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KD 3.3 DAN 3.4

(Question, key answer adn score)

NAME : ................................................
DAY/DATE : .................................................
A. Fill the analysis table below, based on the picture !!

NO Facts Statement
1 Name of product STALLE’S BAKERY (10)
2 Description Wheatgerm Bread Medium Sliced 800g(10)
3 Content/amount 800g(10)
4 Direction to store Not available(10)
5 Expiration date Use by 19.10.13(10)
B. Anwser these question based on the picture below!!

6. How many sugar that we need to make “Es Teler” ? 150 g(11/2 Cups) (10)
7. How is the way to make syrup ?Combine sugar, pandan leaves and water in a small
Saucepan and heat the mixture for a few minutes over low heat until sugar dissolves(10)
8. What we do to Jackfruit? Deseeded and cut into 1-cm cubes(10)
9. Where we can serve this dessert? .in a serving bowl(10)
10.What we call “Condensed Milk” in Indonesia Language? Condensed Milk means “susu kental” (10)
KD 3.5 DAN 3.6
Sub theme : Present Continuous Tense, Past Continuous Tense, Future Continuoun Tense and Present Perfect Tense
NAME : ................................................
DAY/DATE : .................................................
a. Rewrite these sentences below according to the time (Past,Present and Future)
No Past Continuous Tense Present Continuous Tense Future Continuous Tense
1. I was running 3 time lap the
school yard.
2. He is having a meeting with the
3. He will be playing soccer soon.

4. They were joining the

ceremony scout.
5. He is travelling to Yogyakarta with his
b. complete these sentenses with the Present Perfect Tense of the verbs in bracket, in three form, Positive
Sentence (+), Negative sentence (-) and interrogative sentence (?).

6. Derby (win) a lot of horse races.

7. Doctor John (help) a lot of injured boxers.
8. My sister (go) snorkeling several times but I never have.
9.I (visit) the orphanage five times so far.
10. They (come) twice to teach the student.

Score Parent’s signature


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