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Turbo Sliders Version History

Versions with the same first two numbers are network compatible.
Versions 1.x.x cannot play with 2.x.x. Versions from 1.00 to 1.0.8 can
play with each other in normal network games. However, versions
before 1.0.7 do not have full fuel support and versions before 1.0.8
cannot play missile battles and do not understand damage.

24.10.2016 v2.6.0 rc10

- Moved the default master server to a new location.

25.09.2016 v2.6.0 rc9

- Key Q not mapped to Esc anymore - thus possible to have Q in names again.
- Fixed always showing prediction change suggestion when automatic prediction
adjustment is disabled.

28.07.2016 v2.6.0 rc8

- Fixed editor loading sometimes failing.
- Fixed track textures lost when alt-tabbing in full-screen mode in editor.

27.07.2016 v2.6.0 rc7

- Improved editor performance.
- Fixed pattern file generation in editor.

24.07.2016 v2.6.0 rc6

- Removed double buffering graphics option and replaced it with VSync.
- Hopefully fixed game not always getting focus when run from installer.
- Removed complaints of using SDL as video driver.
- Added a helpful message when game does not have file writing rights.
- Track previews are lighter.
- Automatic prediction tolerance is now adjustable in network settings.
By default, the game tries to use less prediction than before.
- Fixed space not working in menu text input.

22.07.2016 v2.6.0 rc5

- Fixed some video modes being left out in video config menu.
- Fixed tyre marks not being drawn sometimes with SDL rendering.
- Reloading track textures after alt-tabbing in and out in full-screen SDL.
- Alt-gr not counted as Ctrl in text input.

21.07.2016 v2.6.0 rc4

- Using SDL2 instead of SDL - lots of graphics and input related tech changes.
- Track previews are bigger than before

13.07.2016 v2.6.0 rc3

- Protocol versions changed to be incompatible with older versions.
- Fixed client-side smoke braking features if tyre wear was not on.
- Made data transfer faster in lobby. To adjust, change LobbyFileChunkSize
(default: 8, max: 16) and RaceFileChunkSize (default: 2) in sliders.ini.

12.07.2016 v2.6.0 rc2

- Protocol versions changed to be incompatible with older versions.
- New car parameters to tune how braking with smoke affects the car:
- smokebrakingbrakefactor: When braking with smoke, braking is multiplied
by this factor (no effect / 1 by default)
- smokebrakinggripfactor: When braking with smoke, grip is multiplied
by this factor (no effect / 1 by default)
- smokebrakinglocksbrakes: When 1, braking with smoke locks brakes
- New parameter damagedownforcefactor to tune downforce based on damage.
- Downforce is multiplied by this value with max damage, gradually
moving towards the value when damage increases.

11.07.2016 v2.6.0 rc1

- Editor can save the two first Includes in the trk file instead of just one.

10.07.2016 v2.6.0 (2)

- Protocol versions changed to be incompatible with older versions.
- Added possibility to add extra tyre wear for braking with smoke.
- To do so, set TyreWearExtraWhenSmokeBraking to a non-zero value.
- Cars have new properties related to smoke and braking:
- smokemintimebraking: When smoke starts to come from tyres for braking,
it will last at least this long.
- smokecooldownbraking: By default (value 0), brake time counter can be
zeroed by just releasing brake for one tick. However, if this is 1,
cooldown takes time. 2 means double speed. The value must be an integer.

06.07.2016 v2.6.0 (1)

- Protocol versions changed to be incompatible with older versions.
- When enough data, stats view (3 x tab) shows fuel and tyre lap estimates.
- Added command /colorsfixed [1|0] to be able to make colors unchangeable.
- Spectators are automatically advanced to game from the stats views.

05.07.2016 v2.5.4 (7)

- Downforce is relative to quadratic speed now.
- Grip addition = grip * downforce * (speed / maxSpeed)^2 * cos(slipAngle)
- Downforce now also affects braking by the same amount as grip.
- Added /mutespectators [<0|1>] which can be used to mute all spectators.

04.07.2016 v2.5.4 (6)

- Added a new car property downforce (min 0, max 5).
- When non-zero, grip is increases when speed increases.
- Grip addition = grip * downforce * speed / maxSpeed * cos(slipAngle)

03.07.2016 v2.5.4 (5)

- Added support for private matches, related commands:
- /member [<name> <id>]] shows members or adds a new one.
- /whoid lists players and remote player IDs
- /clearmembers clears member list, does not kick anyone yet
- /membersonly [0|1] shows or sets members only status.
- When enabled, kicks non-members but not self.
- Goes back to 0 when server restarts.
- Local player IDs are also visible in the players menu.
- HTML stats not generated by default, helps long exit times for some.

