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Sex Dev 2014;8:273–280 Published online: June 17, 2014

DOI: 10.1159/000363432

Wolffian Duct Development

Geoffrey Shaw Marilyn B. Renfree
Department of Zoology, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic., Australia

Key Words it is clear that there is a complex interplay between andro-

Androgens · Epididymis · Growth factors · Marsupial · gens, genes and growth factors in the tissues that leads to
Müllerian ducts · Sexual differentiation · Virilisation · the formation of the complex anatomy of the male repro-
Wolffian ducts ductive duct system in the adult. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel

The Wolffian ducts (WDs) are the progenitors of the epidid- Development of the Wolffian Duct
ymis, vas deferens and seminal vesicles. They form initially
as nephric ducts that acquire connection to the developing In mammals, genetic males and females initially have
testis as the mesonephros regresses. The development of bipotential gonads and paired Müllerian ducts and Wolff-
the WDs is dependent on androgens. Conventionally, the ian ducts (WDs), the precursors, respectively, of the fe-
active androgen is believed to be testosterone delivered lo- male and male internal reproductive systems. The classic
cally rather than via the systemic circulation. However, re- model for sexual differentiation involves active virilisa-
cent studies in marsupials show that 5α-reduced steroids tion in males, through the action of testicular hormones,
are essential and that these can induce virilisation even whilst absence of these testicular hormones allows femi-
when they are delivered via the systemic circulation. The nisation of these structures by endogenous pathways
development of the WDs involves an interplay between the [Jost, 1970]. However, there is a growing recognition that
duct epithelium and underlying mesenchyme; androgen re- some somatic sexual dimorphisms arise independent of
ceptors in both the epithelium and mesenchyme are need- gonadal hormones and even the testis-determining gene
ed. The epidermal growth factor and epidermal growth fac- on the Y chromosome [see Renfree et al., this issue]. The
tor receptor may play a role, possibly via activation of an- formation of the Müllerian duct and regulation of its dif-
drogen receptor. The formation of the epididymis involves ferentiation in females and anti-Müllerian hormone-me-
a complex morphogenetic program to achieve the normal diated regression in males is the subject of another paper
pattern of coiling, formation of septae, and regional func- in this issue [see Ipulan and Behringer, this issue]. This
tional differentiation. In part, this process may be mediated review will focus on differentiation of the WDs and the
by inhibin beta A as well as by genes from the HOX cluster. mechanisms by which they are virilised in males by an-
Whilst the development of the WD is androgen dependent, drogens. - 6/6/2015 8:31:29 PM
Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo

© 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel Geoffrey Shaw

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The WDs (pronephric and mesonephric ducts) are
named after the German anatomist Caspar Friedrich
Wolff [1774], who first described the mesonephros and
its ducts. This duct plays a fundamental role in fetus, in-
ducing formation of the 3 generations of kidney and act-
ing as the excretory duct of the pro- and mesonephros.
The gonad forms medio-lateral to the mesonephros,
which regresses once the metanephros is formed and
functioning. As this regression occurs, mesonephric tu-
bules differentiate to form efferent ducts connecting the
testis to the WD, and thus, as the duct loses its excretory
function, it acquires a reproductive function. This review
will briefly address the embryology of the duct before
coming to focus on its role as the male reproductive duct
Fig. 1. Early development of the WD. A The WD arises in the an-
and the mechanisms by which it is virilised. terior intermediate mesoderm (IM) and grows caudally as a cord
of cells before forming a tubule via mesenchymal-epithelial transi-
tion dependent on the Pax2, Pax8 and Lim1 genes. Inductive sig-
Embryonic Origins of the WD nals from the developing WD induce formation of the pronephros
(Pro) and mesonephros (Meso). B The caudal end of the WD con-
nects to the urogenital sinus (UGS), and the WD takes on an excre-
The origins of the reproductive tract are intimately in- tory role for the mesonephros. The development of the WD re-
terwoven with the development of the embryonic kidneys quires Emx2 and retinoic acid signalling via retinoic acid receptor
and associated ducts. The urogenital ridge arises in the (RAR). Mesoderm adjacent to the caudal WD induces the forma-
early embryo as a pair of ridges of intermediate meso- tion of the ureteric bud, a process requiring GDNF/RET signalling.
