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Jounia} of Clinical Periodonlohgy 1982: 9: 409-414 Short Communication

Key words: Ahuliucui teeth - Hxcci hridi^cwork - pcriodtmiiil ns.\iit' .suppan.

Accepted ibr pLibliciUion June 1. 1981

The capacity of reduced periodontal tissues

to support fixed bridgework

Department of Pciiodontology, Faculty of Odontology, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden

Abstiaci. The total area of periodontal ligament around the abutment teeth in 60 fixed bridges, inserted
in patients treated tor advanced periodontal disease, was calculated and compared with the total
"periodontal ligament area" ofthe teeth replaced by pontics. The calculations revealed that only in 8%
of the bridge restorations did the periodontal ligament area ofthe abtitment teeth equal or exceed that of
the replaced teeth. In 57% of the bridge material the periodontal ligament area ofthe abutments was less
than 50% ofthe anticipated normal ligament area ofthe ponties. Despite the fact that the periodontal
support for the restorations was dramatically reduced, all bridges have functioned properly for 8-11
years and the periodontal tissues around the abutment teeth have not sul fered further loss of attachment
during the period of maintenance care.

Frequently in cases of advanced periodoiital with principles presented in textbooks (Tylman

disease, in one or several parts ofthe dentition, &Tylman 1960, Johnston et al, 1971,Tyltnian&
the destruction of the supporting tissues has Malone 1978), Johnston et al, (1971) claitn that
progressed to a level which calls for extraction the abutment teeth in a fixed bridge must not
of several teeth. Following treatment of such only be favourably distributed in the dental
cases only a few teeth may remain, teeth which arch in relation to the extension of the bridge,
do not only have a minimum of periodontal but, in addition, their crown-root ratio or
tissue support left, but which also often show periodontal support should rneet the criteria
signs of rnarkedly increased mobility. The re- outlined in the so-called "Ante's law". Ante
habilitation of this type of patients often in- (1926, 1936, 1938), in discussing the properties
volves procedures such as splinting of the required for abutment teeth of fixed bridge-
remaining teeth, and/or prosthetic replacement work, pointed out that "the combined perice-
of lost teeth. As a rule, in a patient with niental area of the abutment teeth should be
pronounced loss of periodontal support the equal to or greater in pericetnental area than the
fixed bridge is to be preferred to the removable tooth or teeth to be replaced".
partial denture, because the fixed bridge is more Following tneasurements of a large number
rigid and may provide tnore favourable distri- of teeth, Jepsen (1963) specified (in square mm)
bution over the remaining periodontiimT ofthe the average root surface area of the various
mastication forces than a removable partial teeth in the hutnan dentition. The data reported
denture (Nyman & Lindhe 1979), However, the by Jepsen (1963) make it possible to calculate
use of teeth with stnall amounts of periodontal the periodontal ligatnent area of trhe abutments
tissue support as abutments for fixed bridge- in a fixed bridge in a "periodontal case" after
work is controversial and in obvious contlict assessments in radiographs of the height ofthe

0303-6979/82/050409-06 $02,50/0 «• 1982 Munksgaard, Copenhagen


remaining alveolar bone of the individual abut- "pericemental area" of the teeth replaced by
ment teeth. The calculated area of the remain- pontics.
ing periodontal ligament of the abutments can The aim of the present retrospective study
be related to and compared with the total was to compare the calculated size of the


Reduction of
Abutment Normal PLA bone height Remaining PLA Replaced Normal PLA
teeth (sq. mm) % (sq. mm) teeth (sq. mm)
46 352 30 246 45 135
43 159 70 48 44 130
33 159 50 80 42 124
35 135 60 54 41 103
Total 805 Total 428 31 103
32 124
34 130
Total 849

Fig. I. Radiographs obtained prior to treatment (top) and at the final examination (middle). Tooth 45 was
extracted, all other teeth were treated for periodontal disease and maintained as abutments for a fixed bridge
46-35. Calculations (bottom) of the area of remaining periodontal ligament of the abutment teeth in relation to
the "periodontal ligament area" ofthe teeth replaced by pontics. The periodontal ligament area of the abutments
represents 50% of the corresponding area of the replaced teeth.
Ronlgenstatus vor der Behandlung (obeti) und bei der absehliessenden Untersuelmng (Mitte). Der Zahn 45 wurde
extrahiert, alle anderen Zdhne wurden parodontal behandelt utid als Pfeilerzdhne ciner festen Briicke 46-35
erhalten. Die erreehnete Fldehe des verbliebenen parodontalen Stiitzgewebes (unten) wird itn Vergleich mit der
"parodontalen Stutzflaehe" der Zdhne angegeben. die bei den durch Briickenglieder ersetzten Zdhne vorgelegen
hdtte. Die Fldehe des parodontalen Stiitzgewebes der noch vorhandenen Briickenpfeiler betrdgt niir 50% der entspr.
Fldehe der ersetzten Zdhne.
Radiographies obtenues avant le traitement (au-dessus) et tors du dernier exatnen (au milieu). La dent 45 a etc
extiaite et toutes les autres dents ont ete traitees pour leur maladieparodontale et maintenues pour servir de piliers a
un bridge allant de la 46 d la 35. Caleuls (en-dessous) de I'aire du reste du ligament parodontal des dents piliers en
t elation avee l"'aire du ligament patodontaF des dents remplacees par le bridge. L'aire du ligantent parodontal des
dents piliers reprcsente 50% de l'aire eoriespondanle des dents remplaeees.

