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Throughout the semester, my writing became dramatically impacted in which I developed many

new skills. Investigating, Cooperating, and expressing my thoughts into writing led me to finally become

a thoughtful yet professional writer. Within my assignments over the course, my improvement and

progression are displayed in many ways. For example, my Proposal portrayed my ability to present and

support a well-reasoned proposal argument in response to a significant question at an issue in my

discipline in which I have researched. Moreover, Reading Response 2 gave me the opportunity to express

how I can contrive proper well-organized standpoints and sustain accurate language. Furthermore, Peer

reviewing gave me the chance to work with other individuals within my classroom to collaborate and

enhance one another’s writing. Yet, peer reviewing also gave me a voice to critique my fellow classmates

in a positive structured manner. In brief, this English 301 class gave me the knowledge to strive in my

academia, for it was essential for my writing career. My Proposal allowed me to write towards a specific

audience. The Proposal was set up to aim towards current situations that cause a problem and that a

certain action should be taken to respond to the problem. Additionally, I had to state my argument clearly,

providing claims and the main line of reasoning. I accomplished this proposal by bringing in awareness

from different angles, so it brought attention to our society. After this, I showed how the problem affected

our society within our discipline. In other words, I needed to show how it might be a problem for parents

or educational schools, and why it could develop a problem in whoever depended on them. Comparably,

to my proposal, Reading Response 2 displayed how stories of immigrants like Sonia Martinez suggest

that unauthorized immigration "may not be voluntary".

This allowed me to provide evidence and justify my opinion based on the given readings. I completed this

by first analyzing both articles in order to gather the push and pull factors in order to determine my

opinion. I also provided evidence from both texts to support my opinion throughout the response. With

this being completed, not only was I able to incorporate correct use of analyzation and give thoughtful

supported opinions, but I was also mastering my practice in APA citations. With the correct format of

citation, I was able to use the skill in my final paper. Ultimately, Peer Review was able to bring forth the

final two Student Learning Objectives (SLOs). Without Collaboration then there is no way we can give
positive feedback or comments for improvement. I did this by being able to aid one another by showing

my abilities to change and bring new ideas. Along with the following, Peer review is the chance to spot

the unfocus organization. Breaking down sentence by sentence helped me achieve and construct criticism

in order to refine their writing. Lastly, With the help from my Proposal, Reading Response 2, and Peer

Review I was also able to hit every aspect of the required SLOs. Additionally, With this e-portfolio, I was

able to overcome and strive for achievement in my writing. Yet there is a lot more to master. Although,

what I learned this semester will only build upon and help me towards the next level of writing.

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