Inductive signals from the ureteric bud initiate the development of
derm lateral to somites running down the posterior body
the metanephros (Meta) which migrates cranially. C As develop-
wall. The WD arises in the anterior intermediate meso- ment proceeds the mesonephros regresses, but the cranial meso-
derm (the presumptive pronephric region) and elongates nephric ducts form into the rete testis/efferent ducts connecting to
caudally as a cord of cells that eventually undergo mesen- the developing testis. Hox genes are differentially expressed cra-
chymal-epithelial transition (fig. 1A). The migrating epi- nial to caudal, contributing to regional specification. Androgens
from the testis act on ARs to initiate coiling morphogenesis of the
thelial cells of the developing WD actively extend and epididymal region.
withdraw filopodia and lamellipodia, and have cell tails
that extend and retract under control of a RHO/actin-
based mechanism that is essential for normal duct forma-
tion [Atsuta et al., 2013]. The WD sequentially induces
the formation of the pronephros, mesonephros and meta- The gonads form as epithelial thickenings on the ven-
nephros. The pronephros forms cranially in the ridge and tromedial surface of the mesonephros (fig.  1B). As the
is the primary blood filtration and osmoregulatory organ mesonephros regresses in mammals, remnant meso-
in fish and amphibian larvae. In mammals, it is transitory nephric tubules form the rudiments of the rete testis, con-
and is never functional as an excretory organ. The WD necting the seminiferous tubules to the mesonephric or
induces formation of the mesonephros in the central re- WD (fig. 1C). The definitive adult mammalian kidney is
gion of the nephrogenic mesoderm. This functions as the the metanephros. This originates with dynamic interac-
kidney in amphibians and embryonic kidney in mam- tions between the caudal WD and the adjacent mesen-
mals, though in marsupials, it remains functional for a chyme that induces formation of an epithelial bud from
period after birth in the altricial young [Wilkes and Jans- the caudal end of the WD [Renfree et al., 1996], a process
sens, 1986]. Interestingly, the developing elephant has involving GDNF/RET signalling [reviewed in Saxén and
nephrostomes, openings that directly connect the coelo- Sariola, 1987; Airik and Kispert, 2007; Menshykau and
mic cavity and the lumen of the primitive nephric tubule, Iber, 2013] (fig. 1B, C). The ureteric bud extends crani-
in its developing mesonephros [Gaeth et al., 1999]. These ally and initiates branching morphogenesis to form the
are a characteristic of aquatic vertebrates and may reflect metanephros [Saxén and Sariola, 1987; Airik and Kispert,
an ancestral aquatic stage in the elephant lineage [Gaeth 2007; Menshykau and Iber, 2013]. The caudal WD also
et al., 1999]. gives rise, in some species, to the seminal vesicles. - 6/6/2015 8:31:29 PM
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The genetic mechanisms underlying initial formation tion and marked convolution of the cranial end accom-
of the WD have been clarified through investigation of panied by cytological and morphological differentiation
mutant mice, and the pathways appear similar in both of the epididymis and vas deferens [Welsh et al., 2006]. At
males and females (fig. 1). Pax2, Pax8 and Lim1 are all the caudal end, the seminal vesicle starts to form. Intrigu-
expressed in the developing WD and appear to cooperate ingly, there are critical time windows for the hormonal
in WD development, probably playing a key role in mes- priming that regulates WD development as well as other
enchymal-epithelial transformation which is essential for aspects of virilisation [Welsh et al., 2009, 2010; Macleod
formation of the duct and mesonephric tubules. Emx2 is et al., 2010]. Blocking androgen action with flutamide af-
also needed for WD development, since in Emx2 null ter this critical time window, but before morphological
mice the duct initially forms normally but is degenerating differentiation, does not prevent formation of a vas and
in both males and females by E11.5 [Miyamoto et al., epididymis [Welsh et al., 2006, 2009; Macleod et al., 2010].
