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Running head: GOD CREATED MUSIC 1

God Created Music for His Glory and Honor

Catherine Woodard

God’s Bible School and College



In this paper we will discuss the creation of music, the effects, what should Christians listen to,

what is appropriate for worship, and what philosophy for music is. Music is very important in

life as we know. The effects can be positive or negative. This is why as Christians we should be

careful what we listen to. That also leads into, what is appropriate for worship and can we use

any type of music? Eventually, we notice the purpose for a philosophy regarding music which

will help make a final decision through the Holy Spirt.


God Created Music for His Glory and Honor

While there are many aspects that music provides; one must look deeper in order to find

out what lies behind it. Music is something that has a power whether good or bad. As Christians

we should seek after what glorifies and honors Christ. First, one question we should ask is what

does glorify Christ? Well if you look at it from the perspective of others who would believe that

music gives way to amoral thinking, which means no moralities. In today’s society it is easy for

us to get caught up into thinking this and that music is okay, but when you start to see what it

does to one’s emotions, physical, and outward appearances then you will notice whether negative

or positive aspects of who they really are. Music is a big part of life as God intended it to be

from the very beginning as we read in Genesis 1:1 KJV which says, “In the beginning God

created the heaven and the earth”, since He created everything as stated here He must have

created music, we find that to be true as we read a bit further into the book of Genesis. Also, neat

to find out He also created music for us spiritually, mentally, and physically as well, yet all for

the glorifying and edifying of Himself. Music is so important and so crucial in today’s world

however; Satan likes to infiltrate his philosophy against God. My response and philosophy is that

as Christians we should listen to the things God would have us listen to and even if it is so called

Christian, we need to be careful that the music does not drown out the message of what God is

trying to get across. God says “come out from among them and be ye separate” (Bible KJV) in

other words, we should not go after the things of this world, but portray Christ and let others see

a true difference in every aspect of our life including music.

Music can affect a person physically, emotionally, and spiritually. First, it effects it

physically by for example the beat of music can make one dance in sexual ways and promote

self, which if that is being portrayed by Christian music artists then it is not of Christ and does

not bring Him honor at all rather it gives way to only to you. Second, way it affects you is

emotionally and how it does that is through the rhythm and lyrics, which can be good or bad

depending on the song. One way it is good is through the direction of the Holy Spirit and if the

music with lyrics of that nature and you as a musician are following His leading, then there

should be no issue. On the other hand if you are a musician in the Church and you try to

manipulate by choosing songs so people will be stirred emotionally and only have that kind of

experience then it is only of you and it will not help the other person’s walk with God by doing

that, in fact it will hinder rather than help. Third, music affects you spiritually either by

disturbance or peace. If you cannot feel at rest as a Christian then what is the purpose for your

walk with the Lord. God wants you to have peace in Him. Yes, there are times He wants you to

be excited, but it doesn’t lead you in a positive direction in Christ. Martin Luther found out that

when he tried to use certain music that affected people in several different, disturbing ways, so

he changed the music that he had chosen and that no longer happened. Music is very powerful in

many ways.

With that in mind, what should we be listening to as Christians then? We should listen to

things that glorify Christ as stated above. Again you don’t want anything to harm your

relationship with God including music. As a Christian music leader you must know the history

and lyrics behind the music. There are many historical aspects about music from rap, hip-hop,

rock, folk, bar-tones, and so much more that give you pros and cons about each one. Now, as

Christian musicians we took what the world had and just set Christian words to it. That is not to

say that we haven’t done this before it’s been done for centuries at a time. It was interesting

though to find out in the Bible David was sent to ward off spirits through music, by King Saul.

