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nasr018 Making a start- How to Sueceed at Weng Appicaons - The University of Shetiels 1 step left to complete to get a free digital upgrade. Find out more. You completed 5 steps! Get your free digital upgrade Claim now To do * Todo © Activity © Progress 13 ‘You've completed 4 steps in week 1 The University of Sheffield ‘View 18 comments. Making a start Before applying for jobs or courses, you should be sure of the type of job that you are interested in or the subject area that you wish to study. There are a large number of information sources available online to help you, offering advice about careers and course subject areas, We've provided a few links to resources at the bottom of this page. Once you are clear about the area of work or course of study that you wish to pursue, you can start to prepare an effective application. Key elements of preparation include understanding what you have to offer, finding out what the employer or admissions tutor is looking for in a candidate by researching the job or course, and matching what you offer to what they want, so that your application or CV is targeted to their requirements, ‘You also need to find out more about what the organisation does so that you can say not only why you want to pursue that type of job or course, but also why you’d like to work or study there You need to use the sections of your application form or CV to describe examples from your life experiences, which act as evidence of your capabilities and demonstrate your motivation. To do this most effectively, the text you write needs to persuade the reader that these were significant experiences, hence you need to think and write positively about them, Let’s start by understanding what you have to offer. © The University of Sheffield View 18 comments ‘What do we mean by skills? article Getting to know you discussion See also tps sw faturelearn.comicoursestwrting-applcations!tS/stops/409748 42 nasr018 Making a start- How to Sueceed at Weng Appicaons - The University of Shetiels © Taressjobs formation on different career .ctors and a career planner. © Prospects graduate careers requirements and career prospects. It also holds a database of postgraduate courses «National Careers Service FutureLeam’s purpose is to transform access to education. (Our website i updated regularly so this content may now be out of date, please go to hups:/ for the most up to date information Contact FutureLearn for Support tps sw faturelearn.comicoursestwrting-applcations!tS/stops/409748 22

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