periodontal ligament area of the abutment teeth which occurred during the observation period,
with the size of the anticipated normal perio- were assessed in radiographs in a periodic-
dontal ligament area of the teeth replaced by reproducible manner using a method described
pontics in bridgework placed in patients treated by Eggen (1969). Individual mean Bone Scores
for advanced periodontal disease. were calculated according to a technique used
by Bjorn et al. (1969).
The bridge material was divided into five
Material and Methods different groups with respect to the size of the
The material consisted of 60 bridges, randomly remaining periodontal ligament area of the
selected from a total of 332 bridges, placed in abutment teeth.
251 patients who during the period 1969-1973 Analysis of variance was used for testing
were treated for advanced periodontal disease alterations in alveolar bone height with time.
including prosthetic replacement of lost teeth.
The periodontal status of these patients im-
mediately after the active phase of treatment, Results
and 5 and 8 years after therapy, as well as a The size of the area of the remaining periodon-
detailed description of the therapeutic proce- tal ligament of the abutment teeth, expressed as
dures used have been reported previously the percentage of the periodontal ligament area
(Lindhe & Nyman 1975, Nyman & Lindhe of the teeth replaced by pontics, is presented in
1979). Following the active phase of treatment Fig. 2. In 12 out of the 60 bridges examined
all patients were enrolled in a maintenance care (Group 1), the total periodontal ligament area
program which included recall appointments of the abutment teeth was less. than 25%
for prophylaxis every 3-6 months. (16-24%) of the corresponding area of the
The height of the alveolar bone around each pontics. Only in five bridges out of the 60
individual abutment tooth in the various bridges bridges examined (Group 5) did the periodontal
was assessed in radiographs, obtained immedi- ligament area of the abutment teeth equal or
ately after the completion of active treatment, exceed that of the teeth replaced (106-132%). In
and was expressed as percentage of the length of 22 bridges (Group 2) the area of the periodontal
the root in accordance with the method de- ligament of the abutments represented 25-49%)
scribed by Bjorn et al. (1969). The area of the of that of the pontics and in 13 cases (Group 3)
remaining periodontal membrane of each abut- the periodontal support was in the range 50-
ment tooth (in square mm) was calculated from 74%. Eight bridge restorations (Group 4) had a
the figure given for the total root surface area of total area of periodontal ligament which a-
the particular tooth by Jepsen (1963). The total mounted to 75-99% of the corresponding area
area of the supporting tissues of each individual of the replaced teeth.
bridge was derived by adding the figures repre- The results of the measurements of altera-
sentative of each abutment tooth. In addition, tions in proximal alveolar bone height are also
the "normal periodontal ligament area" of the given in Fig. 2. The data show that in all bridges
teeth replaced by pontics was calculated. The the bone height was maintained unchanged
total area of the remaining periodontium during the entire observation period.
around the abutment teeth was finally expressed
as percentage of the periodontal ligament area
of the replaced teeth. The calculations described Discussion
are exemplified in Fig. 1. The present study demonstrated that teeth with
In addition, alterations in the height of the periodontai tissue support, reduced far beyond
proximal alveoler bone of all abutment teeth. that which is generally accepted to be sufficient

NO OF BRIDGES Alli'raiioiis de la huiileur de i'os diirani la pcriode

26- d'observation dans ies cinq groupes de bridges (an
20- Bone Score A = hauieur osscuse (score osseu.x nioyen
f''-* PONTICS * individuelizs.d.) enregisiree immediatemeni apres I'in-
16- sertion du bridge. Bone Score B = hauieur osseuse
'score osseux moyen individuel+s.d.) enregistree lors

1 0- de I'exanwn final (H all ans apres le iraitentent).