29.06.2016 v2.5.4 (4)

- Added command /delayed <time_in_sec> <command> that runs the given
admin command after the given time. There can be only one delayed command
and it will get reset when session is restarted.
- MaxFuelSlowdown max value changed from 20% to 50%.

24.06.2016 v2.5.4 (3)

- Added new car parameter fuelweightviscositycompensation (default: 0.0)
- If 1.0, viscosity is multiplied by the same value as acceleration when
fuel causes lower acceleration, thus not affecting top speed. With 0.0,
there is no change in viscosity, middle values can be used too. Engine
friction still remains the same.

13.06.2016 v2.5.4 (2)

- Added new fuel parameter NoFuelAcceleration, acceleration is multiplied
by that when out of fuel. Default 25% is the same as the old behavior.

24.05.2016 v2.5.4 (1)

- Added the possibility to disable refueling in a fuel race

- To do so, set TankFillRate to a value over 1000: "/fuel 1 120 9999".
- Note that the track still has to have a pit.
- Added possibility to have extra penalty for completely worn out tyres
- Acceleration then multiplied by TyreWearWornOutFactor (default: 1)
- New car property smokelimitaccelerating to limit acceleration smoke
- Relative speed needs to be less for smoke to appear (default: 0.333)

27.10.2014 v2.5.3 rc4

- Fixed server list not showing version 2.5 correctly

24.10.2014 v2.5.3 rc3

- Added command /clearban <name|ip> to only remove one ban
- invertturningonreverse can have two modes (1 or 2)
- 1: when speed dir away car dir, works better when starting acceleration
- 2: reversing stops when acceleration starts, works better when sliding

06.10.2014 v2.5.3 rc2

- Inverted reverse controls also work when accelerating while moving backwards
- Admin cannot crash the server by kicking oneself anymore

05.10.2014 v2.5.3 rc1

- Added car properties for more realistic cars:
- invertturningonreverse: if 1, left and right switched when reversing
- fullturningspeed: if non-zero, turning is limited when speed below this
- smokelimitbraking: braking needs to be done this long (in sec) for smoke
- flyingsteeringfactor: steering multiplied by this when flying (0 to none)
- Showing best lap time and its maker in special HUD stats
- Not moving special HUD stats even if player car is on the left
- Autoserver is now calling PreRaceInit macro just before race init
- Join ok if an existing spectator has the same license (but not vice versa)

17.09.2014 v2.5.2 rc1

- Fixed changingcolor 2 not working if there is no red in the image
- Minutes and hours always in times if big enough
- Showing lap number instead of laps completed (first lap 1, not 0)
- Fixed some HUD stats elements sometimes being out of screen

27.07.2014 v2.5.1 rc2

- Fixed track pattern saving in editor.

26.07.2014 v2.5.1 rc1

- Added free camera mode when spectating or watching a recording
- Toggle on/off with Fire, move with player 2 keys (hold Fire(s) for speed)
- Disabled players can also change focus and use free camera
- When watching recordings, Shift+Left now goes about 20 seconds back in time
- If the race is long, this can take lots of time, though
- Next and previous focused car is determined by the latest race positions
- In-game stats show cars in the starting order in the beginning
- Fixed Windows XP support and editor DLL issues introduced in 2.5.0
- Cannot reduce damage when disabled, fixes AutomaticFullRepairTime issues
- Fixed /listtracks showing some tracks two times
- Fixed damage bars and fuel bars sometimes being on top of each other
17.07.2014 v2.5.0
- New track record format and directory, old records not valid any more
- Fixed limit speed being less if accelerating compared to when decelerating
- Added AutomaticFullRepairTime (set to get damage fixed automatically)
- Lap record messages not given if no times before
- Fixed some erroneous lap record messages in special situations
- Fixed ghost images not working with certain cars
- Exposed parameter -p <n> allowing n local players and added control support
- Added /sayadminmono <msg>, sends an admin message with a monospaced font
- Fixed /listtracks skipping some tracks in subfolders
- /source now searches for scripts under sources/ directory if not in root
- Added car parameter 'changingcolor', affects car coloring
- Set to 2 to change green instead of red, set to 0 to not change anything

