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Remote Sensing of Environment 121 (2012) 415–425

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Mapping spatio-temporal variation of grassland quantity and quality using MERIS

data and the PROSAIL model
Yali Si a, b,⁎, Martin Schlerf c, 1, Raul Zurita-Milla b, Andrew Skidmore b, Tiejun Wang b
Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Earth System Modeling, and Center for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China
Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, P.O. Box 6, 7500AA Enschede, The Netherlands
Centre de Recherche Public, Gabriel Lippmann, L-4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Accurate estimates of the quantity and quality of grasslands, as they vary in space and time and from regional
Received 25 January 2011 to global scales, furthers our understanding of grassland ecosystems. The Medium Resolution Imaging
Received in revised form 10 February 2012 Spectrometer (MERIS) is a promising sensor for measuring and monitoring grasslands due to its high spectral
Accepted 11 February 2012
resolution, medium spatial resolution and a two- to three-day repeat cycle. However, thus far the multi-
Available online 22 March 2012
biome MERIS land products have limited consistency with in-situ measurements of leaf area index (LAI),
while the multi-biome canopy chlorophyll content (CCC) has not been validated yet with in-situ data. This
Grassland study proposes a single-biome approach to estimate grassland LAI (a surrogate of grass quantity) and leaf
Quantity chlorophyll content (LCC) and CCC (surrogates of grass quality) using the inversion of the PROSAIL model
Quality and MERIS reflectance. Both multi-biome and single-biome approaches were validated using two-season
LAI in-situ data sets and the temporal consistency was analyzed using time-series of MERIS data. The single-
Chlorophyll biome approach showed a consistently better performance for estimating LAI (R2 = 0.70, root mean square
MERIS error (RMSE) = 1.02, normalized RMSE (NRMSE) = 16%) and CCC (R 2 = 0.61, RMSE = 0.36, NRMSE = 23%)
compared with the multi-biome approach (LAI: R 2 = 0.36, RMSE = 1.77, NRMSE = 28%; CCC: R2 = 0.47,
RMSE = 1.33, NRMSE = 84%). However, both single-biome and multi-biome approaches failed to retrieve
LCC. The multi-biome LAI was overestimated at lower LAI values (b 2) and saturated at higher LAI values
(≥ 4), and the multi-biome CCC was consistently overestimated through the whole data range. Similar
temporal trajectories of grassland LAI and CCC estimates were observed using these two approaches, but
the multi-biome trajectory consistently produced larger values than the single-biome trajectory. The
spatio-temporal variation of grassland LAI and CCC estimated by the single-biome approach was shown to
be closely associated with agricultural practices. Our results underline the potential of mapping grassland
LAI and CCC using the PROSAIL model and MERIS satellite data.
Crown Copyright © 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of energy, water and carbon between plants and the atmosphere. LAI
quantifies canopy structure, and can be used to predict primary pro-
The estimation of the biophysical and biochemical properties of ductivity and grass growth. Hence LAI can be used as a surrogate of
vegetation has proven useful for a large variety of ecological grass quantity. Changes in leaf chlorophyll content (LCC) provide an
applications (Asner, 1998; Houborg et al., 2007). In particular, indicator of maximum photosynthetic capacity, leaf developmental
accurate estimates of the quantity and quality of grasslands, as they stage, productivity and stress (Horler et al., 1983; Jenkins et al.,
vary in space and time and from regional to global scales, further 1981; Medina & Lieth, 1963). In addition, chlorophyll content gives
our understanding of grassland ecosystems. Leaf area index (LAI) is an indirect estimation of the nutrient status because much of leaf
commonly used in ecosystem models because it influences exchanges nitrogen is incorporated in chlorophyll (Filella et al., 1995). Spectro-
scopic estimation of nitrogen has always been associated to that of
chlorophyll pigments, based on the fact that the two variables are mod-
⁎ Corresponding author at: Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Earth System erately correlated within and across ecosystems (R2 in the range of
Modeling, and Center for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, 0.4–0.6) (Kokaly et al., 2009; Wright et al., 2004). The canopy chloro-
China. Tel.: + 86 1 62797419; fax: + 86 1 62797284. phyll content (CCC) is defined here by multiplying LAI by LCC. Both
E-mail addresses: (Y. Si), (M. Schlerf), (R. Zurita-Milla), (A. Skidmore),
LCC and CCC therefore can be utilized as surrogates of grass quality.
(T. Wang). Remote sensing can be used to estimate the spatio-temporal varia-
Previously with ITC, University of Twente, The Netherlands. tion of grassland quantity and quality through repeatable measurement,

