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Angelene Xiong

Mrs. Mua

Public Health English Per. 3

3 May 2019

5 Year Plan

Life 5 years from now may be completely different from what I had in mind, but for now,

it is what I hope to be at. After high school, I am going to the local junior college for 2 years to

finish my pre-requisites. From there I will transfer to a California State University and get my

Bachelor’s in Biology. After getting my BA I will be starting my first year as a Dental student! I

am so excited to be starting college and creating new memories and achieve new things. I know

that college won’t be easy or stress-free, but those things will always be side by side with new

topics in your life, mistakes are inevitable. The learning process will take a while until you can

fully comprehend the materials and topic.

The current dental school that I have in mind at the moment is the School of Dentistry in

Loma Linda, California. If I were to attend this school then it would require a move to an entirely

new and different place. The thing about going to college and specialty schools is that it takes

you out of your comfort home. It requires you to try so many new things that will add to your list

of experiences. It was a hard and long process trying to find what medical field I wanted to enter,

I chose Dentistry because it sparks excitement and enthusiasm in me. It is something that I have

a close relationship with because I had many bad and eventually good experiences with growing


When I chose to enter the world of Dentistry, I knew it was going to take about 8-9 years
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until I can start practicing on my own. It’s not a CTE career that you can go into after high

school or even after finishing your pre-requisites. Dentistry is a very detailed and serious career

choice. Your actions and decisions will greatly affect a person’s own well-being. A few days

after I decided what I wanted to do in the future, I started watching videos and researching

possible dental schools that I could go to. I happened to find some dental students who make

vlogs on their life as a dental student. I watched those vlogs diligently and it only contributed to

my strive and passion for becoming a dentist. One of the girls I watch is a D3 dental student

which means that she is a 3rd-year student, and she currently goes to the School of Dentistry in

Loma Linda. She talks about the projects and assignments that they do in class, study techniques,

and her schedule. It was so amusing to see everything that they actually do other than just

practicing on models and dummies. There was so much more I did not know of.

As a child, I only knew of the the lady who cleaned my teeth before the dentist came to

examine my teeth. At first, I wanted to be a dental hygienist, but then I found out that it does not

pay enough for the hours that they work. Although it did not take long to become one I just knew

it wasn’t for me. Growing up I got bored of things easily and I knew that I need to challenge

myself every day to keep feeding my drive and passion. Therefore, I chose to become a dentist.

For now, that is my plan. Dentistry is a very challenging career because you will have to deal

with new and different patients every day. People usually think of bad breath and hideous teeth

when this career is brought up but I don’t mind seeing that stuff. The gory and disgusting stuff

actually makes me excited. There are just so many interesting things that other people disregard

as horrid and ‘over the top”. Overall, I am excited to start this new journey in life. I hope to

continue with the same drive and passion in the career choice I chose. My family and friends are
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huge contributors to this passion because I want to make everyone around me proud and happy.

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