1997]. Retinoic acid signalling also appears to be impor- A similar pattern seems to apply also in tammars with re-
tant, since double knockout of RARα and RARγ led to spect to WD development [Renfree et al., 2009] (fig. 2).
agenesis of the epididymis, vas deferens and seminal ves- Neonatal females that received testis transplants had
icles [Mendelsohn et al., 1994]. well-developed WDs at autopsy [Renfree et al., 2009],
whilst when transplants were made at day 10, subsequent
WD development was poor [Tyndale-Biscoe and Hinds,
Hormonal Regulation of WD Differentiation 1989]. Similar time windows where androgen stimulation
is needed to program later morphological differentiation
The importance of androgens for WD development are also seen in phallus development in wallabies [Leihy
has been well established. Jost’s early experiments dem- et al., 2004] and in rats [Welsh et al., 2010]. Despite the
onstrated that castration of fetal male rabbits before the importance of androgen exposure in this early time win-
age when WD regression occurred in females led to a fe- dow, full development and differentiation of the WD and
male ductal phenotype with a regressed WD and the de- phallus is also dependent on continuing androgen stimu-
velopment of the Müllerian duct [Jost, 1946, 1970]. Plac- lation.
ing a crystal of testosterone beside the ovary of a fetal Two mechanisms have been investigated to define
rabbit caused retention of the WD [Jost, 1970]. Testicular how the testicular androgen reaches the WD. Jost’s
androgens drive differentiation of the seminal vesicles [1953a, b] early experiments indicated that the effect of
from the caudal region and the formation of the epididy- the testis on the WD was unilateral and presumably due
mis from the cranial section. In mice with androgen re- to diffusion from the testis graft or crystal of testosterone
ceptor knock out (ARKO), WD derivatives, epididymi- preferentially to the side of the implant. In a single female
des, vas deferens, and seminal vesicles are absent [Yeh et rabbit fetus that had a testis grafted adjacent to the ovary
al., 2002]. In many humans with complete androgen in- retained the ipsilateral WD, whilst the duct on the con-
sensitivity syndrome, WD derivatives are absent, al- tralateral side underwent the regression normally seen in
though in many cases some Wolffian derivatives may re- the female. A number of ‘experiments of nature’ parallel
main, possibly due to some small residual activity of the to Jost’s [1953a, b] observations. For example, in human
androgen receptor (AR) [Hannema et al., 2004]. In fe- cases of disorders of sex development involving unilat-
males, remnants of the caudal section of the WD may also eral gonadal dysgenesis, the WD associated with the unaf-
persist in the urogenital sinus tissues lateral to the vaginal fected testis usually develops, whilst on the side of the
wall as the Gartner’s duct or cyst, and remnants of the dysgenetic gonad, the gonad is commonly retained in the
cranial part of the duct may persist in females as the ep- abdomen and the WD is absent. These data suggest that
oophoron and Skene’s glands. androgens from the testis are locally transferred to the
Morphological development of the WD occurs in 2 ipsilateral WD. Tong et al. [1996] investigated this ex-
androgen-dependent phases. The initial phase encom- perimentally. They microinjected testosterone-albumin-
passes regression of the duct in females and androgen- FITC into the anterolateral side of testes of mouse 14-day
mediated stabilisation and retention of the ducts in males. urogenital ridges in culture. After 17 h, fluorescence was
This occurs from about E13.5–E16 in mice and rats, by found all along the WD, and by 24 h, fluorescence was
which stage little remains of the WD in females [Staack et concentrated at the dilated caudal end. These data are
al., 2003; Welsh et al., 2009]. Following this is a phase of consistent with the local transfer of androgens from the
differentiation in males which includes tubular elonga- developing testis into the adjacent WD. - 6/6/2015 8:31:29 PM
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Fig. 2. Experimental manipulation of the WDs in tammars. At day In females that received a testis graft under the skin as neonates
34 pp in males (A) the WD is developing and the Müllerian duct (E), the graft (arrow) has developed, and androgens from it have
(MD) is regressed, whilst in females (B), the MD is developing, and virilised the WD (F), which shows characteristic epididymal coils
only a trace of the WD remains (arrow). In males treated with an adjacent to the ovary (Ov). Data from Shaw et al. [2006] and Ren-
inhibitor of 5α-reductase (C), the WD is regressing, whilst in fe- free et al. [2009].
males treated with androstanediol (D), the WD has not regressed.