0034-4257/$ – see front matter. Crown Copyright © 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
416 Y. Si et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 121 (2012) 415–425

at a relatively low cost compared to physical field measurements approach operates across different biomes, a single-biome approach is
(Mutanga et al., 2004). The Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer expected to increase the accuracy in estimating grassland properties.
(MERIS), operating in the visible and near-infrared reflective spectral The objectives of this study were i) to develop a single-biome ap-
range, has high spectral resolution, moderate spatial resolution and a proach for the retrieval of grassland properties (i.e., LAI, LCC, and
two- to three-day repeat cycle. With respect to the spectral resolution, CCC), using the inversion of the PROSAIL model from MERIS FR imagery;
MERIS provides data in fifteen spectral bands, centered at 412, 442, ii) to compare the performance of the multi-biome and single-biome
490, 510, 560, 620, 665, 681, 709, 754, 760, 779, 865, and 900 nm, with approaches against in-situ measurements over two seasons; iii) to
a typical bandwidth of 10 nm (Rast et al., 1999). These narrow bands analyze the temporal consistency of the multi-biome and single-
are sensitive to both vegetation structure and biochemistry, which biome approaches using time-series MERIS imagery.
makes MERIS a promising sensor for the retrieval of vegetation
properties across large geographical scales. MERIS pixel size is approxi- 2. Materials and methods
mately 300 m at full spatial resolution (FR) and 1200 m for reduced
resolution (RR). More precisely, at FR resolution, the pixel size varies 2.1. Study area
from approximately 260 m to 390 m due to the wide field of view of
the instrument. Finally, the three-day repeat cycle allows tracing vegeta- The study area is situated in the northern part of The Netherlands,
tion phenology. In this study we use FR data because using lower spatial in the provinces of Groningen and Friesland (Fig. 1). The climate is
resolution data tends to increase land cover mixture effect and therefore temperate and maritime. The average temperature is 2 °C in January
the complexity of interpreting the results. and 19 °C in July, with an annual average of about 10 °C. Clouds gen-
Traditional remote sensing methods used for extracting biophysi- erally appear every day and in the winter fog often abounds. Rainfall
cal and biochemical ecosystem characteristics rely on the observed occurs frequently and averages about 765 mm annually. Two types of
spectral features via an empirical relationship linking the variables grassland are present in the study area. Agricultural grassland, ac-
of interest to a combination of radiometric measurements (i.e., vege- counting for 70% of the grassland in the field sampling area, is man-
tation indices) (Darvishzadeh et al., 2008b; Dorigo et al., 2007; van aged by local farmers by regular fertilization, mowing, and cattle
der Meer et al., 2001). However, empirical relationships are site, grazing. The remaining semi-natural grassland is managed as natural
time, and vegetation specific (Baret & Guyot, 1991; Gobron et al., reserves and in some of these naturalized cattle is allowed to graze
1997). Radiative transfer models aim to generalize empirical results year round. The plant community in agricultural fields is dominated
and improve the reliability of vegetation parameter retrieval, in by Lolium perenne and Poa pratensis, while in semi-natural areas it is
order to cope with a wide range of situations. Physically-based dominated by Festuca rubra, Puccinellia maritima, Agrostis stolonifera,
models describe the transfer and interactions of radiation inside the Plantago maritima, and Triglochin maritima.
canopy based on physical laws and offer an explicit connection
between the biophysical and biochemical variables of vegetation 2.2. Sampling design
and canopy reflectance (Baret et al., 2000; Darvishzadeh et al.,
2008a; Houborg et al., 2007). Fieldwork was conducted in April to June 2008. The mean temper-
The inversion of the PROSAIL model (Jacquemoud & Baret, 1990; ature during the field campaigns of April, May, and June was 8.6 °C,
Kuusk, 1991; Verhoef, 1984, 1985) was selected for this study be- 14.4 °C, and 16.4 °C, and precipitation was 27.7 mm, 6.4 mm, and
cause it has been extensively validated using ground, airborne, and 51.6 mm. Within the three months, 9 days had a clear sky, 52 days
space borne data sets with different sensors/platform such as had less than 50% cloud cover, and 30 days were heavily clouded. A
MODIS, MERIS, VEGETATION, POLDER, IKONOS, SPOT, TM and total of 30 grassland fields were selected, of which 23 are distributed
HYPERION (see details in Jacquemoud et al., 2009). Most applications in agricultural grassland and 7 in semi-natural grassland. Sampling
were focused on crops, forests, or a combination of different vegeta- plots of 300 by 300 m were designed and within each plot, five
tion types and few studies have explored the potential of radiative quadratic subplots of 1 by 1 m were established, of which one was sit-
transfer models to estimate properties of grassland (Botha et al., uated in the center and four in each corner. A GPS was used to locate
2010; He & Mui, 2010; Jacquemoud et al., 2009; Maire et al., 2011). the position of each subplot in the field. Vegetation measurements at
Two studies specifically dealing with grassland successfully retrieved the plot level were obtained by averaging the measurements of the 5
LAI and CCC at the field level (Darvishzadeh et al., 2008a; Vohland & subplots. For each plot, the MERIS pixels intersecting it were averaged
Jarmer, 2008). These studies were validated either by a limited to get a representative MERIS reflectance.
number of samples (Vohland & Jarmer, 2008) or by single-season
in-situ measurements (Darvishzadeh et al., 2008a). As different 2.3. LAI and chlorophyll measurement
plant species show specific morphological and anatomical features,
which again are modified by nutrient supply and phenological LAI was measured using a Plant Canopy Analyzer LAI-2000 (LICOR
development (Vohland & Jarmer, 2008), it is desirable to extend the Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA), which determines effective LAI using measure-
validation procedure by increasing the number of sites and in-situ ments of diffuse solar radiation above and below the grass canopy.
measurements over different seasons. The LAI was measured under overcast sky conditions between 10:00
A multi-biome MERIS product has been generated by Bacour et al. and 16:00, using a view restrictor of 90°. The average LAI was
(2006) to estimate global vegetation characteristics, by using the in- calculated in each subplot, based on one above canopy measurement
version of the PROSAIL model with a neural network approach. Due and five below-canopy measurements. Special attention was taken to
to the limited number of validation points used by Bacour et al. ensure stable sky conditions between the above- and below-canopy
(2006), it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions about the accuracy measurements. When calculating the LAI, none of the outer rings
of the multi-biome approach. Previous validation of the multi-biome were eliminated in the gap-fraction inversion. Despite the non-
LAI against in-situ measurements showed an overestimation at random distribution of leaves, no corrections for clumping effects
lower values of LAI and saturation at higher values of LAI (Bacour et were applied as these were assumed to be compensated by the
al., 2006; Canisius et al., 2010). It was concluded that none of the overestimation of LAI through grass stems.
MERIS LAI algorithms currently used meet the performance require- A portable SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter (Minolta, Japan) was used
ments set by the Global Climate Observing System (Canisius et al., for the measurement of LCC. The SPAD measures a unitless value
2010). Moreover, the estimation of the multi-biome CCC has not yet which is highly correlated with leaf chlorophyll content. For each sub-
been validated against in-situ measurements. As the multi-biome plot, the SPAD reading was calculated based on the average of 30
Y. Si et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 121 (2012) 415–425 417

