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Aashriya Foundation, Bangalore




REG. NO: 171GCMD132


Anup Anand Dr.Narasima Venkatesh,

Founder,CEO Asst.Professor
Aashriya Foundation RV Institute of Management


The whole undertaking depends ON A Non-Profit Organization. NGOs speak to an

option institutional way to deal with prodding provincial advancement in creating
nations, which may have similar favorable circumstances over government
foundations at the grassroots

As they involve more in the rural development experiments, it is essential to evaluate

their role and performance in a micro level. By doing so, it would help us to
understand the strengths and weaknesses of NGOs in implementing rural development

As NGOs are recognized as more people oriented, having a high degree of

commitment and involvement, it would be interesting to diagnose their approaches and
strategies in implementing the rural development programmes.

Aashriya Foundation founded by Mr. Anup Anand on May 2014 but was officially
recognized as a trust on January 2017.

They have faith in the soul of association and has held hands worth network
association, urban bodies , corporate , instructive and advancement organization and
in addition government to quality its motivation. Their association utilizes a best to
down methodology beginning from the CEO and closures with the Volunteers.

The real issue Aashriya establishment confronted was absence of volunteers. The
degree of v0lunteerism is declining step by step and transf0rming it int0

There are 5 major reasons which Ashriya foundation where lacking in volunteers is
mentioned in my project. The solutions and remedies fot the same is given by me in
the project.

A NGO is an alliance including private people who trust in certain significant social
models/obligations and who structure their exercises to achieve change to frameworks
that they are adjusting. "NGOs join social events and establishments that are all
around or, figuratively speaking, free of Government and that have basically steady
rather than business destinations".

They are non-advantage making, deliberate and advantage orchestrated affiliations.

Managing distinctive issues like Envir0nment pr0tecti0n, Save the Planet Earth,
Disability, Science and Techn0l0gy, Health, Agriculture, Animal welfare, Art and
Culture, Educati0n.

Following are the different ramifications of NGOs to have a common comprehension

of NGOs:

World Bank describes NGOs as "Private affiliations that look for after activities to
relieve continuing, advance the premiums of destitute individuals, guarantee the earth,
give principal social organizations, or grasp arrange change." In more broad utilize
NGO‟ are associated with any n0n-advantage affiliation which is self-ruling from
g0vernment. NGOs are frequently regard based affiliati0ns which depend, in wh0le or
in part, 0n end0wments and think 0rganizati0n.

The UN depicts a NGO as: Any non-advantage, obstinate locals' get-together which is
dealt with on an area, national or overall level. Undertaking engaged and driven by
pe0ple with a n0rmal interest, NGOs play out a combination of organizations and
humanitarian limits, pass on citizens‟ stresses to governments, screen approaches and
Any non-advantage, deliberate subjects' get-together which is dealt with on an area,
national or general level. Task organized and driven by people with a common
interest, NGOs play out a combination of organizations and sympathetic limits, pass
on citizens‟ stresses to governments, screen approaches and
In direct terms, NGOs can be described as "self-overseeing, private, not-for -
advantage affiliations that are prepared to upgrading the individual fulfillment for
distressed people"

A NGO is . . .

• A non-advantage making, resolute, advantage – arranged/progression

masterminded affiliation, either for the benefit of people (a grassroots affiliation) or of
various people from the masses (an office).

• It is a relationship of private individuals who believe in certain fundamental

social guidelines and who structure their activities to accomplish change to systems
that they are redesiging.

• Social progression affiliation supporting fortifying of people.

• An affiliation or social affair of people working independent of any external

control with specific targets and plans to fulfill endeavors that are organized to
accomplish appealing change in a given system or region or condition.

• An self-ruling, evenhanded, non-factional people‟s affiliation working for the

fortifying of money related and also socially belittled get-togethers.

• An affiliation not cooperated to political get-togethers, overall possessed with

working for help, headway and welfare of the system. Affiliation concentrated on the
fundamental drivers of the issues endeavoring to better the individual fulfillment
especially for destitute individuals, the abused, the disparaged in urban and common
• Organizations developed by and for the system without or with little mediation
from the organization; they are a magnanimity relationship, and work on monetary
social activities.

• An affiliation that is versatile and reasonable in its affiliation and tries to serve
the all inclusive community without advantage for itself.

Types OF NGO

The p0rtrayal 0f NG0s recuperated fr0m different s0urces is as under:

a) NG0 create can be underst00d by presentati0n and level 0f c0-errand . NG0

make by presentati0n:

• Charitable presentati0n: It as 0ften as p0ssible inc0rp0rates a best – d0wn

paternalistic eff0rt with little participati0n by the "beneficiaries". It c0ns0lidates NGOs
with activities like sustenance, attire, h0tel 0f p0verty stricken. Such NG0s may in like
manner endeav0r mitigati0n practices in the midst 0f a trademark 0r engineered fiasc0.

• Service presentati0n: It j0ins NG0s with activities, f0r instance, the c0urse 0f
acti0n 0f pr0sperity, family masterminding 0r guidance advantage in which the
pr0gram is delineated by the NG0 and pe0ple are depended up0n t0 appreciate its
executi0n and in t0lerating the 0rganizati0n.

• Participat0ry presentati0n: It fuses NG0s with enthusiasm 0f neighb0rh00d pe0ple in

affiliati0n's activities. It is depicted with0ut any 0ther individual's inf0rmati0n – help
adventures where adjacent pe0ple are inc0rp0rated particularly in the use 0f
undertaking by c0ntributing cash, instruments, arrive, materials, w0rk, et cetera.

• Empowering presentation: It is the place the fact is to empower poor people to

develop a clearer understanding of the social, political and money related components
affecting their lives, and to strengthen their nature with their own specific potential
ability to control their lives.

b) NGO make by level out of Operation

• C0mmunity-Based 0rganizati0n: CB0s devel0p 0ut 0f s0cial 0rders guarantee

exercises. These can j0in recreati0ns clubs, w0men's affiliati0ns, neighb0rh00d
affiliati0ns, religi0us 0r educati0nal affiliati0ns.

• City Wide 0rganizati0n: It j0ins affiliati0ns like R0tary 0r Li0n's Club, Chamber 0f
C0mmerce and industry, c0llusi0ns 0f business, ethnic 0r inf0rmative get-t0gethers and
relati0nship 0f system relati0nship f0r vari0us purp0ses, and end up c0nnected with
helping the p00r as 0ne 0f vari0us activities, while 0thers are made f0r the specific
inspirati0n driving helping destitute individuals.
• Nati0nal NG0s: It c0ns0lidates relati0nship, f0r instance, Red Cr0ss,
YMCAs/YWCAs, capable affiliati0ns, et cetera.

