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Nasipit, Talamban, Cebu



A Laboratory Report Presented to

Mrs. Vicenta V. Andres

Sedillo, Arjay D.

December 2018
Properties and Purification of Water
Arjay D. Sedillo
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of San Carlos

This report will describe different properties of water and its purification.
Some results on this report include how is water able to resist external force
through its surface tension, how temperature affect a viscosity of a liquid and
how a freezing point of a solvent is lowered by adding a non-volatile solute.
Purification of water by flocculation is also shown in this report.

I. Introduction
Water is a very important liquid on Earth. Its properties make it an extraordinary
substance and makes life possible on Earth. Its properties have been extensively studied through
the years, to expand its possible application in households and industries.
Water’s high polarity allows it to dissolve many polar and ionic compounds, and even
some nonpolar gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. This makes water to be considered as a
“universal solvent”. Dissolved minerals however make the water “hard”. Water hardness can be
temporary and permanent and may present a problem in household and industries. Techniques to
remedy water hardness will also be demonstrated.

II. Methodology
A. Surface Tension
A 50-mL beaker is filled with water, almost to the brim. It was predicted whether the
beaker can hold more water than it can contain, without spilling. A small needle is carefully
placed on top of the water in the beaker with the use of tweezers/forceps. Magnifying lens was
used to take a closer look at the needle. Then, toothpick which tip is wet with detergent solution
was used to prick the surface of the water.
B. Viscosity
Two baths were prepared in separate 250-mL beakers: an ice-bath containing crushed ice
with small amount of water; and a boiling water bath. Four test tubes were prepared containing
5mL of each of the respective solvents, and labeled accordingly: IA – 5mL glycerol, IB – 5mL
glycerol, IIA – distilled water, IIB – distilled water. The test tubes labelled as A were immersed
in the ice bath and test tubes labelled as B were immersed in the boiling water bath. After three to
four minutes, the test tubes IA and IB were removed from the bath. The tubes were then gently
shaken. Then, the liquids were poured out of the test tubes. The difference in the movement of
the two liquids was observed. The same test was done to the test tube IIA and IIB.
C. Freezing Point Depression
A 250-mL beaker was filled ¾, with crushed ice and 10-mL distilled water. A
thermometer was immersed in the water-ice slurry and stirred carefully with a stirring rod. The
thermometer was left inside the bath. The temperature reading was monitored at one-minute
intervals for three minutes, or until the reading remains constant. The temperature readings were
recorded. A tablespoon of rock salt was added to the slurry and was stirred continuously. What
happened to the ice with the addition of salt was observed
D. Distillation
The simple distillation set-up was examined. The mixture inside the distilling apparatus
was heated. A 400-mL beaker was filled about 1/3 – ½ full of tap water. An uncalibrated test tube
was placed into the 400-mL beaker with water. About 10-mL of distilled water was collected
from the distilling apparatus. A test tube holder was used when removing the test tube. The
colors of the impure liquid and the distillate was observed and compared. The condenser on
display at the counter was examined.
E. Testing the Hardness of Water
Three test tubes were prepared. Each test tube was filled with 5-mL of each of the
following: distilled water, boiled water, and tap water respectively. To the first test tube, standard
soap solution was added drop by drop. The test tube was stoppered and shaken for 10 seconds
after adding each drop. The number of drops needed to obtain a thick layer of suds was recorded.
The suds that formed in the distilled water sample served as the reference sample. The procedure
was repeated for the boiled water and tap water sample. The number of drops of soap solution
used for each type of water was noted. The resulting mixture for each type of water was
F. Purification of Water by Flocculation
Four test tubes were set up in a test tube rack and labeled accordingly. To each tube, 5 mL
of muddy water was added. The muddy mixture was stirred well. 5 mL of each of the following
reagents were added separately to each tube: 5 mL of distilled water, 1% sodium chloride [NaCl]
solution, 1% sodium sulfate [Na2SO4] solution and 1% aluminum sulfate [Al 2(SO4)3] solution.
Each test tube was stirred thoroughly. The test tubes were allowed to stand undisturbed. A
separation of a precipitate and clarification of the upper portion of water is noted. The
observations were recorded after 5, 10, and 15 minutes. The extent of purification was assessed
after the 15-minute period, according to the following classifications:

