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Spectral Transformations for Digital Filters

Article  in  Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers · January 1970


190 455

1 author:

A. G. Constantinides
Imperial College London


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volume 117 Electronics

Spectral transformations for digital filters

A. G. Constantinides, B.Sc.(Eng.), Ph.D.

Indexing term: Digital filters

The paper describes certain general transformations for digital filters in the frequency domain. The term
digitalfilteris used to denote a processing unit operating on a sampled waveform, so that the input, output and
intermediate signals are only defined at discrete intervals of time; the signals may be either p.a.m. or p.c.m.
The transformations discussed operate on a lowpass-digital-filter prototype to give either another lowpass
or a highpass, bandpass or band-elimination characteristic. The transformations are carried out by mapping
the lowpass complex variable z" 1 [where z~x = exp (—j'toT) and T is the time interval between samples]
. by functions of the form

known as unit functions.

List of principal symbols The study included in this paper is completely theoretical,
a, b — real constant coefficients and the various results on digital-filter theory are taken as
/ = frequency, Hz assumptions. An excellent introduction into the field of
Fs-= sampling frequency, Hz digital filters is given in Reference 6.
G() = pulse-transfer function of a digital filter
g() = unit function; spectral transformation
T = sampling period (T = 1/FS) 2 Assumptions
z = unit advance, z = exp (JcoT) The following assumptions will be made:
z~l = unit delay, z = exp (—jcoT)
<x =constant parameter (i) The inputs, outputs and intermediate signals in the
a* = complex conjugate of a systems that we shall be concerned with are sampled wave-
cutoff (angular) frequency of lowpass-digital-filter forms; sampling is carried out at constant frequency with the
prototype sampling-theorem condition satisfied.
constant coefficients (ii) The implementation of the filtering devices is carried out
angle of rotation in a discrete form; i.e. processing of signals is either in p.c.m.
real constant coefficient or p.a.m. form.
(iii) Quantisation effects and other 'noise' errors are negligible.
co angular frequency (These effects are pertinent to the operation of the devices, and
angular sampling frequency, Q,s = 2TTFS
will have no bearing on the present theoretical study.)
(iv) The transfer function of a digital filter (called a pulse-
transfer function) is a real rational function in z" 1 (for a
1 Introduction proof see Reference 7.), where z~l = cos coT-Jsin toT, and
This paper describes certain general transformations T is the sampling period.
for digital filters in the frequency domain. With the exception (v) The digital filters that are dealt with in this paper are
of the restricted forms of the transformations published stable;7 i.e. they have their poles situated outside the unit
elsewhere,1*2 spectral transformations for digital filters have circle |^ * | = 1.
been virtually nonexistent. A notable move towards establish-
ing a set of such transformations has been made by Broome,3
but the result of that study was rather unsatisfactory, in that 3 Projection of amplitude characteristic on
certain distortion errors were introduced into the amplitude a cylindrical surface
The general transformations proposed in this paper are Here we give a simple representation of the amplitude
compared with the restricted special cases of References 1 characteristic of a given pulse-transfer function, on a
and 2, and Broome's translation formula3 is critically cylindrical surface. This representation will be helpful in later
examined. Sections when we shall be dealing with the spectral trans-
The representation is effected as follows. If z~[ is replaced
Paper 6206 E, first received 15th January and in revised form 17th by cos coT — j sin toT in a given pulse-transfer function, the
April 1970
Dr. Constantinides is with the UK Post Office Research Department, amplitude characteristic can be earily evaluated. To a
Brook Road, Dollis Hill, London NW2, England particular frequency co, there corresponds a definite point
PROC. IEE, Vol. 117, No. 8, AUGUST 1970 1585
75 F2?
wT on the unit circle at which the amplitude of the given onto itself. In view of the above conditions, and from the
function is calculated. Conceptually, we can represent the maximum-modulus theorem, it follows that the mapping
amplitude characteristic on the surface of a cylinder, normal g(z~l) [where g(z~x) is not necessarily a real function] must
to the z~x plane, having the unit circle as base and a height be given by
of unity (i.e. normalised amplitude response). Then, for every
point <x)T,a. height is erected on the generator of the cylinder g(z-*)=e» ft (1)
equal in magnitude to the value of the amplitude character- — a?z"
istic. On joining these points on the surface of the cylinder for where |a ( | < 1 and a? is the complex conjugate of a,-.
all arcs ooT(i.e. 2TT radians), we have produced the amplitude The functions given by eqn. 1 are called 'unit functions'.
characteristic. There is another advantage of this representa- Since g(z~x) is required to be real, it follows that the zeros
tion, in that the periodic amplitude characteristic has been a, must occur in complex-conjugate pairs, and that
reduced to one period only. Such a representation of the e#= ±1
(For digital filters with complex coefficients,5 such restrictions
on a,- and 6 are removed.); i.e. the general spectral trans-
unit cylinder formation for digital filters with real coefficients is given by
amplitude characteristic . . (2)