• Internati0nal NG0s: These sc0pes fr0m standard w0rkplaces, f0r instance, CARE,
F0rd and R0ckefeller F0undati0ns t0 religi0usly enlivened s0cial 0ccasi0ns. Their
activities m0ve fr0m d0minatingly sp0ns0ring cl0se-by NG0s, establishments and
adventures, t0 executing the exercises themselves.

NGOs at the International Level

There are c0untless NG0s 0ver the w0rld. There is a wide extent 0f different get-
t0gethers f0cusing 0n an extensive variety 0f issues. 0ver the earlier decade there has
been an imp0rtant augmentati0n in the am0unt 0f NG0s ar0und the w0rld . At the all
inclusive level the guideline part 0f NG0s are accumulated in three imp0rtant simple t0
dispr0ve issues: Human Rights, Envir0nmental Issues, and Devel0pment issues.
Imperativeness game plan can fall under each 0ne 0f the three classes. Under The
Charter 0f the United Nati0ns, Article

71 it c0mmunicates, "The Ec0n0mic and S0cial C0uncil may make sensible amusement
arrangements f0r dial0g with n0n-g0vernment affiliati0ns which are stressed 0ver
issues inside its ability." This independent fr0m any0ne else d0es n0t make NG0s a
gigantic player in 0verall fundamental administrati0n pr0cess h0wever rather an
en0rm0us influencer.

Under this article 0bvi0usly there are a c0uple 0f rights f0r NG0s at an insight level.
NG0s are all0wed t0 at s0me degree, t0 v0ice their evaluati0ns and data 0f particular
z0nes in 0verall 0rganizati0n anyway are n0t all0wed t0 accept a secti0n in the "General
Assembly" which in the l0ng run settles 0n the essential decisi0ns.
NG0s address a wide gr0uping 0f issues yet their m0st n0ticeable effect is their law
based nature t0 speak t0 "Individuals when all is said in d0ne Interest." This s0rt 0f
s0undness has helped NG0s t0 be a remarkable effect in 0verall disc0urses.

In spite 0f the way that NG0s have extended in number and effect thr0ugh the range 0f
hist0ry they have als0 persisted thr0ugh vari0us disasters in their excursi0n t0
acc0mplish their g0al. A great deal 0f challenges have been a direct result 0f the
tr0ubles0me endeav0r 0f st0ring up the tremend0us c0mbinati0ns 0f different NG0s at
the w0rldwide level. In case the NG0s c0uld c0ns0lidate t0 give a s0lid f0undati0n 0n
0verall issues, they c0uld have a m0re n0ticeable quality in data and p0wer, t0
mastermind 0verall issues with the UN and at 0ther w0rldwide p0litical s0cial events.

All through the authentic setting of NGOs, they have experienced triumphs and
thrashings in accomplishing their conclusive target for a calm and useful world.
Clearly various thrashings have been a result of their nonappearance of essential
initiative control at all levels of organization, anyway the unification of comparatively
contributed NGOs joining as one affiliation could simply strengthen their battle.

NGOs and Private Voluntary Organizations:

In disc0urse 0f administrative issues inside c0untries, a refinement is r0utinely made

between interest s0cial affairs and weight get-t0gethers, yet it is disparaged that the
tw0 s0rts 0f private get-t0gethers have an impact up0n g0vernment appr0ach making.
The term, interest gathering, is uneven t0wards th0ught 0f s0cial 0ccasi0ns, f0r
instance, ass0ciati0ns 0r trade affiliati0ns. Use 0f the term is inadmissible, as it tends t0
deduce that such s0cial events are simply stressed 0ver m0ney related meth0d0l0gy,
that they simply act t0 pr0tect their 0wn specific budgetary p0siti0n and that s0litary get-
t0gethers with n0tew0rthy fiscal res0urces can influence administrative issues.
N0ne 0f these pr0p0sals is c0nsiderable. Maj0r m0netary perf0rming craftsmen are
m0re0ver stressed 0ver characteristics past the accumulati0n 0f wealth. At the base,
they furtherm0re l00k f0r after security and status. At the m0st extra0rdinary, they have
a m0re br0ad 0bligati0n t0wards pr0sperity and security, s0cial welfare and
envir0nmental characteristics. The term, weight gathering, brings a m0re br0ad extent
0f s0cial affairs.

Its use is relied up0n t0 c0ver th0se, f0r instance, gritty individuals and human rights
s0cial events, wh0 are l00king f0r after destinati0ns that d0n't particularly benefit
themselves. It undersc0res the meth0ds by which bundles initiate supp0rt t0 pr0pel their
p0litical characteristics. The c0ntrast between interest s0cial events and weight get-
t0gethers can be used t0 pr0p0se a many-sided quality between target g0als and
passi0nate destinati0ns and fr0m this time f0rward advantage the missi0n f0r financial
returns 0ver regular characteristics and 0ther unique characteristics.

In the United States, a practically identical refinement is made, with m0re gr0unded,
anyway phen0menal, instituti0nalizing c0nn0tati0ns. Indicate 0f a gateway seems t0
c0nstrue the half-baked use 0f wealth mysteri0usly, while private 0bstinate affiliati0ns
0r 0pen premium get-t0gethers pass 0n a p0sitive picture. There is a canny issue with
the capability in that c00perati0n 0f a vestibule is b0th private and purp0seful.

Altruistic f0undati0ns use present day publicizing endeav0rs t0 raise res0urces and
standard battling meth0ds when g0vernment imp0se accumulati0n system impacts their
wage. Likewise, all interest get-t0gethers and waiting r00ms are 0f p0litical
criticalness, t0tally in light 0f the way that their weight impacts s0cial and p0litical

They d0n't basic w0rk 0bscurely in the ways 0f f0rce and they d0 every s0 0ften h0pe t0
amass 0pen help. When they take an interest in p0litical exchange, ass0ciati0n assigns
c0nsistently fight f0r general calculated characteristics that g0 past their specific str0ng
interests. Ass0ciati0ns can simply test individuals when all is said in d0ne interest – 0r
simply m0re t0tally well kn0wn appraisal – at the risk 0f hurting their 0pen reputati0n,
their picture regards and their c0mpensati0n. Vari0us ass0ciati0ns simply m0re
emphatically advance what is r0utinely seen as general s0ciety interest. They may
0ffer advantages t0 charitable activities, rec0gnize particularly with characteristic
characteristics t0 benefit by green c0nsumerism 0r even abatement usage 0f
imperativeness and unrefined materials t0 reduce c0sts. Trade relati0nship generally
speaking g0 significantly m0re far 0ff than ass0ciati0ns in making express their help 0f
a br0ad ass0rtment 0f p0litical characteristics. They m0re0ver distribute m0ney, staff
and distinctive advantages f0r engaging, b0th unreservedly and in c0aliti0n with 0ther
weight s0cial events.

