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© Kamla-Raj 2013 Int J Edu Sci, 5(2): 89-97 (2013)

High School Students’ Perceptions of Career Guidance and

Development Programmes for University Access
Prince Dabula1* and Alfred Henry Makura2
Student Counseling Unit, 2Teaching and Learning Centre, University of Fort Hare,
Alice, 5700 South Africa
KEYWORDS Career Development. Qualitative. Cognitive Information Processing. South Africa

ABSTRACT This paper investigated the current situation regarding the efficacy of career counseling and guidance programmes
among high school learners in the Eastern Cape using their perceptions and lived experiences. A qualitative approach was used.
A convenience sample comprising 50 participants (learners) was used in this study. Data were solicited using a Questaview
distributed to the participants on the last day of a training day on career guidance which was part of the university’s community
outreach programme. Data were thematically analysed. The study found that participants were satisfied with the current career
guidance initiatives though the efficacy could not be quantified. The paper implores researchers to adopt qualitative approaches
in compiling career-counseling data from societies with diverse populations such as South Africa.

INTRODUCTION issues concerning the difficulties in transitioning

from high school to an institution of higher
The need to widen career guidance interven- learning. Less informed and less qualified stu-
tions in educational settings is an international dents drop-out more frequently (Wight and
phenomenon (Plant 2004; Du Toit 2005; Bernes Maree 2007) than the more informed ones. It
et al. 2007). Reasons for this trend are rooted is imperative, therefore, that universities guide
in the perceived economic and social benefits and advise high school learners of the post-sec-
of such interventions (Plant 2004). Research ondary entry requirements and life ahead.
indicates that, lack of career guidance access in In the South African context, career choices
more diverse populations (Du Toit 2005; Bernes for many high school students are accidental,
et al. 2007), poor academic preparation or un- rush decisions, imposed by external forces or
der-preparedness (van Schalkwyk 2007) and by circumstances. Yet optimal career choices
lack of career guidance in high school consti- should be a result of a continuous process of
tute a major problem for post-secondary insti- conscious decision, self-discovery and aligned
tutions (Stern 2003; van Schalkwyk 2007. Uni- to the world of work. Research studies have
versity first year class attendance rates are poor traced the poor throughput and graduation rates
and are characterised by seemingly uncommit- in some institutions of higher learning to
ted students (van Schalkwyk 2007) a manifes- underprepared and uninformed students nor-
tation of poor preparation and guidance particu- mally from poor socio-economic environments
larly in South Africa. Stern (2003) posited that (van Schalkwyk 2007; Makura et al. 2011). One
forty percent of students in four-year degree in- of the challenges that shape student access and
stitutions take some remedial education as do retention at Universities is the provision of
63 percent in two-year institutions. Academic proper policy enablers (du Toit 2005) and ca-
success and the student’s initial choice of disci- reer guidance and development programmes at
pline (Wight and Maree 2007) are important high school level in order to prepare learners
determinants in one’s propensity to dropping out for higher education (Lucas 1993; Berns et al.
of a programme. Hence inadequate or lack of 2007). Hence the need to interrogate career guid-
career development programmes is one of the ance and counseling programmes in high
Address for correspondence: schools.
P. Dabula The University of Fort Hare, in partnership
University of Fort Hare, with the South Africa-Norway Tertiary Educa-
Student Counseling Unit, tion Development Project (SANTED 2), em-
Private Bag 1314,
Alice, 5700, South Africa.
barked on an outreach project to assist schools
Phone: +27 40602 2006 in the Eastern Cape with Career Guidance and
E-mail: Development. Ten pilot schools were identified

