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The frequency response of a system is the steady state response of the

system to a sinusoidal input signal.

Frequency response method and the method of placement of the roots
are two different ways in the application of the basic principles are the
same analysis.
One of the advantages of the method is the frequency response of the
system transfer function can be determined experimentally by
measuring the frequency response.
However, the design of a system in the frequency domain requires the
designer to pay more attention to the system bandwidth, and nois and
interference effects on responsistem.
• closed-loop system transfer function

All the roots of the characteristic equation must be located on the left of the imaginary axis in
the field-s.
• stability criterion Nyquist frequency response of open loop connects with the number zero and
pole are located on the right of the imaginary axis s field.
• This criterion was found by H. Nyquist very useful in control techniques. Because the absolute
stability of the closed loop system can be determined graphically from the open-loop
frequency response curve so that no longer need to search for closed-loop pole.
If P = 0, then the stable control system is obtained with a Z = 0 or N = -P, which
means obtained by Ppengelilingan to the point -1 + j0 the opposite direction to
• If G (s) H (s) do not have the right poledisebelah imaginary axis s field, then Z = N.
stabil tidak so that should be no trotting to the point -1 + j0
• In this case need not be reviewed for the domicile of the entire axis j, tetapicukup
positive frequency part only. The stability of this system can be determined by
examining the number of trotting to the point -1 + j0 the Nyquist diagram.
The area covered by the Nyquist diagram is shown in the following figure. For stable,
-1 + j0 point must be located outside the shaded area.
In testing the stability of plural loop system should be done with caution because it
involves pole-right poledisebelah imaginary axis s field. (Although the loop in an
unstable state, but the overall closed-loop system can be made stable by proper
Examination of the trotting -1 + j0 by domicile is not enough to detect multiple loop
system stability.
Nevertheless, the presence or absence poledari 1 + G (s) H (s) are located on the
right of the imaginary axis sdapat field determined easily by using Routh stability
criteria in the denominator of the equation G (s) H (s).
If the transcendental functions, such as slowness of e-Ts, covered on
G (s) H (s), it must be approached in a row before
Routh stability criteria used. One form of series
of e-Ts:

of the series above can be approach:

With the above approach is obtained for an area frequency .

If the locus through the point -1 + j0, then the zero of the characteristic equation or
closed poleloop lies on the axis j , makatidak desired control system.
In this case, the contours of the field-sharus dimodifikasidengan using a semi-circular
path with a radius which is very small , as shown in Figure below
In testing the stability of linear control systems using Nyquist stability criterion, there
are three possibilities:
1.Tidakada trotting point -1 + j0. This means that the system is stable if there are no
poles of G (s) H (s) are located on the right-field imaginary axis s, otherwise the
system is unstable.
2. There are one or more trotting point -1 + j0 counterclockwise. In this case the
system is stable if the number of trotting in the opposite direction clockwise is equal
to the number of poles of G (s) H (s) are located on the right of the imaginary axis of
the s, otherwise the system is unstable.
3. There are one or more trotting point -1 + j0 clockwise. In this case the system is
Review the closed-loop system with the transfer function as

Check the stability using stability criteria

Nyquist diagram of the open loop transfer function with a value of Small and Kbesar
values shown in the figure below.
• The number of poles of G (s) H (s) in the right half of the field sadalah zero.
• Thus, in order to have a stable system required N = Z = 0 or domicile of G (s) H (s)
does not encircle the point -1 + j0.
For small K values, none of which surrounds the point -1 + j0. then the system is stable
for small K value.
• For large K value, place of G (s) H (s) around -1 + j0 twice in a clockwise direction,
showing two styles of closed loop poles in the right half of the field sdan unstable
• For good accuracy, large Kharus. However, from the view of the stability, value
Kbesar cause poor stability or even unstable.
• To compromise between accuracy and stability, it is necessary to insert a
compensation network into the system.
Review the closed-loop system with the transfer function as

Check the stability using stability criteria

By using the [Re, Im] = nyquist (num, den, ), plotting program transfer function
above is,
Plot Nyquist Diagram
From the picture above, the open loop transfer function has two poles on the right-
field s, is P = 2.
• Nyquist trails surround the point (-1,0) twice counter-clockwise, is N = 2 and Z = P +
N = 2-2 = 0.
• Therefore, for K = 12, the closed loop system is stable.
• Gain margin (GM) is ½ and the gain for marginally stable is Kc = 1/2 (12) = 6.
• So, the system stabiluntuk all K> 6.

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