Fig. 1. Location of the study area and the in-situ sampling plots (black dots). The aero-photo, covered by a grid (representing 300 × 300 m MERIS pixels), illustrates the heteroge-
neity level of the landscape at the MERIS level.

randomly selected leaf readings within the subplot. In order to 2.4. Soil reflectance measurement
convert the unitless SPAD readings into LCC (μg cm − 2), a total of 36
samples were collected during the summer campaign from both The spectral reflectance of bare soil was acquired from vegetation
type of grasslands (25samples from the agricultural and 11 from the free sites using a GER 3700 spectroradiometer (Geophysical and Envi-
semi-natural grassland). Samples were measured with SPAD and ronmental Research Corporation, Buffalo, New York). Individual mea-
subsequently placed in plastic bags inside a portable ice box and surements from different sites were then smoothed using a Savitzky–
transported to the laboratory for LCC measurements. The total Golay filter (frame size 15 data points, 2nd degree polynomial)
chlorophyll a and b contents were then extracted using the (Savitzky & Golay, 1964) and resampled to MERIS wavebands. The
dimethyl-sulphoxide solvent method, calculated on the basis of co- mean reflectance of these measurements was calculated to represent
efficients published by Wellburn (1994). In accordance with Mark- the soil optical properties in the study area.
well's formulation (Markwell et al., 1995), an exponential equation
(Cab = 84.8 ∗ exp (0.00702 ∗ SPAD) − 82.01) was found to best de- 2.5. MERIS imagery pre-processing
scribe the relationship between the calculated LCC (μg cm − 2) and
the SPAD readings (Fig. 2). As the data points were regularly distrib- Five MERIS FR L1b top of atmosphere radiance images, captured
uted along the fitted line and no skewed points were observed, we on 11th of February, 9th of April, 8th of June, 9th of September, and
considered the relationship to be the same for the two grassland 26th of December 2008, were acquired respectively. The time span
types. The CCC for each subplot was obtained by multiplying LCC between image capturing and field data collection is largely influ-
and corresponding LAI. The statistical description of field measure- enced by the revisit cycle of the sensor, the weather condition and
ments of LAI, LCC, SPAD, and CCC can be found in Table 1. the field work logistics. Given the 2–3 day revisit cycle of MERIS and

Table 1
Summary statistics (minimum, mean, maximum, standard deviation, and range) of the
field measurement of grass leaf area index (LAI), leaf chlorophyll content (LCC), SPAD
readings, and canopy chlorophyll content (CCC).

Measured variables Min Mean Max StDev Range

April (n = 30)
LAI (m− 2 m− 2) 0.35 0.9 1.66 0.39 1.32
SPAD (unitless) 18.56 37.13 48.5 6.02 29.94
LCC (μg cm− 2) 21.9 30.16 37.02 3.63 15.12
CCC (g m− 2) 0.1 0.28 0.54 0.14 0.44
June (n = 30)
LAI (m− 2 m− 2) 0.43 3.06 6.77 1.78 6.34
SPAD (unitless) 18.56 37.45 48.67 6.16 30.11
LCC (μg cm− 2) 14.59 28.48 37.34 4.58 22.75
CCC (g m− 2) 0.12 0.86 1.69 0.5 1.57
Pooled (n = 60)
LAI (m− 2 m− 2) 0.35 1.97 6.77 1.67 6.43
SPAD (unitless) 18.56 38.35 48.67 5.44 30.11
LCC (μg cm− 2) 14.59 29.32 37.34 4.18 22.75
Fig. 2. The empirical relationship between SPAD readings and leaf chlorophyll content CCC (g m− 2) 0.1 0.57 1.69 0.47 1.59
based on leaf samples collected during the field campaign in 2008.
418 Y. Si et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 121 (2012) 415–425

