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Effectiveness of Foot and Ankle Exercise Programs on Reducing the Risk of

Falling in Older Adults A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of
Randomized Controlled Trials

Article  in  Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association · November 2013

Source: PubMed


9 722

6 authors, including:

Michael Schwenk Bahareh Honarvar

Universität Heidelberg The University of Arizona


David G. Armstrong Bijan Najafi

University of Southern California Baylor College of Medicine


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Preventing Falls in Older People: The Role of Footwear and Lower-Extremity

Effectiveness of Foot and Ankle Exercise Programs on

Reducing the Risk of Falling in Older Adults
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Michael Schwenk, PhD*†‡
Elise DeHaven Jordan, MSc*‡
Bahareh Honarvararaghi, MSc*‡
Jane Mohler, PhD*†‡
David G. Armstrong, DPM, PhD, MD*‡
Bijan Najafi, PhD*†‡

Background: Foot and ankle (FA) exercise programs might reduce the risk of falling in older
adults. We sought to systematically review the current literature on FA exercise programs
targeted at reducing the risk of falling in older adults.
Methods: A systematic literature search was performed in the PubMed database, the
Physiotherapy Evidence Database, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health
Literature, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Articles were included
based on the following criteria: 1) randomized controlled trial, 2) FA exercise program, and 3)
use of fall risk–related motor outcomes (strength, balance, flexibility, and functional ability) or use
of falls as an outcome. Weighted effect sizes (d) were calculated across studies for estimating
the overall effect of FA exercises on the most frequently reported motor outcome parameters.
Results: Eight publications met the inclusion criteria. Small to moderate overall effects were
found for balance (d ¼ 0.46, P , .001) and ankle flexibility (d ¼ 0.29, P ¼ .006). No significant
overall effects were found for ankle plantarflexor strength (d ¼ 0.11, P ¼ .223) and walking
performance (d ¼ 0.05, P ¼ .404). Controversial results were reported for other functional
measures. Effects varied depending on the type of intervention. Only one study reported
improved ankle evertor strength and a significant reduction in falls.
Conclusions: Evidence suggests that FA exercise can improve certain fall risk–related motor
outcomes and reduce falls. Limited effects on strength and functional ability might be related to
insufficient training intensity and lack of adherence. Further studies that include progressive
strength and flexibility training are necessary to validate which FA exercise programs are most
effective at preventing falls. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 103(6): 534-547, 2013)

At least 30% of individuals 65 years and older disability, and extent of functional impairment.3
experience one or more falls each year,1 and this Falls are a major health problem in older adults,
percentage increases to 40% after age 75 years.2 The causing fall-related sequelae, such as fractures,
incidence of falls and the severity of complications head injuries, and post-fall anxiety.4,5 Older adults
stemming from these falls increase with age, level of are hospitalized for fall-related injuries five times
The opinions and assertions contained herein are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the
official views of the Qatar National Research Foundation or the German Academic Exchange Service, which funded this study.
*Interdisciplinary Consortium on Advanced Motion Performance College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
†Arizona Center on Aging, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
‡Southern Arizona Limb Salvage Alliance (SALSA), College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Corresponding author: Michael Schwenk, PhD, Interdisciplinary Consortium on Advanced Motion Performance (iCAMP),
College of Medicine, University of Arizona, 1656 E Mabel St, Tucson, AZ 85724. (E-mail:

