order to be 0123456789ABCDEF
--cputest debug hashes from cpu algorithms
--donate=N percentage of time to donate to developer
where N=percentage between 1-99
minimum is 1% (1 minute goes to dev for every 100 minutes you
-c, --config=FILE load a JSON-format configuration file
-V, --version display version information and exit
-h, --help display this help text and exit

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