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Software Engineering Management Practices

Capability Maturity Model Integration Initiative

For more information, Background business value ratio (benefits/costs: 5:1),

please contact— improved customer satisfaction, and
As organizations struggle to be competi-
improved employee morale.
tive and profitable, executives look for
SEI Customer Relations guidance. One approach to organiza- CMM Integration models provide orga-
tional improvement, the Capability nizations with a best-practices
Maturity Model® (CMM®) approach, framework addressing both the systems
relies on a collection of best practices in engineering and software engineering
412 / 268-5800 a particular discipline, such as software disciplines; and optionally, Integrated
engineering, systems engineering, and Product and Process Development
Email integrated product and process develop- (IPPD). These models leverage the suc- ment (IPPD). More recently, cess of the Software CMM while
organizations have been seeking a way providing richer coverage of product
World Wide Web to successfully and easily integrate their engineering practices and achieving
CMM-based improvement activities. compatibility with appropriate interna-
tional standards.
The SEI, in collaboration with govern-
ment and industry, has developed the
Areas of Work
CMM IntegrationSM (CMMISM) V1.0
Product Suite to help organizations more Capability Maturity Model
easily integrate their process improve- Integration
Capability maturity models are struc-
ment activities.
tured collections of recommended
management and engineering practices
Goals that help organizations to characterize
• Transition the existing separate- their ability to perform in the areas
discipline communities to CMMI. addressed by each model, establish
• Accommodate additional disci- goals for improvement, set priorities for
plines selected for integration into immediate actions, and establish a cul-
the CMMI Product Suite. ture of excellence.
• Harmonize the CMMI Product Suite Industry, government, and the SEI are
with appropriate national and inter- now refining the CMMI V1.0 Product
national standards. Suite to V1.1 to reflect lessons learned
from using V1.0, address the acquisition
Benefits discipline, and provide a method for
evaluating a supplier’s process
CMMs reflect a set of disciplined prac- capability.
tices that, if followed, lead to more
predictable and efficient development CMMs currently supported by the SEI
and evolution of products that are soft- include:
ware intensive.
CMMI for Systems Engineering/
The CMM for Software (SW-CMM) is Software Engineering (CMMI-SE/SW)
in use at more than five thousand organi- This model addresses management and
zations worldwide to support product engineering practices that
organizations’ adoption of more effec- improve an organization’s ability to
tive management practices. Typical develop and maintain products that are
benefits experienced from using the SW- software intensive.
CMM include: productivity gains
(35%), reduction in time to market
(20%), quality improvements (40%),

3/01 • 1
CMMI for Systems Engineering/ gain insight into its process capability.
Software Engineering/Integrated The process capability of an organiza-
Product and Process Development tion provides one means of predicting
(CMMI-SE/SW/IPPD) the most likely outcomes of an organi-
This model extends the CMMI-SE/ zation’s next engineering project.
SW model and is intended for organi-
Software Risk Evaluation (SRE)
zations developing or maintaining
SRE is a diagnostic and decision-
products in an integrated product and
making tool that is used to identify,
process development environment.
categorize, prioritize, and plan mitiga-
CMM for Software (SW-CMM) tion strategies for specific program
This model addresses software man- risks emanating from product, process,
agement and engineering practices management, resources, and contract
that improve an organization’s ability constraints. The program’s own per-
to develop and maintain software. sonnel participate in identifying and
analyzing risk as well as in generating
People CMM (P-CMM) mitigation plans for the risks facing
This model addresses management the development effort.
practices for developing and managing
the work force of an organization. Process Improvement (PI)
Used in conjunction with other The SEI helps organizations to
CMMs, the P-CMM helps organiza- improve their engineering and man-
tions attract, manage, and retain the agement processes using CMMI
best individuals needed to achieve its products, the SW-CMM, P-CMM, and
goals. SA-CMM as guides. The SCAMPI,
CBA IPI, and SRE are a means for
Software Acquisition CMM helping organizations assess their
(SA-CMM) strengths and weaknesses. Typically,
This model addresses management these assessments are followed up by
practices for those acquiring (rather helping the organization to choose and
than building) software-intensive apply improved processes.
Continuous Risk Management (CRM)
Appraisal and Improvement The CRM approach integrates and
Methods adapts the practice of continuous risk
SCAMPISM (Standard CMMI management with current program
Appraisal Method for Process management practices. The corner-
Improvement) stone of this work is the risk clinic: a
This CMMI-based method is designed customer-site workshop that builds a
for assessing the strengths and weak- tailored risk management practice for
nesses of an organization as a basis for the project and a plan for implementa-
improving its capability. tion. The risk clinic is followed by
CBA IPI (CMM-Based Appraisal for periodic coaching as risk management
Internal Process Improvement) is put into practice. A training package
This method is very similar to can be tailored to the organization’s
SCAMPI but is CMM-based. new business practices.
Team Risk Management (TRM)
Software Capability Evaluation TRM extends CRM to all organiza-
(SCESM) tions in a program (customer and
The SCE is a method for evaluating supplier), tailoring methods and tools
the engineering and management pro- to the joint management of risk. The
cesses of a supplier organization to cornerstone of this work is the team

