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the joy of the cloud

i hate to admit something so romantic, but sometimes i fancy i might die.

for instance a car with oregon license plate VZA 844 nearly killed me today or at least nearly
broke my right leg.

so much for fossil fuel addicts driving to work in their sleep, unapologetically.

at least i took the time to quizzically glare at him.

what is quite beyond my imagination is the sense that the internet is a tsunami, and everyone
wants to use umbrellas.

even if you have a great umbrella, well . . .

the universal tide towards total transmission and total transparency can easily have opponents.

they may stand in the face of it saying remove this, remove that, to reinstall the illusion of
godlike omnipotence of pre-internet content industry which might make or destroy culture.

as the reich profiled entartete kunst, or burnt books, or the dear old catholic church forbid joyce
or nabokov.
those were great scandals of repressive regimes.
information black holes, as with soviet deletions or their modern-day internet archive deletions,
as Julian Assange rues.

but now in the face of internet, the task of fighting the swarm and the cloud has taken on a
comical effect.

So comical, that international law has literally turned into monkey courts, with young prodigies
like Anakata of the Pirate Bay, having to explain the mechanism of transmission to older
prosecutors who know not what is actually transpiring online, or what it is they prosecute. Such
that the coercion of the IMF or the World Bank, might gain an old content elite the tutelage of
one of the world’s best librarians.

for the sake of cassettes, or was it 8track tapes, or floppy disks was it?

ah, but that was 2009, spectrial.

the individual stands with knives out against the past.

while libel law and defamation law cases are completely on a pronounced decline see ABA
journal november.
heaven bless the british empire and their notorious understanding of libel law: aka repressing
the press.
or france with their lackadaisical anti-internet approach.

such a digital divide they experience, so far from the free culture, the creative commons, the
embassy of piracy, the copyleft, or the future.

what is increasing?
transparency, integrity, naturalness?
citizen power?

the major medias and their many agents have less and less power. the decentralization of
culture holds vast opportunities for oblivion and greatness.

at what speed one chooses to embrace the cloud, is almost as personal as religion. i
am growing increasingly comfortable with many forms of surveillance. while i cannot
bear the tedium of facebook and its implicit identity politics, i enjoy at times the lucidity of’s video blog, or chronic uploads to youtube.

the mundanity of godard or fassbinder is fairly available to they who can get their hands on
some technology.
now worried you might be that something went wrong on the internet.
but the other missing ingredient in the human computiing of internet is oblivion.
truly, in an infinite stream of information, the human mind can only hold so much, even with the
help of 16 tabs or simultaneous applications.

as humans transform in the wake of the present tense of a technological embrace of the cloud,
we are liberated too from our concerns for history or secrecy. oblivion becomes a secrecy of its
now to propound a doctrine of total internet freedom, or total embrace of the cloud, or total
transparency----is beyond my function as an autonomous agent of my illusory consciousness.

my evangelism of the cloud

can only go so far.

the immortality
of the collective consciousness can only compute within the bounds of total utopianism and
humanitarianism or total nihilistic anarchy, all of which appeal.

but what i might note provisionally, are the varying rates that various demographics embrace or
understand the cloud, or the internet.

bizarrely, many people purport to desire fame, yet seek to mutilate the publicity generated by
new media. this eventually makes a fun little industry for a literary or legal crowd. take this
down, delete this, anonymize this.
i wonder about the generous maxim: all publicity is good publicity.
for an example of the tediousness of such an approach, i can almost imagine trolling facebook
looking for offenses to my privacy, or slurs to other humans, or some such thing.
but facebook is an improper venue for a mind like mine.
i gain less from its socializing function than i stand to gain intellectually elsewhere, and i see
facebook dying a slow myspace-like death and have for years.
but it is not without its usefulness psychologically and sociologically.
it has taught young people to become extremely internationalized and extremely
communicative, on surface, great things!

we have online friends across the world, pen pals, so to speak.

but the beyond the beyond of the cloud is the human experience in the present tense.
we can read everything from civilian massacre in Iraq to labor law online.
huge realms of secrecy and privilege and delay and monetization have been upended by

the oppressed classes might also be the cognitive elite. and in that sense all regimes of
oppression, should be prepared to topple as we begin to upend their deceptions and shine a
light on their many propagandas.

and more now in the present tense, in a world where russian journalists have smashed fingers,
beaten to the point of brain damage, when theo van gogh was murdered en pleine aire for a
a film about the rape and beating of women, this world of transparency, the immortality of the
cloud, has been ushered in, or floods us like the great tide of collective genius, which is the
human, or the humane.

so that i might die, or not die, or delete and chink away at accretions of internet or not, is of little
but of consequence it the zeitgeist shift towards total transparency, total collective
communitarianism, total information, no longer reserved for such archaicisms as CIA or MI5, but
now for all.
civilian massacre, human trafficking, non-profit corruption, corporate connivances, the ecocide
upon which the culture and cloud is based . . . is all there for our perusal . . . our embrace . . . or
our rejection.
but emphatically, in a mind not prone to belief of any kind, i wake up every day inspired by the
transmissibility of human knowledge and dignity and information.

such that in the despair of a powerlessness, that was once the trendy accoutrement of the
jaded nihilistic failed suicides among us, there is much power, to strike out against the lyingness
implicit in the culture of silence, which enmeshes our culpability in regimes of terror as genocidal
as a reich, as ecocidal and dominance-based, such that the vietnam war is not over, the great
war, or world war two, either.
the aftershocks of horror and the humans being killed now in the present tense, and the
protective attempts at defense and deletion, are a part of a larger unstoppable tide towards total

so in the future, we might walk north or south, not deeper into the alienation of human existential
horror, but with our heads on our bodies like bobbles, confident in a transcendent ethics which
posits future.

and the dead will have no part in this culture built on their blood.
so then, how do we transmit this consciousness of total freedom, free culture, free humanity,
copyleft, wikileaks?

can we do it before the gunman finds us in the square?

will we die for truth, or die for art?
will we die that women might live free of beatings and rape and economic enslavement?
will we uphold the consciousness of due process?
will the internet become yet another opium of the people, or will we unite and rise up towards a
new enlightenment?

repression, censorship, shyness, corporate slavishness . . . will no longer pertain to future . . . or

the future will be of oil spills, iraqi civilian blood, wikileaks blocked in israel, mayhem.

the future is vast.

it is like a warhol factory in its redundancy.
it has the transmission channels of the OBEY GIANT empire.
there is no use in my mind, to bow down before the old culture of Control and Regulation.

freedom of information will at least amuse us to death, if not stop our hearts by the sheer horror
of abu ghraib, arbeit macht frei.
so get working in your digital sweatshops, and craft something to say, blow your whistles, make
art, to free humanity, or yourself, from the irrelevancy of ego, in the vast collective shift towards
total transparent humanity.
for long life and theo van gogh.
submission is far too ordinary and old. better then a heart towards the future for total human
liberation and the new dominance which will supercede a dominance culture based on
aggression to women, the earth, and the human face of war.
against racist wars and censorship fire walls and pay walls of all kind.
for 1984.

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