534 November/December 2013  Vol 103  No 6  Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
more often than they are for injuries from other foot and ankle (FA). Systematic reviews document
causes,6 and the associated costs of care and that exercise programs can significantly reduce the
institutionalization from injurious falls substantially risk of falling26,27; however, most of the existing
burdens the health-care system.7 studies have concentrated on muscle groups
It has been well described that falls result from proximal to the FA. The effectiveness of specific
the interaction between environmental hazards and FA exercise programs has not been systematically
physiologic risk factors, such as muscle weakness, reviewed. This review aims to evaluate the effects
poor balance, impaired vision, and slow reaction of specific FA exercise programs on improving fall
time.1,8 More recently, foot problems, which affect risk–related motor outcomes and reducing falls in
approximately 30% of older adults,9-11 are a common older adults.
reason for consultation in primary care and in
podiatric medical, orthopedic, rheumatologic, Methods
sports medicine, and geriatric specialty care12 and
have been associated with falls.13 Specifically, foot Search Strategy
pain, reduced range of motion, toe weakness, and
toe deformity have each been shown to be A systematic literature search was performed
independent risk factors for falling.14,15 It has been according to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting
demonstrated that ankle dorsiflexion range of Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses)
motion16-18 and the toe plantarflexor muscles19,20 statement.28 Articles were searched for in the
are specifically linked to balance control and gait PubMed database, the Physiotherapy Evidence
performance. The toes play an important role in Database (PEDro), the Cumulative Index to Nursing
stabilizing the foot during standing and walking,19,20 and Allied Health Literature, and the Cochrane
and adequate range of motion at the ankle and toes Central Register of Controlled Trials. The search
is necessary to conduct basic everyday motor was tailored specifically to retrieve literature
functions, such as walking and sit-to-stand motions, focusing on FA exercise programs in older adults
safely and efficiently. At least 108 of ankle dorsi- aimed at improving motor performance and pre-
flexion is necessary for the stance phase of gait,21 venting falls. The search terms were foot, ankle, and
whereas rising from a chair requires maximum toes combined with AND to exercise, stretching
dorsiflexion between 218 and 368.22 exercise, resistance training, and strength. The
Several studies have demonstrated that aging is database search was conducted without using
associated with significant changes to the musculo- language restrictions and was limited to articles
skeletal and sensory characteristics of the foot. with publication dates up to April 30, 2013.
Older adults tend to have more pronated feet, Reference lists of relevant articles were subsequent-
reduced ankle joint flexibility, and toe plantarflexor ly hand searched to identify additional appropriate
weakness and to experience a reduction in plantar articles. The Google Scholar database was used to
tactile sensation.23 Differences such as decreases in check the related citations of relevant articles to
physical activity levels possibly contribute to the identify additional appropriate articles.
observed age-related issues with ankle joint range Study quality was coded using the PEDro scale,
of motion and toe plantarflexion strength.24 which is widely used to rate the quality of
Given the age-related decline in foot strength randomized controlled trials.29 The scale is based
and flexibility and the emerging evidence that foot on the list developed by Verhagen et al30 using the
problems increase the risk of falls, established Delphi consensus technique. The PEDro scores are
guidelines for falls prevention recommend that summarized, and high-quality studies are those with
older adults have their feet examined by a scores of 6 to 11; fair quality, 4 to 5; and low quality,
podiatric physician as a precautionary measure.25 less than 4.31
However, these guidelines do not specify which
intervention activities might be performed, and too Study Selection and Data Extraction
few randomized controlled trials have been exe-
cuted to provide clinical practitioners with ger- Two reviewers (M.S. and B.H.) screened the titles
mane information concerning the prevention of and abstracts from all of the literature searches to
falls.13 In addition to advice about footwear and identify potentially relevant trials based on the
foot orthoses, intuitively, it may be good practice following inclusion criteria: 1) randomized con-
to recommend exercise programs that focus trolled trial, 2) use of an FA exercise program, and
specifically on strengthening and stretching the 3) use of fall risk–related motor outcome param-

Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association  Vol 103  No 6  November/December 2013 535
eters (strength, balance, flexibility, and functional
ability) or use of falls as an outcome parameter.
The reviewers obtained full-text copies of all of the
trials that met the inclusion criteria for the
systematic review. Next, the two reviewers inde-
pendently extracted information about study char-
acteristics, types and modalities of FA exercise
interventions, and fall risk–related outcomes of

Statistical Analysis

Because most randomized controlled trials reported

continuous measures related to fall risk, effect sizes
(the Cohen d) were defined as the standardized
mean difference between the exercise and control
groups divided by the pooled SD,32 correcting for
sample size bias and baseline differences. Effect Figure 1. Flowchart showing the literature search
sizes with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were and the extraction of studies meeting the inclusion
calculated from the randomized controlled trials criteria. RCT indicates randomized controlled trial.
that reported sufficient data on intervention effect
on fall risk–related motor outcomes. To interpret Results
the effect size, we used the Cohen criteria: 0.2 and
greater indicates small effect; 0.5 and greater, The search yielded 606 articles, with eight publica-
moderate effect; and 0.8 and greater, large effect.32 tions meeting the inclusion criteria (Figure 1). Table
When the pooled SD of the difference scores was 1 illustrates the study characteristics, exercise
not provided, an estimate was calculated using the interventions, training modalities, and results of
following formula33: the studies included in the review.
SD21 þ SD22 Study Characteristics
SDpooled ¼
Five studies included community-dwelling older
Positive effect sizes indicate benefits of exercises adults13,16,24,34,35 and three included institutional-
training. To compare study results, effect sizes were ized older adults.36-38 Only one study specifically
calculated for similar motor outcome parameters, if included older adults with diagnosed foot problems
available. Mean effect sizes and 95% CIs were (foot pain).13 The mean age of the participants
calculated for each outcome parameter. Because ranged from 73.1 to 84.0 years, and sample sizes
effect sizes of large studies are more likely to be ranged from 16 to 305.
reliable estimates of the efficacy of an intervention
than those of small studies, sizes were weighted by Types and Modalities of Exercise Interventions
the number of participants in each study. The
homogeneity statistic Q was calculated to deter- Types and modalities of exercise interventions are
mine whether a weighted mean effect size charac- displayed in Table 1. The intervention periods
terized a common effect size. A significant Q value ranged from 8 weeks to 12 months. The frequency
indicated the absence of homogeneity. To standard- of exercise training ranged from two times per week
ize Q, the I2 statistic was calculated; I2 ranges from to daily. Adherence to the exercise programs varied
0% to 100%, with low values suggesting homogeneity considerably. Some studies reported good adher-
and large values suggesting heterogeneity. To ence,13,35 whereas adherence was low24 or not
provide a visual representation of the effect sizes specified16,36-38 in other studies. One study reported
and associated 95% CIs, forest plots were construct- minor adverse events, such as worsening joint pain
ed. All of the meta-analyses were conducted with a and exacerbation of preexisting musculoskeletal
software program (MetaXL, version 1.32; EpiGear, conditions, related to the exercise training interven-
Wilston, Australia). tion.35