in 2006; five in Alice and five in East London oped needs and goals associated with stages
with the project running for three years. of life and with tasks that affect career choices
SANTED 2 project aimed at addressing and and subsequent fulfillment of purpose. Some cur-
improving access and retention in order to en- rent literature on career development (Zunker
hance student success and curb the high attri- 2002; Stern 2003; Plant 2004; du Toit 2005;
tion rates of students within the institution (Rod Bernes et al. 2007; ) suggest that the career coun-
Bally cited in Twalo 1997). However, the pro- seling movement is at crossroads, the movement
gramme did not materialise in 2006 due to lim- is increasingly challenged to meet the needs of
ited budget allocation and staff shortages; hence a society that is experiencing vast changes in
these activities were moved to 2007. the workplace and that is rapidly becoming more
In the past century, careers tended to follow diverse (Zunker 2002).
a more or less stable pattern and many people The life of a typical high school learner is
pursued the same career for an entire life (Plant one full of uncertainty and turmoil, it is a time
2004; Sweet 2004). The pattern has changed in of increasing stress with influences of account-
the 21st century. The world of work is unpre- ability from high stakes test taking to pressure
dictable and requires flexible proactive ap- from their peers. It is also a period of life chang-
proaches that focus not on career choices and ing transition that can wreak havoc on the learn-
development but on the process and efficacy of ers’ abilities to make informed decisions for the
career choices (Bernes et al. 2007). New careers welfare of themselves and others. High school
are constantly emerging and some are undergo- learners are often looking for a place to belong.
ing change. It is against this background that As a result, they rely heavily on their peer groups
the Student Counseling Unit at Fort Hare Uni- to learn what types of behaviours are rewarded
versity under the auspices of SANTED SAKHA with reactions they feel to be positive, often at
NGETHEMBA PROJECT decided to develop, the expense of reason and good judgement
drive, facilitate and implement school career (Zunker 2002).
In the early 1950s, according to Zunker
guidance programme for high schools in the
(2002), Super (1957), Ginsberg et al. (1951),
Eastern Cape. The project was a pilot and had and Roe (1956) are said to have published a
adopted a holistic approach model, focusing on career development and occupational choice
career development. The project had three theories that have become landmarks in the ca-
phases. Phase one, was training the trainer and reer guidance movement. These theories have
phase two involved the implementation stage led to numerous research projects and subse-
where previously trained participants, compris- quent methods for delivering career guidance
ing learners and life orientation teachers would programmes. Theoretical perspectives on career
implement the programme in their respective development also contributed a great deal to
schools. Phase three, was the evaluation of the career guidance pro-grammes by providing in-
programme. It was against this background that sights into developmental stages and tasks as-
this paper investigated the current situation re- sociated with transition between stages, identi-
garding the efficacy of career counseling and fication of personality types and corresponding
guidance programmes among high school learn- work environments, and decision making tech-
ers in the Eastern Cape using their perceptions niques (Zunker 2002). Furthermore, these theo-
and lived experiences under the aegis of the ries also provided special insights into career
University of Fort Hare. development of women, ethnic minorities, and
other groups, and clarified aspects of social
Career Development: learning theory and its relationship to career
Background Information development. Interest in career development
theories continues to expand and generated lots
According to Angels (1994: 2) in Zunker of data and new theories of career development
(2002) career development is defined as “ the continue to emerge.
total constellation of psychological, sociologi-
cal, educational, physical, economic, and chance Career Guidance in Schools
factors that combine to influence the nature and
significance of work in the total life span of any The diversity that characterise students en-
given individual”. It reflects individually devel- tering higher education is multilayered and com-