1 2
25-49 50-74



as support for fixed bridgewori^ (e.g. Ante 1926,
Tylman & Tylman 1960, Smith 1961, Reynolds
1968, Johnston el al. 1971, Tylman & Malone
1978), can indeed be successfully used as abut-
ments. In the present material, only live bridges
(8%) out oi' the 60 cases examined were sup-
ported by abutment teeth which met the

w criterion "the total area of periodotital ligament

should be equal to or exceed that of the teeth
replaced", i.e. fulfilled the detnands for perio-
^ BONE SCORE A dontal support outlined in Ante's law. In the
^M BONE SCORE B majority of the cases (57% of the total material)
BONE SCORE the bridge restorations were supported by teeth
surrounded by a periodontium which was less
Fig. 2. Number of bridges ranged in live dilTereiit
groups with respect to size of the total area of than 50% of that of tlie replaced teeth. Despite
periodontal ligament of the abutments as percentage the markedly reduced periodontal support,
of corresponding area of the replaced teeth (top). however, all the bridges examined have func-
Bone height alterations during the observation
tioned for 8-11 years without further loss of
period in the five groups of bridgework (bottom).
Bone Score A = bone height (individual mean Bone attachment around the abutment teeth (Figs. I,
Score + s.d.) assessed immediately after bridge inser- 2).
tion. Bone Score B = bone height (individual mean
There are two important factors which may
Bone Score + s.d.) assessed at the final examination
(8-11 years alter treatment). explain the success of the treatment described.
One factor is the proper elimination of all
bacterial deposits from the teeth and the root
Die hier i}eurieilicn Biiicken. je nach Ausc/ehining cier
parodoniaien Sliiizflaclie der Pfeilcrzahne. in fiinf surfaces during the active phase of therapy,
Gruppen aufgegliederl - die Sliiizflachen werdm in supplemented with the maintenance of a denti-
Prozent liererreclmelenSliiizflcichedererselzlenZliiine tion free from gross deposits of .subgingival
angegeben (oben). plaque over the total observation period. These
Die Verdnderungen der Knoelienlwhe in diesen fi'inj'
Probandengnippen wiiiirend der Beobaehiungszeii (un- procedures arrested the progressive, plaque
ten). associated periodontal disease and prevented
Knochen-Beuneiliingseinheii (Score) A = K'noe/ien- recurrence of periodontitis (Nyman & Lindhe
hohe (individuelle miitlere Knoeiien Seore+s.d.) direi<l 1979). The second factor is the proper occlusal
nach der Briickeniniwrporaiion. Knociien-Beiirieil-
ungseinheit (Score) B= Knochenhohe (individiieile design of the bridgework which precluded
miltlere Knochen Score + s.d.) bei der cibscljliessenden undue stress concentrations in the remaining
Untcrsuchung (8-11 .lahre naeh der Behandlung). periodontal tissues. For a detailed discussion
Nombre de bridge.^' repartis en cinq groupes dijfercnis
regarding the design of the occlusion the reader
suivant la grandeur de I'aire toiaie dii liganwnt paro-
donlal des dents piliers en poiircenlage de ia zone is referred to previous publications by Nyman et
correspondanie des denis rentplacees (mi-dessiis). al. (1975) and Lindhe & Nyman (1977).

The present study comprised a random selec- tionen. Weiterhin wurde wiihrend der Nachsorge-
tion of 60 bridge restorations out of a total periode kein weiterer Attachmcntvcrlust an den vor-
handenen parodontalen StCitzgcweben ihrer Pfeiler-
material of 332 bridges. It should be stressed zahne festgestellt.
that at the re-examination ofthe patients after
5-8 years (Nyman & Lindhe 1979), none of the
patients had lost their bridgework as a result of Resume
recurrent periodontitis or occlusal overload ol'
Capaeite des tissus parodontaux rcduits a supporter des
the reduced periodontium. Technical failures bridges
had occurred, however, in 26 ofthe 332 bridges L'aire totale du ligament parodontal entourant les
(8% ofthe total material) during the observa- dents piliers de 60 bridges insercs chez des patients
traites pour maladie parodontale avancec a etc cal-
tion period. These failures appeared as loss of
culee ct comparee a l""aire totale du ligament paro-
retention of retainer crowns from abutment dontal" des dents remplacees par les bridges. Les
teeth (11 bridges, 3.3%), fracture of bridgework caleuls ont rcvele que dans seulement 8% de ees
(7 bridges, 2.1%), and fracture of abutment restaurations prothetiques l'aire de ligament paro-
dontal des dents piliers etait egale ou superieure a celle
teeth (8 bridges, 2.4%). Henee, the results ofthe
des dents remplacees. Dans 57%) des cas, l'aire du
study by Nyman & Lindhe (1979) together with ligament parodontal des dents piliers etait infcrieure
the findings ofthe present retrospective analysis a 50% de sa valeur initiale normale. Bien que le
show that the limitations for fixed bridgework support parodontal des restaurations ait eteenorme-
ment reduit, tous les bridges out fonctionne con-
in patients with few abutment teeth and reduced venablemcnt pendant 8 a 11 ans et les tissus paro-
periodontal tissues around these teeth are re- dontaux autour des dents piliers n'avaient pas accuse
lated to the technical and biomechanieal prob- de nouvelles pertes d'attache durant la periode de
lems involved in the fabrication of the bridges maintenance.
rather than to the biological capacity of the
retnaining periodontium to support the btidges
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