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Effect of the dental arches morphology

on the masticatory muscles activities
in normal occlusion young adults
Teresa Sierpinska1, Piotr Jacunski1, Joanna Kuc2, Maria Golebiewska2,
Aneta Wieczorek3, Stanislaw Majewski3
Department of Dental Technique, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland, 2Department of Prosthetic Dentistry,
Medical University of Bialystok, Poland, 3Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Collegium Medicum of Jagiellonian
University, Cracow, Poland

Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between the morphology of dental arches
and the activity of the masticatory muscles activities in healthy volunteers with full natural dentition.
Methods: Two-hundred youthful Class I volunteers (113 females, 87 males) were clinically investigated.
Alginate impressions of dental arches were taken, and plaster casts were prepared and measured. EMG
data from eight masticatory muscles was recorded to assess their activities in central occlusion, lateral and
protrusive movements.
Results: Clinical measurements and plaster casts analyses confirmed normal values of parameters
investigated. Most of the arch measurements were significantly larger in the males than in the females.
Weak positive correlations were found between overbite and masseter activity in centric occlusion (the right
Mm R50.151, P#0.05; the left Mm R50.191, P#0.05). Also, the range of protrusive movement positively
correlated with masseter activities in central occlusion (the right Mm R50.194, P#0.05; the left R50.201,
Conclusions: The null hypothesis that morphology of dental arches does not affect the masticatory muscles’
activities was rejected. The findings of this investigation indicate that systemic, longitudinal analyses of
morphology of occlusion and muscular response, even in normal subjects, are needed.
Keywords: Dental arches morphology, Overbite, Overjet, Masticatory muscle activity, Occlusal parameters

Introduction each other in occlusion. The coordination of occlusal

The study of dental anatomy, physiology and occlu- contacts, jaw motion, and tongue movement during
sion provides one of the basic components of the skills mastication requires a very intricate control system
needed to practice all phases of dentistry. For some involving a number of guiding influences from the
clinicians, the general principle that becomes operant teeth, their supporting structures, the temporoman-
is ‘‘form follows function.’’ It reflects a concept of dibular joints, the masticatory muscles, and the higher
interrelating the shape or attributes of something with centers in the central nervous system.2,3 The dynamic
its function. The form of the teeth is consistent with the occlusion refers to the occlusal contacts that are made
function they are to perform and with their position while the mandible is moving, relative to the maxilla.4
and arrangement in the structures involved in oral The mandible is moved by the muscles of mastication,
motor behavior, especially mastication.1 From the and the pathways along which it moves are determined
occlusal surface point of view teeth are positioned on not only by these muscles but also by two guidance
the maxilla and the mandible in such a way as to systems. The posterior guidance system is provided by
produce a curved arch. Both dental arches contact temporomandibular joints. The anterior guidance
system refers to the relation between anterior teeth
being in contact during eccentric movements of the
Correspondence to: T. Sierpinska, Department of Dental Technique, mandible.4,5 The application of force from the muscles
Medical University of Bialystok, Washington Str. 13, 15-276 Bialystok,
Poland. Email: through occlusal contacts results in a load that could
ß W. S. Maney & Son Ltd 2015
134 DOI 10.1179/2151090314Y.0000000005 CRANIOH: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice 2015 VOL. 33 NO. 2
Sierpinska et al. Dental arches morphology and functional parameters