536 November/December 2013  Vol 103  No 6  Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
The types of FA exercise interventions used in the additionally evaluated ankle inversion/eversion,
articles varied. Three studies were categorized as hallux flexor, and lesser toe flexor strength.13 Two
strength exercise programs (Table 1). One of these studies assessed ankle power.24,35 Most of the five
studies evaluated toe grasping exercises (beanbag studies that assessed balance used conventional
transfer and towel gathering) performed in a sitting balance tests, such as the functional reach test16 or
position by nursing home residents.36 Another study time stance tests.37,38 Only two studies used
evaluated an ankle power training program using objective biomechanical tests for a detailed assess-
either elastic band exercises or weight training ment of balance parameters such as postural
exercises for improvement in ankle movement sway.13,36 Functional ability was most often quan-
time.35 Simoneau et al34 evaluated the effects of tified by walking (5 studies); most of the studies
long-term ankle strength training (12 months) using used timed walking tests,13,16,33,34 and only one
a calf raise machine in a training facility and elastic study used an electronic system for a detailed
bands for home training. documentation of FA training–related changes in
Three studies evaluated combined strength and gait parameters.24 Other functional measures in-
functional training programs focusing on the cluded modified versions of the Timed Up and Go
FA.24,37,38 Two of these studies combined ankle test,16,24 the alternate step test,13 and the sit-to-
strengthening and a walking program and compared stand test.13 Three studies reported on flexibility
it with an inactive control group in nursing home and measured ankle dorsiflexion range of mo-
residents.37,38 A single study was specifically de- tion,13,16,24 and only one of the three additionally
signed to investigate the added value of foot measured range of motion of ankle inversion/
gymnastics (group training and home training) eversion and of the first metatarsophalangeal
combined with conventional exercises (aerobic, joint.13 Of the eight studies reviewed, only two
resistance, and stretching exercises) compared with reported falls as an outcome parameter.13,37
conventional exercises only.24
One study evaluated a calf-stretching home Methodological Quality of the Studies
exercise program.16 A standardized stretching pose
in which one foot was placed on the floor in front of The results of quality rating using the PEDro scale
the body with the knee slightly bent and the other are presented in Table 2. The PEDro score averaged
knee was kept straight with the heel touching the 6.4 points (range, 3–9) for all of the articles
floor was used to stretch the calf muscles. Partic- included. Study quality varied, with most studies
ipants held this static stretch position for 15 sec and (n ¼ 5, 62.5%) rated as high quality (score 6), two
completed ten repetitions, for a total of 150 sec of as fair quality (score of 4–5), and one as low quality
stretching during each session. (score ,4). The most frequent methodological
Another study evaluated a multifaceted podiatric limitations were a lack of blinding of study
medical intervention that included a home-based FA personnel, therapists, or participants and an uncon-
exercise program including strengthening exercises cealed group allocation. Two studies did not
using elastic bands, specific toe strength training perform statistical between-group comparisons but
devices (Archxerciser; Elgin, Westmont, Illinois), only within-group comparisons. One study reported
body weight–bearing exercises (toe lifts), and point measures but not variability data, which are
stretching.13 The other elements of the multifaceted required for calculating effect sizes (the Cohen d). A
intervention were advice on footwear, subsidy for variety of studies did not correct the statistical
footwear, new foot orthoses, a falls prevention analysis for multiple testing of parameters.36-38
education booklet, and routine podiatric medical
care for 12 months. Training Effects on Fall Risk–Related Outcome
Fall Risk–Related Outcome Parameters
Reported in Studies Strength/Power. Results of FA exercise inter-
ventions for improvement in muscle strength or
Fall risk–related motor outcomes differ substantial- muscle power are displayed in Table 1. Only
ly among the studies, which limits the ability to one study34 reported a significant training effect
compare results (Table 1). Five studies13,34,35,37,38 (d ¼ 1.85; 95% CI, 0.86 to 2.85) on ankle
reported strength parameters; all of these studies plantarflexor strength, whereas five other studies
assessed ankle plantarflexor strength, three evalu- did not report positive results on ankle plantarflexor
ated ankle dorsiflexion strength,13,34,35 and one strength13,35,37,38 or power.24,35 A meta-analysis

Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association  Vol 103  No 6  November/December 2013 537
Table 1. Qualified Clinical Studies Demonstrating Foot and Ankle Exercise Interventions
Study Study Parameters Interventions Modalities Results

Strength Training Programs Focused on the Foot and Ankle

Kobayashi et n ¼ 19 IG: toe grasping exercises: T: 10 min Balance
al,36 1999 Age (mean [years]): 82.8 Beanbag transfer F: 33 weekly Postural sway
Participants: facility Towel gathering (all D: 8 weeks Track length (eyes open): "a
residents exercises performed while Track length (eyes closed): "a
Setting: nursing home sitting) Area (eyes open): "a
CG: group physical Area (eyes closed): NSa
exercise MA distance of x-axis (eyes open): "a
MA distance of x-axis (eyes closed): "a
MA distance of y-axis (eyes open): NSa
MA distance of y-axis (eyes closed): NSa
Simoneau et n ¼ 23 IG: strength training of ankle Training facility: Strength
al,34 2007 Age (mean [years]): IG, PF muscles using a calf T: NA Ankle PF MVC torque: "b
78.5; CG, 76.2 raise machine (facility) F: 23 weekly Ankle DF MVC torque: NSb
Participants: community and elastic bands (home D: 12 months
dwelling training) Home:
Setting: facility/home CG: upper body exercise T: NA
F: 13 weekly
D: 12 months
Webber et al,35 n ¼ 50 IG1: ankle DF/PF power T: 45 min Strength/power
2010 Age (mean [years]): 75.0 training using weight F: 23weekly Ankle DF/PF
Participants: mobility machines D: 12 weeks Peak power: NS
impaired IG2: ankle DF/PF power Peak torque: NS
Setting: facility training using elastic Foot movement time
bands IG1: NS
CG: upper body exercise IG2: "
Combined Strength and Functional Training Programs Focused on the Foot and Ankle
Hartmann et n ¼ 56 IG1: Training facility: IG1 versus IG2:
al,24 2009 Age (mean [years]): 75.9 Foot gymnastics: T: 5 min Power
Participants: Heel/toe lifts (sitting and F: 23 weekly Ankle DF/PF power: NS
independently living standing) D: 12 weeks Function
Setting: training facility/ Tip-toe/heel walking Home: Expanded TUG test: NS
home Move/spread toes T: 10 min Walking parameters: NS
Grabbing/playing F: Daily Flexibility
Skill games with feet D: 12 weeks Ankle DF ROM: NS
Conventional aerobic,
resistance, and stretching
Only conventional
aerobic, resistance, and
stretching exercises
CG: no exercise
Schoenfelder,37 n ¼ 16 IG: T: 20 min Strength
2000 Age (mean [years]): 82.8 Heel/toe lifts (standing) F: 33 weekly Ankle PF strength (No. of heel raises): NS
Participants: older adults Walking D: 3 months Balance
Setting: nursing home CG: no exercise Parallel stance: NS
Semitandem stance: NS
Tandem stance: NS
Walking: NS
Falls: NS

538 November/December 2013  Vol 103  No 6  Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
Table 1. continued
Study Study Parameters Interventions Modalities Results

Schoenfelder n ¼ 81 IG: T: 20 min Strength

and Age (mean [years]): 84.0 Heel raises (standing, F: 33 weekly Ankle PF strength: NS
Rubenstein,38 Participants: older adults ankle weights) D: 3 months Balance
2004 Setting: nursing home Walking Parallel stance: NS
CG: no exercise Semitandem stance: "a
Tandem stance: NS
Walking: NS
Ankle Stretching Exercise Programs
Gajdosik et n ¼ 19 IG: static calf-stretching T: 5 min Balance
al,16 2005 Age (mean [years]): 73.1 exercises F: 33 weekly Functional reach: NS
Participants: community- CG: no exercise D: 8 weeks Function
dwelling women Modified TUG test: "
Setting: home Walking speed: NS
Ankle DF ROM: "
Multifactorial Interventions Including Foot and Ankle Exercises
Spink et al,13 n ¼ 305 IG: T: 30 min Strength
2011 Age (mean [years]): 73.9 Range of motion: foot F: 33 weekly Ankle DF: NS
Participants: community rotation D: 6 months Ankle PF: NS
dwelling with foot pain Strength: Ankle inversion: NS
Setting: home Ankle inversion/eversion, Ankle eversion: "
adductor hallucis (elastic Lesser toe PF: NS
bands) Hallux PF: NS
Toe plantarflexion Balance
(Archexerciser, stone Postural sway
grasping) Area (floor, barefoot): "
Ankle DF (without Area (foam, barefoot): NS
weights) Area (floor, shod): NS
Ankle PF (toe lifts during Area (foam, shod): NS
standing) Maximum balance range
Stretching: Displacement (barefoot): NS
Adductor hallucis (elastic Displacement (shod): "
bands) Coordinated stability
Calf stretching Errors (barefoot): NS
Additional podiatric Errors (shod): NS
medical and falls Lateral stability
prevention interventions Displacement (barefoot): NS
CG: routine podiatric Displacement (shod): NS
medical care Function
Alternate step test: "
Walking: NS
Sit-to-stand: NS
Ankle DF test: "
Ankle inversion/eversion: "
First MTPJ: NS
Proportion of fallers and multiple fallers: NS
Incidence rate: #
Fractures: NS

