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CIS8008 Assignment 3 Criterion based marking sheet

Student name: Student no

Component Marks Obtained Comment
Task 1.1 Conduct an exploratory data analysis (EDA)of weatherAUS.csv data set using RapidMiner summarise key findings of
EDA in a table and discuss key findings in regards to the weatherAUS.csv data set (about 250 words)
10 Excellent EDA of weatherAUS.csv data set with appropriate outputs and discussion of key findings
8 Very good EDA of weatherAUS.csv data set with appropriate outputs and discussion of key findings
7 Good EDA of weatherAUS.csv data set with appropriate outputs and discussion of key findings
5 Average EDA of weatherAUS.csv data set with appropriate outputs and discussion of key findings
4 Poor EDA of weatherAUS.csv data set with appropriate outputs and discussion of key findings
2 Very poor EDA of weatherAUS.csv data set with appropriate outputs and discussion of key findings
0 Not Attempted No attempt made or irrelevant.
Task 1.2 Build a Decision Tree model for predicting whether it is likely to rain tomorrow based on today’s weather using the
weatherAUS.csv data set and RapidMiner; provide Final Decision Tree model process, Decision Tree Model and Decision Tree Rules
and explain final decision tree model process and discuss results of Final Decision Tree Model (about 250 words)
6 Excellent Explanation of Decision Tree process, model, rules and results
5 Very good Explanation of Decision Tree process, model, rules and results
4 Good Explanation of Decision Tree process, model, rules and results
3 Average Explanation of Decision Tree process, model, rules and results
2 Poor Explanation of Decision Tree process, model, rules and results
1 Very poor Explanation of Decision Tree process, model, rules and results
0 Not attempted No attempt made or irrelevant.
Task 1.3 Build a Logistic Regression model for predicting whether it is likely to rain tomorrow based on today’s weather using the
weatherAUS.csv data set and using RapidMiner; provide Final Logistic Regression model process, and Coefficients and Odds Ratios
and explain final logistic regression model process and discuss results of Final /logistic Regression Model (about 250 words)
7 Excellent Explanation of Logistic Regression process, model, coefficients, Odds Ratios results
6 Very good Explanation of Logistic Regression process, model, coefficients, Odds Ratios results
5 Good Explanation of Logistic Regression process, model, coefficients, Odds Ratios results
4 Average Explanation of Logistic Regression process, model, coefficients, Odds Ratios results
3 Poor Explanation of Logistic Regression process, model, coefficients, Odds Ratios results
1 Very poor Explanation of Logistic Regression process, model, coefficients, Odds Ratios results
0 Not attempted No attempt made or irrelevant.
iTask 1.4 Comment on the accuracy of Final Decision Tree Model and Final Logistic Regression Model for predicting whether it is
likely to rain tomorrow based on today’s weather using the weatherAUS.csv data set and RapidMiner based the results of the
confusion matrix, and ROC charts for each final model (about 250 words)
7 Excellent Explanation of accuracy of Final Decision Tree and Logistic Regression models
6 Very good Explanation of accuracy of Final Decision Tree and Logistic Regression models
5 Good Explanation of accuracy of Final Decision Tree and Logistic Regression models
4 Average Explanation of accuracy of Final Decision Tree and Logistic Regression models
3 Poor Explanation of accuracy of Final Decision Tree and Logistic Regression models
1 Very poor Explanation of accuracy of Final Decision Tree and Logistic Regression models
0 Not attempted No attempt made or irrelevant.
Task 2.1 Provide a high level data warehouse architecture design for a large stated owned water utility that
incorporates big data capture, processing, storage and presentation in a diagram called
Figure 1.1 Big Data Analytics and Data Warehouse Combined.
8 Excellent High level diagram of data warehouse architecture design with big data capability
7 Very good High level diagram of data warehouse architecture design with big data capability
6 Good High level diagram of data warehouse architecture design with big data capability
4 Average High level diagram of data warehouse architecture design with big data capability
3 Poor High level diagram of data warehouse architecture design with big data capability
1 Very poor High level diagram of data warehouse architecture design with big data capability
0 Not Attempted No attempt made or irrelevant.