where the order is now 2n, and a,- are not necessarily all
In eqn. 1, there are two parameters that need further atten-
tion if the zeros a(- are to be set aside for the moment.
First, it was mentioned earlier that the angle 6 must be
such that ei% = ± 1. Therefore 6 must be a multiple of n. The
significance of the angle can be best described as a rotation
angle on the unit circle. Thus the only admissible rotations
are multiples of TT. The rotational nature of 6 will be explained
and used later.
unit circle
A further parameter that needs to be considered is the order
of the unit function m when eje = ± 1. This order m dictates
Fig. 1 the nature of the unit-function mapping.
Representation of 2nd-order Chebyshev amplitude characteristic on Since the modulus of g(z~x) is unity for z" 1 on the unit
cylindrical surface circle, the functional relationship between z~x and g(z~x)
can be taken as a mapping of the unit circle onto itself.
amplitude characteristic is shown in Fig. 1 for a 2nd-order Furthermore, there will be m values of z~x for every value of
Chebyshev lowpass filter, and it will be used later on an g(z~x); or, conversely, for every rotation of z" 1 on the unit
illustrating device. circle around the origin, the function g(z~x) rotates m times
on the same unit circle around the origin. This means that a
function/(z -1 ) of z~x assumes all its values m times for one
4 Spectral-transformation problem revolution of z~x when z~x is replaced by g(z~x).
Statement of the problem: Given a pulse-transfer The usual requirements for lowpass, highpass, bandpass
function of a lowpass digital filter G(z~x), it is required to and band-elimination characteristics, where one passband is
required in the region 0 < to < O5/2, can be translated in
obtain the unique transformations
terms of the mapping functions as shown in Table 1.
Table 1
for the following types of amplitude transformations: REQUIREMENTS FOR FOUR TYPES OF FILTER
(i) lowpass-lowpass
Number of passbands
(ii) lowpass-highpass Required characteristic in relation to a lowpass Order
(iii) lowpass-bandpass prototype
(iv) lowpass-band-elimination
Lowpass . . . . 1 1
where the type of the amplitude characteristic is preserved. Highpass 1 1
Some preliminary points can be made concerning the Bandpass 2* 2
Band-elimination . 2* 2
general class of required transformations g(z~x). Since
g(z~l) is to replace the variable z~x, and, since the resulting * Corresponding to the positive and the negative lowpass passbands
pulse-transfer function must be real and rational in z~l, and
given that the original pulse-transfer function G(z~x) is real From this Table it can be seen that, for simple lowpass-
and rational in z~x, it follows that g(z~x) must be a real lowpass, lowpass-highpass, lowpass-bandpass and lowpass-
rational function in z~l. / band-elimination transformations, we need only consider
Furthermore, the values assumed by the function g(z~x) powers of maximum order two; for multiple bands in the
must correspond to those of z~x, and no other values must Nyquist interval, however, the appropriate order must be
be introduced. The above correspondence need not occur at chosen in conjunction with the general transformation of
the same point. eqn. 2.
From stability considerations, the mappings must be such
that the regions of stability and instability are preserved; i.e.
the inside of the unit circle must map into the inside of a 5 Lowpass-lowpass transformation
domain F, whereas the outside must map to the outside of the The lowpass-lowpass transformation is required to
domain. keep the amplitude characteristic unaltered with the points
For the domain F, let A and D shown in Fig. 1fixed,but with the arc ABD (ACD)
g(z~x) =
for z~~x = e~ compressed or expanded along the circumference of the
circle to result in a different cutoff frequency.
wherep(oS) is the amplitude and </>(cu) is the phase of g(z~x). It is quite obvious that such a transformation is not a
If stability regions are to be preserved, linear one for the frequency o>, as is the case for the lowpass-
for|z-'| £ 1 \g(z-x)\ $ 1 lowpass transformation in R, L, C and M filters where s is
replaced by ks (k > 0 and constant).
Hence p(aj) = 1. This means that the unit circle is mapped Mathematically, it is required to map a unit circle into
1586 PROC. IEE, Vol. 117, No. 8, AUGUST 1970
itself in a 1:1 correspondence, with the points A and D The transformation given by eqn. 4 has no effect on the
invariant. amplitude characteristic except for the change in the position
Let the mapping be denoted by of the frequencies on the unit circle. Thus, for negative a (i.e.
(DC > /3), the arc BDC of Fig. 1 is compressed on the circle,
and, since A is invariant, the arc BAC is stretched. For
so that, for one complete rotation of z~x around the unit positive a (i.e. coc < j8) the opposite effect occurs.
circle, g(z~l) also takes one complete rotation. Fig. 2a shows the amplitude characteristic of a lowpass
Furthermore, digital filter whose cutoff frequency is 2-5kHz for a sampling
frequency of 10kHz. If tojlTr of eqn. 5 is chosen to be
= 1 1kHz, as a result of transformation (eqn. 4) the amplitude
characteristic is as shown in Fig. 2b.