Abbreviations: ", significant increase; #, significant decrease; CG, control group; D, program duration; DF, dorsiflexion; F,
frequency; IG, intervention group; MA, maximum amplitude; MTPJ, metatarsophalangeal joint; MVC, maximal voluntary contraction; NA,
not available; NS, not significant; PF, plantarflexion; ROM, range of motion; T, training time of single session; TUG, Timed Up and Go.
The P values are reported for pre-post changes in the IG. Between-group changes are not reported.
Outcomes after the 12-month training period (results for the 6-month interim analysis are not reported in the table).
Result of the v2 test for comparing the percentage of participants who stayed the same or improved versus declined from pretest
to 3 months posttest (a between-group statistic using the metric values of motor outcome parameters is not reported).

Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association  Vol 103  No 6  November/December 2013 539
Table 2. Results of Quality Scoring Using the PEDro Scale
Gajdosik Hartmann Kobayashi Schoenfelder Simoneau Spink Webber
et al,16 et al,24 et al,36 Schoenfelder,37 and Rubenstein,38 et al,34 et al,13 et al,35
Item 2005 2009 1999 2000 2004 2007 2011 2010

Eligibility criteria X X X X X X X X
Random allocation X X X X X X X X
Concealed X X – – – – X X
Groups similar at X X – X X X X X
Participant blinding – – – – – – – –
Therapist blinding – – – – – – – –
Assessor blinding – – – – – – X X
,15% dropouts X X – X – X X –
Intention-to-treat X X – – – X X –
Between-group X X – – X X X X
Point measures X X X – X X X X
and variability
Sum score 8 8 3 4 5 7 9 7

Abbreviations: PEDro, Physiotherapy Evidence Database; X, criterion is evidenced in the article; –, criterion is not evidenced, not
applicable, not coded, or could not be determined in the article.

using ankle plantarflexor strength (if reported) or, tion of participants of the intervention group
alternatively, ankle plantarflexor power did not showed maintenance or improvement in balance
find an overall effect of FA exercise training on over time with the semitandem stance compared
these parameters (d ¼ 0.11; 95% CI, 0.06 to 0.29; with the control group at completion of the exercise
P ¼ .223) (Fig. 2). One study37 was not included program. However, no statistics were reported for
in the meta-analysis because no variability mea- between-group changes of point measures (stance
sures were reported, which are required for time), which limited the comparability of the results
calculating effect sizes (d). No significant training with those of other studies.
effects were reported in any study for ankle A meta-analysis was performed using the results
dorsiflexion strength13,34,35 or power.24,35 of four studies (Fig. 3). Two of these studies13,36
One study13 evaluated strength parameters be- provided a variety of postural sway parameters
yond ankle dorsiflexion/plantarflexion strength and (Table 1), but only the parameter with the highest
reported significant improvements in ankle eversion effect size in each study was included in the
strength but not in hallux flexor strength or lesser analysis (ie, sway area on floor barefoot13 or sway
toe flexor strength following the multifaceted area eyes open36). Moderate to high effect sizes
intervention approach including FA exercises. were obtained for studies that used strengthening
Balance. Two studies, which used postural sway and stretching training (d ¼ 0.51; 95% CI, 0.28 to
measurements, reported significant improvements 0.74)13 or toe grasp training (d ¼ 2.62; 95% CI, 1.36
in some but not all of the parameters (Table 1) after to 3.88) and that objectively evaluated postural
toe grasp training36 and FA strength and flexibility sway. In contrast, no effects were obtained for two
training.13 No improvement in balance performance studies that used either calf-stretching exercises or
was found after a stretching exercise intervention.16 FA strength and functional training and convention-
Two studies documented postural balance using al measures of balance performance (Fig. 3).
stance tests incorporating different foot positions Overall, the meta-analysis revealed a moderate
(parallel, semitandem, and tandem). One of these effect of FA exercise training on balance perfor-
studies reported that a significantly larger propor- mance (P ¼ 0.46; 95% CI, 0.26 to 0.66; P , .001).

