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Jupyter Basics
You are looking at a Jupyter Notebook, an interactive Python shell inside of a web browser. With it, you
can run individual Python commands and immediately view their output. It's basically like the Matlab
Desktop or Mathematica Notebook but for Python.

To start an interactive Jupyter notebook on your local machine, read the instructions at the GitHub
README for this repository (

If you are reading this notebook on

(, you are viewing a read-only version of the notebook, not an
interactive version. Therefore, the instructions below do not apply.


If you're new, we recommend that you take the User Interface Tour in the Help Menu above.


A Jupyter Notebook is comprised of cells. Cells are just small units of code or text. For example, the text
that you are reading is inside a Markdown cell. (More on that later.)

Code cells allow you to edit, execute, and analyze small portions of Python code at a time. Here is a
code cell:

In [1]: 1+2

Out[1]: 3


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The Jupyter Notebook has two different keyboard input modes.

In Edit Mode, you type code/text into a cell. Edit Mode is indicated by a green cell border.

To enter Edit Mode from Command Mode, press Enter. You can also double-click on a cell.

To execute the code inside of a cell and move to the next cell, press Shift-Enter. (Ctrl-Enter will
run the current cell without moving to the next cell. This is useful for rapidly tweaking the current cell.)

In Command Mode, you can perform notebook level actions such as navigating among cells, selecting
cells, moving cells, saving notebooks, displaying help. Command Mode is indicated by a grey cell

To enter Command Mode from Edit Mode, press Esc. Other commands can also enter Command Mode,
e.g. Shift-Enter.

To display the Help Menu from Command Mode, press h. Use it often; h is your best friend.


Your code goes directly into a Jupyter notebook. To save your changes, click on the "Save" icon in the
menu bar, or type s in command mode.

If this notebook is in a Git repo, use git checkout -- <file> to revert a saved edit.

Writing Text in Markdown

Markdown is simply a fancy way of formatting plain text. It is a markup language that is a superset of
HTML. The Markdown specification is found here:

A cell may contain Python code or Markdown code. To convert any Python cell to a Markdown cell,
press m. To convert from a Markdown cell to a Python cell, press y.

For headings, we recommend that you use Jupyter's keyboard shortcuts. To change the text in a cell to a
level-3 header, simply press 3. For similar commands, press h to view the Help menu.

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Writing Text in LT
In a Markdown cell, you can also use LT
A X syntax. Example input:

$$ \max_{||w||=1} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \big| \langle w, x_i - m \rangle \big|^2 $$


∣∣⟨w, xi − m⟩∣∣2



You may encounter the following imports while using this website:

In [2]: import numpy

import scipy
import pandas
import sklearn
import seaborn
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import librosa
import librosa.display
import IPython.display as ipd

You can also combine imports on one line:

In [3]: import numpy, scipy, pandas

Tab Autocompletion

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Tab autocompletion works in Command Window and the Editor. After you type a few letters, press the
Tab key and a popup will appear and show you all of the possible completions, including variable
names and functions. This prevents you from mistyping the names of variables -- a big time saver!

For example, type scipy. and then press Tab. You should see a list of members in the Python package

Or type scipy.sin, then press Tab to view members that begin with sin.

In [ ]: # Press Tab at the end of the following line


Inline Documentation

To get help on a certain Python object, type ? after the object name, and run the cell:

In [5]: # Run this cell.


In addition, if you press Shift-Tab in a code cell, a help dialog will also appear. For example, in the
cell above, place your cursor after int, and press Shift-Tab. Press Shift-Tab twice to expand the
help dialog.

More Documentation: NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib

In the top menu bar, click on Help, and you'll find a prepared set of documentation links for IPython,
NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas.


Code cells are meant to be interactive. We may present you with several options for experimentation,
e.g. choices of variables, audio files, and algorithms. For example, if you see a cell like this, then try all
of the possible options by uncommenting the desired line(s) of code. (To run the cell, select "Cell" and
"Run" from the top menu, or press Shift-Enter.)

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In [6]: x = scipy.arange(50)
# Try these too:
# x = scipy.randn(50)
# x = scipy.linspace(0, 1, 50, endpoint=False)

Out[6]: array([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,

17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49])

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