plex (van Schalkwyk 2007). Career guidance able to discuss their future with parents, teach-
programmes should aim at developing impor- ers or guardians. This would involve not merely
tant skills for life and work and, to assist with to improve the quality of career guidance in
immediate decisions. If this is true, first, career those previously disadvantaged schools which
guidance programmes must adopt a learning offer career guidance, but establishing the ser-
centered approach and this means building ca- vice in schools which has no such tradition.
reer education into the curriculum. In some
countries, career education is neither manda- Problems in Career Development
tory nor included in the curriculum however; it among the Youth
is included in curriculum frameworks as an op-
tional element. Where it is included in the cur- According to developmental theorists, career
riculum, the way in which it is delivered, for development goes awry when individuals fail
example, as a separate subject or integrated into to keep pace with the demands of their culture
other subjects, the time devoted to it, and the or their age mates (Osipow 1968). Several
school grades in which it is delivered, can vary behaviours must develop in order for mature
widely from school to school within a country career behaviour to occur. According to Ginz-
as well as between countries. berg et al. (1951) cited in Osipow (1968) the
Secondly, schools must adopt a developmen- ability to perform reality testing task, the devel-
tal approach, tailoring the content of career edu- opment of a mature time perspective, the ability
cation and guidance to the learners’ develop- to delay the gratification of desires, the ability
mental stages. Incidentally, some universities to compromise, and the ability to identify with
have in place, support mechanisms such as appropriate adult models are all important.
mentoring, tutoring, academic literacy to sup- These authors further state that career indeci-
port the underprepared student (van Schalkwyk sion will be inadequate if these abilities fail to
2007; Makura et al. 2011). Thirdly, schools need develop during adolescent stage and the indi-
vidual will continue to be employed in a career
to adopt a more learner-centered approach
in which he’s dissatisfied or will engage in nu-
through, for example, incorporating learning merous unsatisfying occupational pursuits. The
from and reflecting upon experience, self-di- authors agreed that if the psychological devel-
rected learning methods, and learning from sig- opment of the individual fails to progress ad-
nificant others such as parents, alumni students equately, career development will not progress
and employers. Schools must also incorporate a smoothly however, many theories failed to show
universal approach with career education and how career development can become misdirected
guidance forming part of the education of all in theoretical terms (Osipow 1968). In general,
learners not just those in particular types of problems of maturation are related to the proper
school or programme (Euvrard 1996). performance of the vocational developmental
Career guidance programmes ought to be tasks required at a given age level.
designed and implemented to meet the needs of
the learners and society. Furthermore, the guid- Theoretical Framework
ance programme should operate in a preventa-
tive way and attempt to equip learners with in- In order to comprehend the theoretical un-
formation, skills and attitudes so that they can derpinnings of career development among stu-
successfully negotiate challenges of adolescence dents, it is important that we outline some use-
(Euvrard 1996). ful perspectives. These perspectives inform not
Research also shows that 70% of learners that only the current study, but also the theory as
have received career guidance in high school well as the practices in career counseling and
all intend to enter higher education (Euvrard development. The works of Zunker (2002) was
1996). This means that career guidance in what- identified as most useful in this regard.
ever form has a positive effect on intention to
enter higher education. This has implications Cognitive Information Processing
for the Department of Education, the department Perspective (CIP)
has to increase its support for career guidance
initiatives in schools particularly when learn- Cognitive information processing perspective
ers are not in a position or feel themselves un- (CIP) views career development in terms of how