produce damage to tissues.4 The purpose of guidelines

of good occlusal practice is to reduce the risk of
damage occurring to the interrelated tissues of the
masticatory system, and increase the chances of a
healthy function.6 Although occlusal relationships
such as overbite, non-working side interferences and
a discrepancy between the intercuspal position and the
retruded contact position have often been considered
as contributing factors to temporomandibular dys-
function, there is no consistency among even those
studies that support such an occlusal factor.7,8
However, in the relationship between all the elements
of the masticatory system, it appears to be clear that
there is not one statistically confirmed theory explain-
Figure 1 Maxillary plaster cast width measured between 17
ing how they relate to each other.9–11 and 27.
The aim of this investigation was to assess the
relationship between the morphology of the dental 5. any complains concerning pain in any region of
arches, the masticatory muscle activities, and the the masticatory system;
occlusal parameters in this group of young adults with 6. prosthetic treatment before recruitment to the
full natural dentition and normal-appearing occlusion.
Ethical approval
This protocol was approved by the Ethical
Two hundred healthy, fully dentate Caucasian partici-
Committee of Jagiellonian University, Poland, with
pants (F5113, M587) with Angle’s class I occlusion,
an approval number of KBET/89B/2009. Informed
18–21 years of age (mean: 1961 years) were included in
consent was obtained from each participant at the
this study. The data were collected in the Department of
beginning of the study before confirmation of their
Prosthodontics at the Medical University of Białystok,
eligibility for the study. The participants were able to
Poland, and the protocol conformed to the criteria of
withdraw from the study at any time and for any
The Helsinki Declaration, ICH Guideline for Good
reason without prejudice.
Clinical Practice.12 All of the subjects participated in the
study voluntary. They were recruited from the high Methods
schools in Bialystok, Poland, and qualified for the study All of the participants were clinically examined with
only if they had no past contact with either of the inve- assessment of overbite, overjet, the range of maximal
stigators or instruments involved in the investigation. opening, the range of lateral movements, and pro-
trusive movement.
Inclusion criteria
The alginate impressions of the maxilla and
Inclusion in the study required participants to satisfy
mandible were taken, and plaster casts were pre-
the following criteria:
pared. Subsequently, maxillary and mandibular plas-
1. class I molar and canine relations; ter casts were measured. The measurements were
2. full natural dentition with well-aligned arches; as follows: the length and width of dental arches
3. overbite and overjet within normal range (normal
between canines, between premolars, and between
ranges: 3.260.7; 3.260.4);
4. proper occlusal vertical dimension with well- molars separately for the maxilla and the mandible
related vertical, transverse, and antero-posterior rela- (Figs. 1–3). The same investigator, familiar with the
tionships; methods used, performed all the clinical data and
5. normal growth and good health. laboratory measurements.
Electromyographic examination of the muscle
Exclusion criteria activity levels of four pairs of the masticatory muscles
Subjects were excluded from the study when they was performed. The anterior temporalis, the super-
demonstrated: ficial masseter, the anterior belly of the digastric, and
1. previous orthodontic treatment;
the sternocleidomastoid muscles, were all recorded
2. edentulous spaces and extensive fillings; simultaneously with the BioEMG (BioResearch, Inc.,
3. history of trauma; Milwaukee, WI, USA), which was synchronized with
4. significant cuspal wear; the T-Scan II (Tekscan, Inc., South Boston, MA,

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Sierpinska et al. Dental arches morphology and functional parameters

