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Problem Solving

The first interdisciplinary project (IDP) I will use for the problem solving category is

based on teen pregnancy .We worked on this project during Biology, English, Health, and

Algebra 1 class. Our assignment was to create a coherent PowerPoint based on the research that

we conducted. Our goal was to educate our community on teen pregnancy. During the

presentation we discussed statistics, the issues, and effects on children, prevention, and

community resources. This assignment fits in the problem solving category because we are

educating the people within our community on how to prevent a common issue. Showing them

different options on how to prevent teen pregnancy and being safe overall. We tried to teach

people to be open to talking about this and fix any problems or concerns that people have.

The 2nd IDP focused more on mental health. Within our group the concept of the

PowerPoint was on Depression. In our PowerPoint we covered background, treatment, stigma,

statistics, stressors, action plan, and the coping mechanism. This assignment was given to us

during the second semester of my sophomore year. We were asked to research mental illnesses

thoroughly and how the illness affects the community. This fits the problem solving category

because we are looking for a solution to the issue of depression in the community.

During these projects I was an effective communicator and active citizen. I showed I was

an active citizen by educating community members about the issues of teen pregnancy and

depression. To engage the community we created flyers that helped spread the information. The

solutions that we came up with were specific to our community I also showed I was an effective

communicator by structuring our power point in way that made it easy for our audience to

understand. To make our flyer easier to understand we made our flyers in English and Spanish.
During our presentation we clearly explained the information on our graphs in both English and


Every time I did an IDP, my problem solving skills got better. I discovered more resources

and didn’t just stick to the first option that was available. There are plenty of options to solve

problems in a clear and creative way. I learned to brainstorm with my groupmates to come up

with the best solution possible. I became more aware of what was going on with my community.

My presentation skills got better I made more eye contact with the audience and became more

confident in presenting to a group of people. My speaking skills have grown as well, I am able to

speak clearly and loudly when presenting. In order to be a more effective communicator when

presenting, I need to be able to create PowerPoints that are more visually appealing. As an adult

in college or my future job, when I’m faced with an issue, I will be able to address the problem

in a professional way.

Teen Pregnancy

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