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Appreciation Letter

Before entering the ring of high school, I would have never guessed that finding and

developing relationships would be one of the hardest subjects to conquer. I’ve had my fair share

of interactions with people and I’ve joined clubs, sports, and all of the above to get involved but

somehow, nothing has stayed with me for too long. An unfortunate draw of luck but I didn’t

mind the idea of going about my high school career alone; in fact, it was quite nice to just stay in

with the family. Naturally, though, I found that short lived lifestyle to be too mundane for the

sociable personality I have. As of my senior year, I joined theater. The first arts program which

forced me to encounter situations that would teach me to work within groups, rely on team

members, and face difficult moments when I would have to think on my toes. Valuable skills

which has provided me confidence to approach my life more profoundly. Through this program

was I also able to gain more friendships and development in social skills. I was only able to find

these fine discoveries through a beautiful person. A beautiful person who I’ve only been with for

2 years, but some of the most memorable years of school and perhaps, my life. Samantha

Strobel. A strong woman who I look up to. An independent, quick witted person who holds back

no hesitation. A human of exemplary example to all that deserves much praise; a beautiful

person who deserves my thank you.

Sam and I were part of a program, in our junior year, called Link Crew; which focuses on

helping Freshman through their first year in high school. We weren’t particularly familiar with

each other but we were classroom acquaintances. Within that year, I grew to enjoy Sam’s

presence and incredible stories of theater, which is where my introduction to theater began. Sam

and I soon became friends and continued to carry that friendship into our senior year. She
encouraged me to audition for my first play and luckily, I was able to land a small role. Since the

audition, Sam and I began to develop our friendship out of school and branched out our group.

She is such an inspiration to me. She’s led on such a different life than mine but somehow this

world knew that we needed each other and I am forever grateful for that. The amount of care she

has given me, I hope I can reciprocate that back to her someday. She has taught me that the

struggles I have, I don’t have to carry it all, that true friends do exist, that life can be as simple or

difficult as you make it and she has surely helped me realize my self worth. Sam’s presence to

everyone is just joyful but for me, Sam means something greater than she thinks; a word which

cannot be described to remotely convey my feelings of appreciation.

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