the frequent cloudy weather in the northern part of The Netherlands, include sun zenith angle, ts (deg); sensor viewing angle, to (deg);
we were able to acquire MERIS images with a maximum of 10 days relative azimuth angle, phi (deg); and fraction of diffuse incoming
difference from the time of field data collection. Since the period is solar radiation, skyl. A soil brightness parameter, scale, was utilized
relatively short and the sudden drop in biomass due to mowing was to account for the changes induced by moisture and roughness in
excluded by cross-checking with farmers, we assume that the grass- soil brightness (Atzberger et al., 2003; Darvishzadeh et al., 2008a).
lands did not change significantly within this period.
The geolocation accuracy of MERIS images is around half a pixel 2.7. The single-biome approach
(170 ± 10 m), meaning that the mismatch error between the sam-
pling plots and MERIS pixels would be around half a pixel. The The single-biome approach is based on a previous study
MERIS L1b product is geolocated top of atmosphere radiance whereas (Darvishzadeh et al., 2008a) which retrieved biophysical and
the MERIS L2 product is geolocated surface reflectance over sea but biochemical parameters in heterogeneous grassland at the field
top of aerosol over land. The SCAPE-M (self-contained atmospheric level using the inversion of the PROSAIL model. The look-up table
parameters estimation from MERIS data) algorithm proposed by (LUT) inversion method was selected because it yielded good retriev-
Guanter et al. (2008) was utilized to convert level 1b top of atmo- al performances in estimating grassland properties at the field level
sphere to top of canopy reflectance, correcting distortions caused by (Darvishzadeh et al., 2008a; Vohland & Jarmer, 2008). The LUT is a
the interaction between solar radiation and atmospheric components. conceptually simple technique, which potentially overcomes limita-
The SCAPE-M algorithm derives aerosol optical thickness (AOT), co- tions of iterative optimization algorithms (Kimes et al., 2000).
lumnar water vapor (CWV) and reflectance maps from MERIS data Physically-based modeling can suffer from the ill-posed problem
over land in a consistent and automatic manner. The specific proce- during the inversion (Atzberger, 2004), where the inversion solution
dure includes masking non-land pixels (including cloud pixels), ac- is not always unique, as various combinations of canopy parameters
counting for topographic effects, retrieval of AOT, retrieval of CWV, may yield almost similar spectra (Weiss & Baret, 1999). Previous
and retrieval of surface reflectance. Atmospheric parameters are cal- studies suggested that utilizing prior information is an efficient
culated on a per-pixel basis so that pixel-to-pixel variations in AOT, way of solving this problem and of improving the accuracy of the
CWV, and surface elevation and topography are properly taken into estimated canopy variables (Combal et al., 2002). The LUT generated
account. for the retrieval of grassland properties from MERIS reflectance was
The MERIS reflectance of each subplot was extracted from the optimized according to prior knowledge and the existing literature
April and June corrected images. The reflectance at the plot level (Bacour et al., 2006; Darvishzadeh et al., 2008a; Vohland & Jarmer,
was obtained by averaging the reflectance of five subplots. Two ap- 2008). The geometrical parameters were collected from the metadata
proaches have been proposed for generating MERIS multi-biome provided with each MERIS image. Thus, the per-pixel sun zenith
products using either MERIS L1b images or MERIS L2 images as angle, sensor viewing angle and relative azimuth angle, driven by
input (Bacour et al., 2006). L1b images were used to generate the the ENVISAT orbit and MERIS swath, were assigned. The values for
MERIS multi-biome products in this study, as previous study demon- leaf chlorophyll a + b content, dry matter content, equivalent water
strated that LAI estimates were nearly identical (R 2 > 0.98) using ei- thickness, soil brightness parameter, and hot spot size parameter
ther L1b or L2 MERIS images as input in the multi-biome approach were defined as for the previous field-level study (Darvishzadeh et
(Canisius et al., 2010). al., 2008a) (Table 2). Considering the changes caused by different
The MERIS bands selected for this study are the same 11 spectral grass species and phenological development, broader ranges of the
bands utilized for generating multi-biome products (Bacour et al., leaf angle (20–70°) and LAI (0.1–8.0 m 2 m − 2) were utilized com-
2006) and are centered at 490, 510, 560, 620, 665, 681, 709, 754, pared to Darvishzadeh et al. (2008a). Phenological information has
779, 865, and 885 nm. The remaining 4 bands were removed because been utilized to limit the LAI range to 0.1–4.0 for the cold seasons
one is an oxygen absorption band (760 nm), one is a water absorption
band (900 nm), and two are strongly affected by atmosphere effects
Table 2
(412 nm, 442 nm) and only provide marginal information (Clevers
Ranges for input parameters used for generating look-up table (LUT) using the PROSAIL
et al., 2007). model simulating MERIS reflectance in the single-biome approach, in comparison with
a field-level study (Darvishzadeh et al., 2008a).
2.6. The PROSAIL radiative transfer model
Parameter Abb. Unit Range or fixed value