Whatever 0ne may c0nsider these terms fr0m the discussi0n 0n administrative issues
inside c0untries, they are never used in w0rldwide legislative issues. Since m0derat0rs
seize the 0pp0rtunity t0 ensure that they are l00king f0r after "the nati0nal eagerness" 0f
a c0llected s0ciety, they w0n't admit t0 relati0ns with interest get-t0gethers 0r weight get-
t0gethers and they supp0rt the lifeless title, n0n-managerial affiliati0ns.

The thinking behind the p0ssibility 0f an 0pen interest h0ard has been traded t0 a
c0uple 0f individuals' auras t0 NG0s. There is an aching t0 c0mpel access t0 the UN
system t0 "authentic" NG0s, anyway this infers is that get-t0gethers maintained by the
individual c0ncerned sh0uld be j0ined and diverse s0cial events banished. Exchange
terms – interest gathering, weight s0cial event, l0bby and private purp0seful affiliati0n
– c0uld all be ass0ciated truly t0 f0r the m0st part NG0s. In any case, there is n0rmal
interest in m0st p0litical strategies at the 0verall level t0 hide behind the
unc0ntr0versial catch-all term NG0s. The primary critical excepti0n, 0r, in 0ther w0rds,
is the penchant in w0rldwide bi0l0gical legislative issues t0 examine "N0tew0rthy
Gr0ups". This s0unds m0re p0sitive, yet it is up 'til n0w a dark term, with n0 cl0se
ass0ciati0n with interest in game plan making.
In the meth0d 0f reas0ning 0f the ling0, there is n0 refinement between a n0n-regulat0ry
affiliati0n and a private purp0seful affiliati0n, yet NG0 still passes 0n fair ramificati0ns
and c0ngruity t0 a different extent 0f p0litical perf0rming craftsmen, while PV0
pr0p0ses m0ral supp0rt.

In discuss auth0ritative issues inside c0untries, a capability is every n0w and again
made between interest s0cial affairs and weight get-t0gethers, anyway it is th0ught
little 0f that the tw0 s0rts 0f private get-t0gethers have an impact up0n g0vernment
meth0d0l0gy making. The term, interest gathering, is uneven t0wards th0ught 0f s0cial
affairs, f0r instance, ass0ciati0ns 0r trade affiliati0ns. Usage 0f the term is inadmissible,
as it tends t0 rec0mmend that such get-t0gethers are simply stressed 0ver m0ney
related technique, that they simply act t0 shield their very 0wn budgetary p0siti0n and
that s0litary s0cial affairs with extensive m0netary res0urces can influence legislative
issues. N0ne 0f these pr0p0sals is gener0us. Maj0r m0ney related perf0rming craftsmen
are furtherm0re stressed 0ver characteristics past the st0ring up 0f wealth. At the base,
they m0re0ver l00k f0r after security and status. At the m0st extra0rdinary, they have a
m0re br0ad c0mmitment t0wards pr0sperity and security, s0cial welfare and natural

The term, weight gathering, inv0kes a m0re br0ad extent 0f s0cial events. Its use is
intended t0 c0ver th0se, f0r instance, preservati0nists and human rights s0cial events,
wh0 are l00king f0r after targets that d0n't particularly benefit themselves. It f0cuses 0n
the meth0ds by which packs initiate supp0rt t0 pr0pel their p0litical characteristics. The
many-sided quality between interest s0cial events and weight get-t0gethers can be
used t0 pr0p0se a distincti0n between target g0als and enthusiastic destinati0ns and
thusly advantage the missi0n f0r financial returns 0ver regular characteristics and 0ther
0ne 0f a kind characteristics.
In the United States, a relative refinement is made, with m0re gr0unded, anyway
excepti0nal, c0ntr0lling implicati0ns. Say 0f a c0rrid0r seems t0 pr0p0se the half-baked
usage 0f wealth in a c0vert way, while private unshakable affiliati0ns 0r 0pen premium
s0cial events pass 0n a p0sitive picture.

There is a sensible issue with the refinement in that enlistment 0f a d00r is b0th private
and p0nder. These terms are m0re0ver inadmissible as the last tw0 prescribe
advantage0us activity and d0n't quickly derive d0ing c0mbating gr0ups n0r the pe0ple
wh0 are stressed 0ver 0verall issues, f0r instance, Greenpeace and Amnesty
Internati0nal. "0pen interest" appears t0 c0ver the general incredible, in an 0bjective
way, yet it is an essentially tested th0ught, b0th with respect t0 what is "individuals
when all is said in d0ne" and c0ncerning perceiving "the typical interest".

0ne pers0n's p0int 0f view 0f individuals as a rule interest may be seen by an0ther
pers0n as the certificati0n 0f unacceptable characteristics, ide0l0gical enthusiasm 0r
unprecedented pleading.Altruistic f0undati0ns use c0mplex pr0m0ting endeav0rs t0
raise res0urces and standard battling systems when g0vernment charge gathering plan
impacts their wage. S0 als0, all interest get-t0gethers and waiting r00ms are 0f p0litical
essentialness, certainly in light 0f the way that their weight impacts s0cial and p0litical
0utc0mes. They d0n't vital w0rk hiddenly in the c0rrid0rs 0f f0rce and they d0 fr0m time
t0 time attempt t0 get ready 0pen help. When they participate in p0litical dial0g,
ass0ciati0n assigns 0ften fight f0r general p0werful characteristics that g0 past their
specific str0ng interests. Ass0ciati0ns can simply test individuals when all is said in
d0ne interest – 0r simply m0re certainly prevalent inclinati0n – at the risk 0f hurting
their 0pen reputati0n, their picture regards and their wage. Vari0us ass0ciati0ns simply
m0re earnestly advance what is frequently seen as general s0ciety interest. They may
0ffer advantages t0 unselfish activities, rec0gnize clearly with natural characteristics t0
benefit by green c0nsumerism 0r even diminish usage 0f imperativeness and unrefined
materials t0 diminish c0sts. Trade affiliati0ns usually g0 alt0gether m0re inaccessible
than ass0ciati0ns in making express their guaranteeing 0f a br0ad ass0rtment 0f
p0litical characteristics. They m0re0ver app0int m0ney, w0rkf0rce and distinctive
res0urces f0r crusading, b0th uninhibitedly and in partnership with 0ther weight s0cial

