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1 – Etiquette before eating: Islam and Science

1 – Washing the hands before eating. The hands should be washed before eating, so that they may be clean when a
person eats with them, and so that he will not be harmed by any dirt that may be on them.

2 – Part of the etiquette of eating is to ask about the food if you are a guest and you do not know what it is (i.e., what
type of food it is), and you are not sure about what has been offered to you. The Messenger (pbuh) would rarely
stretch forth his hand to food until he had been told what it was. This is also because some people have problems
which restrain them from eating some food.

3 – Hastening to eat when food is brought by the host. Part of honouring one's guest is to hasten to offer him
something, and part of the guest’s honouring the host is to hasten to accept his food and eat from it. If the host sees
the guest not eating, he may think badly of him. So the guest has to reassure his hosts by hastening to eat his food,
because that will reassure him. Hot food should be eaten before it gets cold and cold food should be eaten before it
gets warm. It is best for health.

4 – Mentioning the name of Allaah before eating. It is obligatory to mention the name of Allaah before eating. What
is meant by that is saying “Bismillaah” when starting to eat. Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: “When any one of you eats,
let him mention the name of Allaah. If he forgets to mention the name of Allaah at the beginning, then let him say
‘Bismillaahi awwalahu wa aakhirahu”. Holy Prophet (pbuh) said to ‘Umar ibn Abi Salamah “O young boy, say
Bismillaah, eat with your right hand, and eat from what is directly in front of you.”

2 – Etiquette whilst eating

1 – Eating with the right hand. It is obligatory for the Muslim to eat with his right hand; he should not eat with his left
hand. Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: “No one among you should eat with his left hand, or drink with it, for the Shaytaan
eats with his left hand and drinks with it.” This applies so long as there is no excuse; if a person has an excuse for not
eating and drinking with his right hand, such as sickness or injury etc., then there is nothing wrong with his eating
with his left hand.

2 – Eating from what is directly in front of one. It is Sunnah for a person to eat from the food that is directly in front
of him, and not reach out to take food that is directly in front of others, or from the middle of the platter. For a person
to eat from his companion’s place is bad manners and impolite. His companion may find this off-putting, especially if
the food is soupy etc. Holy Prophet (pbuh) said said: “The blessing descends in the middle of the food, so eat from
the edges and do not eat from the middle.” But if the food is dates or something of that type, (the scholars) narrated
that it is permissible to eat from all parts of the plate.

3 – Washing the hands after eating. The Sunnah may be done by washing with water only. Washing the hands is
mustahabb both before and after eating, even if a person has wudoo’. It helps get the oil of food off our hands.

4 – Rinsing the mouth after eating. It is mustahabb to rinse the mouth after eating as Holy Prophet (pbuh) used to do.
So that bacteria doesnot act in our mouth and makes us sick.

5 – Praying for one's host. Once Prophet (pbuh) came to Sa’d ibn ‘Ubaadah who brought him some bread and oil, and
he ate. Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “May fasting people break their fast with
you, may the righteous eat your food, and may the angels send blessings upon you.”

6 – Eating with three fingers. The Sunnah is to eat with three fingers; eating with more than three fingers is a sign of
greed and is bad manners, because there is no need for more than three in order to gather up a morsel. If it is
necessary to use more than three, because the food is light and cannot be gathered in three fingers, then he may use
the fourth or fifth. This applies if a person is eating with his hand. But there is nothing wrong with using a spoon etc,

7 – Eating a piece of food that falls on the floor. If a piece of food falls on the floor, then the person eating should
remove any dirt that gets onto it and eat it; he should not leave it for the Shaytaan, because he does not know where
the blessing is in his food; it may be in the piece that fell, and leaving it makes a person miss out on the blessing of
the food.

8 – Not reclining whilst eating. That is because the Prophet (pbuh) said: “I do not eat whilst I am reclining.” This is
also so that food or water doesn’t go into our lungs and create problems.
9 – Not spitting or blowing one's nose whilst eating, unless that is necessary. So that they do not contaminate the food
which we would eat.

