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English – 2019

Technology in my daily life

B1.1 Unit 1

Student’s name: Gabriella diaz yepes

All the answers are in the last pages Grade: 10

Situation: No doubt technology has benefited society in many forms, but it’s also known how many
negative situations happen on virtual environments because of malicious people
(hackers, abusers, homophobic, racists...)

Activity 1. Think of a person or group of people whose actions affect Internet users (social
networks, e-mails, personal bank accounts…) and propose better use of these skills or
knowledge in favor of society.

Follow the example:

1. If I were a racist, I would stop hurting people on Internet by respecting differences and
accepting that skin color, beliefs, social conditions and the like are what make us unique.
2. If I were a hacker, I would …

Campus Santa Rosa de Osos: Carrera 21 No 34B – 07
Medellín: Calle 52 No. 47 – 42 Edificio Coltejer Piso 5
PBX (057) (4) 605 15 35 - FAX (057) (4) 605 42 20
Antioquia – Colombia
English – 2019
Technology in my daily life
B1.1 Unit 1

Time to design and reflect!

Situation Have you ever thought about living a day as your parents and grandparents lived some
decades ago (without Internet access, cell phones, computers. . .)?

Activity 2:

a. Design an image or cartoon (or take a funny photo) that represents a day / week in your life without
access to any electronic device or gadget.
b. Imagine you have lived this experience and tell what you have done during these days.

Comics / drawing / photo Description

This is how I have lived this experience:

First I have had to change my daily routines. I have read the
newspaper (instead of watching the news online) and I have gone
to libraries to search for information for school. My family has met
to watch a TV program together and then my parents have shared
some family photos.
Campus Santa Rosa de Osos: Carrera 21 No 34B – 07
Medellín: Calle 52 No. 47 – 42 Edificio Coltejer Piso 5
PBX (057) (4) 605 15 35 - FAX (057) (4) 605 42 20
Antioquia – Colombia
English – 2019
Technology in my daily life
B1.1 Unit 1

Activity 3. Look around your house, select 4 or 5 devices that have been being updated along the
years and identify their new functions. Then think of how they can be improved based
on some negative aspects you, as user, believe to need.

Example: WhatsApp is a free messenger used to send messages, audios, videos or

images. Most people use it to chat, but the ongoing interaction through
this app has led people to fall into misspelling. It’s common to see
messages without any formal language, which has a negative effect on
people who do not practice correct ways to communicate: punctuation
marks, spelling, accent mark, among others. Given these circumstances, I
would improve this app by reinforcing the correct spelling. A good
strategy to reach it is forcing users to write correctly, otherwise, the
message would not be sent.


Internet and new technologies are a great tool, in fact most of our daily activities are related to this
invention. However, some people who do not know what Cibercolegio UCN means and offers think this
study method does not meet the current generation’s expectations, since only negative aspects are seen
through the media.
Campus Santa Rosa de Osos: Carrera 21 No 34B – 07
Medellín: Calle 52 No. 47 – 42 Edificio Coltejer Piso 5
PBX (057) (4) 605 15 35 - FAX (057) (4) 605 42 20
Antioquia – Colombia
English – 2019
Technology in my daily life
B1.1 Unit 1

Activity. Through an oral speech (audio, video) narrate all the positive and negative aspects of
new technologies (Internet, especially), but try to highlight the most relevant and
meaningful advantages of this invention in order for you to convince the reader of the
importance of using ICT in a correct way.

Well, not everything is perfect on Internet, in fact fake news have become a
trend since everybody can upload information without any …… but spite this

phenomenon, Internet and new technologies are changing the way we live
because ….

Video or audio (link): Paste the link here
Campus Santa Rosa de Osos: Carrera 21 No 34B – 07
Medellín: Calle 52 No. 47 – 42 Edificio Coltejer Piso 5
PBX (057) (4) 605 15 35 - FAX (057) (4) 605 42 20
Antioquia – Colombia

 Racist People:
If i were one of these people, i would stop what im doing and
remember that the person im damaging is a human too just as i
am. We are all just people and nothing is wrong with us. If that
person did the same thing to someone that is different and if it
was me i would feel the same way or worst.

