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I am giving below the paper I wrote on scientific basis of astrologyat the age of

23.(Today I am running 55).I had given the headingas, "IS ASTROLOGY AN

ENIGMA?"(This article is still with me inyellowed pages of handmade notebook which
is available with me)SCIENTIFIC PROOF:There are more questions to Astrology than
answers.Most of the times scientists have ridiculed Astrologyas a humbug and
dismissed it as a pseudo science.Being a science student with astrology as my field
of interest, I set about proving that ancient minds werehighly advanced than what
we think. As is the usual habit of mine, I started with the mostbasic concept .The
base I started with was from the classification of elements "PERIODIC TABLE". A
simple periodic table has eight groups and the zerogroup of Inert gases. Vertical
rows are called groups and horizontal rowsare called periods.Group numbers indicate
number of electrons in itsoutermost shell.It is these electrons which enter into
chemical bondcalled Valancy.Coming back to Astrology, I took up the
planetaryposition of Sun and its planets one by one in order of its distance from
Sun. And gave lordship on thisbasis.Thus 1st group lord is Sun2nd group lord is
Mercury3rd group leader is Venus4th group leader is Earth and Rahu5th group leader
is Mars6th group leader is Jupiter7th A group leader is Rahu and Moon7B and 8A,8B
group leader is SaturnZERO (9th) group belongs to KetuSince Vedic astrology has
ascribed only Nine planets,8th group is under Saturn.When an atom has all the
electrons in outer most shell