10 – The etiquette of eating also includes: eating with a group; not speaking about haraam things whilst eating; eating
with one's wives and children; not keeping a particular food to oneself unless there is a reason for that, such as it
being for medicinal purposes – rather one should offer the best food to others first, such as pieces of meat and soft or
good bread. If the guest has had enough and stops eating, his host should say, “Eat!” and repeat it, so long as he does
not think that his guest has had enough, but he should not repeat it more than three times. He should clean between
his teeth and not swallow any bits of food that come out from between his teeth.

3 – Etiquette after finishing eating.

It is Sunnah to say the words of praise to Allah and dua after one has finished eating. This can be done by saying
Alhamdullilah and reciting the dua after eating a meal.

Wash hands after eating.

4 – General etiquette regarding food

1 – Not criticizing the food. Holy Prophet (pbuh) never criticized any food. If he liked it he would eat it and if he did
not like it he would leave it. What is referred to here is permissible food; as for haram food he would criticize it and
forbid it. Part of the confirmed etiquette of food is not to criticize it such as saying it is too salty, or too sour, or not
salty enough, or thick, or thin, or not well-cooked, etc.

2 – Part of the etiquette of eating is moderation in eating and not filling the stomach. The most that a Muslim is
permitted to do in this regard is to divide his stomach into three thirds: one-third for food, one-third for drink and
one-third for air. This keeps the body healthy and light, because eating one’s fill makes the body heavy, which leads
to laziness in worship and work. One-third is defined as being one-third of that which would make you feel full.

3 – Avoiding eating and drinking from vessels of gold and silver, because that is haram.

Drinking in small sips and taking small bites is a safe way of eating and drinking. If we take bigger sips and bites
then we would choke on it. Also water can enter our lungs and create a lot of problems. By chugging water down
quickly we disallow our body to absorb the maximum benefits required for replenishing the system. It further
suggests that the way you drink water is directly related to the way you feel throughout the day. Many other etiquette
makes us look good and mannered.

Hazrat Abu Bakr 10 Blessed

Friend of the Prophet since childhood. One of the 1st converts to Islam. Holy Prophet said that Hazrat Abu Bkr was
the only one who accepted Islam without any hesitation or argument. That is why he was given the title of Siddiq,
Testifier of the truth, by Holy prophet. Helped convert numerous non-believers to muslims. Suffered persecution at
hands of Quraish – hair pulled out while defending the Prophet. Freed many slaves such as Hazrat Bilal. Believed
without any reluctance the incident of Mairaj. Married his daughter to Prophet. Accompanied the Prophet on migration
to Yasrib. Prophet consoled him while the two were in the cave of Saur and he was scared. Paid for the plot of Masjid-
e-Nabawi. Shared camel at Battle of Badr. He formed defensive ring around Prophet at Battle of Uhad. Gave a hefty
financial contribution at the Tabuk expedition. Participated in expeditions to Hunain, Khyber, Taif, Syria. Appointed
Ameer-e-Hajj in 9AH. Led prayers during Prophet’s illness as Ameer e Hajj. While Prophet was dying, all doors of the
mosque were closed except the 1 leading to his apartment. Steadied the mourning community after Prophet’s death and
was appointed 1st caliph.

Hazrat Umar ………………………..

From Islam’s bitterest enemy he became, one of the most valuable in the spread of Islam. Reputation of the fiercest
men of Makkah. Prophet prayed for his conversion to Islam. His conversion boosted the morale of Muslims. One of
Holy Prophet’s most trusted advisors. He protected the Prophet from attacks. Migrated to Medina and took farming as
a profession. He married his daughter to the Prophet. Formed a defensive around the Prophet at Uhad. Helped in the
digging of trench at the Battle of Trench. Offered financial support at the Tabuk Expedition. Objected to the terms of
the treaty of Hudaybia. Persuaded muslims to accept Prophet’s decision to retreat when they could not capture Taif.
Took the pledge of Ridwan He offered to kill Abu Sufyan at the time of the conquest of Makkah Took part in
expeditions towards north organized in the last years of the Prophet. Known as Farooq-e-Azam. Holy Prophet said
“Were a prophet to come after me, he would have been Umar (RA).”