= 05

2 3
frequency, kHz




2 3
frequency. kHz
b 2 3
frequency. kHz
10 e

Fig. 2
S 05 Amplitude characteristics from spectral transformations
a 4th-order lowpass Chebyshev characteristic
fc = 2-5kHz, F, = 10kHz
b Lowpass characteristic,/<• = 1 kHz, resulting from lowpass-Iowpass transforma-
tion (prototype filter shown in Fig. 2a)
c Highpass characteristic, fc = 1 kHz, resulting from lowpass-highpass trans-
formation (prototype filter shown in Fig. 2a)
2 3 d Bandpass characteristic, f\ = 1 kHz, fi = 2 kHz, resulting from a Iowpass-
frequency, kHz bandpass transformation (prototype filter shown in Fig. 2a)
e Band-elimination characteristic, f\ = 1kHz, fi = 3kHz, resulting from a
c lowpass-band-elimination transformation (prototype filter shown in Fig. 2a)

and, since there is to be a 1:1 correspondence between z~x 6 Lowpass-highpass transformation

and g(z~l), it follows from eqn. 2 that Consider the lowpass characteristic of a digital filter
as shown in Fig. 1. Now imagine that we have the freedom to
rotate the cylinder at another angle relative to the positive
where \a\ < 1 and is real. direction of the real axis.
Let the cutoff frequency of the lowpass prototype digital It can easily be seen that, when the cylinder has been
filter be ft radians per second and that of the resulting lowpass rotated by 180°, we obtain a highpass amplitude character-
digital filter be cuc radians per second. Then the following istic (i.e. the passband and stopband of the lowpass filter have
relationship must hold: interchanged their relative positions) so that, if the cutoff
frequency of the lowpass filter is /? and that of the resulting
, . _. exp (-jfiT) - a highpass is coc,
a)cT + flT = IT (angle of rotation)
from which we obtain
or (6)

(5) where T
The above method of achieving the required transformation
PROC. IEE, Vol. 117, No. 8, AUGUST 1970 1587
is rather restrictive, because it means that one has to replace Since the order of the required transformation is 2, we can
z~l in the lowpass-filter pulse-transfer function by —z"1 write
where the two cutoff frequencies are restricted to satisfy the
relationship given by eqn. 6. <x2z 2 + a,z (9)
In view of the lowpass-lowpass transformation given by
eqn. 4, the above difficulty can be resolved by first applying By imposing the requirements of Table 2 on eqn. 9, we
the lowpass-lowpass transformation to obtain the particular obtain
lowpass cutoff frequency which, in conjunction with the
l, 2ak . k - 1
required highpass cutoff frequency, satisfies eqn. 6, and then z~x -\
replacing z~l by — z~l (i.e. rotate by 180°). These two steps, (10)
however, can be combined into one by replacing z~x by — z~l
in eqn. 4.
Thus the required transformation is given by

(7) where a = cos wQT = . . . . (11)