Figure 2 Maxillary plaster cast length measured between 17 Figure 3 The length of the model measured from the central
and 27. incisors contact point perpendicular to the distance between
16 and 26 (B) or 17 and 27 (A).
USA). T-Scan II allowed assessment of the time of
occlusion and the time of disclusion as the parameters its significance was assessed also using Student’s t-test
describing occlusion. (The data recording rate for T- to evaluate the correlation coefficient.
Scan was 100 frames/second). The sample rate for each In order to evaluate intra investigator error, 10
channel of EMG data was 1000 samples/second. The maxillary and 10 mandibular plaster casts were re-
filtering of the EMG data was to a bandwidth from 30 measured after four weeks. Their mean differences were
to 500 Hz. The T-Scan II/BioEMG software continu- evaluated using Student’s paired t-test and Pearson’s
ously time-stamps both data streams to synchronize correlation coefficient to determine significance.
them. This allows for simultaneous acquisition of The intra-subject variability was assessed by
repeated EMG/occlusal analyses of 10 randomly
occlusal function and the muscle activity that produces
chosen persons. Two different investigators per-
occlusal function.13 For each subject, the maximal
formed three independent measurements on each of
clench in centric occlusion and lateral excursive
10 persons. The measurements were performed every
movements were recorded three times, with 1 minute
other day according to the same protocol and data
of rest between recordings. The same, well-qualified
analysis. Accuracy and precision were assessed by
and trained investigator made all of the EMG/T-Scan
computing the intra-class correlation coefficient and
the Student’s paired t-test.
A statistical analysis of all of the studied attributes
Differences and relationships were considered to be
was carried out. In the case of quantitative attributes,
statistically significant at P,0.05.
average and dispersion measures were used, i.e.
arithmetic mean and standard deviation. A Student’s Results
two-tailed t-test was used to determine if the differences Clinical measurements regarding overbite, overjet,
in the parameters analyzed between the male and maximal opening, the range of lateral movements and
female groups were significant. The strength of relation- the range of protrusive movement revealed normal
ships between pairs of measurable parameters was values of the parameters investigated (Table 1).
determined using Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and However, significant differences between female and

Table 1 Clinical examination results in study, female and male groups. Means and SD are presented

Study group (n5200) Female (n5113) Male (n587)

Mean 6SD Mean 6SD Mean 6SD

Overbite (mm) 3.11 1.82 3.06 1.62 3.17 2.02

Overjet (mm) 2.30 1.54 2.41 1.34 2.19 1.73
Maximal opening (mm) 51.16 9.24 49.09* 9.50 53.31* 8.49
Lateral movement left (mm) 9.60 2.74 9.42 2.74 9.79 2.74
Lateral movement right (mm) 9.98 2.70 9.75 2.60 10.22 2.80
Protrusive movement (mm) 6.43 2.38 5.79* 2.17 7.12* 2.42

Note: *Significant difference between female and male groups (two-paired Student’s t-test, P#0.05).

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Table 2 Maxillary and mandibular plaster casts analyses in study, females and males groups. Means and SD are

Study group (n5200) Female (113) Male (87)

Parameter Mean 6SD Mean 6SD Mean 6SD

Maxilla 13–23 33.80 2.38 33.34* 2.19 34.27* 2.47

14–24 36.47 2.31 35.96* 2.08 36.96* 2.42
15–25 41.42 3.21 40.69* 2.98 42.19* 3.28
16–26 47.18 3.28 46.22* 2.57 48.18* 3.64
17–27 52.91 3.07 51.97* 2.21 53.89* 3.51
Length between 16 and 26 101.02 5.43 99.60* 5.63 102.47* 4.82
Length between 17 and 27 121.38 6.03 119.65* 5.67 123.18* 5.89
A 29.65 2.63 29.21* 2.62 30.10* 2.58
B 15.57 2.13 15.29 1.63 15.84 2.51
Mandible 33–43 25.71 1.85 25.54 1.86 25.88 1.84
34–44 30.61 2.01 30.19* 1.70 31.03* 2.20
35–45 36.11 2.95 35.42* 2.59 36.84* 3.13
36–46 42.23 2.83 41.44* 2.45 43.07* 2.98
37–47 47.64 3.23 46.83* 2.57 48.47* 3.63
Length between 36 and 46 91.81 5.08 90.12* 4.79 93.59* 4.78
Length between 37 and 47 112.94 5.75 111.43* 5.32 114.51* 5.79
A 25.46 2.46 25.12* 2.42 25.83* 2.46
B 10.87 2.03 10.55* 1.78 11.19* 2.21

Note: A: length of the arch measured from the point between central incisors contact point and t.
B: length of the arch measured from the point between central incisors contact point.
*Significant difference between female and male groups (two-paired Student’s t-test, P#0.05).

