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Writing I – Part II Level 2 Name: __________________________

I. Punctuation and Mechanics

Extra Practice 1: Revise the following sentences by adding commas where they are needed. If a
sentence is correct, write "correct" next to it. USE A DIFFERENT COLOR TO ADD THE COMMA.
1. On May 4 2010 they were married in a small chapel near the beach.

2. After February 19 2009 his mail should be sent to 14 High Point Boulevard Raleigh North Carolina.

3. She passed her oral exams on January 14 2007 with academic distinction.

4. His cousin moved to 26 Grant Street Newcastle Pennsylvania last year.

5. The team plans to return on March 4 2011 with the trophy in hand.

6. On May 3 2005 my daughter was born in Clarksville New Jersey.

7. The group voted to table the motion until June 10 2011 when everyone on the committee can be present.

8. We'll meet for dinner at 6 p.m. on October 17 of this year.

9. How do you like April 14 2009 as the date for our wedding?

10. The house at 25 North Calvert Avenue Louisville Kentucky 22105 has been on the market for six months


II. Sentence Structure

1. Parts of speech (Recycle)
Extra Practice 1: Write the correct part of speech of the following underlined words.

1. Steve can play the trumpet. ___________________

2. Do you like dogs? ___________________

3. They listen to music every day. ___________________

4. She is an old lady. ___________________

5. The group went climbing in the mountains. ___________________

6. This is a fast car. ___________________

7. He did well in the test. ___________________

8. My father drives carefully. ___________________

9. Has your father ever been to Australia? ___________________

10. The play was fantastic. ___________________

II. Grammar
1. Spelling: -ing
Extra Practice 1: Write down the ing form of the following words. Mind the exceptions in spelling.
1. be ______________ 26. open ______________

2. build ______________ 27. play ______________

3. buzz ______________ 28. quit ______________

4. carry ______________ 29. rain ______________

5. check ______________ 30. read ______________

6. choose ______________ 31. row ______________

7. control ______________ 32. run ______________

8. dance ______________ 33. send ______________

9. dig ______________ 34. shop ______________

10. draw ______________ 35. sing ______________

11. dream ______________ 36. sit ______________

12. drive ______________ 37. speak ______________

13. drop ______________ 38. spell ______________

14. eat ______________ 39. stand ______________

15. enjoy ______________ 40. stay ______________

16. fix ______________ 41. stop ______________

17. fly ______________ 42. study ______________

18. get ______________ 43. swim ______________

19. go ______________ 44. talk ______________

20. have ______________ 45. think ______________

21. hide ______________ 46. travel ______________

22. know ______________ 47. type ______________

23. let ______________ 48. water ______________

24. live ______________ 49. work ______________

25. make ______________ 50. yell ______________

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