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Maylee Strange


ECE 252

Family Culture Writing

1. Role in Gender

While growing up my parents taught me the importance of education. My parents both

came from very old fashioned families that believed the role of the man was to work and the role

of the women was to stay at home to raise the children. My parents were the first to break this

tradition and because of their decision it has impacted me and my siblings. Both of my parents

taught me the importance of women gaining a college degree and having a good occupation.

They taught me that independence is important, and that I couldnt rely on a man to take care of

me. They spent many hours sitting beside me, and working with me on my homework to make

sure that I grasped and comprehended what I was learning. They also helped my two sisters

with this too. The ideal that my parents had in governing how to raise their children lead to all of

us graduation high school. My sister graduating as Valedictorian, and all of us going on to

college. With the goal in mind to pursuing higher education.

2. Nature of Family Relationship

Respect must be given to my parents. They had an authoritarian parenting style. I was

frequently punished with little explanation as to why, and if misbehaved their will be

consequences. While growing up my parents were strict and had set expectations of me. I was

not given choices or options but my parents made them for me. I was not able to hang out on

school nights, go to parties, sleepovers, wear certain clothes, and hang out at friends houses. I

became very rebellious after high school, and it wasn't until later that I realized my parents had
this parenting style because of their love to me. They were worried and wanted what was best

for me. This family relationship modeled my childhood, and has impacted me for who I am.

3, Notion of Adolescents

Children are our future, and we depend on them. It is critical that we show and teach

children as much as possible. In the early stage of life their brain is developing, and is learning

at rapid speed. It is essential that during this time we create an environment of love, protection,

confidence, self independence, and address maslow's hierarchy of needs. The baby's

environment and relationships have lasting effect on who they are as a person. After all these

needs are met then they can build and deepen their learning thus creating successful members

of society, and taking care of our future.

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