male groups were observed for the ranges of maximal in centric occlusion. Regarding lateral movements,
opening and protrusive movement. The male group the statistical significance between groups analyzed
demonstrated larger values of these two parameters was noted only for masseter activity levels, both for
listed above. the right and left movements. Analyzing T-Scan occlusal
Maxillary and mandibular plaster cast analyses timing parameters, the normal range of values was
demonstrated normal ranges of width and length noted both in centric occlusion (mean50.17 seconds)
between points measured. Higher values were and lateral movements (mean50.24 seconds). Statistical
obtained for males for most of the parameters difference was not observed between genders (Table 5).
measured, and they were statistically significant Relationships between parameters obtained in
compared to females (Table 2). clinical measurements, plaster casts measurements,
Analysis of the masticatory muscle activity levels and functional analysis revealed weak significant
for the masseter, anterior temporalis, sternocleido- positive correlations between overbite and the right
mastoid and digastric muscles in centric occlusion and left masseter activities in centric occlusion (right
and during lateral movements for female and male Mm, R50.153, P#0.05; left Mm, R50.191, P#0.05)
groups were presented in Tables 3 and 4. Significant (Figs. 4 and 5). Also, the range of protrusive move-
differences were observed between male and female ment revealed a weak positive correlation with
groups for masseter and sternocleidomastoid muscles masseter activities in centric occlusion (R50.194,

Table 3 Muscular activities in central occlusion during maximal clench in study, females and males groups. Means and
SD are presented

Study group (n5200) Female (113) Male (87)

Mean 6SD Mean 6SD Mean 6SD

TA-R (mV) 72.14 38.75 72.48 40.29 71.78 37.26

TA-L (mV) 73.91 42.29 71.76 39.86 76.18 44.80
MM-R (mV) 115.14 59.38 106.09* 57.76 124.67* 59.88
MM-L(mV) 104.65 54.60 93.64* 48.36 116.24* 58.53
SCM-R (mV) 9.92 7.78 8.62* 5.05 11.29* 9.72
SCM-L (mV) 9.92 6.95 8.93* 5.41 10.97* 8.16
DA-R (mV) 17.22 8.35 17.17 8.71 17.27 8.00
DA-L (mV) 15.36 7.48 15.07 6.73 15.66 8.23

Note: TA: temporalis anterior; MM: masseter; SCM: sternocleidomastoid; DA: digastric; R: right; L: left.
*Significant difference between female and male groups (two-paired Student’s t-test, P#0.05).

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Table 4 Muscular activities during lateral movements in study, females and males groups. Means and SD are presented

Study group (n5200) Female (113) Male (87)

Mean 6SD Man 6SD Mean 6SD

TA-R (RM) 72.32 35.26 72.81 33.97 71.79 36.74

TA-L (RM) 67.41 36.75 66.21 34.06 68.67 39.53
MM-R (RM) 107.04 57.45 89.86* 57.27 114.59* 56.97
MM-L(RM) 98.70 50.37 89.96* 48.88 107.89* 50.54
SCM-R(RM) 8.42 6.97 7.94 6.18 8.92 7.72
SCM-L(RM) 7.99 5.79 7.77 5.46 8.21 6.13
DA-R (RM) 14.37 8.35 14.87 9.83 13.84 6.45
DA-L (RM) 11.64 4.88 12.03 4.81 11.24 4,96
TA-R (LM) 63.74 33.95 66.09 32.99 61.25 34.94
TA-L (LM) 71.76 36.83 69.74 35.43 73.89 38.33
MM-R (LM) 103.58 55.67 95.10* 51.95 112.51* 58.29
MM-L(LM) 99.76 54.32 87.53* 46.68 112.63* 58.89
SCM-R(LM) 8.26 7.75 7.97 6.42 8.55 8.95
SCM-L (LM) 8.51 7.37 8.17 5.76 8.87 8.76
DA-R (LM) 14.11 9.29 14.37 11.09 13.83 6.98
DA-L (LM) 11.76 5.96 11.97 6.48 11.53 5.40

Note: TA, temporalis anterior; MM: masseter; SCM: sternocleidomastoid; DA: digastric; RM: lateral movement into right; LM: lateral
movement into left.
*Significant difference between female and male groups (two-paired Student’s t-test, P#0.05).