540 November/December 2013  Vol 103  No 6  Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
Figure 2. Forest plot of effects of foot and ankle (FA) exercise training on ankle plantarflexor strength/power.
The dotted vertical line corresponds to the summary effect size for the sample. The solid vertical line
correspondents to an effect size of 0 (no effect). CI indicates confidence interval; I, intervention; O, outcome
parameter used for calculating effect size.

One study37 that reported balance parameters was found for the study16 that used calf stretching as a
not included in the meta-analysis because no single intervention (d ¼ 2.04; 95% CI, 0.91 to 3.18)
variability measures were reported for quantifica- (Fig. 4). One study used additional FA flexibility
tion of effect sizes. measures and found a significant improvement in
Flexibility. Three studies evaluated ankle flexi- ankle inversion/eversion but no changes in dorsi-
bility by measuring ankle dorsiflexion range of flexion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint.13
motion (Table 1). Two studies, which either used Functional Ability. Five studies evaluated FA
specific calf-stretching exercises16 or strengthening exercise effects on walking performance; however,
and stretching exercises in the multifaceted inter- none of these studies reported significant improve-
vention,13 reported significant improvements. In ments (Table 1 and Fig. 5). Negative results were
contrast, no significant improvements in ankle confirmed by a meta-analysis that included four
flexibility were identified in the foot gymnastics studies that provided sufficient data for calculating
study conducted by Hartmann et al.24 A meta- effect sizes for walking speed (overall effect: d ¼
analysis of these three studies revealed a small 0.05; 95% CI, 0.24 to 0.14; P ¼ .404) (Fig. 5).
overall effect of FA exercise training on ankle Contradictory results were found for other func-
dorsiflexion range of motion (d ¼ 0.29; 95% CI, 0.09 tional ability outcomes. The study that compared
to 0.50; P ¼ .006), whereas the highest effect was combined conventional exercise and foot gymnas-

Figure 3. Forest plot of effects of foot and ankle (FA) exercise training on balance performance. The dotted
vertical line in corresponds to the summary effect size for the sample. The solid vertical line correspondents to
an effect size of 0 (no effect). CI indicates confidence interval; I, intervention; O, outcome parameter used for
calculating effect size.

Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association  Vol 103  No 6  November/December 2013 541
Figure 4. Forest plot of effects of foot and ankle (FA) exercise training on ankle flexibility. The dotted vertical
line in corresponds to the summary effect size for the sample. The solid vertical line correspondents to an
effect size of 0 (no effect). CI indicates confidence interval; DF, dorsiflexion; I, intervention; O, outcome
parameter used for calculating effect size; ROM, range of motion.

tics with a conventional exercises–only control in the machine-based exercise group compared with
group did not find any significant improvement in a control group.35
the expanded Timed Up and Go test. 24 The Falls. Only two studies reported falls as an
expanded Timed Up and Go test provides separate outcome parameter.13,37 One study that evaluated
results for sit-to-stand, gait initiation, walking, a 3-month combined FA strength and walking
turning, and stand-to-sit. One study that used a training regimen in nursing home residents reported
calf-stretching exercise program found a significant nonsignificant changes in fall rates after 3 and 6
improvement in mobility performance verified by a months of follow-up.37 A study using a 12-month
multifaceted podiatric medical intervention that
modified version of the Timed Up and Go test that
included FA exercises reported a 36% reduction in
included advanced functional activities (rising from
falls in the intervention group compared with the
a chair without the aid of the arms), walking, stair
control group (incidence rate ratio, 0.64; P ¼ .01).13
ascending and descending, and sitting down.16
In addition to the reduced fall rate, fewer partici-
The study by Spink et al13 that evaluated a pants in the intervention group experienced a
multifaceted intervention that included FA exercis- fracture resulting from a fall during the trial than
es shows a significant improvement in the alternate in the control group. However, this result did not
step test but no changes in sit-to-stand performanc- reach significance (P ¼ .07), potentially owing to a
es. The study that evaluated an ankle power training lack of statistical power required to demonstrate a
program found a specific improvement in foot convincing relationship between exercise interven-
movement time in the elastic bands group but not tions and a reduction in injurious falls.39

Figure 5. Forest plot of effects of foot and ankle (FA) exercise training on walking speed. The dotted vertical
line in corresponds to the summary effect size for the sample. The solid vertical line correspondents to an
effect size of 0 (no effect). CI indicates confidence interval; I, intervention; O, outcome parameter used for
calculating effect size.