It is quite simple to deduce the above transformation, how-
ever, from the general form of the unit function. The argu-
ments proposed for the lowpass case are equally applicable ~ (12)
here, except that we must take the angle of rotation 9 of eqn. 2
to be 180°, which gives us the negative sign; and since there is We therefore have the following theorem.
to be a 1:1 correspondence between the lowpass prototype
and the resulting highpass digital filter, we immediately Theorem 2: Given the pulse-transfer function G(z~x) of a
obtain eqn. 7. lowpass digital filter of cutoff frequency /8, the pulse-transfer
If the cutoff frequency of the highpass filter is coc and that function of a bandpass digital filter having the same type of
of the prototype lowpass digital filter jS, similarly to eqn. 5 amplitude characteristic as G(z~l), centre frequency co0, and
we have upper and lower cutoff frequencies co2 and coj, is given by
replacing z~l of G{z~x) by the unit function of eqn. 10, where
a and k are given by eqns. 11 and 12, respectively.
The transformation given by eqn. 10 can take different
a = — (8) forms depending on the values of a and k.
COS In particular, if A: = 1,
z-\z~x - a)
We can state the above result formally in the form of a
theorem. 1 - a z- l
and from eqn. 12 we have, with k = 1,
Theorem 1: Given the pulse-transfer function G(z~{) of a
lowpass digital filter of cutoff frequency /8, the pulse-transfer a>2 = cu! = fi (14)
function of a highpass digital filter having the same type of The form of the transformation given by eqn. 13, along with
amplitude characteristics as G(z~x), and the cutoff frequency the relationship of eqn. 14, has been given elsewhere.1 This
wc is given by replacing z~l of G(z~i) by the unit function of form is restricted in its application, because one has to use a
eqn. 7, where a is given by eqn. 8. lowpass filter of a particular cutoff frequency jS given by
Fig. 2c shows the highpass amplitude characteristic that eqn. 14 before applying eqn. 13. With the unrestricted form
resulted from the lowpass one of Fig. 2a. In this case /8/27T = of eqn. 10 there is no particular difficulty, since the real
2 • 5 kHz, and OJJITT = 1 kHz. coefficient k can be adjusted to satisfy eqn. 12.
Another form that the transformation can take corresponds
to the case when a = 0 and k = 1. This form is particularly
7 Lowpass-bandpass and lowpass-band- important, since the resulting bandpass digital filter has an
elimination transformations amplitude characteristic which is arithmetically symmetrical
The order of the unit function in this case will be two, as about the centre frequency. In this case,
was shown earlier. The required mapping has the effect of x 2
reproducing the cylindrical surface of Fig. 1 twice on another g(z~~x)) = - z - (15)
cylindrical surface in such a way that the resulting two sur-
faces are symmetrical about a diameter of the base. and
This cylindrical surface can be rotated in relation to the
point z~' = 1 on the circumference of the unit circle about 0)2 = + (16)
its axis at any angle. This is equivalent to saying that 6 (the "4 2
angle of rotation) can take any value, but it was seen earlier
that 6 must be a multiple of IT for real functions g(z~l). It with co0 = —-
can easily be seen that, if 8 = 0 , we have the band-elimination
transformation, whereas for 6 = TT (or odd multiples of TT) Fig. 2d shows the bandpass amplitude characteristic when
we have the bandpass transformation. From these conceptual OJX12TT = 1 kHz and co2/27r = 2 kHz derived from the lowpass
considerations, let us return to the mathematical descriptions. characteristic of Fig. 2a.
Consider the mapping requirements for the lowpass- Now consider the lowpass-band-elimination transform-
bandpass transformation given in Table 2. ation. The requirements for this case are tabulated in Table 3.
Table 2 Table 3

Lowpass Lowpass Bandpass Bandpass Lowpass Lowpass Band-elimination Band-elimination

frequency variable z~l frequency variable frequency variable z~l frequency variable

0 1 CO 0 exp (-j(o0T) 0 +1
0 +1
exp (-jcoiT) -1
4 exp (jpT)
exp (-y/97")
CO 2
exp (-j(o2T)
exp (jpT)
exp (-7/570
CO 2
exp (-jo)2T)
exp (-jcoiT)
0 +1 a/2 COl
exp {-JCOQT)