22.07.2013 v2.4.2.2b
- Adjusted drafting algorithm
- Added DraftingSpeedEffectPower (1.0 means the old linear, 2.0 quadratic)

21.07.2013 v2.4.2b
- Tuned tyre wear and drafting
- TyreWear value 1 activates tyre wear when there is a pit, 2 always
- Added TyreWearExtraForTerrainViscosity
- Added TyreWearExtraForGrip
- Added DraftingSpeedForMaxEffect

19.07.2013 v2.4.1b
- Added tyre wear support (read README-tyres.txt)
- Added drafting support (read README-drafting.txt)
- Track maximum size to 4000 by default
- Increased the max spectator count to 40
- Added car parameter 'rotations' (min 64, max 360). Max image width is 16384.
- Added GhostAlphaMode to sliders.ini, values 0-6, default: 3, (0 = invisible)
- Added command /listtracks <part_of_name>
- Added command /mute <player> <time_in_sec> (use 0 to unmute)
- Added command /muteall [0|1] (use 1 to mute all non-admins for this cup)
- Added command /startfueladmin
- Added command /reloadcars [0|1], sets whether server reloads cars after cup
- Added command /sendinterval [1..20], default: 5 (to adjust server traffic)
- Added command /sayadmin <msg>, sends a message with different color
- Added command /aicar [<index> <car>], resets when a new cup is started
- ForceRaceMissiles is now public (set it to 1 to have missiles in races)
- MaxMissilesPerPlayer option now visible in help texts
- Fixed StartPos in racestats.log

20.10.2008 v2.0.0
- Track restrictions removed from the demo version
- Game engine improvements: smoother network game and more accurate lap times
- Added OpenGL and smooth FPS support
- New track record format and directory, old players and records not valid
any more. Old player data can be imported but a new id is generated.
- Support for total conversion mods (read README-totalmod.txt)
- New server script options (/source and /cmd, read README-autoserver.txt)
- Track loading always done using a fixed scale. No need to test tracks
with different resolutions any more. To disable this feature, set
UseFixedLoadScale to 0 in sliders.ini (not recommended).
- Start positions can be freely adjusted
- You can make Single Lap Tracks meaning the last control line specifies
the finish line and only one lap is driven
- New view modes in editor: Terrains and Full View
- Random start mode added, added command /startmode [0|1]
- Added /startpos that can be used to force player start positions
- Added command /demoplayersallowed [0|1]
- A track can be selected multiple times in tracks menu by holding Shift.
- It is possible to kick spectators by IP and define how many spectators are
allowed with /spectatorsAllowed, /who also lists spectators
- Fixed sticky Alt after Alt+Tab
- Tracks can have gravity (to enable for example space ship races or battles)
- Automatic support for more resolutions, including widescreen ones
- Cars of disconnected players are stopped
- Added command line parameter -capture <n> which saves the first n seconds
of recordings as bmp files in directory capture
- Command /continue always restarts the server in Cup End mode
- Fixed editor sometimes showing a new tile in a slightly inaccurate position
- Updated libraries, using DirectDraw is now optional and not default

14.04.2006 v1.0.8
- 7 tracks by Punatiainen included
- Missile battle and XBumpz (read README-battle.txt)
- Damage (for battles and races)
- New starting orders: previous race position and best lap
- New HUD mode (read README-fuel.txt for info about configuring)
- Better PunaBall stats
- Better fuel level notifications
- Possible to change the initial fuel amount in network games
- Better joystick support
- History shown in cup stats
- Possible to add track specific autoserver macros
- Fixed failed track loading crash bug in v1.0.7
- Remixed the music

14.02.2006 v1.0.7
- Experimental fuel support
- Added server commands /continue and /restart

20.09.2005 v1.0.6
- AI players
- Automatic prediction adjustment
- Support for server statistics scripts
- Other minor fixes

10.06.2005 v1.0.5
- Experimental PunaBall support, new related server commands
- Fast forward, forward warp and slow motion in record playing
- Start demo added (in demo versions)
- Possible to remove race stats panel to see more track
- Other minor fixes

25.04.2005 v1.0.4
- Possibility to record and play race videos
- Joystick support
- Fixed tracks getting corrupt in high resolutions with certain
video cards

22.02.2005 v1.0.3.2 (Linux only)

- Fixed Linux OpenAL related WAV loading bug

23.01.2005 v1.0.3
- Fixed a potential Linux SIGPIPE crash
- Possibility to toggle predictive camera during race
- Possible to change the car to follow in spectator mode
- More record server related options
- Fixed problems with space in pattern file name
- Detecting crashes with faulty nVidia drivers
- French language added
- Other minor changes