God continues to use music even to this day; however the devil, who was once right under God

wants to use music as well to counter fit God. Satan, in the beginning was someone who knew

and played an important role when it came to music, however he was not the creator of

everything as mentioned before, God is that creator and He included music in His creation as


To be clear again though I do believe the Christian should not use rock-based music for

music ministry, because it gives way to sinful indulgences, such as sex. Second, some of the tests

for choosing the right music for worship, should ask questions like does it make one want to

move in such a way, dance, or even delve deep into bar tendencies? If that is the case do not use

it. Third, I believe that music should, as the ultimate purpose of worship to be ultimately to

glorify and edify who God is. Fourth, the reason why the Christian should answer the question

what is right and what is wrong for church music is because you are going to be ministering to

others that may not have heard the gospel before or even those who have and you don’t want to

give way to what the devil has planned. Fifth, what it means to be conformed to the world is

giving in to the sexual perversions and self-adoration. Sixth, what is meant by renovated is that,

“to be made new or to be restored” (Church Music Matters). Seventh, the reason the Bible does

teach separation from the world is because the world serves their self and want only their fleshly

desires. Eighth, the reason that I believe that the style of music can pervert or convert a person

equally well because on the one hand if you give them the music of the world it will pervert their

lives as a Christian and possibly send them back to their old ways and it can convert them if they

listen to the things of Christ the new person who doesn’t know why others are totally

worshiping, in depth it makes them want it as well. Ninth, I believe that it is unwise to abandon

traditional styles of music because of the theology and peacefulness that just moves you towards

a relationship with Christ. Tenth, the reason emotion in music should exude from meaning rather

than meaning from emotion is because music it’s so powerful towards one’s emotions that we

must be careful that the meaning is not drowned out.

You, notice that there are several different aspects towards music even in some words

that like renovated. As Christians we are to exhibit newness of life and restoration in Christ from

the patterns of this world. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good

works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16 KJV). We must walk in the

light as He is in the light.

Following that in thinking about music you notice words like modernism, post-

modernism, and aesthetics. First, modernism means a new way of thinking or knowing about

musicing vs post-modernism which means to represent thinking for further development of

modern man; past modern times or after modern times. Second, the things that should matter to a

Christian church musician is where the song originated from, if it first of all glorifies Christ, and

never for self-gain. Third, it is both necessary and unnecessary to maintain our traditional church

music because there are some songs out there that are Holy Spirit filled now if it disturbs the

spirit then obviously don’t use it. Doesn’t matter if it is old or new music it must glorify Christ at

all times. Fourth, again we must be careful when it comes to post-modern and modern, however

there is a point to be made as stated earlier about post-modern it can be dangerous, but modern as

long as it has the edification of Christ use it. Fifth, there really isn’t anything inherently wrong

with using a new style or new composition as long as the spirit of God is in and through it. Sixth,

what is meant by how you use musical instruments is if it overpowers the words of a certain song

then simply don’t use it. Seventh, the conservative Christian musician should always conserve

the things/music of Christ that it doesn’t distort or disturb anything God wants to do. Eighth, the

difference between preserving the musical heritage and being a musical antiquer is preserving

something that is sacred rather than just something old and only used rather than needed. Ninth,

the problem with mixing sacred and profane they are very two different things entirely one is

closest to Christ which is sacred and the other being profane that is sinful to be blunt. Tenth,

what the author meant about a Christian musical worldview is make sure you know music

historically, emotionally, physically, and ultimately does it honor Christ.

Respectfully, as a musician in regards to worship services you will need to be aware of

those points. God not only wants you understand what is going on around you, but have the

knowledge engraved in your heart that you don’t let certain influences to hinder your walk with

Christ. There are some dangers in music which is portrayed in this next segment.

First, how esthetics philosophy is different from other aspects of philosophy is it

determines whether or not something is beautiful or ugly and the effects whereas with regular

philosophy focuses only on historical and worldview points. Second, the definition of Musique

concrete is something “that exploits acousmatic listening, meaning sound identities can often be

intentionally obscured or appear unconnected to their source cause” (online dictionary). Third,

indeterminacy means in music, “is a composing approach in which some aspects of musical

work are left open to chance or to the interpreters free choice. Fourth, the significance about

Claude Debussy as it relates to a philosophy is that the music he had was only symbolic and

vague to say the least to give impressions to reflect musically what painting where showing.

