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TechnicalDigest Swimming Pools Small Pool Design ee Ree rurelD Page CONTENTS 1. introduction _ 2 2. User Requirements 3. Layout Requirements __ 3 4, Main Pool Size 10 5. Learner Pool Size — 10 6. Fixtures, Fittings and Equipment___ 79 7. Planning Features 14 8. Detailed Design Requirements__ 14 9. Environmental Requirements___29 10. References _ 21 These digests are part of a series prepared to offer guidance on the planning, design and management of sports buildings. They aim to promote value for money and quality in new and upgraded facilities. (© The Scottish Sports Counc, Api 1995 SWIMMING POOLS ~ SMALL POOL DESIGN 1 This technical digest gives information on the design, planning, construction and building services of smal, public indoor pools. The information is primarily intended for new, stand-alone pools, although it may also be useful where pools are being added to existing facilities, such as community centres or educational sports buildings, Introduction It should be emphasised that swimming poo! buildings are expensive to build and operate; client groups and their professional advisers, should consider their needs very carefully and aim to get the most economical layout (including water area) possible to serve their community's needs. 2. User Requirements ‘There are a number of questions that need to be asked in making the preliminary ~ but important ~ decisions about the sort of pool to be planned. ‘Who Will be the Main Users? ‘This is likely to be a combination of the local community school, and specific user groups from within the community, for example swimming clubs and disabled user groups. ‘What Activities and What Priority for Each? ‘The main types of swimming participation in small pools willbe ‘learning to swim ~ school groups, adult and other lessons ‘© swimming for fun and enjoyment ‘© swimming for fitness, particularly lane swimming and ‘aquaraerobics ‘+ swimming for competition, including training, water polo and diving practice asic lifesaving practice In many cases, learning to swim, family recreational swimming and fitness swimming and exercise will be the main activites ; these, then, will have priority use of the pool ‘What Level of Play is Expected for Each Activity? This will depend on the length, width and depth of the pool, ie. whether it is 12.5m, 16.67m, 20m or 25m in length; 8.5m or 10.5m in width; and if it has a shallow ‘water depth of not less than 900mm. Club-level swimming needs a pool length of only 16.67m ‘or 20m, For sizes of 20m x 8.5m and above, the pool should be suitable for schoo! galas. How Many People are ‘Any One Time? This will vary according to the activity and will be termined by the available water area and the capacity of the pool water treatment plant. For recreational swimming, itis recommended that a minimum water area of 2m* per bather is allowed for physical safety. So a water area of 160m: (i.e. 20 x 8m) would allow a maximum of 80 bathers, although it is extremely unikely that this number ‘would be allowed in the poo! at the same time, as it could result in uncomfortable bathing conditions ely to Use the Pool at 1. Although the spectator area not overly generous in size at this poo, its sufficient to accommodate a reasonable number of People during busy periods. Spectator Space? No fixed seating will be required, but if schoo! or local galas are to be held, there should be space for one or two rows, Of chairs. These would be along the length of the pool, so Cone of the long pool surrounds would need to be increased in width (say 2.5 ~ 3m) to accommodate them, including 2 irculation route between the pool edge and the front row Cf spectators. To minimise the dirt carried onto the poo! surrounds by footwear, access to pool surround spectator seating should be as direct as possible ~ for example, from the social viewing area. Consideration should also be given to the location offre exits for these areas Space for casual viewing can be provided as part of the poo! hal, or as part of the social area overlooking the poo! hall. There are no specific requirements for the number of spectators to be accommodated; 10 to 20 spaces should be adequate for a pool size of up to 20x 8.5m,

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