A combination of the PROSPECT leaf optical properties model Leaf

Leaf structural parameter N No dimension 1.5–1.9
(Jacquemoud & Baret, 1990) and SAILH canopy reflectance model Leaf chlorophyll content LCC ug cm− 2 15–55
(Kuusk, 1991; Verhoef, 1984, 1985), has been validated for different Equivalent water thickness Cw g cm− 2 0.01–0.02
kinds of vegetation and is therefore considered to be suitable for ap- Dry matter content a Cm g cm− 2 0.0025–0.005
plications in the retrieval of grassland properties in terms of both ac- Canopy
Leaf area index b LAI m2 m− 2 0.1–4.0 (Nov–Apr)
curacy and running time of the inversion process (Jacquemoud et al.,
0.1–8.0 (May–Oct)
2000). This original PROSPECT version was selected to be consistent Mean leaf inclination angle c
ALA Deg 20–70
with a field-level study that demonstrated that grass LAI and CCC Hot spot size parameter hot m m− 1 0.05–0.1
can be successfully retrieved using the inversion of the PROSAIL
model (Darvishzadeh et al., 2008a). Besides, this version of Soil
Soil brightness parameter scale No dimension 0.5–1.5
PROSPECT was also utilized to generate MERIS global land products External
(i.e., the multi-biome approach). Leaf optical properties are specified Sun zenith angle d ts Deg Fixed per pixel
by four parameters: the leaf structural parameter, N (unitless); the Sensor viewing angle d to Deg Fixed per pixel
leaf chlorophyll a + b concentration, LCC (μg cm − 2); the dry matter Relative azimuth angle d phi Deg Fixed per pixel
Fraction of diffuse incoming solar skyl No dimension 0.1
content, Cm (g cm − 2); and the equivalent water thickness, Cw
(g cm − 2) (Jacquemoud et al., 2000). The top of canopy reflectance
simulation involves three parameters: LAI (m 2 m − 2); mean leaf incli- Coupled with equivalent water thickness in a ratio of 4:1; range in the field-level
study: 0.01–0.02.
nation angle, ALA (deg), assuming an ellipsoidal distribution of foliage b
Range in the field-level study: 0.3–7.5.
elements (Campbell, 1986); and the hot spot size parameter, hot c
Range in the field-level study: 40–70.
(m m − 1), implemented by Kuusk (1991). Geometrical parameters d
Fixed at 0, 0, and 30 in the field-level study.
Y. Si et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 121 (2012) 415–425 419

Table 3
R2, RMSE, and normalized RMSE (NRMSE) of grass property retrieval using different number of cases in the solution.

No. cases in Time LAI (m− 2 m− 2) LCC (ug cm− 2) CCC (g m− 2)

the solution

1 best case Apr 0.30 0.55 42 0.25 15.98 105 0.54 0.32 72
Jun 0.20 2.98 48 0.17 11.74 52 0.25 0.53 34
Pooled 0.49 2.09 34 0.20 14.13 62 0.53 0.44 28
50 best cases Apr 0.45 0.41 31 0.34 16.00 106 0.53 0.28 64
Jun 0.51 1.66 27 0.13 10.96 48 0.40 0.45 29
Pooled 0.70 1.18 19 0.17 13.85 60 0.60 0.37 24
100 best cases Apr 0.47 0.38 29 0.29 15.63 103 0.54 0.27 61
Jun 0.50 1.43 23 0.09 10.87 48 0.41 0.43 28
Pooled 0.70 1.02 16 0.14 13.59 60 0.61 0.36 23

LCC: leaf chlorophyll content; CCC: canopy chlorophyll content; RMSE: root mean square error; NRMSE: RMSE divided by the range of the parameter as measured in the field.