Task 2.2 Describe and justify main components of proposed high level data warehouse architecture design with big data 0
capability incorporated presented in Task 2.1 Figure 1.1 with in-text referencing support (about 1250 words)
12 Excellent Description & justification of high level data warehouse architecture design with big data capability

10 Very good Description & justification of high level data warehouse architecture design with big data capability
8 Good Description & justification of high level data warehouse architecture design with big data capability
6 Average Description & justification of high level data warehouse architecture design with big data capability
5 Poor Description & justification of high level data warehouse architecture design with big data capability
3 Very poor Description & justification of high level data warehouse architecture design with big data capability

0 Not Attempted No attempt made or irrelevant.

Task 2.3 Identify & discuss some key security privacy and ethical concerns for the large state owned utility in using 0
big data analytics and data warehousing technologies which is an algorithmic approach to decision making with
appropriate in-text referencing support (about 750 words)
10 Excellent Discussion of key security privacy & ethical concerns of using a big data algorithmic decision making approach
8 Very good Discussion of key security privacy & ethical concerns of using a big data algorithmic decision making approach

6 Good Discussion of key security privacy & ethical concerns of using a big data algorithmic decision making approach

5 Average Discussion of key security privacy & ethical concerns of using a big data algorithmic decision making approach

3 Poor Discussion of key security privacy & ethical concerns of using a big data algorithmic decision making approach

1 Very poor Discussion of key security privacy & ethical concerns of using a big data algorithmic decision making approach

0 Not Attempted No attempt made or irrelevant.

Task 3.1 Specific Crimes within each Crime Category for a specific Police Department Area and specific year, provided 0
screenshot of this view in report with description key trends and patterns (about 60 words)
5 Excellent visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
4 Very good visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
3 Average visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
2 Poor visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
1 Very Poor visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
0 Not Attempted No attempt made or irrelevant.
Task 3.2 Frequency of Occurrence for a selected crime over 24 hours for a specific Police Department Area, provided screenshot of this 0
view in report with description key trends and patterns (about 60 words)
5 Excellent visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
4 Very good visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
3 Average visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
2 Poor visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
1 Very Poor visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
0 Not Attempted No attempt made or irrelevant.

Task 3.3 Frequency of Crimes within each Crime Classification by Police Department Area and by Time, provided screenshot of this 0
view in report with description key trends and patterns (about 60 words)
5 Excellent visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
4 Very good visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
3 Average visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
2 Poor visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
1 Very Poor visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
0 Not Attempted No attempt made or irrelevant.
Task 3.4 A Geographical (location) presentation of each Police Department Area for given crime(s) and year, provided screenshot of 0
this view in report with description key trends and patterns (about 60 words)
5 Excellent visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
4 Very good visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
3 Average visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
2 Poor visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
1 Very Poor visual representation of required data and brief description of key trends & patterns
0 Not Attempted No attempt made or irrelevant.
Task 3.5 Provide a rationale (drawing on relevant literature for good dashboard design) for the graphic design and functionality that is
provided in your LAPD Crimes Event dashboard for the required four specified crime events views for Tasks 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4
(about 750 words)
10 Excellent Rationale for graphical design and functionality of four required dashboard views
8 Very good Rationale for graphical design and functionality of four required dashboard views
7 Good Rationale for graphical design and functionality of four required dashboard views
5 Average Rationale for graphical design and functionality of four required dashboard views
3 Poor Rationale for graphical design and functionality of four required dashboard views
1 Very Poor Rationale for graphical design and functionality of four required dashboard views
0 Not Attempted No attempt made or irrelevant.
Report presentation writing style and referencing 0
Presentation use of formatting, spacing, paragraphs, tables and diagrams, introduction, conclusion,
table of contents
Writing style Use of English (Correct use of language and grammar. Also, is there
evidence of spelling-checking and proofreading?)
Referencing (appropriate level of referencing in text, reference list provided, used Harvard Referencing Style)
10 Excellent presentation, writing style and referencing in text where required
9 Very good presentation , writing style and referencing in text where required
7 Good presentation , writing style and referencing in text where required
5 Average presentation, writing style and referencing in text where required
3 Poor presentation, writing style and referencing in text where required
1 Very poor presentation, writing style and referencing in text where required
Little or no attempt to make appropriate use of formatting, spacing, paragraphs,
Tables and diagrams, to address writing style, grammar and spelling, to reference correctly using
0 Harvard referencing style

Total marks out of a possible 100 marks 0

Deduction for late submission of assignment (Yes/No)
Evidence of plagiarism or collusion (Yes/No)

Marker comments:

Marker’s initials: Date:

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