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Fernaldy Aditya 1606897126
Glenn Suryo Mentaram 1606863415
Himawan Arif Wibisono 1606863421
Margerry Martin O.N 1606897151
Muhammad Finsya Aditama 1606897164
Muhammad Nugroho Supriyadi 1606897183
Savier Aldyan 1606863434
Sayed Zaky 1606864834
Sulthaanan Nashiira 1606863390
Yuke V.A 1606863402
Maintenance Performance Measurement (MPM)
“Defined as the multidisciplinary process of measuring and
justifying the value created by maintenance investment, and
taking care of the organization’s stockholders’ requirements
viewed strategically from the overall business perspective.”

-(Parida and Chattopadhyay, 2007).

To improve the cost effectiveness of an

Why do we to create additional value by delivering

need to better and more innovative services

Maintenance to measure, control and improve the
Performance? assets’ maintenance performance

to evaluate outsourcing and the

separation of OEMs and asset owners
Types of Maintenance

Condition Based Predictive Remote-maintenan

Maintenance Maintenance ce

Benefits of implementing MPM
❖ Allows companies to understand the value created by maintenance

❖ Re-evaluate and revise their maintenance policies and techniques

❖ Justify investment in new trends and techniques

❖ Revise resource allocations

❖ Understand the effects of maintenance on other functions (stakeholders,

health, safety, longevity etc.)
Maintenance Performance Indicators

● Mainly for measuring maintenance performance in an area or activity

● Concentrates on the performance of any system or process
● Compilation of several measures (metrics) of maintenance
Benefits and Needs of MPIs
● Used to find ways to reduce down time, costs and waste, operate more efficiently,
and increase the operation’s capacity.
● To compare actual conditions with a specific set of reference conditions
(requirements), measuring the distance between the current situation and the
desired situation (target), the so-called ‘distance to target’ assessment
● The list of PIs is long, and each organization’s selection of performance indicators
will reflect its corporate strategy objectives and requirements.
Classification of Performance Indicators

The difference between the two is: a leading indicator can influence change
and a lagging indicator can only record what has happened. 
Aim : achieve a good return on its assets, added value and create metrics used
for strategic planning
How : measures the percentage change in sales, return on assets, return on
sales, the percentage change in total assets and the percentage change in the
number of employee

“better at measuring the consequences of yesterday’s decisions than predicting

tomorrow’s performance”
Aim : to measure equipment (assets) performance
How : monitor the performance of certain processes, systems, equipment
and components
Aim : Ensure whether the organization are going on the right path or not
How : measuring the organizational performance in terms of:
Uses of Key Performance Indicator
A. Control – Some people really require management
B. Direction - Ensure that things are moving in the right direction
C. Drive change – By creating the “burning platform” concept to motivate internal factors (example:
employees) exclusively to be viewed from within the company (what are we lacking, etc), and create attractive
external picture to motivate clients (what we excel at). The internal picture is created in such a way that does
not conflict with the external picture
D. Create competition – KPIs can set the rules for internal competition. And by showing employee
performance score to peers, to compare each other, to show that some high performance score is possible, and
to create competition. By comparing peer score, hopefully the ones who lack in performance would realize
their position and make up for it.
E. Analyze value drivers – A storytelling in the form of analysis that visualizes the relation between
individual actions and the certain performance of a system. This analysis shows the consequence and the
weight of an action.
F. External reporting – shows the company performance in the units that might be held up externally. It is
used to show how attractive the company is (could be for marketing purpose)
G. Decision support – it helps the decision making based on KPI scoring. For example, it could help forecasting
how a certain amount of budget can

Organizational group
Important points regarding the indicators in the
standard of the table shown previously
● Indicator is the term used to the tool used to represent the performance of a
certain aspect
● Any indicator can be evaluated as a ratio between factors (numerator and
denominator) measuring activities, resources or events, according to a given
● The indicators are leveled by numbers as means of identification, not importance
● These indicators can be referred to the internal maintenance, external
maintenance or both
● Some indicators can be used at different level depending on the circumstances
Organizational Indicators - Definition
Organizational indicator within a maintenance system is used
to indicate the organizational performance on utilizing the
resources in providing actions for the maintenance of a
Overall Indicators for Measuring Organizational Success
1. Communication Effectiveness
2. Employee Satisfaction
3. Trust
4. Supplier Relationship
5. Project Management
6. Employee Competence




O1 Total internal personnel in the asset

O2 Number of indirect maintenance personnel

O3 Number of direct maintenance personnel

O4 Maintenance man hours carries out by operator

O5 Man hours to be used on planned and scheduled activities

O6 Number of injuries of occurred to maintenance personnel

O7 Internal man-hours lost due to injuries of personnel

O8 Man hours used for systematic analysis, identification, improvement

O9 Man hours carries out not under maintenance department (operator)

O10 Regards on personnel that “work on shift”

O11 Maintenance carried out without delay after a fault detected

O12 Man hours from maintenance mechanical personnel

O13 Man hours from maintenance electrical personnel

O14 Man hours from maintenance instrumental personnel

O15 Number of personnel that operate as multi skill maintenance

O16 Man hours spent on corrective maintenance

O17 Man hours spent on immediate corrective maintenance

O18 Man hours spent on preventive maintenance

O19 Man hours spent on condition-based maintenance

O20 Man hours spent on predetermined maintenance

O21 Number of man hours carries by personnel during overtime

O22 Number of work order complete in a timeframe less than estimation

O23 Number of hours used in training personnel

O24 Number of personnel using using maintenance software

O25 Number of man hours spent by personnel on scheduled activities

O26 Number of spare parts supplies by warehouse as requested

Qualitative example: Performance indicators by NASA Across all strategic goals
Performance Indicator Criteria
Strategic goal number 3
Strategic goal number 3.1
3.1 performance measures
3.1 performance measures (continued)
3.1 performance summary
Quantitative example: Chevron health and safety performance

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