Fifth, the meaning of Dadaism is, “using old-fashioned techniques and subverting realism by

painting dreams as if they were real…[yet] dada has no meaning for life ” (Comparison of Dada

and Surreal site), while Surrealism, “has meaning for life; one has to find its logic by unlocking

visual and verbal codes secreted in the chambers of the unconscious mind…” (Comparison of

Dada and Surreal site). Now, one of the similarities in relation to each other between Dadaism

and Surrealism is that, “…both movements work with Chance” (Comparison of Dada and

Surreal site). Sixth, the twelve tone technique is of great significance philosophically because it

deals with more or less attention to twelve notes thus enhancing the lyrics to some degree.

Seventh, what is meant by joyful noise in KJV is to sing for Joy and to exalt the Lord. Eighth,

the fundamental differences between formalist, referentialist, and symbolist philosophies of

music is; first the formalist believes in the beauty of music, it’s nature, and value on the other

hand, referentialists believe that music meaning must have meanings outside of music, and last

symbolist believe that music has symbols which use objects to give insight to an understanding

for the nature of human feeling (Church Music Matters). Ninth, when one doesn’t develop an

esthetic philosophy in reference to the ownership of God towards music then you have danger of

self-gratification, emotions that drift the wrong way, and ultimately a loss of the Spirit to enter in

worship. Tenth, I believe that Christian music should not include large amounts of noise because

the whole point is the words and I think if you have an atmosphere of quietness that enhances

them more and there is a time for some louder points, but never to the point where it can disturb

your spirit cause once that happens then you have a problem.

Noise is not what we thought it to mean in the Bible and that we should be careful to

give an atmosphere for the Holy Spirit. The elements that will contribute to my own personal

music philosophy is the term of noise, the history of relativism, and different philosophies to

have a better understand of what I will be confronted with if ever in a music leadership role. This

new truth has impacted me to think and look deeper at what I listen to I want my life to be the

reflection of Christ and not of me in any way shape or form.

Interesting enough when you let the Holy Spirit take over and He is able to work what

then happens in that service is a peace, calm, and convicting power that can only come from

Him. First, music is filled with the Holy Spirit if we allow it, but can be filled with a different

type of spirit that isn’t the Holy Spirit it must honor God user in the Holy Spirits presence.

Second, Christian Musicians should always have the baptism of the Holy Spirit in order to be

used for music ministry that is what dunamis means. Third, a life in the spirit simply means that

your very own life is controlled by the Holy Spirit living in and through you exampled in truth.

Fourth, was for a song meant you could tell the differences in music and how burdensome it

must have been. Fifth, sharath means, “ to attend as menial worshiper, to contribute, serve, or

wait on”(Church Music Matters). Sixth, it is important for a music minister to have a fresh new

vision of God’s glory because that way God can work even in the here and now because He

never changes, but we should always seek what God has for us as long as it is truly His vision

not ours. Seventh, the Levites were instructed in the Lord to walk after Him and so should we as

well by asking ourselves are we truly doing what God wants through music or are we simply

giving Him over to other things that do not like certain secular music and so call Christian music

might do. Eighth, the significance of being called a seer is getting the vision of the Lord and

Christian’s musicians today should seek after such responsibility to have such a vision from the

Lord. Ninth, the realized how undone they were compared to such an all-powerful God. Tenth,

unction means they have an anointing of God. From this reading one should not just get up there

and lead worship without have the anointing that comes from God. The elements that contribute

to my own personal music philosophy is that everything done in worship should be

Christocentric and should have the vision of the Lord in all that is said and done through music.

This new truth has impacted me to never take anything especially with music lightly and always

have His mindset and make sure it is His mindset in music and life in general.

So much to think about when considering music, however it is very important as you see.

God must be at the center otherwise all your efforts are for not.

Now, for what music has done in the Church, first off I believe that the church should

admit styles of music that are antagonistic because it opposes Christ and brings an ungodly spirit

into the place of worship. Second the difference between men’s and women’s music was,

“Men’s music was text and melody-based with rhythm of the words always being the rhythm of

the text. Women’s music was rhythm-based with only a few melodic turns repeated over and

over again….women’s music was excluded from all public worship for sociological reasons, and

because it was rhythm-based and was used for public mourning, dancing and even harlotry.”

