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How to Use Your Numerology Chart In Every Day Life

Grab your pen and paper- you'll want to take notes

By now you have received your full numerology report and if you are like most people you're
probably wanting to go deeper with the knowledge.

I am going to walk you through a step by step process to help you weave your unique numbers
together so that you can get a beautiful blending of energy to help you live your best life

Each of you will have your own special reasons for wanting your personal chart and each of you
will learn to use it in a way that is most helpful to you. I am going to give a general over view so
that you can adopt your own method of interpretation using your inner wisdom and logic.

At first glance this report can seem overwhelming .. so breathe and practice!

Basic overview

Letters in individuals’ names are converted to numbers and then added together. These numbers,
in turn, are also reduced. Each letter of the alphabet has a corresponding number.

The letter A, for example, is 1; the letter B is 2; the letter C is 3, and so forth. The following
table shows the numbers assigned to all 26 letters in the English alphabet. Note that the
letters A J and S are all represented by the number 1. The letters B K and T are all
represented by the number 2 and so forth.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



First you need to know that you chart can be broken down into 3 main sections:

First, there is you, the individual, with your talents, abilities, personality traits, idiosyncrasies,
dreams, hopes, likes and dislikes, and what have you. All of which is revealed in your name.
Your full name at birth truly is like a blueprint of who you are; the unique and fully self-
contained individual who lives inside your skin.

Secondly, is your path -- the direction in which your life wants to move. This is not your future
forecast, nor is it your "destiny." It is truly a path. The road you will walk during this lifetime.
This path is so you can arrive anywhere specific its simply a walk you are taking… this is your
LIFE PATH This is the most important number in your chart because, in a way, you could call it
your purpose. You reason for coming to this planet.

Finally, there is the third part: your future forecast. Here too, the numbers are based on your
date of birth, because they were set in motion by your birth. The moment you stepped onto your
path, the cycles kicked in and started influencing you as time went by. This is another undeniably
beautiful piece of logic behind the science of Numerology. Like the gears of the universe
clicking into gears set in motion by your own birth, everything works together, and if you look
closely -- as Numerology does -- you can recognize the synchronicity and, to some extent,
predict future influences and events.

These are the Three sides that make up the amazing story you came here to live: you, your path,
and your future.

By the time you have read your personal numerology report, you will notice that virtually every
number is represented in your chart. This is true for most people. Naturally, this can be
confusing. The reason for this confusion is that we haven't learned to prioritize the relative
values of each number and its position in the chart.

The Life Path, for example, carries far more weight than the Maturity and Balance numbers. In
addition, each member of the core numbers (Life Path, Expression, Heart's Desire, Personality,
and Birth Day number) bears special significance to our personality. The Heart's Desire
represents your inner needs and motivations - the more private you - while the Personality
number reveals the public you; the face, or the mask, you show the world. It is what people
recognize first when they meet you. Your closer relationships, however, come in contact with the
personal, inner you, your Heart's Desire.
One of the benefits of numerology is to differentiate and to reveal the many aspects of your
personality and inner being. It also shows how aspects within you influence each other. What
follows is a short course in how to prioritize the numbers of the chart, to discern their individual
importance, and to show how each aspect of the chart relates to a specific part of your being.

The Life Path number is by far the most important number in the chart. Your Life Path number
represents a cycle. The longest cycle of your life, it runs from the first day of your life to the last
day of your life.

Perhaps the most important concept to recognize, and probably the least understood, is that all
the numbers based on your date of birth reflect something about the "momentum" the energy you
show up with…in your life. The flow, the current which carries you forward, the stream of life.
Therefore, every number in your chart derived from your date of birth tells something about the
direction of your life, the path you walk on, and the opportunities and challenges you encounter.

Next, read the Birth Day number. In order of importance, the Birth Day number belongs in fifth
or sixth place, but it is closely related to the Life Path, and should be seen in connection to it.
Follow with the Expression number, which reveals your talents, abilities, goals, and is
particularly important in relation to career.

Then read the Heart's Desire, and understand it as the motivator behind virtually all of your
choices, in particular those related to life style and environment. The Personality number
completes this picture of the core numbers. Remember, while the Personality number is the last
of the core numbers, it is the first impression people will get. The Personality number is usually
what gets you hired, while the Expression number is the greatest influence on how well you
perform. The Heart's Desire number influences the type of conditions you like to work under;
alone or with people; in a small non-profit organization, or in a big corporation; in the inner-city
or in the country. The Heart's Desire also influences your choice of career.

The core numbers outline the basic personality. The rest of the chart reflects a closer look at you
- your many nuances, individual character traits, and strengths and weaknesses.