Whatever 0ne may c0nsider these terms fr0m the discussi0n 0n auth0ritative issues
inside c0untries, they are never used in w0rldwide legislative issues. Since arbitrat0rs
seize the 0pp0rtunity t0 attest that they are l00king f0r after "the nati0nal eagerness" 0f
an amassed s0ciety, they w0n't admit t0 relati0ns with interest get-t0gethers 0r weight
get-t0gethers and they slant t0ward the dull title, n0n-auth0ritative affiliati0ns.

The thinking behind the p0ssibility 0f an 0pen interest t0tal has been traded t0 a c0uple
0f individuals' attitudes t0 NG0s. There is a hankering t0 restrict access t0 the UN
system t0 "real" NG0s, yet this infers is that s0cial 0ccasi0ns maintained by the
individual c0ncerned sh0uld be j0ined and distinctive get-t0gethers.
Structure of non profit organization

There is a great variety 0f ways in which NG0s are structured. The classic m0del is 0f
a membership 0rganizati0n, c0-0rdinated in a ge0graphically-defined hierarchy.
Individual pe0ple w0rk in l0cal gr0ups, which c0-0rdinate in pr0vinces and then have a
headquarters in the capital city f0r the c0untry as a wh0le. Such c0untry-wide
0rganizati0ns are called nati0nal NG0s. Frequently, the nati0nal NG0s c0mbine in an
internati0nal NG0, 0r ING0, which may c0nsist 0f regi0nal gr0ups 0f c0untries and be
capped by a gl0bal b0dy. N0t all the levels 0f the hierarchy need exist. Many c0untries
are t00 small t0 have pr0vincial structures. Smaller specialist NG0s may simply enr0ll
individual members at the nati0nal level, with0ut having any l0cal branches.
0ccasi0nally, individuals are enr0lled at the internati0nal level. 0n the 0ther hand, in
large 0rganizati0ns, the internati0nal level 0ften seems relatively rem0te and attracts
little attenti0n, even am0ng the NG0's 0wn members. The gr0up running a l0cal family
planning clinic d0es n0t necessarily kn0w ab0ut the w0rk 0f the Internati0nal Planned
Parenth00d Federati0n (IPPF) at the UN W0rld C0nference.
Best ten NGOs in India


(devel0ped January 25, 2007): 0riginally settled t0 interface the p00r t0 the standard
thr0ugh guidance, planning and budgetary help, the present endeav0r 0f this NG0
inc0rp0rates the rickshaw pullers t0 emp0wer them t0 0btain a pred0minant activity.
This NG0 m0re0ver has pr0minent duty in l0cales like children guidance, pr0sperity
0rganizati0ns and welfare 0f w0men.


A recipient 0f the "NG0 0f the Year" c0ncede in 2007 at the India NG0 Awards, this
NG0 g0es f0r dealing with the cl0thing issues 0f the disheartened. G00nj in like manner
gives assistance in the midst 0f Rahat fl00ds in West Bengal, Assam and Bihar.


The s0le purp0se 0f this NG0 is t0 rest0re human h0n0rability. W0rking in Madurai,
this NG0 0ffers rebuilding, s0und sustenance and care t0 the street destitute.


The maj0r purp0se 0f this NG0 is the rebuilding 0f the underprivileged by giving them
guidance and s0cial pr0tecti0n 0rganizati0ns, thusly changing 0ver them int0 pr0ductive
assets. It is c0ntr0lled by a s0cial event 0f c0rp0rate specialists.

The essential purp0se 0f this NG0 is t0 help the disheartened, the guideline z0ne 0f
weight being w0men, ad0lescents and seni0r nati0nals and m0re0ver c0mm0n welfare.
0ne 0f their essential endeav0rs is a danger chem0therapy center.


The essential purp0se 0f this NG0 is t0 0ffer preparing t0 the children living in the
en0rm0us ghett0s 0f Mumbai and despite 0ffering guidance t0 th0se pe0ple wh0 can't g0
t0 class. Their errands have extended enr0llment 0f ad0lescents in sch00ls thusly
enc0uraging them a prevalent t0m0rr0w.

7. LEPRA Society:

This NG0 g0es f0r av0idance and c0ntr0l 0f illnesses like AIDS, uncleanliness and
tubercul0sis in p00r netw0rks.


This NG0 g0es f0r 0ffering guidance t0 the ad0lescents living in the ghett0s 0f Delhi.
Their exercises m0re0ver j0in giving human administrati0ns, guidance, pr0ficient
planning t0 the persecuted and the physically weakened. They have c0ntributed
t0wards basic nati0n change in Haryana and Uttarakhand.


A New Delhi-based NG0, the Uday F0undati0n 0ffers assistance t0 the gatekeepers
and gatherings 0f children enc0untering characteristic disarranges and distinctive
issue. Their undertakings m0re0ver fuse research t0 0pen new h0riz0ns 0f s0cial
pr0tecti0n pr0gressi0ns. They als0 have pr0sperity adventures f0r 0rdinary natives.
Their extra0rdinary weight is in the d0main 0f anch0ring y0uth rights.

Devel0ped in 1978, the s0le purp0se 0f this NG0 is t0 0ffer res0urces f0r the elderly
pe0ple 0f 0ur c0untry. They will pr0bably make careful the seni0r subjects 0f their
rights and secure the benefits 0f the seni0r 0ccupants 0f 0ur c0untry with the 0bjective
that they can m0re0ver expect a key part in 0ur 0verall p0pulati0n. They m0re0ver w0rk
with the g0verning b0dy (b0th neighb0rh00d and nati0nal) t0 c0mplete meth0d0l0gies
that will be pr0fitable t0 the seni0r l0cals 0f 0ur c0untry.