Hazrat Usman

He was a wealthy trader. Amongst the early converts. Accepted Islam at the hands of Hazrat Abu Bakr. Suffered
persecution. Married to Prophet’s daughter, Ruqqaya. Performed Hijrat twice in the way of Allah. Migrated to
Abyssinia with his wife. Migrated to Medina. Did not take part in Badr because wife was sick. After death of first wife,
married another daughter of the Prophet. Called Zun nurain – possessor of two lights. Holy Prophet also said that if he
had another daughter, he would give him her hand in marriage. Messengers of Muslims at treaty of Hudaybia and was
sent to negotiate with the unbelievers. Rode near the Prophet at Conquest of Makkah. Escorted Prophet’s wives at the
farewell pilgrimage. He liberated many Muslim slaves from their pagan master. Financially helped the Muslims at
Tabuk expedition. Paid for the extension of Mosque of the Prophet. Known as Ghani – generous because he spent
20,000 dinars for a well and offered it to Muslim for use. Amongst the scribes of the Qur’an. Holy Prophet also said
that Usman will be his companion in Paradise.

Hazrat Ali

Son of Abu Talib, Prophet’s uncle. Prophet bought him to his place to relieve burden on his uncle. Early convert –
accepted Islam at 10 years. Slept in Prophet’s bed at the time of migration and returned valuables which people had
left with the Prophet. Holy Prophet’s brother during Makhawat. Holy Prophet said to him, “You are my brother in this
world and the Hereafter”. Married to Prophet’s daughter – Fatima. Shared camel with Prophet at Badr. A brave and
fierce warrior. Defended Holy Prophet during Uhud. Sent as scout to discover enemy’s movement at Badr. Carried
Muslim banner at Badr. Carried Muslim Banner at Uhad after original bearer was killed. Formed defensive ring at
Uhad. Amongst the leaders at siege of Banu Qurayza. Used door as a shield at Khyber Expedition. Defended Prophet
at Hunain Expedition. Carried Muslim banner at Conquest of Makkah. Scribe of the treaty of Hudaybia. Did not took
part in tabuk expedition and remained in Madinah as Holy Prophet’s deputy. Read new teachings in Hajj in 9 AH.
Attended to the Prophet (SAW) day and night during his illness. Washed dead body of Prophet.

Hazrat Talha

Early convert. Grand-nephew of AbuBakr. Accepted Islam at the hands of Hazrat Abu Bakr. Accompanied Hazrat
Sawdah, Hazrat Fatima and Hazart Umme Kulsoom on the migration to Medina. Brave warrior. Took part in all battles
except Badr as Prophet had sent him to check the whereabouts of Makkan caravan. Hence he could not participate in
the battle itself. Defended Holy prophet at Uhud. Deflected a sword aimed at the Prophet with his own hands –got 75
wounds. Fingers of that hand remained useless throughout his life. Known as living martyr. Present at the time of
treaty of Hudaybia. His bravery led to the victory at Battle of Hunain. Provided financial aid during many battles.
Known as Fayyaz – the generous one. Donated wealth to the poor and led a simple life. Member of the Islamic council
during 1st and 2nd caliphates. Amongst the 6 chosen by Hazrat Umar as his successor to caliphate. He and Hazrat
Zubair were very close. Holy Prophet said that they would be his neighbors’ in Paradise. Fought the battle of Camel
against Hazrat Ali and died in 35 AH