The Challenges follow, and are, in my opinion, among the most important sources of information
flowing from your chart. The Challenges, more than any other number, point to aspects of your
personality that you have to work on. They represent the first and most obvious obstacles that
stand between you and success.

Follow with the Maturity number, but keep in mind that it does not enter your life until after the
early thirties, after which its influence grows more important with age. The Maturity number is a
Absorbing it all

When you read your Numerology report carefully, paying attention to where each number affects
you, the amount of insight you can gain, and the things you can learn about yourself are truly

Most of you will probably not go on to do professional numerology readings so the value for you
is personal. So I suggest you become familiar with your on numbers and learn them in and out.
This is the most accurate way to KNOW you.

the real value is in reading it again, slowly, one aspect at a time, not moving on to the next one
until you have contemplated what you just read. This report is mean to me
contemplated..meditated on.. over and over.. This is YOUR LIFE after all..

To fully understand how to weave all of this together you must first understand what the
numbers mean. I am going to give you a detailed description of the energy of each number. I
suggest you learn what these numbers mean.

So lets take a look into numbers 1-9

Meanings for numbers

Ones: Get it done!

You get things done and you can be head strong along the way. You are a very independent
thinker who demands freedom of thought and the right to act on it. You have amazing
determination. Once you are committed, you stay committed.

You have tremendous follow through. Nothing stands between you and your goals.

Because Ones are so determined and passionate, they make excellent leaders. Their never ending
passion is contagious. Their inspiration is what makes the difference in how the job gets done.

On the flip side, you can sometimes forget about compassion. You are so focused on getting it
done that sensitivity is sometimes lacking.

You tend to be creative. You need individualism. Being told what to do doesn’t always bode well
with you.

You have a tendency to think no one can do it as well as you, and so you often take tasks on.
You're standards are so high that no one can meet them.

You are a very responsible person. It can be difficult for you to ask for, let alone take advice.
You take your role as a provider so seriously that you can become controlling. When you feel
disrespected, you can become aggressive. The dark side: if this aggression is not controlled, you
can become vindictive and hurtful.

Twos: Deep

If you are a Two, you are generally considered to be creative. You are sensitive, perceptive and
in some cases you can be very shy and withdrawn.

This is both a strength and a weakness. Being sensitive is wonderful under the right
circumstances. However, being too sensitive can prevent you from stepping out and taking the
stage in life.

You tend to have an easy going nature. And you might be known for your kindness. While these
are beautiful qualities, they too can potentially repress your talents. It can be easy for you to fade
into the background.

Your sensitivity makes you a great listener. You are often the go-to person when people need a
sympathetic ear. You are a nurturer. You pride yourself on keeping secrets. You can be trusted.

You struggle with lack of confidence and therefore can be perceived as having little ambition.
You have opinions but often keep them to yourself for fear of being embarrassed or rejected.
This hesitance can lead to feelings of frustration and resentment and even anger.

You do not like confrontation!

You are great in group situations. You are eager to do what needs to be done and you’re ready
for the tasks, but others may underestimate you because of your quiet nature. It’s your job to
show people how great you truly are! Take a risk and step out of the box and speak up!

Threes: Charming

You are popular and have lots of personality. You have a natural ability to make people laugh.
You also have a gift for making people feel comfortable and welcome. When you enter a room,
it lights up.

You fit in anywhere and you get along with everyone. Your gift of gab and your curiosity make
you a great entertainer. You're witty and you love the limelight.

Your ability to be expressive may lead to an interest in the arts. You need to learn to focus, and
that can be difficult for a three. You will need to pay attention to detail (not a strong area for a
three), but when focused your concentration becomes razor sharp.
People are drawn to you. You must be mindful not to become too social and squander time.

Your creativity will bring you the comfort and luxury you desire, but not without continual focus
and discipline.

You are a glass-half-full person who possesses resiliency. You are a survivor.

Money can often present a struggle for you. Your inability to handle money comes from your
flighty or happy-go lucky nature; or perhaps the problem is that you lack a serious demeanor. By
knowing this you can avoid failure!

Another sore spot for Threes is that you are extremely emotional and vulnerable. When your
feelings are hurt, you withdraw. Eventually, you resurface and are ready to make jokes and
create laughter to hide your feelings.

You can become moody and cynical when depressed. You can succumb to sarcastic remarks,
causing pain to those around you.

Outwardly, you wear your happy face and are the life of the party, but the truth is that you are
very sensitive.

Avoid working on too many things at once. The main take away for threes is to develop a rich
inner life and get beyond the surface.