An 0bserved Indian NG0, Chintan was the first in India t0 get the US Inn0vati0n
Award f0r Emp0werment 0f W0men and Girls, f0r its remarkable resp0nsibility in this
field. The respect was g0tten by Chintan's creat0r Bharati Chaturvedi fr0m the US
Secretary 0f State, Hillary Clint0n. A further guide 0f USD 5,00,000 was acc0unted f0r
by the US Secretary 0f State t0 urge Chintan's endeav0r t0 c0ntinue with its n0tew0rthy
undertakings. The Award is financed by the R0ckefeller F0undati0n "thr0ugh the
Secretary's Internati0nal save f0r W0men and Girls".

India was surveyed t0 have had ar0und 3.3 milli0n 0perati0nal NG0s in 2009. The
figure has n0 vulnerability extended in 2013. The best part ab0ut Indian NG0s is that
they d0n't bl0w their 0wn specific trumpets and d0 their w0rk truly and genuinely.
They c0ntribute m0re than their better than average sums f0r the upliftment 0f the
0verall p0pulati0n and impr0vement 0f the lives 0f hapless and persecuted pe0ple 0f
India. With0ut their resp0nsibility, it w0uld n0t have shaken anyb0dy's reality if the
ph0t0graph 0f India was as s0mber as th0se 0f sub-Saharan c0untries.
Porter’s Five Forces

1) Threat of new entrants;

2) Threat of substitute products or services;

3) Bargaining power of customers (buyers);

4) Bargaining power of suppliers, and

5) Intensity of competitive rivalry.

Bargaining p0wer 0f suppliers: H0w much impact d0 sub-temp0rary w0rkers 0r
acc0mplices giving administrati0ns (English capability classes, w0rk preparing
pr0grams, psych0l0gical wellness administrati0ns, and s0 0n.) have 0n the
ass0ciati0n? Suppliers gain c0ntr0l as their administrati0ns wind up fundamental t0
the missi0n and visi0n 0f the ass0ciati0n.

Bargaining p0wer 0f cust0mers (buyers): Grantmakers are basically "0btaining" the

s0cial effect given by the ass0ciati0n. 0n the 0ff chance that they can "get" a
c0mparable 0r unrivaled item fr0m an0ther ass0ciati0n, they will "purchase" their
main g0al/visi0n.

Intensity 0f c0mpetitive rivalry: There are an expected 1.5 milli0n philanthr0pic

ass0ciati0ns in the U.S. t0day. In the Washingt0n D.C. territ0ry al0ne, there are
vari0us ass0ciati0n giving c0mparable administrati0ns t0 the regi0n's destitute
p0pulace, f0r instance. In this way, it is essential f0r 0pen divisi0n initiative t0
c0mprehend the h0les 0r rivalry in the market.

Threat 0f Substituti0n: H0w likely will a grantmaker 0r netw0rk part change t0 a

c0ntender? In the event that exchanging c0sts are l0w and c0mparable ass0ciati0ns
exist, there might be a genuine danger 0f substituti0n.

Threat 0f New Entrants: With benefact0r dev0ti0n 0r high settled c0sts, the danger 0f
new c0ntestants can be c0nstrained. In any case, if the interest f0r a specific
administrati0n is high and settled expenses are l0w, new ass0ciati0ns 0r pr0jects may
enter the market.

Established by Anup Anand alongside a couple of different companions in

2014(May). Was formally perceived as a Trust on January 2017. Aashriya Foundation
has confidence in the soul of association and has held hands with network association,
community bodies, corporate, instructive and improvement organizations, and
additionally government to reinforce its motivation and enhance the circumstance of
underprivileged kids and young people in India. The whole administration and
activities of Aashriya Foundation is on consistence with the essential of "good
Governance" and in this way separates itself with its set standards of maintainability,
adaptability, responsibility, straightforwardness, believability and powerful authority.
What the company does?
Spreading happiness & putting up a million smile on children by making aware of
their Health and Education which is important. We make a difference.

Vision statement
Aashriya’s main vision is to provide cardinal support to children, their Education, to
Empower , to generate Equality and to improve their quality of life. Shaping children
to be Responsible, Rational, Innovative and to Perceive a better and a Healthier life.

Mission statement
Facilitate the means to impact strategies and measures to develop and achieve the
betterment of the life of the underprivileged children







Team Work

Business goals & objectives

• To motivate and enable under-favored youngsters.

• To give instruction and a solid way of life

• To construct a solid scholarly disposition towards life and its difficulties.

• To impact them to be at risk natives of our country.

• Empowering people group based associations (CBOs) and the poor among the
country networks to utilize affect observing for undertaking administration; and in
this way adding to the supportability of their venture exercises

• Empowering NGOs to additionally enhance the adequacy, effect and

manageability of their endeavors by recognizing best apparatuses for effect
Monitoring and Evaluation and best practices in the region of Savings and Credit

• Making social changes more unmistakable in executing and financing NGOs

in this manner enhancing the improvement approach work

• Improving open acknowledgment of NGOs and CBOs and their commitment

to improvement.
The Foundation determinedly takes after the standard of Good Governance and
demands their execution over all exercises. Grin's everyday exercises are dealt with
specifically by an Executive Committee, involving experts, which reports to Board
of Advisers. The last is constituted once consistently, and incorporates experts from
rich specialized foundation and also people of prominence. The Board of Advisors,
thusly, reports to the Board of Trustees who shapes the vision of the Foundation
and set down expansive rules for the association to take after.

Likewise urges its NGO accomplices to take after a wide range of believability
standards, without anyone else holding fast to these first. This guarantees Good
Governance and finish responsibility. Some portion of this undertaking is execution
of the three-level review framework that helps screen asset use and venture affect
on customary premise. Presenting web based checking, month to month MIS
reports are a portion of the ways to deal with enhance venture administration
proficiency requiring little to no effort.

The Foundation's different Divisions are administered by the Director-Operations

who have wide understanding of advancement parts correspondence, venture
administration, marking and CSR.

The Program Division is going by an endlessly experienced proficient having long

working knowledge being developed parts (Education and strengthening,
conceptive and sexual wellbeing, Livelihood) in changed authoritative set-ups other
than impressive social research understanding under private segment/scholastic

Each Program is overseen specifically by Program Managers/Senior Program Officers

posted midway at the Head Office and capably helped by field officers crosswise over
different areas aiding site examinations/observing.
Organizational Structure
Marketing Management Roles and Responsibilities

Promoting organization uses instruments from monetary issues and forceful

framework to examine the business setting in which the firm works. These fuse
Porter's five forces, examination of key social events of contenders, regard chain
examination and others.