1588 PROC. IEE, Vol. 117, No. 8, AUGUST 1970

Table 4

Filter type Transformation Associated design formulas

z-l-a sin ( - \T
Lowpass a= 2 >
i—. sin f— \T

z-l + a cos |
; 2
Highpass a=
1 + ocz ^ + tocy
I 2
/co2 + coA
/ i 2ock , a= - COS O)Q1H
"\ 2 y
2 2
k + lzl n /oiz — <»\\T
Bandpass CO
\ 2 /
k+ 1 k + /at
2 ) otan2

fa 2 + CO
COS ( -
a= 2 -^COS (OnT

Band-elimination 1 1 +k" ' 1 +A: \ /CO 2 — CO

COS f —
I l-*__, 2« . 2

M + k~ 1 + k" 2 - CO A j87
k == tan I -

On imposing the constraints given in Table 3 on the unit

function of eqn. 9, we obtain

r-2 _
2a 1 -fr (23)
1 +A: (17)
1 -k .-2 _ 2a and
TT~k' +1
Fig. 2e shows the band-elimination amplitude characteristic
COS when O)XI2TT = 1kHz and ai-Jlir = 3kHz, derived from the
where a = cos OJ0T = . . . . (18) lowpass characteristic of Fig. la. All the transformations are
cos (—2— summarised in Table 4.

^ . . . . . (19) 8 Comparison of transformations to

Broome's translation formula
From the above result, we can formulate a theorem similar to Broome3 gave the following formula as a means of
theorem 2. transforming lowpass pulse-transfer functions into highpass,
> bandpass and band-elimination pulse-transfer functions.
Theorem 3: Given the pulse-transfer function G(z~l) of a Let G(z~l) be the pulse-transfer function of a lowpass
lowpass digital filter of cutoff frequency j8, the pulse-transfer digital filter. Then
function of a bandpass digital filter having the same type of
amplitude characteristic as G(z~1), centre frequency a>0, and H(z~x) =G{z~1 exp (-Ja>0T)} + G{z~l exp (+jto0T)}
upper and lower cutoff frequencies a>2 and o»i, is given by
replacing z~x of G(z~l) by the unit function of eqn. 17, where is a translated version of G(z~l). Several comments have been
a and k are given by eqns. 18 and 19, respectively. produced by Kaiser in Reference 6.
There are again the following two restricted forms of the Basically, the above formula represents two rotations on
transformation. When k = 1, we have the z" 1 plane, one in the clockwise and the other in the
J x counter-clockwise direction. The sum of the two rotations of
(z - a)
. . . (20) functions of the complex variable z~l is a real rational
-OLZ~X function z~l if the rotations are at equal angles. Because the
pulse-transfer function resulting from the above formula is
and, from eqn. 19, the sum of two individual pulse-transfer functions rotated to
the angles ±co0T, it will exhibit what Broome3 and Kaiser6
(21) term a 'distortion error' which results from the tails of the
image of G(z~l) centred at — OJ0. It is suggested in these
The above restricted form of eqn. 20, along with the relation- References that a good lowpass-filter design will reduce the
ship of eqn. 21, has been given elsewhere,1 and the restrictions distortion error to a very small level.
are precisely those stated for the equivalent bandpass case. No distortion will occur when the lowpass pulse-transfer
Now, when a = 0 in eqn. 20, we have the arithmetically function is rotated by ±180° or multiples thereof, because,
symmetrical band-elimination case, where when o)0T= ±180°,
g(z~l) =-z~2 (22) exp(ja)0T) = -1
PROC. IEE, Vol. 117, No. 8, AUGUST 1970 1589
and hence 12 Appendix
H(z~l) = 2GC-Z-1) Proof of theorem 2: Rewriting eqn. 9 in a different
which is recognised as the restricted case of the general low- form, we have
pass-highpass transformation of eqn. 7.
If COQT = 0, the pulse-transfer function remains unaltered
except for a multiplier of value 2. This is not, however, a y2z + yjz i + l
lowpass-lowpass transformation, because no change in cut- From Table 2 we see that #(1) = — 1.
off frequency occurs. Hence, by using this constraint on the above form of eqn. 9,
Thus the Broome translation formula is only satisfactory we obtain eJQ = — 1.
under very special conditions where the distortion errors are Furthermore, since ^{exp (—Jco0T)} = —1, we have
small and when co$T = 180°, so that the special case of the
lowpass-highpass transformation is obtained, and, in this (y2 + 1) + 2yt exp (-Jco0T) + (y2 + 1) exp (-j2co0T) = 0
restricted sense, the translation formula is exact. and hence (1 + y2) cos co0T + yx = 0 .
The general transformations given in this paper, however, Let cos COQT = a, so that
are therefore superior to the above translation formula, sWe
they not only introduce no distortion errors but they are also y2
unrestricted in their application, be it for wideband or narrow- ( u = _ 2
8 y 2 )z ~
band digital filters.
and also let y2 = y. Hence we can write the above equation
in the form
9 Conclusions
We have given in this paper the complete set of
transformations on the z~l plane necessary to transform a
given lowpass-digital-filter pulse-transfer function into a pulse-
transfer function having the same type of amplitude char-
acteristic and belonging to one of the following classes:
and, since a = cos coT, |a| < 1, so that the function
(i) lowpass
i / z~x — a \ . . . .
(ii) highpass l
(iii) bandpass z [- . ) is a unit function.
(iv) band-elimination. \1 — az~W
Furthermore \y\ < 1, since this quantity represents the
Furthermore, along with the transformations, the necessary product of two zeros of the unit function which are inside the
design formulas were given which relate the critical frequencies unit circle (^ * j = 1. Hence the quantity — (- ^-, J
of the required digital filter to the cutoff frequency of the is a unit function.
lowpass-digital-filter prototype. \1 + yz
The transformations are quite general, and, their restricted El = - and E2 = , -
forms that have been published elsewhere1*2 are easily yz
obtainable as indicated. so that g(z !) = EX(E2).
Proofs of the most important theorems are given in
Appendix 12. Now let us form
The spectral transformations possess the following im- + g(z ') 1 + yE2 — y — E2
portant and useful features: 1 + y 1 +E2
(a) They are allpass functions, and hence, because of their i.e. i -r gK* ) 1 — y 1 — E2
inherent form, the multipliers in the digital implementation
can be reduced by a factor of 2 by multiplexing. _ 1 + y z~2 - 2az~l + 1
(b) Since the application of the transformations involves a ~ 1- y 1 -z-2
substitution of z~l in a lowpass-digital-filter transfer function
by a unit function, it follows that the structure of the lowpass When o> = cj[ in the bandpass characteristic, the function
digital filter remains unaltered (i.e. the adders and multi- g(z~l) corresponds to exp (j^T), and, when co = co2,
pliers are the same), and only an extra elementary transfer g(z~1)= exp (-/j8r). Hence
function, representing the transformation, is inserted in 6r y + 1 coscuiT — a
place of z~K
(c) As a consequence of property (b) above, certain forms of 2 y — 1 sin co\T
the transformations (e.g. eqns. 13 and 20) that have one BT y + 1 cos co2T - a
variable parameter exhibit simple characteristics where the and tan ;— = —^—=—
2 y - 1 sin co2T
centre frequency can be varied over the Nyquist range but
the bandwidth is kept'constant.
Therefore a =
10 Acknowledgments
The author wishes to thank the authorities of North- cos
ampton College of Advanced Technology, London (The
City University, London) for financial support, and the
_ , so that
Let y^ +' i == —k,
y - 1
Senior Director of Development, UK Post Office Tele-
communications Headquarters, for facilities provided.