Fours: Practical

You are best described as orderly, organized, systematic and controlled. You are decisive and
methodical. You need a step-by-step rational approach to problem solving. You make a
commitment stick, and you don’t give up!

You dislike abstract plans; you use hard work and long hours to build a business or career. You
KNOW that you must first establish a solid foundation. You have great potential for success
because you are precise, tenacious and persevering. Success will only come, however, when you
put out the necessary effort and overcome the limitations you so often encounter.

Justice and honesty are sacred to you. You are reliable and dependable, a pillar in your
community. You are not an idealist, but you are willing to work for a better world in a realistic
way. Be mindful not to be too fixed and rigid in your ideas. Also, be aware that you can often be
too quick to judge others.

You can be described as loyal and you work well with others. When working as part of a team, it
is important that you have your responsibilities outlined. You perform best when there is no
overlap. Be careful not to be bossy and rude. You possess rare discipline and perseverance and
not everyone can keep up with you.

You crave security and you can handle money. You need a nest egg. You can easily become
rigid and stuck due to your methodical nature.

You job is to incorporate flexibility into your character.

You make a good partner and parent. You like consistency and upheavals in life such as divorce
or separation can be shattering to you.

Obsessive is a word that describes you. You have it in you to become vengeful and you will
often find ways to seek your own justice.

You are a courageous survivor. You’re up for doing the hard work in a practical, traditional way
and it pays off for you.

Fives: Adventurous

As a Five you are all about FREEDOM. You love travel, adventure, variety and meeting new
people. You are extremely curious and you love exploring. You are like a juggler who has
several things going at once, and your energy level is dynamic enough to keep everything going.
You detest being tied down to one thing.

You like change. Conquering the unfamiliar gets you psyched. You have the ability to make
friends easily; your personality is upbeat and often inspiring, so you attract people from all walks
of life.

You're a powerful motivator. You always know just what to say to get the crowd revved up.

You lack discipline and organization. You don’t like being confined to the box society tends to
put you in. You can also be impulsive and putting your foot in your mouth is normal for you.
You often find yourself going back to make it right or asking for a do-over.

Sometimes freedom and a need for thrills are not properly controlled by those born with this Life
Path, causing problems with drug abuse and overindulgence in food or sex. Fives sometimes lead
an abusive life.

You may find it difficult to commit to one relationship, but once committed, you are extremely
faithful and loyal.

You are multi-talented and possess a variety of abilities. The key is to be disciplined and
focused. That is the only way to achieve true success. Without discipline many of the tasks you
begin will remain unfinished, and you will fail to realize the true fruits of your abilities. With
hard work and perseverance, the world is at your finger tips.

You are often a late-bloomer and need to experience life before you can truly know and commit
to your heart's desire. Your challenge is to learn the true meaning of freedom. Change is constant
in your world requiring adaptability and courage.

Because of your strong need for freedom, self-employment calls out to you. Your challenge is to
settle into one area to cultivate your ability sufficiently to earn a living and attain success. Once
you find your niche, the motivation and inspiration you supply others will bring you much in
return; you will find your friends and colleagues supporting and promoting you on the road to


Sixes: Helpers

You have a nurturing heart. Your concern for the weak and underprivileged is evident to all who
know you.

You often offer a shoulder to cry on, but your challenge is to develop the tools to empower
people. You are more than a sympathetic listener.

Learning the balance between help and interference is one of your main life lessons. You need to
understand when to leave the struggle to others and let them have life experiences. This can be
an area where you need growth.

By nature you are very responsible. You are also one to make tremendous sacrifices. You can
often feel over burdened by others’ energy (problems).

You are a very warm and protective person. You make a great parent or caregiver. Your
generosity is second to none. You are very humble but you have a deep sense of pride.

Oftentimes you feel like you are carrying the weight of the world. This can be your downfall.
You may find yourself doing so much for others that you lose yourself.

You tend to put your life on the back burner. You are blessed with talent but can never seem to
find time for yourself. Your creativity may be suppressed due to your giving nature.

You are genuine and put people at ease. You are blessed with charm and charisma, which you
use effectively to meet your need of being supported.
Sevens: Spiritually-Minded

You know and embrace yourself as a spiritual being. The unknowns in life attract you. You are a
consummate investigator. You will find the answers to life's mysteries.

Sevens enjoy putting the puzzle together. You prefer being alone to being in a group. You need
time and space to contemplate. You are equipped for finding highly creative solutions.

Close relationships are difficult for you to form and keep, especially marriage. You need space
and privacy, which, when violated, can cause you great frustration and irritation.

When there is balance in your life, you are charming and attractive. You can be the life of the
party. You crave an audience. You have tremendous wit and knowledge, which makes you a
great communicator/storyteller. People hang on your words.