(i.e., from November to April). The coupling of water thickness and best solution. Weiss et al. (2000) suggested using the 50 best cases
dry matter content was demonstrated as a valid constraint to reduce as the solution to retrieve LAI. Darvishzadeh et al. (2008a, 2008b)
the ill-posed problem (Combal et al., 2002; Weiss et al., 2000). The demonstrated that the solution of the 100 best cases resulted in the
two parameters were coupled in a ratio of 4:1 according to Vohland best LAI, LCC, and CCC retrievals. We tested the performance of a
and Jarmer (2008), as this provided an improved estimation for the different number of cases in the solution in estimating grass LAI,
experimental grassland. For the leaf structural parameter N, previous LCC, and CCC. The estimated LAI, LCC, and CCC in April and June
studies have used a fixed value of 1.4 for corn and 1.7 for soybean were validated against the in-situ measurements. R 2, RMSE and
(Jacquemoud et al., 2000), a range of N = 2 ± 0.34 for wheat crop NRMSE (NRMSE = RMSE / range of the parameter as measured in the
(Atzberger et al., 2003), a fixed value of 1.55 for various crops field) were adopted to evaluate the performance of the approach.
including corn, soybean, wheat and spring barley (Haboudane et al.,
2004), or a fixed value of 1.6 for grasses (Vohland & Jarmer, 2008). 2.8. The MERIS multi-biome products
Considering grasses have relatively thin leaves, we have selected a
range of N = 1.5–1.9, consistent with Darvishzadeh et al. (2008a). The MERIS multi-biome products were generated using a neural
The fraction of diffuse incoming solar radiation skyl depends on atmo- network approach. Four variables ( LAI, CCC, fraction of absorbed
spheric conditions, solar zenith angle, and wavelength. Since skyl has photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR), and vegetation cover
relatively small influence on canopy reflectance compared to other (fCover)) are estimated, using top of canopy reflectance measure-
leaf and canopy attributes, a fixed value of 0.1 across all wavelengths ments in 11 spectral bands and the geometry of observation
was selected, in accordance with previous studies (Darvishzadeh et (Bacour et al., 2006). The network was trained on a synthetic dataset
al., 2008a; Schlerf & Atzberger, 2006). made of radiative transfer model simulations generated by the
For each parameter, 100,000 values were drawn randomly within PROSAIL model (Bacour et al., 2006). The performances of the four
the specific ranges and a total of 100,000 canopy reflectances were retrieved variables were evaluated using the MODIS (LAI and
generated based on these parameters. The number of 100,000 was fAPAR) and the MERIS global vegetation index (MGVI) products on
selected in accordance with Weiss et al. (2000) who suggested that a selection of sites corresponding to various biome types and
this provided a good compromise between the computer resource vegetation cycles (Baret et al., 2006). The multi-biome algorithm is
requirement and the accuracy of canopy variable estimates. To select implemented in the BEAM toolbox (ESA) “TOA_VEG Processor”
the optimal spectra corresponding to a given measurement, the RMSE ( and was used
(root mean square error) between measured and modeled spectra to estimate LAI and CCC from five MERIS L1b images. To facilitate
was calculated. Instead of picking up the best spectrum (lowest comparison, LCC maps were calculated by dividing the CCC maps by
RMSE) and its corresponding parameters as the solution, we consid- the LAI maps. For each sample plot location, the values of LAI, LCC,
ered the distribution of the multiple best spectra (cases) and comput- and CCC, as estimated by the multi-biome approach, were extracted
ed the median of their corresponding parameters. Weiss et al. (2000) from the April and June maps and validated against the field
found that using the best spectrum does not guarantee to find the measurements.

Fig. 3. Measured and simulated MERIS reflectance of three grass sites with different LAI and canopy chlorophyll content (CCC), evaluated by RMSE (root mean square error). Dots
indicate the location of the 11 MERIS bands utilized in the analysis.
420 Y. Si et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 121 (2012) 415–425

2.9. Temporal consistency of the multi-biome and single-biome shows the measured and simulated MERIS reflectance retrieved in
approaches this way for three grass sites.
The relationships between in-situ measured grass variables and
The agricultural and the semi-natural grasslands (including salt estimates using the single-biome approach are shown in Fig. 4. A
marshes, herbaceous vegetation, and swamp vegetation) were extracted good relationship was observed between estimated and measured
from the Dutch National Landuse Database (LGN 4, 25 m spatial resolu- LAI using the April data, while a relatively larger RMSE was observed
tion). The extracted grassland mask was resampled to a 300 m spatial using the June data. A poor relationship was observed between the
resolution and then applied to the 5 atmospherically corrected MERIS estimated and measured LCC in both single-season and pooled data
images. Time-series maps describing the spatio-temporal variation of sets. The estimates of CCC showed an intermediate accuracy with a
grassland quantity and quality were produced using 5 masked grassland slightly overestimation using the April data and a relatively larger
images as input. The mean and the standard deviation of time-series RMSE using the June data. A slightly overestimation at the lower
maps generated using single-biome and multi-biome approaches were CCC (b1) was found using the pooled data, with an R 2 of 0.60 and a
calculated and the temporal consistency was then compared. NRMSE of 22%. Given the poor retrieval of the LCC, the accuracy of
the CCC estimate is mainly influenced by the accuracy of the LAI
3. Results estimate.
The relationships between the in-situ measured grass variables
3.1. Estimation of grass variables using the single-biome and multi- and estimates using the multi-biome approach are shown in Fig. 5.
biome approaches LAI was heavily overestimated for values smaller than 2 and LAI satu-
rated at a level around or higher than 4. Similar to the single-biome
The solution containing the best fitting case had the highest RMSE, approach, also using the multi-biome approach the retrieval of the
whereas the solution of the 50 best cases had an intermediate RMSE LCC failed. Both LCC and CCC were greatly overestimated by the
and the solution of the 100 best cases yielded the lowest RMSE multi-biome approach using either single-season or pooled data sets.
(Table 3). We therefore chose the 100 best cases and the corresponding Though both approaches failed to estimate LCC, the single-biome
distribution of each parameter as the solution for the retrieval. Fig. 3 approach yielded a significant improvement in estimating grass LAI

