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Brandon Saetern
May 15th 2019

5 Year Plan

My 5 year plan after high school will consist of college, work, and family. I am attending

the University of California Merced and plan to do so for my whole college career. I am

enrolling as an undeclared engineer major as I hope to find which one intrigues me more as I

progress through college. I wanted to go to UC Merced to save money and also because of my

family. I stayed because I knew I’d be able to live at home with parents without spending a

single dime on living cost on dorms.I plan on living with my parents throughout my college

career to save money but, when the time comes I do plan on moving out depending on my

financial stability over time. Perhaps I may find friends during college that will all move in

together and pitch in for rent. I also do plan on getting engaged in college so once I graduate we

can get married and start our life after college.

My financial plan over the 5 years are to find a job and also apply for as many

scholarships as I can to get as much money as I will need. I plan on working part-time either on

campus or off campus. I also will get financial help from my family and relatives. Throughout

my life my relatives have always helped me with financial problems. My family and relatives

have always wanted me to succeed. Most of my funds will be coming from a part time job. I do

not plan on spending my money on unnecessary things in college unless I really want it or need it

but, forsure all the unnecessary spending habits will go down the drain. Spending money on food

will stop as I plan on making home cooked meals everyday.

My educational plan is to finish college within 5 years with my bachelor’s degree in

engineering. I plan on majoring in whichever engineering intrigues me more in college. I hope to

Brandon Saetern
May 15th 2019

graduate within 5 years so I can get out of this small town and make money.In college I plan on

not taking any breaks off of school which means enrolling for summer classes and getting the

credits I need. I want to finish school as fast as I can. Finishing college within 5 years with a

bachelor’s degree would give me more time to find a job at a young age (22) right after college.

It would give me time to find a job I like with the degree I earned and worked for.

Career-wise over 5 years I plan on getting into as many internships as I can too to see

what could possibly be my career as soon as I graduate from college. No matter how tired I get I

do plan on working in many internships as I can. I want to make a minimum of fifty-thousand

dollars a year right out of college. If I graduate college within 4 years I will go back to school to

get my Masters degree in business. I don’t mind working strenuous hours as long as I’m making

good money because I don’t mind the hard work at all it keeps me busy. I’m not a picky person

as long as I’m not stuck flipping burgers or cleaning toilets.

Overall I do have a living plan which is living with my parents while I attend school

full-time. I also do plan on finding a part-time job that works with my schedule. I also do plan on

getting internships within my 5 years after high-school. In addition I will be majoring in

engineering and minoring in business since I’m all about my money. Maybe one year I might

live on campus to see what it’s like. Whatever happens between these 5 years all I know is

everyday I will be progressing forward to something big. I know it.

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