You know your limits. When you're done you're done. Once done performing, you revert to your
quiet nature.

Sevens need to be reminded that too much isolation will leave them with an empty life.

You must guard against becoming too withdrawn and independent, thus shutting out the love of
others and keeping you from experiencing the true joy of friendship and close companionship.

Be careful not to get lost in selfishness and egocentricity. You may begin to think of yourself as
the only one that matters. Being socially connected gives you perspective on yourself and on life.
Too much solitude will make you narrow and closed off.

You often feel others are more open than you are. You feel they can express themselves easier.
You have a tendency to beat yourself up over this. You have a unique view of the world and that
is your anchor. Stay true to your uniqueness.

Maintaining your independence without becoming isolated is your challenge in life. You must
hold fast to your unique view on the world, while at the same time being open to others and the
knowledge they have to offer.

Your analytical skills and ability to seek answers will take you far in life. By mid life you will
be well seasoned and have a level of refinement most aspire to. You have GREAT spiritual

Eights: Managers

You are the ultimate manager. You have a firm handle on how to manage all areas of life,
especially business and financial matters. You understand the material world; you intuitively
know what makes virtually any enterprise work. Your talent lies in setting long range goals,
seeing the greater vision and its purpose.

You are a visionary. You can be a bit reckless. You are like the piped piper. People instantly
take to you and will often follow at your request, but often they are incapable of seeing what you
see. Therefore, those around you need your continual guidance, inspiration, and encouragement.
You must prod them into action and direct them along the lines of your vision. You attract
financial success more than any other Life Path, but effort is required.

Your greatest challenge in life is to achieve detachment and to ultimately understand that power
is to be used for the benefit of humanity.

If you are born with the Life Path Number Eight, and you do not understand the real and relative
value of money, you are bound to suffer the consequences of greed; you run the risk of losing it

You may struggle with learning how to bounce back after setbacks.

Eights have the character of a survivor. It is highly possible that you will experience reversals in
life, including bankruptcies, but you also have the talent and the sheer guts to make more than
one fortune and to build many successful enterprises.

Love for Eights can be costly, especially when it comes to marriage. Divorce for an Eight is
especially difficult.

You find satisfaction in the material. Achieving balance is key.

You are naturally attracted to and best suited for positions of influence and leadership. You are
comfortable in the limelight.

You are a good judge of character. You tend to be selective when surrounding yourself with
others. Because of your good judgment, you will attract the right people.

Family is high on your priority list. Be mindful not to keep others overly dependent on you.

Eights like status. It’s important to them.

Be careful not to become stubborn, intolerant, overbearing, and impatient. You are resilient and
it takes a lot for you to give up. Knowing when to say when is something you need to learn.
Nines: Idealists

You are pure in heart. Extremely compassionate. You are the consummate dreamer. You will
spend a lifetime trying to grab the brass ring. You will sacrifice money, time and energy chasing
your utopia.

You are a big picture person. Details escape you. You are fortunate to attract people who
function in ways where you are not strong.

People from all walks of life are drawn to you. You are a fair person who offers people every
opportunity to show the good inside of themselves. Your focus is on how we can all come
together and make the world better. You value freedom and you will fight for it. Equality is a
high priority for you, also.

The realities of life often disappoint you. Shortcomings of others and yourself baffle you. You
don’t like to see imperfections. You feel responsible for fixing shortcomings. You are constantly
striving to improve yourself and the world.

The results are never quite good enough for you. Your perspective makes it difficult for you to
enjoy life and accept what is.

Nines tend to have controlled enthusiasm.

You are known for always finishing what you start.

Learning true sacrifice is important to you. You struggle with learning to let go of material
possessions and relationships, and with learning the lesson that holding on too tightly to anything
causes pain.

Money finds its way to you through various and unexpected avenues including investments and

You will find that if you pursue money in lieu of your dreams, you will come up empty.

The best path for Nines is one of giving, sharing and sacrificing for the greater good. You are
great at not expecting anything in return. Altruism is your word!

The most successful and satisfying road for a Nine involves giving, sharing, and sacrificing for a
larger goal without expecting anything in return.

Success for a Nine comes by making the world a better place. This can very easily allow you to
make great sums of money. Your motto: The more you give, the more you get.
Now that you understand the energy of the number you can see how it applies in your chart. Lets
use my chart as an example.