numbering 2,8,18 etc, it becomes intert. Hence it isa MOKSHA condition. Hence I
have given ownership of zero group to KetuBefore you read the following , please
log on to thefollowing link and examine the PERIODIC TABLE of elements to
understand the findings. SUN AS
LORD OF I st GROUP OF PERIODIC TABLE: Vedic astrology has ascribed Sun as one. He
is AtmanHe has been given number 1 in numerology. He rulesover Copper. Some have
given rulership of Gold andSilver to Sun.Element number of Hydrogen is 1, it has
one electronin its outermost shell. With Oxygen it forms H2O,water which is basis
of life. Mark Atma 1 and Jeeva 3giving water. You will find Copper, Silver and Gold
under firstgroup of elements.MERCURY AS LORD OF 2nd GROUP OF PERIODIC TABLE:
Astrology says, Mercury is very fast moving planet, heis Messanger, he is the
Transporter, his stone isEmerald GREEN, He rules over element MERCURY. He rulesover
intellect and brain power.In periodic table, you will find element MERCURY. Youwill
also find light metals like Magnesium, Zinc.Metal zinc is of utmost importance in
properfunctioning of brain. Proper zinc supply to the brainis necessary for
improvement and maintenance of learning ability. Although more people likely would
associate the word"metal" with rock music than with the brain,scientists know that
the brain needs zinc and othermetals to function properly. Even though the role of
metals within proteins is well understood, thequestion of why synapses -- the
cellular devices thatconvey information from one nerve cell to the next --contain
high concentrations of zinc remains a mystery.(Net
Radium emits green colour in darkness. VENUS AS LORD OF 3rd GROUP OF PERIODIC
TABLE. Venus rules over Beauty, cosmetics, cleanliness,precious stones etc. All
precious stones contain Aluminum and some Boron.Salts of Aluminum and Boron are
used in Dyeing andbleaching .Without Aluminum and Boron, Pottery and ceramics
willbe without beauty.EARTH AND RAHU AS 4th HOUSE LORDSSince Vedic astrology is
Geocentric, Instead of Earth,Rahu is the lord of 4th group.In Vedic astrology, Rahu
is Black, ruler of metalLead. In numerology he is given number 4.He is the lord of
4th group. You will find Carbon as the prime element of thisgroup. You will find
Lead (Pb) in this group.Carbon has 4 electrons in its outermost shell. Thevalency
of this group is 4. But it is the only groupwhere element Carbon forms many
covalent compounds.Only carbon can form about about ten million compounds.Without
Carbon, life would be impossible anywhere inuniverse. Carbon is the only element
that can formcompounds with Nitrogen, Oxygen and Hydrogen.Methane (CH4) is believed
to be pre cursor of lifeanywhere in Universe.Comets that are believed to bring life
to planets areMethane richOnly carbon can form both INORGANIC and ORGANICcompounds.
Thus RAHU FELICITATES LIFE.Mark the position of 4th group. It is exactly incenter
of the periodic Table. Proves MADHYAMA orMedium without which life is impossible.So
why Life originated only on Earth?Only earth can provide a Neutral condition to
highlyelectro positive and electro negative elements like
Hydrogen and Chlorine etc to form compounds.It provides right condition to Hydrogen
and Oxygen toform water.PANCH MAHABHUTA :Earth gave Pancha Mahabhuta contained in
it , acondition to form life.Sun gave Atma (Hydrogen), Jupiter gave Oxygen
(Jeeva)Moon gave Chlorine and Sun gave Sodium to form commonsalt . Mercury gave
Calcium to form bones. Mars gaveNitrogen and Phosphorous to give Vitality and
strengthto the body.Thus first the sea was formed with sodium chloride init.
Silicon of 4th group and Carbon provided theneutral clay along with many elements
in it.Sun and Jupiter gave Atma and Jeeva in form of water.Rahu the Maha kaal
provided Carbon and GOD GAVE LIFEto us as a Gift.MARS A LORD OF 5th GROUP:We know
that Mars is the war lord. He is a PotentMale. He has a strong body , he rules over
muscles andBones. He has red eyes. Rules over red colour. Bismuthis a Reddish
metal. Phosphorous is reddish, .Withoutphosphorous, bones would be useless.
Nitrogen is thebasis of Amino Acids and other r vital Amino compoundslike
Vitamins.Thus he is undisputed lord of Vitality. Arsenikom in Greek means POTENT or
MALE. You will find Arsenic in 5th group.Outermost shell of Nitrogen and all the
other elementshas 3 electrons. Hence he is also known as Trikona andPower lies in A
Triangle. This is why Kartik (Mars)has Triangular Vel in his hand.JUPITER AS LORD
OF 6th GROUPJupiter means JEEVA, meaning LIFE. He is the savior of Life on earth
.Oxygen means Life. No Oxygen means no life. You find oxygen in 6th group.In
astrology, Guru's aspect removes all problems and
prevents Balarishta (Infant Mortality).Jupiter is Yellow in colour , he adores
yellowclothes. His stone is Yellow sapphire. He resides in a ASTHAKONA HOUSE. You
will find Yellow Sulphur listed in this group.Outer most shell has 8 electrons. So
he resides in ASHTKONA house.Chromium salts are yellow.RAHU AND MOON AS 7thA GROUP
LORDSMoon is the karaka of Mind, Salt , Rasas etc.Moon has a close relationship
with Rahu who is thekaraka of BLOOD .Blood contains Sodium chloride as a major
chemicalconstituant. Moon also rules over water. This is thereason why during full
moon and new moon time, thereis a rush of blood in Head.Moon is also termed as
Amrita. Without salt, we cannotsurvive. Salt is the product of sea. Amruta came
fromsea after great churning.Rahu attacks all the planets and especially Moon
andSun.Mark CHLORINE, FLUORINE BROMINE AND IODINE.These highly electro negative
elements can attack andetch and reduce almost any element of the
periodictable.SATURN AS LORD OF 7B AND 8th GROUPIn Vedic Astrology, Saturn has been
described as,Black, Slave, Iron, Black things, slow moving, Slowin reacting,
Tool,Tenacity, Carrier of orders,Yamadoota,Having death in looks, Obstructor,
Spear, Hunteretc.Look at 7B and 8th group elements. You will see Iron, Manganese
metals both are black. All tools are made of Iron. Spears ,lances Bullets etcare
tools to kill .They are made of Iron. Sinceweapons are slaves in the hands of the
killer, they ,by themselves cannot kill unless used by the killer.Hence all weapons
must come under Saturn

Hence Saturn can be termed as Carrier Of Death. Yama'svehicle is Buffalo who is

Saturn.Since he is a Slave, he as Hemoglobin in blood,carries Oxygen to all parts
of the body. EspeciallyHeart. You would find Cobalt and Nickel which are
twoelements which can absorb Hydrogen in its element formhundred times in
weight.Hydrogen is Atma, that is why Saturn is termed asKiller.KETU AS LORD OF 9TH
ZERO GROUP. All inert gases like Helium, Neon, Xenon Radon etc arefound in this
group.Ketu lords over this group. All the Vrittis , whensubsided, lead to peace and
Moksha. As all theoutermost shells of these elements have satisfiedorbits , the
electrons are not available to react.Hence they are inert elements.They light up in
fancy colours only when energy in formof electricity passes through.It is the form
I call as SHAVA. Meaning Dead Body.Without Shakti it is Shava. Once Shakti passes
thro'it, It becomes SHIVA.Thus ends my explanation of Scientific Basis for

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