P#0.05; R50.201, P#0.05), (Figs. 6 and 7). When followed the inclusion and exclusion criteria for this
analyzing one hundred models, a statistically sig- study. And, it is interesting to note that the values of
nificant weak correlation was observed between the the maximal opening and protrusive movement
length of the dental arch, measured between the ranges were significantly larger in males.
maxillary first molars (16–26), and the anterior The values obtained from plaster model measure-
temporalis activity levels in centric occlusion ments were comparable with previously published
(R520.255, P#0.05; R520.225, P#0.05) (Figs. 8 normal range of values for Angle’s class I subjects in
and 9). However, when the number of the models this age group. However, some authors mentioned
measured increased to 200, this correlation was no that during longitudinal observation, the dental arch
longer significant. width of young adults was slightly narrowed from
adolescence dependent on mandibular first molars’
Discussion mesiolingual rotation and maxillary molars’ upright
It is obvious that morphology affects function in the displacement during late occlusal development, but
human body. The male body construction in the they also indicated the wide variability of the
Caucasian population is customarily stronger, and changes.16 From this point of view, data that did
the morphologies of all of the elements are bigger in not reveal such changes also appeared to be clear.17
size, the dental arch length, and width are also larger Morphologies of teeth and subsequently dental
in males compared to females.14,15 It was confirmed arches form interocclusal contacts. It is well known
without any doubt in the study presented. Clinical that muscular activities are influenced by the extent of
characteristics of functional analyses revealed the occlusal contacts;3 however, it was also confirmed
normal range of values for overbite, overjet, maximal that occlusal stability would be more important in
opening, the range of lateral movements, and muscular function.18–20 It is controversial whether the
protrusion. Moreover, they were recorded from extent of occlusal contacts are more important in
subjects without any complaints of the temporoman- neuromuscular coordination or if only the presence
dibular joint. This confirms that the participants of teeth and dental roots with their receptors

Table 5 Occlusal analysis in study, females and males groups. Means and SD are presented

Study group (n5200) Female (n5113) Male (n587)

Mean 6SD Mean 6SD Mean 6SD

Occlusion time 0.17 0.07 0.16 0.07 0.17 0.07

Disclusion time left 0.24 0.07 0.24 0.07 0.23 0.07
Disclusion time right 0.24 0.08 0.25 0.08 0.23 0.08

138 CRANIOH: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice 2015 VOL . 33 NO . 2
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Figure 4 Regression analysis between overbite and mus- Figure 6 Regression analysis between the range of protru-
cular activity levels of right masseter in central occlusion. sion and muscular activity levels of right masseter in central

localized in periodontal membranes and supporting

tissues play the key role.2 intraoral habits) occur, the muscular system may
Several investigators reported a strict relationship respond by prolongation of muscular activity and
between dentofacial morphology and mastication (related derangement in its function.5,19 Muscular hyperfunc-
to electromyography of masticatory muscles, fiber direc- tion causes an increased mechanical loading of the
tion and the cross sectional area of the muscles).21–23 jaws.15 In any case, it may lead to temporomandibular
However, jaw-closing and jaw-opening muscles appeared joint dysfunction.5
to be similarly valid in this correlation.24 It is very interesting to note that anterior overbite
Muscles analyzed in the research were anteriores has some effect on muscular activity of masseters
temporalis, masseters, digastric, and sternocleido- in maximal intercuspation. A similar finding was
mastoids. Masseters are active during closing and published in Japan, when the relationship between
may assist in protrusion of the mandible. Anteriores the dentofacial morphology and the function of
temporales may act as synergists with masseters in masticatory muscles were analyzed.24 In contrast,
clench. Digastric muscles are active during various some investigations did not report such a finding.25
phases of jaw opening, whereas the sternocleidomas- The disagreement between both studies could have its
toid muscle often co-contracts with jaw clenching.1 source in the different methods used for muscular
Symmetry and synergy appear to be the most activities measurements.24 A longitudinal study con-
important in the proper muscular function during ducted in Brazil revealed that during the seventh year
open/close and protrusive movements. When any period of an evaluation, the overbite increased in the
parafunctional activities (clenching, grinding, different

