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GRADO 4°5°
A2 61
My family, friends and others: family life – classroom resources


90 minutos SHOPPING 21
Comprensión de  Comprende textos variados de Resuelve  Formativa
textos complejidad diversa cuestionario de  Sumativa
relacionados con temas de la comprensión de
realidad y expresado en un lectura
lenguaje variado

1. El/la docente propone la dinámica “ahorcado” para identificar el título de la 3’
nueva unidad S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (shopping)

2. El/la docente da instrucciones de juego. En el gráfico está el orden en el que 3’

se dibuja el ahorcado. Si los alumnos no dicen las letras que corresponde a
shopping, cada vez va completando el dibujo. La idea es no terminar de
dibujar al ser adivinadas todas las palabras.
3. Cuando ya se encuentre la palabra shopping. El/la docente fomenta la
participación a través de preguntas: Do you like shopping? How often do you
go shopping? Which phrases do we use when we buy? El/la docente modela 9’
las siguientes palabras: How much? How many? May I help you? I’d like….


4. Los estudiantes toman una hoja de aplicación (ver anexo 1) y se unen 6’
en pares para desarrollar el ejercicio 1 el cual es un diálogo que
contextualiza el tema. La situación es un diálogo entre vendedor y
5. Los estudiantes leen, toman turnos para intercambiar roles. 6’
6. El/la docente monitorea las interacciones y verifica la pronunciación, 3’
brindando retroalimentación de manera oportuna.
7. Los estudiantes desarrollan de manera individual los ejercicios de
vocabulario 2,3 y 4. 3’
8. Los estudiantes se unen en pares para verificar respuestas 3’
9. El/la docente pregunta de manera aleatoria las respuestas para verificar 7’
My family, friends and others:
de manera life – classroom resources
10. Los estudiantes desarrollan de manera individual la pregunta 5 y
ordenan las oraciones. 3’

11. Se unen en pares para verificar respuestas

12. Los estudiantes toman hoja de aplicación (ver anexo 2) para preparar 12’
producto final. Leen el diálogo y analizan el contexto para decidir con
qué palabra completar.
13. Los estudiantes desarrollan ejercicios de comprensión de lectura
14. Los estudiantes intercambian hojas de aplicación y ensayan
15. Retroalimentación: El/la docente elabora un cuadro de doble entrada y 5’
pregunta a los estudiantes mencionen las frases que dice el vendedor y
frases que usa el cliente.

16. Metacognición: El/la docente propone la pregunta: What word o new

phrase did I learn today? 5’


No se asigna.
Anexo 1
Anexo 2
Taken from:
Anexo 1/A dialogue between a shopkeeper and a customer buying shoes

Shopkeeper: Good morning. Can I help you?

My family, friends and others: family life – classroom resources
Customer: Yes please. I would like a pair of shoes.
Shopkeeper: With laces or slip-on?
Customer: With laces please.
Shopkeeper: What size?
Customer: 37 I think but would you measure my foot?
Shopkeeper: Certainly! Yes it is 37. Now... how about these?
Customer: Well, they feel a bit tight here. Can I try a different pair of
Shopkeeper: Of course. Try these.
Customer: They're a better fit, but I don't like the colour. They are too
shiny. Have you got them in some other colour?
Shopkeeper: Yes we do. We have white, brown, grey and red.
Customer: Could I try on the white pair, please?

Shopkeeper: Here you are!

Customer: Thank you! I’ll take them

How much are they?

Shopkeeper: They are S/.100. Would you like to pay by cash or credit card?

Customer: Credit card, please.

Shopkeeper: Ok. Here’s your receipt. Thank you and please come again.

Customer: Thank you!! Bye.

Shopkeeper: Bye.

2. Correct the spellings below.

1. plaese - _____________________________ 6. kolor - ________________________________

2. blaak - _______________________________ 7. shinny - ______________________________

3. meesure - ____________________________ 8. brauwn - _____________________________

4. sertainly - ____________________________ 9. resipt - _______________________________

5. diferenct - ___________________________ 10. shopkiper - ___________________________

3. Fill in the gap.

My family, friends and others: family life – classroom resources

1. r __ c __ __ p t 2. m __ m __ __ t 3. l a __ c __ s

4. m __ __ s __ r __ 5. d __ f f __ __ __ __ t 6. s h __ p k __ __ p __ r

7. s h __ __ s 8. c __ __ t __ m __ __ 9. c __ l __ __ r

10. __ __ g h t 11. b r __ __ n 12. f __ __ t

4. Match the syllables: words

Draw a line from each syllable in the left to a syllable in the right to make words related to ‘A dialogue
between a shopkeeper and a customer buying shoes’. Then write each completed word to the right.

bl ces
me ack
bu eipt
wh zes
fo tomer
la ght
b ot
rec en
f ite
t it
si asure
ti ying
cus ye
5. Mixed-up Sentences
Put the mixed-up sentences into a correct sentence.
1. some . I shoes want black
2. try shoes of a ? can different I pair
3. are they . shiny too
4. ones white I’ll the . grab for
5. better fit I they nicely . like white and
6. please . thank you again and come
Anexo 2

A dialogue between a shopkeeper and a customer buying shoes

My Choose
family, the
wordsand others:tofamily
or phrases lifethe
complete – classroom
text. resources
brown cash tight colour size laces

pair receipt much foot shiny please

Shopkeeper: Good morning. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes please. I would like a ________ of shoes.
Shopkeeper: With __________or slip-on?
Customer: With laces please.
Shopkeeper: What ___________?
Customer: 37 I think but would you measure my _______?
Shopkeeper: Certainly! Yes it is 37. Now... how about these?
Customer: Well, they feel a bit ________ here. Can I try a different pair of
Shopkeeper: Of course. Try these.
Customer: They're a better fit, but I don't like the ________. They are too
_______. Have you got them in some other colour?
Shopkeeper: Yes we do. We have white, ________, grey and red.
Customer: Could I try on the white pair, please?

Shopkeeper: Here you are!

Customer: Thank you! I’ll take them

How __________ are they?

Shopkeeper: They are S/.100. Would you like to pay by _____ or credit


Customer: Credit card, please.

Shopkeeper: Ok. Here’s your _______. Thank you and ______ come again.

Customer: Thank you!! Bye.

Shopkeeper: Bye.
1. Look at the dialogue. Who is it between? ____________________________________
2. What does the customer want to buy? ____________________________________
My 3.
Whatfriends and others:
type of shoes family
does she lifebuy?
want to – classroom resources
4. Why does the customer ask the shopkeeper to measure her foot?
5. What foot size is the customer? __________________________________________
6. How do the black shoes feel for the customer? _______________________________
7. Does she like the next pair of shoes after the black pair? Why? Why not?
8. Which colour does the customer ask for to try on? ____________________________
9. How much are the white pair of shoes? ____________________________________
10. Write the amount in words. ______________________________________________
11. How does the customer pay for the shoes? _________________________________

2. Write YES or NO.

a. The customer wants some slip-on black shoes. ________

b. The customer has is a size eight. ________
c. The shopkeeper measures her own foot. ________
d. The black pair of shoes feel tight. ________
e. The customer doesn’t like the colour of the second pair of shoes. ________
f. The shoes come in white, brown, grey and blue. ________
g. She buys the white pair of shoes. ________
h. The shoes cost $59.99. ________
i. The customer pays by card. ________

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