individuals make a career decision, use infor- explain how variables (interests, values, abili-
mation in career problem solving and decision ties) interrelate and how all these variables in-
making as well as improve the design and de- fluence individual growth and the contextual
livery services for individuals in educational factors (environmental influences) that lead to
settings (Zunker 2002; Sampson et al. 2010). career outcomes. Social Cognitive Approach
According to this approach, the major strategy conceptualises the interacting influences among
of career intervention is to provide learning individuals; their behaviour, and environments
events that will develop the individual’s pro- to describe how individuals influence situations
cessing abilities. Zunker (2002) further stresses that ultimately affect their own thoughts and
that clients develop capabilities as career prob- behaviour (Zunker 2002).
lem solvers to meet immediate as well as future
career problems. As such, information-process- Research Questions
ing stages begin with the screening of informa-
tion, translating and encoding input in short The study aimed at unraveling the following
term memory; then information get stored in questions
the long-term memory and later activating, re- 1. What is the efficacy of the Career Devel-
trieving, and transforming the input into a work- opment Programme coordinated by the
ing memory to arrive at a solution. The advo- University of Hare among High School
cates of this theory believe that career problem Learners in the Eastern Cape region of
solving is primarily a cognitive process that can South Africa?
be improved through generic processing skills 2. What are the implications for tertiary
such as communication, analysis, synthesis, and education access?
execution. This approach emphasizes the no-
tion that career information counseling is a Study Aim and Objective
learning event. CIP recognizes the role of cog-
nition as a mediating force that leads individu- The overall aim of this project was to estab-
als to greater power and control in determining lish the perceived impact of a Career Develop-
their own destinies (Zunker 2002). ment Programme among High School learners
and its implications for tertiary education ac-
Social Cognitive Approach cess. The major objective of this study was to
gain a deeper understanding of the perceived
According to the proponents of this theory, impact of career guidance and development
Lent, Brown, and Hackett (1996) in Zunker programmes among high school learners and
(2002), “there are three ways to translate and its implication for tertiary education access.
share knowledge with existing theories and Such a study would highlight and promote ca-
emerging ones”. The first way is to agree on a reer guidance activities in some Eastern Cape
common meaning for conceptually related con- schools in order to prepare learners therein for
cepts such as self-concept and self-efficacy. Sec- higher education.
ondly, to translate and share knowledge about
the existing theories and emerging ones is to METHODOLOGY
fully describe and define common outcomes such
as satisfaction and stability found in a number Research Design
of theories and thirdly, is to fully explain the
relationship among such diverse constructs such This study adopted a qualitative research
as interest, self-efficacy, abilities and needs. design (Berg 1995; Khuzwayo and Chikoko
The fundamental assumptions of this theory 2009). It was, thus informed or guided by the
are embedded in Bandura’s social cognitive interpretive research paradigm. The Interpre-
theory, which blends cognitive, self-regulatory tive research framework of research thinking
and motivational processes into a lifelong phe- stresses the quality of data to be collected
nomenon. It seeks to establish methods of de- (Henning 2005; Chikoko and Khuzwayo 2009).
fining specific mediators from which learning This entails a deeper understanding of the mean-
experiences shape and subsequently influence ing behind the story or words articulated by a
career behaviour (Zunker 2002). The aim is to respondent. Although the experience of a ca-