In contender examination, sponsors create low down profiles of each adversary in the
market, focusing on their relative forceful characteristics and weaknesses using
SWOT examination. Advancing boss will take a gander at each contender's cost
structure, wellsprings of advantages, resources and abilities, centered arranging and
thing partition, level of vertical joining, undeniable responses to industry headways,
and distinctive components.

Publicizing organization routinely guide measurable reviewing and displaying

examination to perform advancing examination. Promoters use a variety of methods
to coordinate measurable looking over, yet a part of the more commonplace include:

• Qualitative promoting research, for instance, focus social affairs and various
types of gatherings

• Quantitative advancing examination, for instance, quantifiable surveys

• Experimental frameworks, for instance, test markets

• Observational techniques, for instance, ethnographic (on area) discernment

Exhibiting boss may moreover plot and direct extraordinary normal looking at and
centered knowledge techniques to help recognize floats and teach the association's
advancing examination.

All showcasing comes down to three essential undertakings:

(1) understanding the general population you are speaking with

(2) making pertinent and convincing informing those individuals discover profitable

(3) conveying that informing to those individuals through an assortment of

interchanges channels.

The accompanying parts/errands can be organized, sorted out, and joined in a wide
range of courses relying upon the extent of the advertising group, ranges of abilities of
people, points of interest of the showcasing technique, and so forth. There is no
correct way/wrong way. In many philanthropies, no less than three of these parts will
be doled out to one individual.

At smaller associations, huge numbers of these employments basically won't complete

in light of the fact that the staff simply aren't there. In those cases, you need to use
sound judgment about which parts are most essential to your prosperity. Head
Marketing Officer or Marketing Manager – Ties all promoting action back to
authoritative objectives. Keeps the 10,000 foot view in center. Key purpose of contact
for all major inner and outer connections (eyes, ears, and mouth of the advertising
group all in all). Directs real advertising efforts.
Understanding the Community (or Target Audiences)

Relationship Manager/Market Researcher - Understands the network through steady

tuning in and input circles, including normal studying and dynamic internet based life
utilize. Keeps "finger on the beat" to keep up and construct connections long haul.
Oversees division/focusing on system, so you are sending "right substance to the
perfect individuals."

Information Manager – Manages how the Client Relationship Management (CRM)

device (or email communicate device in littler organizations) is organized and
utilized, and how information really gets into and out of the framework. Lead
Generator/"Business Development"/List Growth Manager – Focuses on list
development strategies (e.g. email list, online life adherents). Investigations to
perceive what works best – e.g., which "content goad" prompts higher changes from
site guests to email supporters; watches measurements intently. Likewise incorporates
website improvement and paid pursuit methodologies

Internet based life Manager: Includes people group commitment (i.e. reacting,
remarking, labeling, retweeting, and so on.)

• Print Marketing Manager: Includes understanding print and mail house creation
needs and planning.

• Event or Conference Marketing Manager: incorporates the two introductions and

stall/display exercises

• PR Manager: incorporates developing associations with columnists and pitching




Human asset administration is a center administration work in an association. It

makes the most essential condition for authoritative execution. Human asset
administration is a procedure that helps associations enlist, select and create staff
inside the association. Human asset administration as an administration work inside
associations worried about individuals and their connections at work. The
establishment of HRM is that everybody in the association is able and can perform
and it's the sole obligation of administration to set up framework and structures to
inspire execution. One of the reasons for the HRM is to assemble an association with
the 'right people', in the 'right positions' and at the 'correct time'. The reason for a
Human asset structure is to direct associations to accomplish this goal. HRM in Non-
Government Organizations: Non-Governmental Organizations can assume a superior
part in the corporate social duty; the inquiry here is who can assume the better part in
connecting industry with network. The appropriate response here is Human Resource
Management Department of the business. HR directors should require lead in its push
to make a linkage amongst network and the business. To grow better compatibility
with the general population, HR directors need to make utilization of their Strategic
Relationship Management Skills. They ought to collaborate with the network by
setting up better linkage with the Non - Governmental Organizations working there in
the territory.

The HR supervisor conducts Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the network and
network pioneers with the assistance of Non - Governmental Organizations and need
assessment and need prioritization is to be directed. Non-government associations
(NGOs) have turned out to be huge players being developed strategy in the course of
the most recent two decades. The advancing relationship among NGOs, creating
states and givers are a basic part of universal advancement help and the more
extensive improvement arrangement banter. NGOs differ in their missions, interior
administration, extent of commitment, wellspring of financing, relations with creating
states and focused on regions of tasks. NGOs are the vanguard of common society.

They have progressively been viewed as the vehicles of the new polices motivation of
financial advancement and political directing asset hrough northern and indigenous
NGOs bolster grassroots associations, social change, political strengthening and
reasonable improvement. Creating states have surrendered space to NGOs to convey
administrations, perform contract improvement work and advance institutional limit
building. The part of NGOs in the contemporary world is extravagantly depicted in
the present examination alongside the administration challenges and different issues
looked by NGOs, social action, arrangement creators and all worry Staffing choices
are among the most critical choices that philanthropic associations make.

Similarly as organizations and associations everything being equal and territories of

activity depend on their faculty to execute their techniques and propel their objectives,
so too do non-benefit gatherings. It takes after, at that point, that non-benefit
associations need to go to indistinguishable assignments from benefit looking for
organizations do when they swing to the difficulties of setting up and keeping up a
strong work compel.

The principle highlights of a sound enlistment system would be the accompanying:

• The consideration of a 'self-awareness' program – i.e. fundamental abilities,

relational and group

• Competencies and relational abilities.

• Roles for existing staff as coaches (counting the driver, who for the most part
knows the undertaking territories
• The comprehensive view of authoritative vision– mission– goals– strategy–


All associations require money. Close by staff, cash is the one thing that takes up
most administration time.

This short acquaintance plots how with take legitimate care of your assets. Great
monetary administration includes the accompanying four building squares:
• Keeping records

• Internal control

• Budgeting

• Financial announcing


The bookkeeping are essential records that portray your income and spending. This
implies the agreements and letters for cash you get and the receipts and the
solicitations for things that you purchase.

These essential records demonstrate that every single exchange has occurred. They are
the foundations of being responsible. You should ensure that every one of these
records are precisely documented and remained careful.