An alternative approach to test this hypothesis was recipients, it is clear that testicular androgen delivered via
pursued [Renfree et al., 2009] using a marsupial model. As the systemic circulation was sufficient to prevent WD re-
in eutherians, there are ARs in the WD of the tammar wal- gression and, indeed, to initiate formation of epididymal
laby [Butler et al., 1998], and WD development is andro- coiling [Renfree et al., 2009]. Thus, at least in the tammar
gen dependent [Shaw et al., 1988; Ryhorchuk et al., 1997]. wallaby, local transfer of androgens from the testis is not
However, in marsupials, gonadal differentiation occurs needed for WD development.
after birth when the young are accessible for experimental The question of which androgen is responsible for vir-
manipulation [Wilson et al., 2003; Renfree et al., 2006]. In ilisation of the WD has also been considered. In many
females, regression of the WD takes place between day 10 androgen target tissues, testosterone is 5α-reduced to
and 25 pp [Renfree et al., 1996]. Since the immune system 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which acts as the active
does not mature until about day 90–120 pp [Basden et al., androgen locally. However, there is evidence that testos-
1997], it is possible to xenotransplant early developing go- terone may act directly to virilise the WD. Strong evi-
nads between animals [Whitworth et al., 1997; Renfree et dence for this comes from genetic males with steroid
al., 2009]. Testes transplanted from neonatal or day 8–9 5α-reductase-2 deficiency, where, although the external
pp male young to below the flank abdominal skin of a neo- genitalia and urethra are feminised, the WD still virilises
natal female young developed and secreted physiological [Wilson et al., 1993]. In addition, in several species, the
amounts of androgen as assessed by the formation of pros- WD lacks 5α-reductase during the initial phases of sexual
tatic tissue in the urogenital sinus (fig. 2). At day 34 pp, differentiation, when the duct is stabilised and commenc-
WDs were retained in these females, with a columnar ep- es differentiation. However, in tammar wallabies, there is
ithelium and a duct diameter similar to that in control evidence that WD differentiation is not mediated by tes-
males, whilst WDs were regressed in the control females. tosterone. In tammars, the main androgen secreted by the
By day 87 pp, WDs in the females with testis grafts showed testis during the early phase of sexual differentiation is
coiling as an epididymis started to form. The development 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol (adiol) rather than testoster-
of the WD in the females with testis grafts was similar on one or DHT [Shaw et al., 2000; Renfree et al., 2006]. The
both sides. Since there was no local association between tammar WD can readily metabolise the hormonally inac-
the subcutaneous testis grafts and the WDs of the graft tive adiol into DHT [Shaw et al., 2006]. Administering a - 6/6/2015 8:31:29 PM
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5α-reductase inhibitor, which would suppress testicular These data suggest that AR has 2 separate roles in WD
production of adiol and DHT, but not testosterone, development. Mesenchymal ARs are needed for WD sta-
blocked virilisation of the WD in males, showing that, in bilisation, growth and coiling, whilst epithelial ARs are
tammars, the androgen responsible for WD virilisation is needed for later development and adult function. How-
not testosterone [Shaw et al., 2006]. In addition, treat- ever, the androgen effects depend on interplay between
ment of females with adiol, in doses previously shown to the mesenchyme and epithelium. Tissue recombination
induce prostate development, prevented regression of the experiments have clearly indicated that the regionally
WDs [Shaw et al., 2006]. specific development of the epithelium is driven by the
underlying mesenchyme. For example, epithelium from
the anterior WD, that will normally form the epididymis,
Androgen Receptors and WD Virilisation will adopt a seminal vesicle-like phenotype if placed on
caudal WD mesenchyme [Higgins et al., 1989]. However,
In both male and female mice, ARs are present at E12.5 the dialogue is 2-way. Mesenchyme cultured in the ab-
(the time of onset of testicular androgen production in sence of epithelium does not develop normally [Higgins
males) in the mesenchyme surrounding the cranial WD et al., 1989; Cunha et al., 1991]. Some of this crosstalk may
and are extended caudally during development from be mediated by the epidermal growth factor (EGF). Ex-
E14.5 to E18.5 [Cooke et al., 1991; Murashima et al., posure of developing male urogenital systems to antibod-
2011]. At E14.5, when the WD is being stabilised in males ies to EGF in culture led to disintegration of the WD in a
but is regressing in females, there are low levels of AR dose-dependent manner, even in the presence of exoge-
present in the cranial WD epithelium in both sexes. In nous testosterone [Gupta et al., 1991]. Both EGF and the
males, the expression of AR increases in both mesen- epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) are expressed