11 References k - 1
1 CONSTANTINIDES, A. c.: 'Frequency transformations for digital and y =
filters', Electron. Lett., 1967, 3, pp. 487-489 k +1
2 CONSTANTINIDES, A. c : 'Frequency transformations for digital
filters', ibid., 1968, 4, pp. 115-116 and the transformation becomes
3 BROOME, P. : 'A frequency transformation for numerical filters',
Proc. Inst. Elect. Electron. Engrs., 1966, 54, pp. 326-327
4 JURY, E. i.: 'Theory and application of the z-transform method' ,-2 _
(Wiley, 1964)
5 CRYSTAL, T. H. : 'The design and applications of digital filters with
complex coefficients', IEEE Trans., 1968, AU-16, pp. 330-335 * - .-2
6 KAISER, J. F.: 'Digital filters' in KUO, P. F., and KAISER, J. F. (Eds.): Jfc + 1 *+ 1 .
'System analysis by digital computer' (Wiley, 1966), pp. 218-253
7 CONSTANTINIDES, A. G.: 'Synthesis of recursive digital filters from Hence the theorem is proved. The proof for theorem 3 is
prescribed amplitude characteristics'. Ph.D. thesis, University of
London,1968 similar to the above.
1590 PROC. IEE, Vol. 117, No. 8, AUGUST 1970

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