My second challenge in life (refer to your reports for ages 21

Your Second Challenge is 7

The challenge that is following during this time in my life is my lack of being anchored .. to belieiving in
something bigger. I was worshipping stuff. I shut people out . I was skeptical and bitter.. I was a loose
cannon .. Ill do it my way.. I hurt many ppl --- THIS IS THE CHALLENGE OF THE NUMBER 7

Your Second Pinnacle (from age 34 until age 42) is 11

So knowing what the numbers 7 /11 mean I might interpret it like this

This will be a time in your life where you are called to go deeper spiritually to connect in a new and more
enlightened way. This is a time where loss will enter my life (this is indicative of the 11 pinnacle) .. tell
my story

You will want to focus on really knowing yourself.. study your LP number.. watch it in action..

To experience a knowing about your life really become familiar with the pinnacles.. that IS the type of
energy you will be experiencing at that time in your life.. Now marry/unit your challenge energy with that
pinnacle.. the challenge is exactly that .. its challenging your soul to grow. There are NO random
challenges in your life.. everything means something..

To use this monthly keep in mind your challenge #1 and your pinnacle number as well as your
monthly and yearly number.. they are work together you get blended pieces of the picture from

Same is true for the day to day.

Let me give you an example using my own chart

Your Personal Month for April 2015 is 6

Veronica, April is a 6 Personal Month in a 2 Personal Year. Matters of the heart

come to the foreground.

Romance is now at the top of your list of opportunities.

On the other hand, the month brings instability to outdated relationships, and
some may end. You become aware of the need to let go of certain people,
although final good-byes may not occur until July or early August of this year.

Veronica, your family and friends need more attention and you will likely find

yourself playing the roles of mediator, comforter, and counselor. You'll be the one

to offer the proverbial shoulder to cry on this month. A younger person,

particularly, needs your love and attention.

Your career is guided favorably by the Force. There is an increase in your

workload and responsibilities due to a promotion -- or one that may be in the offing.

The change may well bring financial rewards.

This is a good time for finances, particularly those related to real-estate.

April 11) Money matters improve. Ideas. Visionary. Good day for business. Be

generous. Romance shaky. Honesty in communication is important.

So.. Im in my 4th pinnacle

Your Fourth Pinnacle (from age 52) is 1

Veronica, this is a period requiring much independence, courage, resiliency, and

initiative. You must bounce back after many difficult experiences. The challenge

of this Pinnacle is to gain will power.

There is not a lot of support from others or from family. You must draw from

Veronica, you risk making money and power the main priority in your life. Your

desire for financial wealth threatens to obscure your other human characteristics

and spiritual well being.

4th ---- This Challenge causes financial concerns to overwhelm all other needs, and

influences everything you do. You risk the fate of Midas, turning everything into

gold, yet isolating yourself from other parts of life.

For many with this challenge, there is a danger of becoming so obsessed with

materialism that they may be tempted to ruthless and unscrupulous business

practices, possibly crossing the borders of the law and causing themselves and

others much misery.

You are facing a very real spiritual test in which you must realize that "Man does

not live by bread alone." If you overcome this hurdle, you will achieve real spiritual

and material balance, and can make yourself a powerful river, bringing an

inexhaustible supply of nourishment to all, rather than a lake, whose nature is

limited and can easily grow stagnant and can no longer support life.

As a side note your 3rd challenge is lifelong so you want to become very familiar with that enrgy
also.. think of looking at your individual days as preparing a recipe.. you need a bit of this
energy a bit of that energy and dash of this .. of course this is all dependent on your personal
circumstances of the day.

A dash of my 3rd challenge for extra flavor.. Your Third Challenge is 6

THIS WILL FACTOR INTO MY LIFE..but now that I know it I work with it..

Your challenge deals with distorted idealism. Veronica, your ideals are

unrealistically high, making life difficult for you and others. You have a hard time

being satisfied with anything you do, or with what others do for you. You lack


So lets go back to my day April 11th

April 11) Money matters improve. Ideas. Visionary. Good day for business. Be

generous. Romance shaky. Honesty in communication is important.

Keeping my feet on the ground and not becoming overly greedy or anxious about money will help me
improve money matters.. I may have a tendenacy this day in particular to be stubborn and want my own
way.. the energy of my challenge.. I must be mindful of that..

Tie this together with my personal month and year and here we go---

Veronica, April is a 6 Personal Month in a 2 Personal Year. Matters of the heart

come to the foreground.

Romance is now at the top of your list of opportunities. Must focus on relationships with
those closest to me..

On the other hand, the month brings instability to outdated relationships, and
some may end. You become aware of the need to let go of certain people,

although final good-byes may not occur until July or early August of this year.

Veronica, your family and friends need more attention and you will likely find

yourself playing the roles of mediator, comforter, and counselor. You'll be the one

to offer the proverbial shoulder to cry on this month. A younger person,

particularly, needs your love and attention.

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