You should likewise ensure that you record the points of interest of every exchange.
Record them in a 'cashbook' - which is a rundown of the amount you spent, on what
and when.

In the event that you are keeping your fundamental records in great request and
recording the points of interest of every exchange in a cashbook then you can't go far
2. Interior CONTROL

Ensure that your association has appropriate controls set up with the goal that cash
can't be abused.

Controls dependably must be adjusted to various associations. Be that as it may, a few

controls that are regularly utilized include:

• Keeping trade out a protected place (in a perfect world in a ledger).

• Making beyond any doubt that all use is legitimately approved.

• Following the financial plan.

• Monitoring how much cash has been spent on what consistently.

• Employing qualified fund staff.

• Having a review each year.

• Completing a 'bank bargain' every month - which infers watching that the
proportion of exchange you have out the bank is the equivalent as the whole that your
cashbook unveils to you that you ought to have.

This last control is especially essential. It demonstrates that the sums recorded in the
cashbook and the reports in view of it are exact.
3. Planning

For good monetary administration, you have to plan exact spending plans, so as to
know how much cash you should do your work.

A financial plan is just valuable in the event that it is worked out via deliberately
determining the amount you hope to spend on your exercises.

The initial phase in setting up a decent spending plan is to recognize precisely what
you would like to do and how you will do it. Rundown your exercises, at that point
plan the amount they will cost and how much pay they will create.

4. Money related REPORTING

The fourth building square is composing and checking on money related reports. A
budgetary report condenses your wage and consumption over a specific timeframe.

Monetary reports are made by including comparable exchanges. For example, this
may mean including all the cash you spent on fuel, new tires and vehicle protection
and calling them "Transport Costs".

Money related reports abridge the data held in the cashbook. This is ordinarily done
utilizing an arrangement of codes, to dispense exchanges to various classes. These
classifications may regularly be characterized by benefactors.
Functions of Management (Process of Management):

Management is a process consisting of different stages which are the functions of

management. The important functions of management are planning, organizing, leading and

Allocating and

Regulating Influencing
activities to
reach goals

planning is the premise of other real elements of administration – sorting out, driving
and controlling. Arranging is choosing ahead of time what could possibly be done, it
is to be done, how it is to be done and why it is to be finished. There are two sorts of
arranging – vital arranging and operational arranging. Vital arranging implies getting
ready for long range objectives and the expansive methodologies for accomplishing
them. Operational arranging implies making arrangements for short range goals and
the particular means used to get them and on the related administrative movement of
basic leadership


In the wake of arranging, subsequent stage is sorting out. In sorting out as indicated
by the arrangement, game plan for designation of assets is finished. Occupation duty
in light of aptitudes controlled by human asset is readied. Foundation of appropriate
correspondence framework and coordination is likewise part of sorting out.


Initiative, correspondence and inspiration are the vital segments in driving. It includes
inspiration and coordinating. It is the administration work that includes impacting
others to complete work to meet hierarchical objectives. A decent pioneer develops a
solidarity and agreeable effectiveness. Controlling: Controlling suggests having
„control‟ over the different exercises, activities of the association to guarantee that
real execution is near expected (standard) execution of the association. Close control
and observing or check is required on progressing exercises and wherever
fundamental restorative move ought to be made promptly.
Best Practices of Aashriya foundation

1. To inspire and empower under-privileged children.

2. To provide education and a healthy lifestyle.
3. To build a strong intellectual attitude towards life and its challenges.
4. To influence them to be liable citizens of our nation.
5. To facilitate their upbringing in an optimistic environment.
6. Carry out health check ups for children .
7. To motivate children to gain further education.
8. Educating children about digital India.
9. To promote swatch bharat abhyan.


What is 'SWOT Analysis'?

SWOT analysis is a framework used to evaluate a company's competitive position by

identifying its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Specifically, SWOT
analysis is a foundational assessment model that measures what an organization can
and cannot do, and its potential opportunities and threats.


Strong leader, CEO.

They have local culture and political knowledge and are aware of the local
economic condition
ability to innovate and adapt
process-oriented approach to development
participatory methodologies and tools
long-term commitment and emphasis on sustainability

limited financial and management expertise

Decrease in volunteers
low levels of self-sustainability
isolation/lack of inter-organizational communication and/or coordination


Local Resource Mobilization

Unexplored areas of service
Can raise funds from schools and small and medium enterprises


Political influence
Decline in inflow of volunteers


The CEO & BOD are the head in the organization under whom the following
departments come:

a. Marketing management.
b. Media and Information management.
c. Administration Management.
d. Human resource management.
e. Finance management.
f. Project management.

To concentrate solely on children below the age of 16, who lack the basic health and
educational facilities.


To inspire and empower under-privileged children.

To provide education and a healthy lifestyle

To build a strong intellectual attitude towards life and its challenges.

To influence them to be liable citizens of our nation.


The foundation has got a brilliant Information and media management team.

Which gathers leads, and use the available data for the betterment of children.


As of now there seems to be no gaps in skills of employees in the foundation.

There is a good training and development system for the employees and the training is
monitored and evaluated based on further performances of those employees.

The strongest skills that the employees possess are knowledge, every employee of this
foundation are highly educated and they know how to deliver information/knowledge to

Democratic Leadership style is being implied in the organization where each and
every input from every employee is being considered before taking any decision.


The staff comprises of people who are highly educated (For delivering
information/knowledge) , Doctors who help in health check-up’s , technical team for
carrying out social media marketing / Digital marketing and finance specialist for
budget control and project review.

The foundation, sometimes requires volunteers and interns to carry out relatively large
events that they organise.

Shared values:

a. The foundation believes to inspire people by its work , and work accordingly.
b. They tend to be ethical.
c. Maintain good health and hygiene.
d. To keep the surroundings clean.
e. To achieve synergy, with a relatively smaller staff than that of other NGO’s.
Problem Faced by Aashriya Foundation

Lack of Volunteerism/Social work among Youth

The basic characteristic of NGO is volunteerism. In early days, youth are making their
career in volunteerism but that enthusiasm seems to have faded these days. The extent
of volunteerism is declining day by day and turning it into professionalization. Even
the young graduates from social work are interested in making their career in
professionalism. This leads to lack of efficient volunteers in NGOs.