Hazrat Zubair

Cousin of the Prophet. Nephew of Hazrat Khadija. Early convert. Suffered persecution aster embracing Islam from his
uncle who would wrap him in a mattress and set it on fire. He did not renounce his faith saying that he must die as a
Muslim and a believer. Migrated to Abyssinia. Took part in all battles fought in live of Holy Prophet. and was especially
brave at the Battle of Badr and Uhad. Was a prominent figure of Islam. Always ready to face risks and danger for the
sake of Islam. Very faithful to Holy Prophet. 5th person to recognize Hazrat Muhammad as Prophet. Amongst the leader
of Muslim force on their entry to Makkah. Married to Abu Bakr’s daughter. He was very rich and generous and
respected by his tribe. Holy Prophet gave him the title of “Discipline of the Messenger of Allah”. Amongst the 6 chosen
by Hazrat Umar as his successor to caliphate. Fought the battle of Camel against Hazrat Ali and died in 35 AH. Spied
for the Prophet (SAW) and brought back news of Banu Qurayzah.

Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah

Most distinguished of Holy Prophet’s companions due to his bravery and unselfishness. Early convert. Accepted Islam
at the hands of Hazrat Abu Bakr. Suffered persecution. Migrated to Abyssinia and later to Madinah. Killed his own
father army at the Battle of Badr for the sake of his faith, though he was greatly upset. Encircled Prophet at Uhad.
Broke two of his teeth when he tried to extract the metal links of the helmet straps from Prophet’s cheek after he was
hit. Was declared judge by the Prophet for a Christian delegation. Witness of Hubadiya Treaty. Leader of one of the
squadrons at conquest of Makkah. Led expeditions to Dhul-al-qassa and al-khabbat. Went on expedition to Syria.
Nominee for 1st caliphate. Persuaded Hazrat Umar to take up the caliphate. Conquered Damascus. Known as Ameen-
ul-Ummat, meaning Honest of the nation. Sent to bring Jizya from Bahrain. Led Muslim army against Syria and Persia
in the time of Umar and Abu Bakr (RA)’s reign. Holy Prophet said “For every people, there is a man of trust and the
man of trust for this people he is Abu Ubaidah”.

Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas

Maternal uncle of the Prophet. Early convert. Accepted Islam on the invitation of Hazrat Abu Bakr. First one to have
shed blood for Islam. Fought unbelievers, when they showed up while Muslims were praying outside Makkah.
Participated in all battles fought during the lifetime of Holy Prophet (pbuh). Prophet handed him arrows to shoot at
Uhad. Saad defended Holy Prophet with those arrows, and was named one of the best archers. Present at the treaty of.
Hudaybia. Took part in conquest of Makkah. Leader of Battle of Qadisiya during 2nd caliphate, through illness
prevented him to participate in the battle personally. Governor of Kufa during 3rd caliphate. After the assassination of
Hazrat Usman he was asked to take the caliphate, but he refused. Did not pay homage to Hazrat Ali. Defended the
Prophet (SAW) bravely when everyone else ran He wanted to give two thirds of his money to charity. Took the pledge
of Ridwan. When he died he left lots of property behind him.

Hazrat Abdur Rehman Bin Auf

Born in 10th year of ElephantsEarly convert. Accepted Islam on Hazrat Abu Bakr’s invitation. Suffered persecution.
In Kalab was his’ and. Prophet’s common ancestor. Migrated to Abyssinia and later to Madinah. Paired with Ansar
Saad Bin Al-Rabi. Started selling cheese and butter to earn a living at Madinah. Soon established as a wealthy merchant
who sent out trading caravans. Shared his camel with Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar at the Battle of Badr. Took
part in all important battles. Got 21 wounds at Uhad when he stood sise by side wiith Holy Prophet while most had ran
away. Gave shoulder to the Prophet on his son, Ibrahim’s death. Leader of raid at Dumat-al-Jandal. Prophet said a
prayer behind him at a voyage. Appointed Ameer-e-Hajj during Hazrat Abu Bakr’s, Hazrat Umar and Usman’s
caliphate. Nominee for third caliphate
Hazrat Saeed Bin Zaid