 Bad Hackers:
If i was this kind of people i would think about what im doing and
get to the conclusión that i can do it for good. I can work for
bussines. Like that case of a 14 year old boy that hacked the
NASA, thats something no one could do, they were so impressed
by it, that they hired him so he could work for them.

 Ciber bullies:
If i was in the shoes of a ciber bullie i woul stop what im doing,
apologize to the people im damaging, start a new live being a
better person and treating people just as they deserve to be

I started my day by waking up at 4:40 am to go to swim practice,
at 9:30 am im home and i decided to take a nap since im having
practice again in the afternoon. After a 30 minutes or an hour nap
i get up and since im on online school i took some notes that i
made from the exams and activities that im having soon, so i
studied that way. I had lunch with my family, and then i decided
to read my book in the park of the apartment unit. I dont really
hang out with people because i dont really have friends, the
people i socialize with are most from practice, my team partners,
the people i socialize apart of my team partners are my family. At
2:30 pm i leave with my mom again to practice when we get
home at 6:30 i eat diner and then i get ready to sleep, maybe i
listen some music or i read a little bit more, then i go to sleep
early so i can get good sleep for the day that comes.


Spotify is an app that serves to listen to music, it’s not free, but
also not expensive at all. You can listen to what you want without
any publicity and when you want. Your créate your own playlists
and you can share them as well, its like a social media you get to
follow people’s playlists if you like they’r music. People have
their followers and playlists.
This app is really good and it has helped me a lot. But i think
there is something’s to improve, or at least i dont like that
When you share an account you can hear what the other person’s
music. If you are not using it offline then the music that is playing
in the other person’s phone start’s playing in your phone
This is the thing that i would like to improve about the app. To
have the option of not listening to to the music of the ones you
are sharing the acount with.

Nowadays almost everyone in the world have had a contact with
computers. A great àrt of then has been using international
computer’s net know as internet.
I think using internet has more advantages then disadvantages.
First of all, internet provides Access to a lot of information. Some
of them are very useful in your job other helps in your hobby.
Searching in the net with Google, you can find everything you
want. You can also do shopping using internet. Of course it has
no sense to buying a roll, but if you need something inaccesible,
you will be able to buy it in a internet shop. You need only to
select what you want, fill in some forms and click ok.
In a few days you will get what you have ordered directly to your
home, without going anywhere. You can pay with your credit
card, pay postman when you get the package, or transfer money
from your bank account. Nowadays almost every bigger bank
offers transferring money with internet. It is more faster then
going to the bank and filling blankets. Tranferring money in
traditional way takes about a day, using internet you can do this
in few seconds even in Saturday and Sunday evenings.
Whats more internet Banks give you insourance against
unauthorized trasaction.
Some people thinks that their money can be stolen by hackers. It
isn’t true because the easiest way to steal yout money from
internet bank is breaking to your house and stealing your card
codes. Internet Banks have very good protections wich make
them practically unabreakable.
Next advantage of internet is email. Internet mails get in a few
seconds in their destinations. It is very important when you want
to send something for example to Australia. Of course you can
send not only texts. You can email whatever you want, movies,
potos, songs, computer programs etc. Costs are very important
adventage of emails. Sending an email is much cheaper the
phoning, or sending normal letters.
Beside a lot of advantages, internet has some disadvantages too.
First of disadvantages is that people who spend too much time
sitting in the front of the computer can esaily get ill. Radiation
emitted by computer’s screen is harmful to eyes. People who
spend too much time at their homes are getting weaker. Sitting
for a long time is also harmful to the spine.
Second disadvantage is that internet can be addictive. Some
people just can’t live without it. They have no real friends and
when the internet is down they are getting furious.
Internet has some opponents but more and more people treats
intermet like telephone, or radio. They use it for fun and work,
and i think at present living without internet wuld be quite

Audio inglés
advantages and disadvantages

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