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Name:_________________________ Date:_______________________

Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Parallel Lines Equations

Parallel Lines: Lines that run in the __________ direction and never ___________.

Symbol for Parallel Lines:

Observe the three parallel lines and their equations. How are they related?

How can you tell whether lines are parallel from their equations?

Which lines are parallel? Explain how you know.

A) y = 4x + 1 B) y = 3x + 4

6 4
C) y = 8x D) y = 3x +2
Name:_________________________ Date:_______________________

Perpendicular Lines Equation

Perpendicular Lines: Lines that _________________ at right angles.

Symbol for Perpendicular Lines:

Observe the parallel lines and their equations. How are they related?

What is negative reciprocals?


How can you tell whether lines are perpendicular from their equations?

Which lines are perpendicular? Explain how you know.

A) y =− 3x + 1 B) y = 3x + 4

C) y = 3x +3 D) y = − 4x + 2

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