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HRD bertugas merekrut pegawai baru, selain itu hrd juga memiliki tugas untuk membuat dan

menyiapkan list secara detail data gaji pegawai yang bekerja di Hanson International Tbk. Yang
kemudian list dan detail data gaji itu dimasukan ke dalam BCA Payroll, nantinya dari list detail gaji
pegawai tersebut muncul total payroll untuk tiap-tiap pegawai dan nomer rekening masing-masing
pegawai. Setelah itu total payroll kemudian diserahkan ke bagian finance dan accounting untuk di
setujui dan dibayarkan.

Termasuk proses pihak berwenang dan merekam gaji pegawai , upah per jam , biaya relokasi , dan
terkait gaji dan biaya beban manfaat .Proses juga mencakup otorisasi dan merekam terkait
withholdings sekitar enam persen dari gaji .Proses pemeliharaan termasuk ( menambahkan ,
perubahan , menghapus , dan tinjauan dari ) sekitar enam persen dari gaji karyawan termasuk data
terkait informasi , tingkat membayar , dll .Itu tidak termasuk proses pencairan uang tunai , atau proses
akuntansi untuk pensiun dan manfaat post-retirement lain juga terlihat meningkat dan biaya .

Hrd to recruiting new ones , in addition to make hrd also has a duty to prepare list in detail the civil
servant salaries working in hanson international tbk .Which in turn list and detailed data salary rising
was put into the bank payroll , later from list details emerged civil servant salaries total payroll for
workers and account number tiap-tiap masing-masing employees .After the total payroll then
submitted to the finance and accounting to agree on and paid .

Refrained from recruiting new ones hrd on duty , in addition also has required to make hrd and set up
detailed data of the list in the salaries of employees who work in hanson international tbk .Which are
then list and detailed data of the salary that incorporated into bca payroll , later than list detail the
salaries of employees of climbed out the total payroll for each civil servants and number the accounts
of all employees .After that the total payroll was then submitted to the finance and accounting for the
agree on and paid . ~

HRD has a duty for recruiting a new ones, in addition has required to prepare list in detail of the
salaries of employee. Which in turn list and detailed of data salary that incorporated into bca payroll,
later from the list detailed data of employees (anumber the accounts, the amount of salary and name
of all employee). After that the total or list of detailed payroll was submitted to the finance or
accounting division for autorized the total or list of detailed payroll.

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