reer guidance programme is an individual mat- their thoughts and feelings on the efficacy of
ter for each learner and quantitative data may the career guidance interventions before and
indicate the shift regarding their thoughts and after the workshop.
feelings before and after the programme was
implemented, they do not contribute to a deeper Data Collection Procedure
and more meaningful understanding of the sub-
ject matter from the individual’s experience, as Data were collected from a willing captive
qualitative studies do. audience at the end of a career development
workshop alluded to earlier on as part of the
Sample and Sampling Procedures workshop evaluation process. The participants’
inform consent to willingly partake in the exer-
The study sample consisted of 50 participants cise was sought. The exercise lasted forty-five
who had participated in a SANTED funded minutes, as the participants were required to
Career Development Programme workshop write a narrative of their feelings and observa-
organised and facilitated by the University of tions on the Questaview.
Fort Hare’s Student Counseling Unit. Ten
schools from Alice and East London areas and Data Analysis
their environs had sent delegates to the work-
shop. Purposive sampling was used in the se- The thematic method of data analysis was
lection of the participants. Five students per employed. Thematic Analysis is an approach
school consented to participating in the data used to dealing with data that involves the cre-
gathering exercise. The total sample comprised ation and application of ‘codes’ to data
50 respondents. This figure was arrived at by (Piantanida and Garman 1999). This was done
employing the proportional quota sampling pro- after the researchers had studied the content of
cedure. In proportional quota sampling you want the responses in depth. This approach rests on
to represent the major characteristics of the the premise that “knowledge is constructed not
population by sampling a proportional amount only by observable phenomena, but also by de-
of each. In line with this sampling design, five scriptions of people’s imitations, beliefs, values
completed questionnaires were randomly se- and reasons, meaning making and self-under-
lected from each participating school for analy- standing” (Henning et al. 2005:20).
sis. This meant that the participants were se-
lected on the basis of their typicality, location RESULTS
and accessibility. In this way, the sample was
based on specific needs (Cohen and Manion Eight major categories emerged from the
2000).This is a non-probability sampling design. analysis of the participants’ responses and these
categories were used as a framework to present
Instrument the findings. Each category is discussed with
relevant quotations from the participants.
A three-segment structured interview sched- Themes emerged when the participants were
ule or Questaview with a mixture of closed and asked about their thoughts and feelings (per-
open-ended questions was used to collect data ceptions of the impact) before undergoing the
from the participants. It was administered after training include the following:
the purpose and rationale of the study was ex-
plained to them. The instrument was developed Scared
by the researchers and was administered after it
was piloted to students who would not take part This was one of the dominant themes that
in the study in order to improve its reliability emerged from the data. Thirty or 60% of the
and the validity. The instrument was then cir- respondents indicated that they were much
culated to knowledgeable researchers who are scared when they were chosen by their life ori-
specialists in career guidance issues and student entation teachers to participate in the career
counsellors for their comments. The participants development programme. One participant in-
were asked to reflect, through narratives, on how dicated: “I felt very scared when my teacher told
they experienced the training sessions as regards me that I’m going to participate in the career

development programme because I did not know and feelings after they had undergone the train-
what to expect.” ing programme.

Nervous Confidence
This category also emerged from the partici- On the (second) segment that sought partici-
pants’ description of their feelings before un- pants’ views after the training, the majority of
dergoing the training. This was coupled with these indicated that their confidence levels have
feelings of anxiety about the programme and been improved. Eighty percent (40) of the par-
what is expected of them as participants. One ticipants felt that the programme had boosted
of the participants stated: their levels of confidence when it comes to ca-
“I felt very nervous but it comes naturally as reer decision-making process. This was mostly
I’m a shy person.” Some participants felt ner- because participants lacked confidence, they did
vous initially however, they expressed feelings not trust the decision they made about their fu-
of excitement, as soon they understood what the ture careers. The following statement supports
programme was all about. The following state- this argument: “Yes now I am more confident,
ment supports this argument: trust myself and I know I could do it.” Another
“I was a bit nervous about what we were go- participant expressed the following view; “I Feel
ing to do but got excited when I knew what the more confident and have a good idea how to
programme offers”. teach other people about how to make an in-
formed career choice.”
Positive Outlook
Most of the participants expressed feelings
of anxiousness because they did not know any- Most of the participants indicated that the
thing about the programme. However, this feel-
training changed them for the better. Change
ing would subside as the programme is presented
took place at different levels, some felt that their
and the participants were encouraged to fully
participate. One participant said: thinking about careers have changed. Others
“I felt anxious and yet eager to find out how believe that they learned and discovered many
it would help me.” One participant decided not things about themselves. Some believe that the
to attend the first meeting that was called by programme affected their personality. The fol-
the teachers at school because she was very anx- lowing quotes support the above-mentioned ar-
ious and did not know what to expect. The fol- guments.
lowing statement supports this argument: “Yes it has changed me a lot as well as my
“I was not interested, in fact I did not go to future career”
the first meeting but after my peer told me about “Yes it affected me mentally because I had to
it I changed my mind.” do a lot of thinking”
“Definitely, I’m not shy anymore and it won’t
Lost and Confused be a huge thing to do work in front of other
Some participants felt lost and confused when
they enter into the programme for the first time. Happy and Proud
The following statements reflect the way the
participants felt before undergoing the training: More than half of the participants felt happy
“I was lost and confused because I know little and proud since they will be able to train and
about career guidance staff”. Another parti- empower other learners at their respective
cipant said: schools. Some felt happy and proud because the
“If you don’t know what is going to happen, programme catered for their own career devel-
you feel lost and confused; I thought they (fa- opment needs and are ready for higher educa-
cilitators) were going to ask us questions as the tion. Here are some of the participants’ re-
teachers do at school.” sponses:
The following themes emerged after the par- “I feel happy and proud of myself because
ticipants were asked to reflect on their thoughts now I can teach other learners about making