28th person to become Muslim, with age below 20. His father had given up idol worship and believed in faith of Ibrahim.
He was an early convert. His wife was Hazrat Umar’s sister. He could read and write. He was a great warrior.
Participated in all major battles except Badr. Always kept himself ahead of Holy Prophet to minimize danger for him.
Was sent to check the Makkan caravan at Badr. Commander of infantry that conquered Syria in the 2nd
caliphate. Conquered Damascus. Made governor of Damascus but resigned due to love for Jihad.
Quran’s scribes
The Quran is a record of Divine Revelations received by Holy Prophet through Hazrat
Jibrael as a direct msg fom Allah. These msgs were recited by Holy Prophet to his companions who were present, and
were written on stone slaps, wooden tablets, leather, palm leaves/branches and camel or goat bones. Most learned them
by heart as well. The Quranwas not only preserved in mind but also in writing. Atleast15 copies of Quran were present
during Prophet’s lifetime. The scribes of Divine Revelation have great importance in the world of Islam. Allah blessed
them as guardians of Quran and made it safe through them. The Quran describes them as Honorable, Just and Pious.
The scribes were said to be forty in number the most prominent were:
Hazrat Abu Bakr Hazrat Umar Hazrat Usman Hazrat Ali Abdullah Bin Masood
Zaid bin Sabit Ameer Muwiyah Ubbay bin Ka’ab Khalid bin walid
All details of Holy Prophet’s conduct and character have been preserved. His Prophet pbuh, an excellent model
life is perfect and serves as an example for all men and woman through all
ages. He not only preached but also practiced what he preached. He taught people to be good, just and honest. Also to
be moderate in all spheres of life. His teachings were of each and every place, mosque to market. His life is a perfect
model for us to follow. From an orphan boy, he rose to the position of a king but never lived like a king. His character
included he mixture of simplicity, sincerity, honesty and forgiveness. In childhood he was herdsman, he looked after
the sheeps and goats of his neighbours and family. Later he carried out trade and went on trade journeys. He married,
and had children and lived a very happy and peaceful life with his family. Later at Madinah he became the head of the
community, he acted as a judge, administrator, a military commander, and finally, head of the state. His life is perfect
role model for the people to follow to attain goodness, piety and success in their personal and social life. He had a tons
of power, but he led the simplest life. He used to make and fix his thing on his own. He was commonly seen fixing his
own house as well. Quran describes Holy Prophet as “And you (stand) on an exalted standard of character”. Holy
Prophet possessed the best and noblest of qualities of human being, which no mortal could hope to match. Quran and
Holy Prophet are inseparable. Quran is Allah’s command and life of Holy Prophet is fulfillment of His command.
Allah’s command are contained in its original form in Quran. Holy Prophet was commanded to communicate the
revealed messages and to make his life as a role model for the people. Prophets saying and actions are preserved in the
form of Hadis, which cover matters of morality, sociology, politics, spirituality and economics. These two primary
sources Quran and teachings and the example of Hazrat Muhammad’s life will always provide light and guidance to
those who need it.

Prophet pbuh, Best Qualities

Honesty and Truthfulness:
All the people in Makkah appreciated and recognized his honesty and truthfulness and used to call him Al-Sadiq, The
Truthful and Al-Amin – The trustworthy. Hazrat Khadija married him because of his qualities of honesty and
trustworthiness. Even the bitterest enemies of Islam, Abu Jahl and Abu Sufyan, admitted that Muhammad (PBUH) was
not a liar; they just thought that what he said, they did not deem to be right and so they opposed him. When he started
preaching Islam publicly for the first time and asked. “O Quraish! If I say that an army is advancing on you from behind
the mountain, would you believe me?” They all unanimously said: “Yes, because we have never heard you tell a lie.”
He practiced these qualities all through his life, no matter what the circumstances were and this was acknowledged by
all, even those who were hell-bent to eliminate him one-way or the other. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “Truth leads
to piety and piety leads to Jannat. A man persists in speaking the truth till he is enrolled with Allah as a truthful.
Falsehood leads to vice and vice leads to the Fire (Hell), and a person persists on telling lies until he is enrolled as a
liar.” (Al-Bukhari & Muslim)