Figure 7 Regression analysis between the range of protru-

Figure 5 Regression analysis between overbite and mus- sion and muscular activity levels of left masseter in central
cular activity levels of left masseter in central occlusion. occlusion.

CRANIOH: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice 2015 VOL . 33 NO . 2 139
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Figure 8 Regression analysis between length of maxillary Figure 9 Regression analysis between length of maxillary
arch between 16 and 26 and muscular activity levels of arch between 16 and 26 and muscular activity levels of
temporalis anterior right in central occlusion. temporalis anterior left in central occlusion.

normal occlusion of adults.17 However, the reason for a significant relationship between mandibular length
the finding was not explained. It would be reasonable and jaw closing muscles.27
to hypothesize that long-term high muscular activities Although the null hypothesis that the morphology of
of elevating muscles (i.e. masseters) might lead to an dental arches could affect masticatory muscle activities
increased overbite. The rationalization of this finding was rejected, some limitations of the study require
would project that the alveolodental ligaments could discussion. Even though the protocol of clinical
allow the tooth to be pressed into alveoli, altering investigation and plaster cast analysis appears to be
relations between front teeth. As a matter of fact, the clear and common, perhaps more detailed measure-
overbite and overjet relate to the anterior guidance ments concerning not the only morphology of dental
system, which can be changed through orthodontic, arches, but also their occlusal characteristics should be
prosthetic and sometimes also conservative treat- undertaken. Functional analysis made with T-Scan II/
ment.5 However, these correlations are not clear and BioEMG could influence the subject’s behaving during
well documented with regard to muscular activities. the investigation. One previous study questioned the
In the light of the study presented above, such a thickness of the T-Scan occlusal sensor, claiming that it
correlation could exist, but it demands future, more may affect the mechanics of occlusion and lead to
detailed investigation. invalid tooth contact data.28 However, in that study,
The data presented demonstrated the significant the sensor was cut in half and placed only on one side
correlation between masseter activity in clench and of the arch, and as a consequence, they did not obtain
the range of protrusive movement. It is possible to a balanced response from the muscles. In the light of
explain this finding since the masseters cooperate with the data presented in this and other studies, their
lateral pterygoids during contraction in protrusive finding appears to be invalid.
movement with the teeth in very light occlusion.1,5 The findings of this investigation indicate that
The findings of the investigation did not indicate systemic, longitudinal analyses of morphology of
the relationship between morphology of dental arches, occlusion and muscular response in normal subjects
muscular activities and occlusal parameters, even if are required.
fewer numbers of the models analyzed could suggest
that such a relation could exist. The authors’ method Conclusions
of investigation was focused on plaster model analysis. 1. Measurements of the maxillary and mandibular
Some other investigations concerning the problem dental arches revealed statistical differences between the
mentioned above related to the morphological ana- females and males in this large, youthful, normal group.
lyses were performed on lateral cephalograms. They 2. Muscular activities of masseters in clench and
found a significant relationship between dental arch during lateral movements were sufficiently different
between the females and males of the group.
width and facial vertical morphology.15 However,
3. The muscular activities of the masseters in centric
studies involving the effect of the bite force on the arch occlusion exhibited a weak positive correlation between
width did not indicate any relationship.26 On the other the amount of overbite and the range of protrusive
hand, there are some contrary opinions that emphasize movement.

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CRANIOH: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice 2015 VOL . 33 NO . 2 141

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