(Church music matters Garen L. Wolf) Third, the reason I believe that all art forms are the

product of the artist’s philosophical presuppositions is because people try to come up with

something that they are particularly interested in. Fourth, historically music was the servant of

words by not having the words drowned out by music rather it was more of a reading like the

psalms in the Bible however, there was some music, but not always. Fifth, the reason

directionality in music is so significant is because it places where the music is going and what

effects it has on people and how it effects religious music is by, for example, you use no

directionality at all even for religious purposes you would have chaos, so I would say it greatly

effects religious music. Sixth, the church can resist rock-based and still remain current in its

enactment of church music because we don’t need to appeal to the culture of this world,

especially when God says that we should, “come out from among them and be ye separate saith

the Lord” (Romans). Seventh, I do not believe that music is neutral or amoral because that would

be just like what the world says that all truth is relative and not necessarily wrong. Eighth, I do

not believe that traditional forms of music are an ancient landmark for worship because some of

it is still relevant today. Ninth, the lifestyle of composers, arrangers, and performers enter into a

Christian musicians decision process when it because not their own lifestyle, but the lifestyle of

Christ. Tenth, the reason Christians believe that it is okay to sing, play, and listen to religious

rock music and not secular rock music, is simply because they think it’s fine to hear on the basis,

that the words are different. Things aren’t always as they appear just because you change the

word’s does not always make the music correct especially when music has a certain effect on

people that should be taken into consideration. My philosophy on this issue would be that Jesus

be glorified in all that is said and done in which one must refrain from using anything that will

hurt ones including your own walk with the Lord. Having light on this issue I will examine every

aspect of music to see if it is truly of God or of the world (its inhabitants).

In continuation, for music we read about the prescriptive approach to music which means

basically style. Second, the reason why it is important to draw the line when it comes to music is

because of your listeners if you bring worldly music you could affect them negatively or

positively. Third, I do not believe that Church music is a matter of taste because you can have

certain feelings about something, but if those feelings do not have the mind of Christ in them

than it isn’t worth delving into. Fourth, for me I do not think nor believe that the Church should

take a prescriptive approach to Church music, because it isn’t just a matter of style that we are

talking about there has to be something much more than that, which God clearly lays out for us

that music should be based on Biblical grounds not mere style, again that is our own feelings

about something. Fifth, the reason I believe that there isn’t room for more than one style of

music is, because God does not want noise or ruckus, but joyfulness, peace, and rest in Him.

Sixth, some of the main principles for music found in the bible is to proving what is acceptable

unto Lord, make melody to the Lord, glorify, and praise God. Seventh, the meaning for making a

joyful noise in the KJV means a spirit with power and acclamation and great joy not noise.

Eighth, regarding dance it reveals the facts of dancing for the Lord and not anything sexual at all.

Ninth, I cannot really say that the Bible refers to noise as music and hamown means noise.

Tenth, I think it is appropriate for us as Christians to approve what is good for Church worship,

however I do not think it is appropriate for us to do it on our own we need to consult the Lord in

every aspect especially with music. What I learned from this chapter was that what people call

noise should never be acceptable in the church and it was interesting to find out the Bible doesn’t

really say that noise applies to music. My question is this then, why are we trying to bring noise

that doesn’t apply to what God said? Again, we take things out of context. My philosophy on the

matter is this God created music and not for noise as we see it, but for the edifying of Himself. I

knew about some of this, but the noise part of it just amazing how we got that twisted around.

This has impacted me towards making a better stance for music so that others won’t be confused

either. Consequently, music should never be taken lightly. Music does have a power that needs to

be taken into consideration as a music minister or just for music in general. When considering

music for worship think of the effects it will have on the other person who is listening. One other

aspect to think about is will this glorify God, since He created music for that purpose anyway, or

does it honor me? Do not take music lightly it does make a difference and will impact greatly in

someone’s life, so be wise and have the Holy Spirit give you discernment when making a


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