chyme and epithelium between E16.5 and E18.5 [Mu- in the developing male reproductive tract in a pattern that
rashima et al., 2011]. In mice with ARKO, the WD of correlated with the progression of WD differentiation
males regresses in a manner similar to that in females, [Gupta et al., 1991, 1996; Gupta and Singh, 1996]. EGF is
with increased apoptosis of epithelial cells, but no change initially found in both mesenchyme and epithelium, but
in proliferation. In contrast, in male mice with selective by E18 it is principally epithelial [Gupta, 1997], and EGF
ARKOs in the WD epithelia, the WD was retained, coiled can stabilise the developing female WD in vitro [Gupta et
epididymides were present at E18.5, and normal epididy- al., 1996]. The action of EGF is not direct, but appears to
mal morphology was seen in adulthood [Murashima et involve ARs. At high doses, EGF may activate the AR-
al., 2011]. Thus, mesenchymal AR is needed for stabilisa- mediated transcription in the absence of androgen, but at
tion of the WD and the subsequent elongation and coil- physiological doses, EGF acts to amplify androgen-medi-
ing. However, these epithelium-specific ARKO males had ated transcriptional changes via the AR [Gupta, 1999].
altered expression of functional markers that indicate This effect may be brought about by activation of MAPK
that epithelial AR is needed for correct differentiation of signalling pathways that might phosphorylate the AR in
the caput and cauda principal and caput basal cells [Mu- ways that enhance gene activation [Gupta, 1999]. Thus,
rashima et al., 2011]. Mice with selective ablation of AR there is interplay between androgen stimulating EGF,
in the caput epididymis lack an initial segment, have al- which, in turn, potentiates androgen’s actions. Hannema
tered epididymal morphology and function, and are in- et al. [2004] report that, whilst complete androgen insen-
fertile [O’Hara et al., 2011]. sitivity syndrome patients with mutations that prevented
Whilst these data in mice indicate an anti-apoptotic AR expression, or mutations in the DNA-binding do-
effect of androgens, fetal rats treated with the AR blocker main that prevented transcriptional activation, always
flutamide from E15.5 had reduced cell proliferation in the lacked WD development; 70% of complete androgen in-
WD, but no change in apoptosis [Welsh et al., 2006]. The sensitivity syndrome patients with substitution muta-
failure of flutamide to induce an anti-apoptotic effect may tions in the ligand-binding domain had epididymides
reflect a low level of residual androgen action in the rats and vas deferens. They hypothesised that there was some
that is sufficient to prevent the increased apoptosis seen residual AR activity that was activated by locally high tes-
in ARKO mice. However, the contrast between the reduc- tosterone concentrations in the duct, but it is interesting
tion of cell proliferation in flutamide treated rats and the to speculate that non-ligand-mediated activation of the
absence of change in proliferation seen in ARKO mice AR via EGF/EGFR may contribute to the development of
[Murashima et al., 2011] remains to be clarified. epididymis and vas deferens in these patients. - 6/6/2015 8:31:29 PM
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Regional Specification The coiling of the elongating epididymal section of the
WD appears to be remarkably well controlled, with a con-
Regional specification of the developing WD into epi- sistent anatomical pattern evolving with time both in vivo
didymis, vas deferens and seminal vesicle depends on sev- and in explanted urogenital systems in vitro. As with
eral Hox genes [Hsieh-Li et al., 1995; Warot et al., 1997; many aspects of urogenital development, there is a pro-
Podlasek et al., 1999; Bomgardner et al., 2003]. Hox genes gressive cranial to caudal progression in the onset of coil-
encode transcription factors, regulate anterior-posterior ing. The pattern of coiling is not generated by differential
patterning, and regulate the regionalisation or patterning rates of cell proliferation along the duct, as the rate of cell
of multiple embryonic tube systems. In male mice, Hoxa9 division appears to be uniform along the whole length
and Hoxd9 are expressed in the epididymis and vas def- [Hinton et al., 2011]. Possibly proliferation and coiling,
erens. Hoxa10 and Hoxd10 are expressed in the caudal whilst occurring at the same time, are under independent
epididymis and vas deferens. Hoxa11 is expressed only in control [Hinton et al., 2011]. As the developing epididy-
the vas deferens, whilst Hoxa13 and Hoxd13 are expressed mal duct elongates, it is constrained by a fibrous capsule,
only in the caudal WD [Snyder et al., 2010]. A recent so to some extent the coiling may be a consequence of this
study implicated miRNA in the final regional maturation constraint. However, the patterning of the coiling and the
of the epididymis. Conditional knockout of the RNase formation of septae between sections of coil that later
III enzyme Dicer1, which is needed for production of show segmental gene expression patterns suggests there
miRNAs from longer precursors, in the proximal 2 seg- is more to the pattern of coiling than simple physical con-
ments of the epididymis from day 12 pp resulted in down- straint.