proper decisions and I want to go to varsity when 2007; Sweet 2004; Stern 2003) in high school
I pass my matric” pose a major problem for post-secondary insti-
“Oh yes it did, and I’m happy that I came tutions. One of the issues concerning the diffi-
and did the course” culties in transitioning from high school to the
“Yes it did, I’m feeling really happy, confi- institution of higher learning is inadequate or
dent and proud because now I know where I lack of career development programmes (Bernes
stand in choosing a career.” et al. 2007) that can guide and advise high
school learners of post-secondary entry require-
Self-knowledge ments (Stern 2003). The lack of or inadequacy
of career counseling and intervention program-
On this aspect, eighty percent of the partici- mes was revealed by our study sample. After
pants expressed the importance of self-knowl- the intervention, the learners or participants felt
edge in career decision making. Participants empowered, hence their reference to heightened
indicated that the programme made them feel ‘confidence’ and general happiness. Through the
that they really did not know themselves very Cognitive Information Processing perspective
well. The participants claimed to have devel- (CIP) students as individuals were, and felt
oped skills for confronting problems. Here are empowered to make informed career decisions
some of their responses: through using information gained. Our sample
“I have learnt more things about career was provided with skills meant to develop their
choices and self-knowledge but firstly I did not processing abilities. As such, our sample as cli-
know that it is important to know yourself, so it ents, claimed to have developed skills for con-
helped though it stresses me to know that I don’t fronting problems.
know myself that well” The findings of this study are consistent with
“Yes it has, it made me feel like I don’t know the aforementioned argument. Most of the learn-
myself so well and it is as though I must do ers in the study, from poor and disadvantaged
research to find out who I really am.” communities of Eastern Cape of South Africa
From the above extracts, it appears that par- felt lost, confused, and lacked confidence in
ticipants did not know themselves well and also making career choices due to the poor provi-
did not know the importance of self-knowledge sion or lack of career guidance and development
in career decision making process, as one par- programmes in their respective schools. How-
ticipant elaborated: ever, many of the participants felt more confi-
“You first need to know yourself before choos- dent and proud after undergoing the training
ing a career” on career guidance and development.
Participants in this study also expressed posi-
DISCUSSION tive feelings when they were asked about what
they thought and felt after completed the train-
The results of the study reflect some of the ing programme. Some indicated that they would
issues and problems that learners experience, like to go and study at the university when they
are a result of poor or lack of proper career guid- finished matric. Research actually shows that
ance and development programmes in high most learners that have received career guid-
schools both in urban and rural areas. For in- ance in high school aim to enter higher educa-
stance, data revealed that the learners or par- tion (Euvrard 1996). This means that career
ticipants were ‘scared’, ‘nervous’ and ‘lost and guidance has a positive effect on one’s desire to
confused’ prior to the implementation of the enter higher education and this has implications
career guidance initiative. Most learners are for Department of Education in terms of its sup-
unaware of such initiatives during their high port for career guidance and development ac-
school days. It is this lack of vital knowledge tivities in high schools. The assumption there-
that manifests itself when learners present them- fore is that, if more learners receive proper ca-
selves in higher education. It is well documented reer guidance while in high school, they will be
that poor academic preparation (Makura et al. in a position to make informed career choices
2011; van Schalkwyk 2007; Wight and Maree and that has implications for tertiary education
2007) and lack of career guidance (Bernes et al. access. This means that proper career guidance
2007; Wight and Maree 2007; van Schalkwyk and development programmes at high school

