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PDP Professional Development Plan

MCT/ MST recommendation To develop in implementing learning

Competency I want to have students engaged in the lesson

Goal To Model in clear way with steps

Action Points Showing video

MCT/ MST recommendation To improve in Classroom Management

Competency I want to give students opportunity to answer

Goal Let everybody practice

Action Points Answering in Whiteboards

Reflection: In implementing learning the students didn’t understand the lesson because I didn’t explain it well, I thought it is easy for them.
Now I improved by showing students a video of Equal group then explain what does Equal group mean and teaching step by step and practice
with them using GRRM of Mode, Share Guide and Apply. I got everybody’s attention of wanting to learn.
I saw that students in Classroom Management After Modelling I give another example and ask one student to answer, I saw that most
students were talking and not paying attention except the student who is answering, so I chose randomly one student to answer the
question on the board, and I provide whiteboards and marker for everybody to answer at the same time. By this Formative Assessment it
showed me students comprehension.

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