542 November/December 2013  Vol 103  No 6  Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
Discussion negative results might be related to a lack of
strength training intensity, particularly in studies
The aim of this study was to review the studies that that did not use training machines. The study that
have evaluated the effects of FA exercise programs reported positive results used a standardized
on improving fall risk–related motor outcomes and progressive resistance training regimen based on
reducing falls in older adults. Overall, this system- machines and elastic bands and adjusted the
atic review and meta-analysis demonstrates that FA training intensity based on the one-repetition
exercises are effective for improving balance maximum. In contrast, some studies that reported
performance and ankle flexibility, whereas evidence negative results24,37 did not clearly describe wheth-
for improvement of FA strength and functional er training intensity was properly adjusted accord-
abilities is insufficient. Only one study provided ing to guidelines of progressive resistance training
evidence for the effectiveness of FA exercises in in older adults.40 Some exercise programs included
reducing the number of falls in older adults. heel raises with body weight and increased the
Foot and ankle exercises were found to be number of repetitions over the training period but
effective for improving postural balance in nursing did not use additional weights, thus most likely
home residents and community-dwelling elderly lacking in adequate training intensity.37 Another
individuals, particularly if specific toe-strengthening study specifically focused on improvement of ankle
exercises (toe grasping) are included. Adequate toe movement time by encouraging participants to
flexor strength is crucial for maintaining balance,15 perform concentric movements as fast as possible,
although it remains unclear whether the substantial whereas ankle strength and power were only
balance improvements reported in one study after 8 secondary outcomes. The authors discussed that
weeks of toe grasping exercises36 are related to sample size was calculated for movement time and
improved toe flexor strength because it was not that a much larger sample size would be required to
measured. The author of this paper discussed other detect significant changes in ankle strength or
potential mechanisms of toe grasp training, such as power.35 Note that the results of non–randomized
triggering of mechanoreceptors at the bottom of the controlled trials, which were not included in this
foot, that are relevant for postural adjustment. Also, review, suggest that an adequate adjustment in
this study had several methodological limitations training intensity results in significant improve-
(PEDro score of 3), and further high-quality studies ments in ankle strength, even if using elastic bands
are required to examine the effectiveness of specific only. For example, Ribeiro et al41 used a progressive
toe-strengthening exercises for improving balance. resistance exercise program with elastic bands with
Limited range of motion of the ankle is related to adjusted intensity according to the American
reduced balance and functional ability and is a College of Sports Medicine guidelines for strength
significant risk factor for falls.18 Evidence from training.42 A color-coded series of elastic bands with
studies included in this review shows that flexibility varying tension was used to provide progressive
in terms of ankle dorsiflexion range of motion can resistance to the muscles. The starting elastic band
be improved using FA exercise training. A specific level was determined by finding the point at which
home-based 8-week calf-stretching regimen was the participant could perform 6 to 8 repetitions of
found to be most beneficial.16 As a result of calf the exercise displaying good quality before fatigue.
stretching, participants also improved in the ad- Improved ankle strength was associated with
vanced Timed Up and Go test, which included significant improvement in balance and functional
functional activities such as chair transfer, walking, performance. This suggests that a simple and low-
and stair ascending/descending. However, it re- cost exercise program, if adequately adjusted
mained unclear which specific functional activities relative to intensity, can significantly reduce the
were improved by the calf-stretching exercises risk of falling, even after a short training period of 6
because the authors did not report which specific weeks. Further studies should explore similar
parts of the Timed Up and Go test changed (eg, stair exercise programs using a randomized controlled
descending); the study reported only the total trial design.
duration of the test. Most of the studies included in this review
The results of this review reveal that evidence for quantified ankle plantarflexion/dorsiflexion strength
the improvement of ankle dorsiflexion/plantarflex- only and did not obtain other strength parameters,
ion strength or power by using FA exercise training thus potentially missing gains in strength in other
is insufficient because only one of six studies FA muscles as a result of exercise training. This
reported a significant improvement. Importantly, assumption is supported by the study by Spink et

Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association  Vol 103  No 6  November/December 2013 543
al13 that assessed a variety of FA strength param- the additional FA training improved specific
eters but did not identify a training-related improve- aspects of gait, which should be investigated in
ment in FA plantarflexion/dorsiflexion strength. future studies by using a detailed gait analysis.
Still, they discovered significant improvements in Several authors discussed that negative results
ankle eversion strength, a parameter that has been might be related to small sample sizes limiting the
previously linked to balance performance.43 Spink statistical power35,37,38 or to a short training
et al13 found a significantly reduced fall rate in the period.24 In addition, cognitive impairment might
intervention group compared with the control be a potential factor for lack of effectiveness of FA
group. One potential mechanism for the exercise- training in some studies. Two studies37,38 that found
related reduction in fall risk might be improved limited effectiveness of FA strength training partly
ankle stability caused by gains in ankle evertor included cognitively impaired older adults (Mini-
strength (peroneal muscles), although this relation- Mental State Examination score 20). Cognitive
ship has not been examined yet. impairment has been repeatedly identified as a
Foot and ankle characteristics, particularly negative predictor of training response.44,45 It
ankle flexibility, plantar tactile sensation, and the remains unclear whether cognitively impaired indi-
strength of the toe plantarflexor muscles, are viduals with limited executive functions were able
significant independent predictors of balance and to follow the training instructions. No subanalysis
functional ability in older people.18 In the present was provided to determine whether cognitive status
review, controversial results were observed re- negatively affected training gains. Neither study
garding the impact of FA exercises on functional performed training sessions according to specific
ability. Although a few authors reported improve- guidelines developed for exercise training with
ments in functional ability verified by the advanced cognitively impaired patients.46
Timed Up and Go test16 or alternate step test,13 no
evidence was found for an exercise-related im- Which FA Exercise Interventions Provide
provement in walking performance. An important Evidence for Preventing Falls in Older People?
reason for negative results might be a lack of
adherence in studies that specifically investigate Evidence for the effectiveness of FA exercise for
the impact of FA exercises on gait performance.24 reducing the number of falls is provided in only one
For example, a study designed to demonstrate the study.13 This study is a methodologically sound
added value of FA exercise in a conventional falls randomized controlled trial (PEDro score of 9) with
prevention program failed to show additional a large sample size, ensuring adequate statistical
ameliorative effects of FA training on gait param- power for documenting an intervention-related
eters.24 The authors concluded that complementa- association with falls. In addition, the authors used
ry foot gymnastics intended to strengthen the a variety of established outcome measures for
muscles of the feet and increase ankle joint range documenting changes in various domains of motor
of motion had no additional effects on these performance. The home-based training program
parameters. However, a major reason for the used different methods for progressive resistance
limited effectiveness might be the limited adher- training, including elastic bands, body weight, a
ence to the home-based exercise program. Almost specific device for strengthening the foot muscles
half of the participants (43%) never performed the (Archerxerciser), and flexibility training.47 Com-
foot gymnastics, and only 13% of participants pared with another home training study that did
performed the exercises daily. The authors’ sole not demonstrate a specific effect of FA exercise,
analysis was intention-to-treat, without secondary potentially due to low adherence,24 adherence in the
adherence analyses evaluating a potential associ- study by Spink et al13 was promoted by regular
ation between adherence to the exercise sessions telephone calls. Adherence to the exercise interven-
and training effects. Despite the low compliance tion was generally good, with more than half of the
and nonsignificant results, the findings of this study participants performing 75% of the exercise ses-
should be incorporated into future studies. For sions. Also, this was a multifactorial intervention
example, within-group pre-post changes indicated that included other podiatric medical interventions,
that specific gait parameters, such as gait initiation, and the authors reasoned that the reduction in fall
changed significantly only in the group in which rate is most likely a result of the significant
additional FA exercise was performed; however, improvements related to ankle strength (ankle
between-group changes were not significantly eversion), ankle range of motion, balance, and
different. Nevertheless, results may indicate that functional ability. The observed improvements in

544 November/December 2013  Vol 103  No 6  Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
the intervention group in strength and range of Conclusions
motion, in conjunction with improvements in some
balance measures, suggest that the intervention There is evidence that FA exercise can improve
resulted in changes in the musculoskeletal system, selected fall risk–related motor outcomes, such as
thus reducing the risk of falling. Adherences to balance and ankle flexibility. Limited effects on
other parts of the multifaceted intervention, such as ankle strength and functional ability might be
provision of footwear, were only minor. However, related to insufficient training intensity and lack of
the effect of the other falls prevention interventions adherence. Only one multifaceted intervention,
cannot be ruled out. which included FA exercise and other podiatric
medical interventions, provided evidence for a
significant reduction in the fall rate, which most
Future Research
likely was due to FA exercises. More studies with
Several authors of studies included in this review adequate sample size, sensitive measurement meth-
have requested further studies for evaluating FA ods, and standardized training protocols, including
progressive resistance training and flexibility exer-
exercise regimens.13,24,36,37 Future studies should
cises, are required to evaluate the effectiveness of
be designed according to established guidelines for
such training regimens and to provide evidence-
falls prevention trials,48 including a randomized
based recommendations.
controlled trial design, a proper case definition (eg,
individuals with disabling foot pain),13 a standard-
ized fall definition, and prospective daily recording Financial Disclosure: This study was supported in
of falls. Studies should be adequately powered to part by a postdoctoral research fellowship from the
report a potential reduction in falls and, more German Academic Exchange Service and by a grant
ideally, injurious falls.39 Motor outcome measures from the Qatar National Research Foundation
should include established measures of FA (award number NPRP 4-1025-3-276). The sponsors
strength and range of motion47 and validated tests had no role in the design or conduct of the study;
for balance and functional performances. 49-51 the collection, management, analysis, or interpreta-
Ideally, balance parameters and spatiotemporal tion of the data; or the preparation, review, or
gait parameters should be assessed objectively by approval of the manuscript.
biomechanical methods, which are suitable for use Conflict of Interest: Guest editor, Bijan Najafi,
in large-scale studies and can be applied in a PhD, was not involved in the review and acceptance
clinical environment or in the participant’s of this paper.
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