31.12.2004 v1.0.2
- Fixed Linux sound
- Minor installer changes
- Spanish and Dutch added

30.11.2004 v1.00
- First official release
- Compatibility problem fixes

12.11.2004 v0.98 (Unofficial beta build with an expiration time)

- New graphics
- Jumps and bridges
- Music
- Car downloading
- Better editor
- Better manuals
- Localization support
- Licensing
- Pro mode
- Autoserver related improvements:
- Easier (but not very secure) remote admin possibility
- Possible to change macros.ini and tracks on-the-fly (reloaded
when a new cup is started)
- Record downloading skips files with unknown tracks
- Adding too many bans no more crashes the server and duplicates are removed
- Master server related improvements:
- Updates optimized to happen less often
- Possible to put IP in the server info (begin with "")
- Random fixed car mode
- Easier server restart and reconnect
- Better line editing and key repeating
- If safe, tracks are downloaded to the "tracks/download" directory,
not into subdirectories
- Automatic servers are no longer automatically shut down after 48 days
- Car and colors shown in race and cup stats
- More automation in prediction changes (no need to hit PageUp/Down so often)
- Server list ordered by ping
- Added possibility to put command line parameters into an input file
- Alpha blending made optional
- Flood detection
- Optional predictive camera
- Optinal double-buffering
- Menu effects
- Better date and car information in log.txt
- Track name visible in race stats
- Track preview shown before car selection, too
- Track size shown in car selection screen and can't make selection too early
- Ghost race sounds fixed
- Libraries updated
- Many other things I forgot from this list
09.03.2004 v0.86
- Ghost races (races where cars do not collide)
- Track profile preview (if pattern file exists)
- More variety in car colors
- Car shadows
- Stand-alone server
- Better automatic lag avoidance (automatic PageUp/PageDown messages)
- A new stats mode with double Tab
- Better Alt+Tab recovering during race
- Progress bars and more info screens
- Possible to have zoom level less than 1, also added enlarge-to-fit option
- Better sound inititialization in error situations
- Scrolling possible in editor
- Race stats and cup stats should not ever be broken any more
- File transfer problems after disconnection fixed
- Invalid tracks do not end net cup any more
- Various smaller fixes

23.01.2004 v0.84
- Master server support (server lists)
- Better network and load diagnostics (F10 during race)
- Network protocol improved (and new bugs planted?)
- Possibly fixed some font issues (fonts sometimes broken)
- Fixed a big OpenAL related memory leak
- Updated some SDL libraries

16.12.2003 v0.82
- Added the possibility to select different cars for different players
- Cars should not get stuck so easily any more

18.11.2003 v0.80
- Editor included
- Improved record import and export
- Automatic track loading
- Possibility to login after the game has already started
- Kicking and banning (removing players from a cup)
- Higher process priority in Windows (and possibility to adjust it)
- Decreased default output.txt logging
- Graph data for races in log.txt

10.09.2003 v0.72
- Lots of minor stuff
- Pasting server names
- Starting lights
- Penalty for too early starts
- 8-bit characters allowed in messages
- Preparation for editor
- etc.

21.06.2003 v0.71b
- Minor server command fix

21.06.2003 v0.70b
- Track file format changes (added track pattern files)
- Three new tracks
- Lots of minor improvements, for example:
- Server commands
- HTML record summaries
- Random track selections
- Cup aborting
- Possibility to adjust client prediction times when the race is on
- New command line options
- Included info for modders

07.06.2003 v0.65b
- Smoke and skidmarks

26.05.2003 v0.60b
- Track records
- New tracks automatically found
- Lots of invisible changes (and probably some new bugs, too)

10.05.2003 v0.56b
- Minor fixes
- A bit more stat info with stat key

09.05.2003 v0.55b
- Network code changes
- Server allows different client UDP ports (this should
help playing with NAT clients)
- Not reconnecting in busy loop any more
- Improved track file format (added tile groups)
- More tracks
- Player names and laps shown with stats key

03.05.2003 v0.51b
- Bug fixes

02.05.2003 v0.50b
- Sound effects
- Changing start order

22.04.2003 v0.40b
- Different cars supported

17.04.2003 v0.32b
- Fixed one big memory leak and several minor issues

17.04.2003 v0.31b
- Reduced cars getting stuck in collisions

16.04.2003 v0.30b
- More or less working client/server cup implemented

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