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Motion 2 nd (+)THBT chemically castrated punishment for phedophiles bring more harm than good

Ladies and Gentlement

As we know that phedophiles is the psychiatric disorders in adults or adolescents that have
begun to mature (person in 16 years old or older) usually characterized by a primary or
exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children (generally children in 13 years old or
Negation younger, though puberty has many variation). The children have to younger about five
years , in the teenager’s phedophiles case (16 years old or older) can be classified as a
phedophile. From it we can know that phedhophile is very dangerous for the children and
their parents. Why ? many phedophile’s case in school. As we know that school should be
the save place for children, but some phedophile’s cases often carried out by the people
who often contact with the children

Ladies and Gentlement,

As the Second speaker of Positif team I have 2 major point of Argument
Team Split
1nd i’m going to talk on chemically castrated punishment not being able to provide a
deterrent effect
2nd I’m going to talk on chemically castrated punishment need the high coast

But before move on to my first argument, lets me give rebuttal to the negative team,

First rebuttal, The negative team has said that, .....................................

We say no because, ...............................................................................

Second rebuttal, The negative team Believe that,..................................

But we dont believe so, because.............................................................

Now moving on my 1st Argument on chemically castrated punishment not being able to
provide a deterrent effect

Ladies and Gentlement. As we know the mentally of phedophiles is sick not their body, so
when phedophiles get chemically castrated punishment is not effective, because the
reaction of chemically castrated is temporary, they will give injection special chemical drugs
that make their libido muffled. althought they suppressed sexual desire, their willingness
to commit sexual violence against children under the age can’t be suppressed. Its better if
social punishment mated out to perpetrators of sexual violance or they get rehabilation
for their mentally because mentally of phedophiles is sick.

Now moving on my 2nd chemically castrated punishment need the high coast
Ladies and gantlemen, we admit the coast of chemically castrated is high
So, what i have proven to you before is that

1st the smoker and alcoholic deserve deny by goverment to get healthcare system.

2nd if poople choose to harm themeselves then they should not be prioritized for care..
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So that why as goverment team, we absolutely believe that deny smokers and alcholic
access to state healtcare
Thank you

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