Fig. 4. In-situ measured vs. estimated grass leaf area index (LAI), leaf chlorophyll content (LCC), and canopy chlorophyll content (CCC), using the single-biome approach in April,
June, and April and June pooled. The accuracy is evaluated by the R2, the root mean square error (RMSE), and the normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) calculated by dividing
RMSE by the range of the parameter as measured in the field.
Y. Si et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 121 (2012) 415–425 421

and CCC compared to the multi-biome approach using either single- heterogeneous landscape (Fig. 1), the single-biome approach still
season or pooled data sets (Figs. 4 and 5). yielded a good accuracy for LAI (R2 = 0.70, RMSE = 1.02, NRMSE=
16%) and CCC retrieval (R2 = 0.61, RMSE = 0.36, NRMSE = 23%). This
3.2. Comparison of temporal consistency of the single-biome and is a significant improvement compared to retrieval by the multi-
multi-biome approaches biome approach of LAI (R2 = 0.36, RMSE = 1.77, NRMSE = 28%) and
CCC (R2 = 0.47, RMSE= 1.33, NRMSE = 84%). The single-biome LAI
The time-series single-biome LAI maps (Fig. 6) show a low LAI in and field measured LAI were relatively well distributed around the
February, an increased LAI in April, a peak LAI in June and September, 1:1 line while the single-biome CCC showed slight overestimation at
and the lowest LAI in December. The time-series single-biome CCC lower values (Fig. 4). However, the multi-biome LAI was overestimated
(Fig. 7) maps show a similar temporal trend with the seasonal variation at values smaller than 2, and saturated at values equal to or larger than
of LAI. The spatio-temporal variation of grassland LAI and CCC estimated 4 (Fig. 5). Furthermore, the multi-biome CCC was considerably overes-
by the single-biome and multi-biome approaches are shown in Fig. 8. timated across the whole data range (Fig. 5). The overestimation and
Similar trajectories were observed for both approaches, but the multi- saturation of LAI was observed in the original study (Bacour et al.,
biome trajectory values were consistently higher. A larger spatial varia- 2006) in which the multi-biome global product was developed. This
tion was found in single-biome LAI in September and June compared to overestimation and saturation of LAI was also reported by a previous
the other seasons. study validating MERIS multi-biome LAI products across different veg-
etation species, including crops, pasture and forest (Canisius et al.,
4. Discussion 2010). The use of different retrieval techniques in the single-biome
(LUT) and multi-biome (neural nets) approaches may partly explain
4.1. Comparison of the single- and multi-biome approaches the observed differences in the retrieval. Nevertheless, it is not the ob-
jective of this paper to compare the different retrieval techniques but
Both the single-biome and the multi-biome results were validated to compare the accuracy of the products using field measurements as
by two-season ground truth data. Though evaluated in a relatively a reference. Finally, since the estimate of LCC failed by using both

Fig. 5. In-situ measured vs. estimated grass leaf area index (LAI), leaf chlorophyll content (LCC), and canopy chlorophyll content (CCC), using the multi-biome approach in April,
June, and April and June pooled. The accuracy is evaluated by the R2, the root mean square error (RMSE), and the normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) calculated by dividing
RMSE by the range of the parameter as measured in the field.
422 Y. Si et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 121 (2012) 415–425

Fig. 6. Time-series maps of single-biome leaf area index (LAI) (m2 m− 2) for the grassland in the northern part of The Netherlands in 2008.

approaches, the accuracy of the CCC estimate is greatly influenced by resolution could be used to test whether the estimation in agricultural
that of the LAI estimate. grassland has a higher accuracy than in semi-natural grassland.

4.2. Comparison with other studies 4.3. Retrieval of grassland properties from two seasons by the
single-biome approach
The estimate of grass properties by the single-biome approach
showed comparable results (LAI: NRMSE = 16%, CCC: NRMSE = 23%) The single-biome approach showed a better performance in esti-
with two field-level studies dealing with grasslands, i.e., Darvishzadeh mating the spring grassland (April) than the summer grassland
et al. (2008a) (LAI: NRMSE = 18%, CCC: NRMSE= 18%) and Vohland (June). The complex grass canopy condition in summer may have
and Jarmer (2008) (LAI: NRMSE= 12%, CCC: NRMSE= 13%). The caused this poorer retrieval, as grasslands were frequently mowed
MERIS bands, covering only the visible and near-infrared spectra, pro- in summer by the local farmers, sometimes with dry leaf materials
vide sufficient information for the retrieval of these grass biophysical left covering the vegetation canopy. Grasses tend to grow faster
parameters. In comparison with the multi-biome (LAI: NRMSE = 28%, after mowing, taking advantage of the warmer temperature and suf-
CCC: NRMSE = 84%), the single-biome approach showed a significantly ficient precipitation in the study area in summer. After mowing, dou-
higher accuracy in estimating grass LAI (NRMSE = 16%) and CCC ble grass layers (i.e., dried stems and flushed young grasses) were
(NRMSE = 23%) in this geographical region. Weiss et al. (2007) validat- observed during the June field campaign. Thus in future studies, the
ed the LAI multi-biome global products derived from VEGETATION and contribution of non-green materials to the canopy spectra needs to
reported an NRMSE of 15% for the LAI product, which is comparable to be taken into account (He & Mui, 2010). A background combining re-
our single-biome result (16%). However, only a limited number of vali- flectance from soil, grass litter, and dried stems could be configured in
dation points for each vegetation type (e.g., three points for grass) were the LUT for more realistic background representation.
utilized for validating the VEGETATION LAI product; thus, more samples The scale mismatch between MERIS and the in-situ data did im-
collected from more regions are needed to further evaluate the accuracy pact our results, especially because the study area is composed of
of grass LAI retrievals. many mixed pixels (Fig. 1). The mismatch of the sampling date and
Darvishzadeh et al. (2008a) found that the estimation accuracy was the image capture date may also have influenced the retrieval accura-
strongly dependent on the number of grass species. In our study area, cy, especially for the warm seasons, when grass grows faster. The
there are two species in agricultural grassland and between two to change of observation geometry of images captured on different
five species in semi-natural grassland. Given the heterogeneity of the dates may have caused the change of the heterogeneity level of
landscape in relation to the MERIS pixel size (Fig. 1), it was not feasible each MERIS pixel (Gomez-Chova et al., 2010), which may also have
to test the influence of species number. Sensors with finer spatial led to different accuracies in different seasons. Additionally, cloud
Y. Si et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 121 (2012) 415–425 423