NS No settling, still muddy

MS Mostly settled, still cloudy
BS Beginning to settle, still murky
SC Settled, clear
SS Some settling, cloudy
III. Results and Discussion
A. Surface Tension
The beaker held more water than it can contain. The water did not spill even if the
amount of water exceeded the volume capacity of the beaker. The reason why the beaker held
more water than it can contain is because of surface tension. The hydrogen bonding that exists
between molecules holds the water together. The needle floated in the water because of the
surface tension of the water. The surface tension’s cohesive force acted as an elastic membrane
that resisted the force of the needle. After the toothpick pricked the surface, the needle moved
away and sunk to the bottom of the water. The needle sunk because of the disruption in the
surface tension caused by the toothpick with detergent solution. When soap is added to the water,
the molecules aren’t drawn together as strongly because the soap molecules bonds with water
molecules which lessen the liquid’s surface tension resulting to surface of the water failing to
keep the needle afloat.
B. Viscosity
The cold glycerol is test tube IA flowed much slower than the hot glycerol in test tube IB,
which means that the cold glycerol is more viscous than the hot glycerol. The same applies with
the cold water and hot water in test tubes IIA and IIB. This is because as the temperature of a
liquid increases, it loses viscosity because it gains enough energy to overcome the forces that
bind the molecules together. The liquids that have lower temperature moved slower because its
molecules have less energy that makes it cling to one another.

C. Freezing Point Depression

The initial temperature of the water-ice slurry was 1.0°C. After adding one tbsp. of rock
salt to the slurry, the temperature dropped to -1.0 °C after 1 minute; dropped to -1.5 °C after 2
minutes; but rose to 2 °C after 3 minutes. Adding a non-volatile solute, like salt (NaCl),
decreased the solvent’s (H2O) freezing point. At the freezing point of water, water molecules
enter and leave the solid at the same rate. However, by adding salt to the mixture, this process is
disrupted. When the temperature decreased, salt ions interfered with water’s ability to form a
crystal structure, thus, it will only form a structure when the temperature is lowered much below
than pure H2) freezing point.

D. Distillation
The impure water in the distilling flask has a brownish color while the water in the
receiver test tube is transparent and clear. When the water is heated, it turns into its gaseous state
leaving the large non-volatile compounds behind. The water vapor goes through the delivery
tube and into the receiver where a condenser turns back the water vapor into its liquid state. The
water in the receiver after it was condensed is a distillate, it is pure water without impurities.
E. Testing the Hardness of Water

Type of H2O No. of drops of soap solution to obtain

thick layer of suds
distilled water 3
boiled water 30
tap water 35

The table above shows different type of water that has varying level of hardness. The water
hardness is in ascending order: distilled water, boiled water and tap water. water becomes hard
when there is a presence of Mg+ and Ca+ ions in it. Hard water needs more soap drops to form
lather because the soap molecules attach first to these ions that creates scum before reacting to
the water. Hard water also reduces the effectiveness of cleaning agents. Soap is less effective in
hard water since it reacts to form a calcium or magnesium salt of the organic acid in the soap and
forms a grayish soap scum with no lather.

F. Purification of Water by Flocculation

The muddy water settled and became clear when Al (SO4)3 is placed because of the
negative charges that is present in the surface of the muddy water. The surface of the muddy
water requires more positive charges for it to settle. Since the aluminum sulfate solution hast 3+
charges, it is attracted to the surface of the muddy water and it is the solution needed for the
muddy water to be clear and settled.
VI. Conclusions
In this experiment, some of water’s properties were identified and explained. Surface
tension is the elastic tendency of a liquid and water’s intermolecular force of hydrogen bonding
allows it to have a strong surface tension. The property of water that describes its resistance to
flow is its viscosity. The temperature of the water changes its level of viscosity, lower
temperature allows water to become viscous making it more resistant to flow, while higher
temperature lessen the viscosity of the water.
Distillation allows the water to be separated with impurities. Distillation can me
performed with a distillation set-up, an impure water is heated on a distilling flask until the water
starts to evaporate and boil. The water vapor then goes through a delivery tube that places it in a
test tube. A condenser is used to turn the vapor into a liquid water which is now the distillate. The
resulting distillate is a water that is separated from impurities.
Water can be soft, hard, and temporarily hard. Distilled water is an example of soft water.
Water becomes hard when there is presence of Mg+ and Ca+ ions. Tap water is an example of hard
water where its hardness can only be eliminated through distillation. Water that has temporary
hardness can be softened by boiling it.
VII. References

1. Brown, T.; LeMay, H.E.; Murphy C.; Woodward, P. Chemistry: The Central Science, 12 th ed.
Prentice Hall, Pearson Education: U.S.A., 2012, p. 13-14, 437-438, 534-536, 769-771.

2. Zumdahl, S.S.; Zumhdal, S.A. Chemistry: An Atoms First Approach, Brooks/Cole, Cengage
Learning: U.S.A., p. 331-332, 502-503, 893.

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