level are a necessity for tertiary education ac- the efficacy of the Career Development Pro-
cess. gramme coordinated by the University of Fort
The findings of this study suggest that learn- Hare among High School Learners in the East-
ers’ ability to make informed career choices ern Cape region of South Africa is very high.
was influenced by lack of self-knowledge. One Due to the efficacious character of career
participant indicated that not knowing your- development and guidance interventions, learn-
self could be very stressful. The feelings and ers will be in a position to make informed ca-
thoughts expressed by the participants before reer choices relating to access and articulation
going through the training help buttress this into higher education. As such, tertiary institu-
argument. Zunker (2002) posits that, the life of tions should mount more periodic and sched-
typical high school learner is one full of uncer- uled career development outreach programmes
tainty, turmoil and stress. The period of transi- to inform prospective students.
tion can wreak havoc on the learners’ abilities
to make informed decisions for the welfare of RECOMMENDATIONS
themselves and others.
It should be noted that many of the partici- Based on these findings, it is highly recom-
pants in the study expressed positive thoughts mended that the career guidance programme be
and feelings after completing the training pro- sustained, and extended to more learners in the
gramme. There was a shift or movement from Eastern Cape region of South Africa. This will
negative territory (lost, confused, anxious, ner- assist many underprivileged learners with proper
vous, and scarred) to a positive state of feelings decision-making skills that are necessary for
and thoughts (confident, positive outlook, self- their personal growth and development. The
knowledge and happy and proud). Through ca- department of basic education should employ
reer guidance, society is able to allocate human qualified Life Orientation subject teachers who
resources and social equity in access to educa- are dedicated, motivated and properly trained
tional opportunities (Plant 2004). Previously in the field of career guidance and development
marginalised communities such as those in some programmes. In short, there should be public
parts of South Africa could benefit. This access policy and legislation that augment human capi-
should be augmented by an improvement in ca- tal development.
reer counseling training (Plant 2004) in such We suggest that universities put in place ad-
localities. mission rules and regulations that compel
schools and prospective candidates to undergo
CONCLUSION career counseling and development training.
The career guidance programme should be tai-
The findings of this study indicated that par- lor-made, to address the needs of the learners
ticipants were satisfied with the programme and in a particular context given the diverse socio
expressed positive thoughts, feelings and atti- economic backgrounds of the learners. The ru-
tudes. Their levels of understanding and self- ral-urban dynamic, which is always visible dur-
confidence in relation to making informed ca- ing career guidance and training workshops,
reer choices had increased. Career development could be taken into consideration if one wants
initiatives are a window for high school learn- to develop an effective career guidance pro-
ers in disadvantaged societies to be capacitated gramme. A computer assisted career guidance
to make informed career choices and decisions. system may be developed for schools that have
Initially, they did not understand the purpose of access to computer technology.
the intervention; hence the initial reservations. The sustainability and monitoring of the
Through the Questaview, the researchers were programme in schools should be maintained
able to obtain some measure of perceived im- with the view to assisting the schools to take
pacts of career development initiatives in a ownership of the programme and develop it fur-
multicultural society. Hence, the sample in our ther. We also implore researchers to use quali-
study expressed both positive and negative sen- tative methodologies in interrogating career
timents on such interventions. At the end of the counseling and development programmes in
initiative, the learners felt empowered and were disadvantaged communities. The use of a
in a position to make informed decisions. Based Questaview as a qualitative data-gathering in-
on the foregoing, we therefore concluded that strument was instrumental in obtaining insight

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Epitome of University Access. Research in Higher
Sam Van Musschenbroek for assisting in the Education Journal. From <
manuscripts/11797.pdf> (Retrieved on 15 May, 2012).
development of the Career Guidance programme Osipow S 1968. Theories of Career Development. New York:
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