Humility and Modesty

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “Allah has revealed to me that you should humble yourself to one another. One should
neither hold himself above nor transgress against another.” He practiced it to an extent that he disliked if anyone stood
up when he entered a room, for he never wished to be treated as a ruler. When Hazrat Ayesha was asked what did
Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) used to do inside his house, she said: “He used to keep himself busy helping members of
his family and when it was time for salat, he would get up for prayer.” (Al-Bukhari). It shows how humble and modest
the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was because he never deemed it as an insult and indignity when he extended his cooperation
to women in household affairs. When he entered Makkah as a conqueror, he exhibited humility, gentleness and modesty
and not pride, arrogance or self-conceit, in line with what has been commanded in the Holy Quran: “And walk not on
earth with conceit and arrogance.” The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “Every religion has a distinctive quality and the
distinctive quality of Islam is modesty. All the Messengers of Allah practiced and preached humility. The Holy Quran
says: “And be kind and humble to the believers who follow you.” (26:215). The Holy Prophet (PBUH) not only himself
lived a simple, modest life but taught his followers to be humble, kind and courteous to all.

Fulfillment of Promises and Honoring the Covenants:

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) always fulfilled his promises, so much so that people used to keep their valuables with him
for safe keeping. He was so meticulous in it that when he secretly migrated to Medina to avert the murder plan of the
Quraish, he left Hazrat Ali behind so that he could return the trusts that people had left with him. When the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) wrote a letter to Heracleus, the Caesar of the Byzantine Empire, inviting him to embrace Islam, the
Roman Emperor checked up the credentials of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) from Abu Sufyan who, like him, happened
to be in Palestine at the given point of time. What a tribute it is to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that even his worst enemy
confirmed to Heraclius that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) had never broken his promise and that allover he was reputed to
be a trustworthy and truthful person. It certainly speaks of the perfection of character when we visualize the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) returning Abu Jandal, a Muslim from Makkah, who escaped prison and managed to reach the place
where the Treaty of Hudaibiya was being written, to the enemies saying: “O Abu Jandal! Be patient, we cannot break
the treaty. Allah will soon find a way for you.” The same he did when he disallowed two of his Companions to
participate in the Battle of Badr because they had pledged to the Makkahns that they would not fight on the side of the
Muslims while seeking release from them. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “For everyone who breaks his covenant,
there will be a flag on the Day of Judgment, and it will be said: `This is (proof of) betrayal by so and so.”. “Allah
Almighty said: “I will contend against three (types of) people on the Day of Judgment: A person who has made a
covenant in My Name and then has broken it……..”

Forgiving others’ Offences:

Allah, the Exalted, says: “Let them forgive and Passover (the offence). Do you not desire that Allah should forgive
you?” A great quality of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was that he never took revenge from anyone, so much so that he
forgave even his bitterest enemies. When he conquered Makkah, the city where he and his followers were subjected to
ruthless torture, humiliation, insults, boycott and persecution for thirteen long years, he pardoned everyone by granting
general amnesty to all, something which hardly has any parallel in world history. When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was
maltreated at Taif, the angel of mountains greeted him and asked him if he should bring the two mountains together to
crush the extremists, but Holy Prophet replied that he rather hoped that Taif’s descendents would worship Allah. In the
Battle of Uhud, when the face and head of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) were bleeding, his Companions asked him to
curse the enemies, but he said that he was not sent to curse but to invite people to the path of Allah. Only a man of his
sterling personality could have forgiven Wehshi, who killed Hazrat Hamza in the Battle of Uhud or Hind, the wife of
Abu Sufyan, who had torn out and chewed Hazrat Hamza’s liver. Whenever he dealt with any situation, he always kept
in view the commands of Allah who says: “Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the foolish.”

