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Student Name: Yessica Velasquez

Date: June 12, 2018

Artifact Description: Map of You
What you learned: I really enjoyed this project and the website was actually very simple
and easy to get around. I want to say the downloading processes was the most difficult
part. This software was not compatible with my computer so I had to borrow a different
device to download this software. Creating the main topic plus subtopics were all very
simple to use. I did have a bit of a struggle figuring out how to upload photos of my own
for my main picture but once I figured it out it was all smooth sailing from there.
National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)•S Addressed: C.
Demonstrate knowledge of digital devices, systems and networks
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I see this application process a perfect
way to help with brainstorming. Whether it comes in writing or even an about me such as
this project. It really helps with plotting down your main subjects and then going in
deeper with more details. I know this comes in handy when writing especially for
younger grades. I was helping out during a writer workshop with a group of 3rd graders
and I notice that students have a difficult time with details. They write short sentences
and struggle with the process of having different topics and then details or subtopics to
add. This application reminded me of how useful graphing down a rough draft becomes
very useful.

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