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Need for Competency Based Management Education in India

Priyadarshini BA Dr. Ritika Sinha

Research Scholar, Assistant Professor
Bangalore University Bangalore University
Mob No: 9008615615 Mob No: 9916362171

Competency-based education (CBE) was introduced in the 1970s in the United States of
America and its philosophical and practical dimensions are still being explored. Currently,
there is an increase in competency-based education programs in higher education institutions
globally in response to student and employer needs. Industry, education and government
stakeholders are redefining their partnerships and working together to create competency-
based, industry-driven education at the local, state, and national levels. However, in India the
implementation of competency-based education has been slow. The overarching purpose of
this research is to provide theoretical and conceptual foundations for developing a
competency-based curriculum for management education. Specifically, the objective is to
gather expert opinions and ascertain the significance of developing a competency model for a
management course in India.

Ever demanding forces of globalisation have introduced new areas of discussion in

curriculum planning in the higher education. In order to sustain in the current knowledge
based economy and to deal with rapidly increasing demand in job market for skilled
workforce, incorporation of competency based curriculum is emerging as an essential
requirement in higher education sector. In order to develop competency based curriculum in
higher education, determination of competencies for each discipline and subsequent
development of means of measurement and performance assessment is a must. Development
of competency based models for specific discipline through intense research can serve as a
guiding tool for this purpose. In this backdrop the present paper tries to draw an attention to
the importance of competency based curriculum and its pros and cons in the current scenario
of Indian higher education system.


Curriculum, Competency, Management Education, Competency Based Education


The term "globalization" has gained considerable attention and importance during the last
few years. In a “flat world” where technology and globalization is levelling the competitive
landscape, the nature of knowledge work is changing at the interface of technology and
services and the demand for knowledge workers is increasing as the complexity of
knowledge work increases (Choudaha, 2008). The basic premise is that knowledge is
becoming a primary factor of production, in addition to capital, labor and land. (Morell,
2007). These hifts indicate emergence of a “new knowledge-based service economy” that
differs from the industrial economy. The distinctive characteristic of “knowledge-based
economy is its dependence on human capital inputs, on knowhow and skill, competence and
expertise” (Choudaha, 2008). These ever demanding forces of globalisation have introduced
new discourses into curriculum planning of higher education. In order to sustain in the
knowledge based economy and deal with demand of job market, incorporation of competency
based curriculum is emerging as a necessity in higher education sector. Specifically in Indian
context, Prof. Yashpal’s committee report on Renovation and Rejuvenation of Higher
Education mention - currently, many students passing out from institutions of higher
education do so without obtaining the kind of skills they really need to work in a real-world
environment (Singh, 2009). In this backdrop the present paper tries to draw attention to the
importance of competency based curriculum and its pros and cons.

Statement of the Problem

The implementation of Competency-based management education (CBME) in India is

happening at a slow pace. There is debate over what CBME can offer. On one side are those
who believe that teaching managerial competencies offers hope for curing the ills of present
and future managers. On the other are those who argue that teaching managerial
competencies not only cannot be done well, but should not be done at all — at least not in
business/management schools. In between are the vast majority of trainers and management
educators who, while keeping an open mind, are still forming their opinions. The purpose of
this article is to provide information that will be helpful to those who are forming their
opinions about CBME. It identifies the relevance, significance, challenges, pros and cons of
implementing CBME.

1. To understand the concept of Competency Based Curriculum

2. To study the relevance and significance of Competency Based Management Education

3. To understand Challenges of implementing Competency Based Management Education

Research Methodology

Type of Research: Exploratory Research

Sources of Data: Secondary Data would be collected through Delphi Technique, Research
Papers, Journals, Research Reports, Newspapers

Armstrong, M. (2005) A Hand Book of Human Resource Management Practice, 9th edition,

Choudaha, R. (2008) Competency-based Curriculum for a Master’s Program in Service

Science, Management And Engineering (SSME): An Online Delphi Study. Executive
summary: Doctoral dissertation, University of Denver, USA.

Morell, L. (2007) Globalization And Engineering/Science Education: Do They Converge? 1-

4 July, 2007, SEFI-IGIP Joint Annual Conference. University of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary,
retrieved from
educonverge1.pdf on 15th Feb, 2011;

Singh, G. S. (2009) Higher Education Road Map for India, retrieved on 10th Feb, 2011 from;

Whiddett, S., Hollyforde, S. (2003) A practical Guide to competencies: how to enhance

individual and organizational performance, Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development, CIPD House, London.

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