Behaviour Towards Companions

Holy Prophet was very kind and merciful to his companions. He would get worried if any one of them did not visit him
for a couple of days. He took interest in their personal problems and welfare. He shares everything with them and never
indifferent to any one of them. They played a significant role in his successful political struggle. It was due to his
kindness that he was surrounded by devoted followers ready to sacrifice their lives for him.

Behaviour Towards Children …………………………

Holy Prophet Loved children. Anas said, “Í have never seen anyone act more kindly towards children than Allah’s
Messenger”. Holy Prophet would make prayer brief is he would hear a baby crying. Holy Prophet not only loved
Muslims children, once in battle a few children came into a battlefield and were killed. Holy Prophet was distressed
someone came and told him that they were children of unbelievers he replied: "Even children of unbelievers are better
than you. Beware! Do not kill children." When anyone brings first fruit of the season he would give it to youngest child
in the assembly. After migration from Makkah, as he was entering Madinah, some young girls of the Ansar were
singing with joy in front of their houses: He asked them if they loved him. They answered in the affirmative. To this
Holy Prophet said: "I love you too".

Behaviour Towards Women …………………………….

Holy Prophet was very kind to the women who were very harshly treaty in those days. He gave them honour and
dignity. Holy Prophet set aside a day for women to listen to him and to ask questions. Once Holy Prophet was sleeping
in the house of Hazrat Aisha. It was day of Eid and the girls were singing. Abu Bakr came and told them to stop singing.
The Holy Prophet said: "let them sing, it is the day of Eid." As a result of the Prophets kind treatment, women would
visit and ask him, companions were surprised of their boldness. The Holy Prophet was always gentle and tolerant
towards them. The woman were more afraid of Hazrat Umar, because of his temper and less that of Holy Prophet.

Behaviour Towards Orphans and Poor

Holy Prophet showed kindness to poor, who were foremost supporters of Islam. He used to go with them to Ka'abah
for prayers. Once a companion was sitting in mosque of Prophet and poor were sitting on other side, Holy Prophet
came and sat with them and then the companion also went and sat with them, The Prophet said "Give good news to the
poor muhajirin that they will enter Paradise forty years before the rich". Their face lighted up with joy and happiness.
Holy Prophet often used to pray that Allah should keep him alive, make him die and resurrect him as a poor. Abu Zarr
another companion said that the Holy Prophet ordered him to love the poor and be near them. Whenever a poor came
to his door, he would not leave empty handed. The Holy Prophet advised people to treat the poor and the destitute with
kindness. He issued instruction that Zakat should be collected from rich of every tribe and town and should be given
to poor of same tribe and town. Holy Prophet was also kind to orphans and told his companions to treat them with
kindness and love them. Holy Prophet is reported to have said: "Anyone who treats well an orphan girl or boy under
his care, he and I shall be like these two in Paradise", Putting two of his finger together. He also said “Pat an orphan’s
head and feed the poor”.

Treatment of Slaves … ………………………….

Holy Prophet was kind to slaves. He said: "they are your brothers, give them to eat what you eat, give them to wear
what you wear." Whenever he received he freed them but they would never leave him. Zaid bin Haris was a slave
whom Holy Prophet free and his father came to take him, he refused to go with his father and preferred to stay with
Holy Prophet. This shows how well did Prophet treated him and how well he was fond of them. He never abused them
or hit them or did any other type of misfortune with them. He said “One whole treats his slave badly and unkindly shall
not enter paradise”.

Treatment of animals …… ……………………….

The Holy Prophet was very kind to animals. The Arabs were very cruel to them. It was common practice in Arabia to
put a ring around the neck of the camel. This practice was stopped by the command of Holy Prophet. He also forbade
people to keep animals in their works for the long time. Animal fights were also stopped.
Holy Prophet said that to brand animals on those parts which were not tender. Anas reported that he saw Holy Prophet
branding sheep on their ears. He was so kind and gentle to animals that he advised his companions to be considerate
even at the time of slaughtering them for food. He also advised them to slaughter them with sharpest weapon, so the
suffering to the animal and pain is minimum.

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