regulation of epididymis-specific gene markers and pro- One factor that has been identified as a regional
gressive dedifferentiation of the epididymal epithelium paracrine factor necessary for epididymal coiling is in-
[Björkgren et al., 2012]. hibin beta A [Tomaszewski et al., 2007]. In mice, in-
hibin beta A is present in anterior WD mesenchyme
and mesonephros in both males and females before
Forming the Epididymis E12.5, but later its expression becomes androgen de-
pendent. In male mice with knockout of inhibin beta A,
A key event in WD development is the formation of androgen levels appear to be normal, since several an-
the epididymis. In mice, the cranial WD expands from drogen-dependent structures virilised normally. How-
approximately 1 mm in the fetus to around 1 m in the ever, in these mice, the WD remained as a straight duct
adult. Clearly, its formation requires both considerable in the mesonephros at E17.5 and E19.5, resembling the
elongation, and also intricate coiling and packaging, duct in control males at E15.5 before coiling normally
since the epididymal tube is about 100 times longer than starts. These mutant males also had reduced cell prolif-
the body. Elongation of the WD appears to be a result of eration in the WD, but there was no effect on apoptosis.
cell proliferation and cell rearrangements [reviewed in How inhibin beta A is controlling coiling is unclear, but
Hinton et al., 2011]. This process is clearly mediated by the effect may be mediated, at least in part, by upregula-
androgens, since it fails in the absence of AR, or andro- tion of AR in the epididymal epithelium [Tomaszewski
gen signalling, but the downstream events and molecular et al., 2007].
and cellular interactions responsible are still unclear.
Only the cranial part of the WD undergoes this coiling.
The regional variation in coiling is not due to proximity Conclusions
to the testis. WDs cultured without the testis underwent
dose-dependent androgen-stimulated cell proliferation Virilisation of the WDs to form the epididymis, vas
(assessed by DNA content) and coiling (assessed by the deferens and seminal vesicles is a complex process that
number of epididymal curvatures at the end of culture) involves complex epithelial-mesenchymal interactions
[Tsuji et al., 1991]. Rather this appears to be a conse- under the action of androgens. AR activity is modulated
quence of regional variation in Hox gene expression. Hox by EGF/EGFR as well as androgens. Development of a
genes are regionally expressed, and in Hoxa10/Hoxa11 highly coiled epididymis is an astonishing feat of devel-
double knockout mice, the developing vas deferens un- opmental programming regulated by a number of factors,
derwent coiling [Branford et al., 2000; Snyder et al., including members of the inhibin family, that leads to a
2010]. consistent pattern of coiling and regional differentiation - 6/6/2015 8:31:29 PM
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that is essential for its later function. Whilst the conven- als have demonstrated that WD stabilisation and devel-
tional model is that the WD is virilised by testosterone opment can also be mediated by physiological levels of
which is delivered locally from the testis down the duct, 5α-reduced steroids delivered from the testis via the sys-
this may not be the only mechanism. Studies in marsupi- temic circulation.

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