Fig. 7. Time-series maps of single-biome canopy chlorophyll content (CCC) (g m− 2) for the grassland in the northern part of The Netherlands in 2008.

contaminated pixels may bias the retrieval of grass properties from incorporating different soil backgrounds, per-pixel geometrical infor-
MERIS measurements. Although we have used an updated cloud fil- mation and phenology-based LAI ranges.
tering technique coupled to an atmospheric correction process
(Guanter et al., 2008), the influence of thin clouds was still observed
in the generated time-series grassland maps (the stripes observed in 4.5. Retrieval of LCC at the MERIS level
the June image in Fig. 6). Further efforts should be taken to solve this
cloud mask issue before accurate maps can be produced and used The estimate of LCC failed at the MERIS FR level with both the
(Bacour et al., 2006). Finally, the use of effective LAI may partly ex- single- and the multi-biome approaches. One possible reason could
plain deviations between the retrieved true LAI and field measure- be the heterogeneous nature of the surfaces at this medium spatial
ments (which tend to be underestimated). resolution—Fig. 1 shows that the study area has many mixed pixels.
One possible alternative to overcome the heterogeneity problem is
to make use of data fusion techniques (Zurita-Milla et al., 2009). Nev-
4.4. LUT configuration ertheless, the LCC failure at the MERIS level was expected, as difficul-
ties in estimating LCC for grasslands have been already reported at
The LUT approach is ill-posed as various combinations of canopy the field level (Darvishzadeh et al., 2008a). The poor signal propaga-
parameters may yield similar spectra. Prior information can be useful tion from leaf to canopy has been stated by several studies (Asner,
for constraining retrievals. However, specificity to local conditions 1998; Yoder & Pettigrew-Crosby, 1995; Zarco-Tejada et al., 2004).
limits the applicability to other regions. In our case, we make maxi- Moreover, He and Mui (2010) suggested that the contribution of
mal use of known information to constrain the parameter range. We non-green materials from canopy spectra in grasslands makes it
fixed the view angle, the zenith angle, and the relative azimuth more difficult to retrieve biochemical content from remote sensing
angle, and we also limited the LAI range based on the phenological data at the canopy level. In order to check whether our LCC results
information. These constraints/settings can be adjusted based on from LUT inversion were reliable, we pooled the field data and pre-
regional conditions so that the LUT can be applied to other regions. dicted LCC using 11 MERIS bands and the partial least square (PLS) re-
Meanwhile, we selected relatively broad ranges for LAI, LCC, and gression. Similar results were observed for the single-biome approach
leaf angle to keep our approach generic and we chose an N range (R 2 = 0.14, RMSE = 12.59, NRMSE = 60%) and for the PLS regression
appropriate for retrieving grass properties. Clearly, any LUT (R 2 = 0.31, RMSE = 12.02, NRMSE = 53%). Furthermore, the frequent
configuration must deal with the trade-off between generic and fertilization in the study area may lead to a relatively small range of
local parameterizations. Still, we believe that our single-biome LCC thereby increasing the difficulty of the LCC retrieval. Meanwhile,
approach can be applied to other sites or at larger scales by the poor LCC retrieval from the multi-biome approach could be due to
424 Y. Si et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 121 (2012) 415–425

grassland properties in the heterogeneous study area; 2) the retrieval

of LCC fails at the MERIS (FR) medium spatial resolution irrespective
of the retrieval approach; and 3) the spatio-temporal patterns of LAI
and CCC estimated by the single-biome approach are consistent with
the phenology of grass and at the same time they show the influence
of mowing and fertilizing practices. The proposed method is suitable
for producing regional time-series LAI and CCC maps. These important
vegetation properties are helpful to understand, for instance, the
spatio-temporal variation of forage availability for wild birds. Inconsis-
tencies between satellite maps and field data could be further reduced
by fine tuning the inversion routine, reducing the heterogeneity prob-
lem, enhancing atmospheric correction accuracy and improving the
match between image acquisition and field data collection.


This research is sponsored by the China Scholarship Council (CSC)

and the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation
(ITC), University of Twente, The Netherlands. We are grateful to
Luis Guanter (GFZ, Potsdam, Germany) for assistance in the atmo-
spheric correction of MERIS FR L1b images and Willem Nieuwenhuis
for programming the calculation routines. We thank Wouter Verhoef
and three anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments and

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at doi:10.

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