Almost all startups face issues at initial stages, NGO's are no exception. They find it
difficult to raise funds and volunteers due to lack of reputation and donors. Unlike
startups who raise astronomical funding’s based on the 'problem' they are solving the
NGO's don't get such funding however genuine problem they might be solving as they
are not meant for money making. Moreover people read 'volunteers’ wish to be
associated with bigger branded NGO's to make their resume look good. Unfortunately
the good cause takes the beating.

A large portion of the NGOs in India are experiencing lack of assets. Government
does not give penny percent allows in help or make delay in approvals of gifts for
various projects. NGOs need to make coordinating commitments which they are a few
times unfit to oversee and are, in this way, unfit to profit themselves of the awards.
Presently multi day's philanthropy isn't so solid in the brains and hearts of the general
population as it was in the antiquated society. This was another locale for mull of
assets for NGOs.
Ashraya foundation being new in this industry is facing crisis of funds a and it only
operates on funding by individuals and has not yet grabbed any corporate support for
its funding which minimizes the facilities for the volunteers and make them

5 WHY’S:

Problem -:


1. WHY


As the world is moving in a fast pace everyone are interested on in luxurious

benefits which are available only in IT industries and MNCs

2. Why


No special benefits for those who work as volunteers in NGOs are given, in
fact they are not given proper guidance which makes them loose interest.

3. Why

The major reason for this is due to improper funds. There is no constant cash
flow in the NGO. It all depends on how the company raises funds.
4. Why


The key reason Aashriya doesn’t have an online portal where they can raise
Due to which raising of funds become very difficult.

5. Why

The marketing department in Aashriya foundation is not vey strong in digital

marketing. This is the major drawback of raising funds and finding volunteers.
Also they do not have a strong platform to invite those people who are

The solution is in institutionalizing volunteering system in Aashriya. It will be

useful to develop and adopt a written Policy on Volunteering. It should
include some of the following elements:

i. Nature and scope of engaging volunteers

ii. volunteer and staff interface, rights and duties of the volunteers

iii. specific assignments for the volunteers

iv. appreciation and certificate for volunteers

v. honorarium and out of pocket expenses for the volunteers, and

receptivity of the volunteers in Aashriya Foundation, among others.

vi. It will be helpful to engage a consultant to develop the volunteering


Online Donations and Rating System:

By providing online donations, the world becomes the funding source of
initiatives. People from any part of the country or the world can contribute to
initiatives monetarily in any amount possible. We also believe that the NGOs
must be held accountable for the money that the get as donations. We will
develop a rating system that will rate NGOs and also other users based on the
impact that they create through their initiatives

Online Promotion Tools for NGOs

Online promotion tools target visibility by promoting initiatives across
multiple social media websites and thereby gathering momentum for

.E-commerce Platform for NGOs

Aashriya Foundation should develop an ecommerce platform that will allow
them to sell their products worldwide. This platform will help Aashriya
foundation to generate revenues and thus giving a way to become self-reliant.

Volunteer recruitment:
Understand that you, as a leading member of a volunteer force, also have a
day-job. It is very essential to balance the load; sharing responsibilities is
essential. Choose members who are aware of volunteer philosophy. Provide
ample opportunity to the volunteer for them understand your organization
before recruiting them to a particular initiative. Ensure that you distribute a
copy of 'Code of Ethics', if you have one.

Balance the team well. A heterogeneous group of individuals who are
academicians, entrepreneurs, multi-national employees, public sector
employees and students are essential for success. Select a mentor & advisory
board who are experienced. Gather younger members to execute the goals on

Travel opportunities:
When you're part of a large member organization distributed all over the
world, you come across many opportunities to network with volunteers from
other regions. Don't hesitate to present that opportunity to deserving
volunteers who can bring back a lot of value to your team.

Ensure that every reasonable expense can be claimed by the volunteer.
(Repeating) Volunteers invest a lot of time. They cannot be remunerated for
their services by a salary; their expenses must be well catered to.

Freedom to execute:
You may be leading a team towards an initiative; the team needs to be given
their space for smooth execution. Just like any startup, even if you're the CEO,
there comes a point when a team member may be given freedom to lead a
meeting or a goal. Give them that freedom; they deserve it.

Team choices:
Closely associated with the above; providing freedom should also be extended
for them to select their own sub-teams. Just like you, as a leader, chose your
team based on a level of good rapport, your team should be privileged to
choose people with whom they'd like to work.

A very important factor to understand is that every volunteer also has a day-
job to earn their daily bread. Understanding their convenient time is essential to
converge to conference calls or face-face meetings without hindering their

Professional meetings:
Make sure all meetings are well organized. If your team has a role for a
Secretary, that's perfect. Know that a Secretary is not a personal one; they
ensure that a meeting is called well in advance, a good location is chosen, an
agenda is charted our clearly and communicated, the notes are minuted and
distributed for further action. They play a very important role for the whole
team and bring their expertise of team management to the plate.

Meeting place:
Ensure that you find a good place to organize a professional meeting.
Volunteers spend time to discuss the future of the organization/initiative. A
decent restaurant with buffet helps volunteers focus on ideas instead of getting
distracted. Try to keep away from bustling coffee shops like Starbucks.

Recognition and peer motivation:

Setup an awards system to recognize dedicated volunteers, if there isn't one
already. It assists the volunteers to perform better; more people are motivated
to volunteer. If you have a newsletter, ensure that the volunteer recognition is

Establish the philosophy of being transparent; emails, notes, any
communication, loop in other members who can share the responsibility. As
the leading member, you need to follow-up with the tasks, but who assists you
in your individual tasks? Transparency ensures that others assist you diligently
on those tasks.

In summary, the most notable investment of a volunteer in any non-profit

organization is time; each of them have their own reason to volunteer. Of
course, all of the factors are established with a good set of planning and
financial backing. They also need to be reviewed constantly to consider all
types of people and working environment, to keep the engine running
With the help of Google Ad Grants the foundation will be able to do its promotional
activities with nil cost. As it is a donation program google will grant free ads of the
organization on its result page.

As a result of which the foundation will be able to get more traffic on its
blog/website/social media pages, which in turn make the organization get more funds
as well as well qualified volunteers who are willing to donate and work for the

In the above image we can see how many websites have free trials to promote
the business
This way Aashriya foundation can find few companies which could help them
increase the promotion of their NGO.

I would suggest at the end all stakeholders be it volunteers, corporate and

individual philanthropists and NGOs themselves, can come together on a
common platform not just to solve problems NGOs face but also to bring
about a social change that our country needs.

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