2 • 3/01 Capability Maturity Model Integration Initiative

risk clinic: a customer-site work- ages” to those desiring to form
shop that defines the risk SPINs.
management methods and tools to
be used by the program organiza- Courses supporting the transition of
tions as a team. This is followed by CMMs into practice are offered by
periodic coaching as team risk man- the SEI and the SEI’s licensed tran-
agement is put into place. sition partners. Periodic public
Involvement in International courses can be attended by anyone,
Standards with a reduced charge for govern-
Under the auspices of the Interna- ment personnel. In addition,
tional Organization for customer-site courses are offered to
Standardization and the Interna- individual organizations, with a
tional Electrotechnical Commission reduced fee for government
(ISO/IEC), the SEI is involved with organizations.
an effort in software process assess-
ment to promote an emerging Introduction to CMMI Model
standard and coordinate trials to Two separate three-day courses
assess its utility and readiness for introduce the participants to the fun-
standardization. damental concepts of the CMMI
Product Suite and either the staged
Broad Community Support or continuous representation of the
Software Engineering Process CMMI model. The participants will
Group (SEPG) Conference gain enough understanding of the
First held in 1988, the annual SEPG CMMI process areas to begin a pro-
Conference has grown from 25 cess improvement program and
attendees to more than 1800. It is participate on a CMMI-based
the premier conference on software assessment as a team member.
engineering process improvement.
Intermediate Concepts of CMMI
Attendees develop an enhanced
This five-day course provides par-
appreciation for both the cultural
ticipants with a deeper
aspects of technological change and
understanding of CMMI models.
the technical insights that help
This course helps prepare partici-
ensure more effective implementa-
pants to make valid judgements
tion of higher maturity practices.
regarding an organization's imple-
Software Process Improvement mentation of the CMMI process
Network (SPIN) areas; and is a requirement for those
A SPIN is a regionally defined interested in teaching or leading
group of software engineering pro- assessments using the CMMI
fessionals interested in software models.
process improvement. They meet
Introduction to the Capability
regularly to share improvement
Maturity Model for Software
experiences, listen to presentations,
This three-day course introduces
and work together toward solutions
participants to the SW-CMM and its
to common problems. There are
fundamental concepts. It empha-
more than 85 SPINs worldwide.
sizes understanding of the five
Each SPIN is an autonomous (gen-
maturity levels and their key pro-
erally volunteer) organization, but
cess areas (KPAs) as well as helping
the SEI coordinates the “network”
participants to make valid judge-
of SPINs, providing information to
ments regarding an organization’s
existing SPINs and “starter pack-

Capability Maturity Model Integration Initiative 3/01 • 3

implementation of the software engi- SCE Lead Evaluator Training
neering KPAs. This five-day course is for those who
have experience in process assessment
Introduction to the People Capability
or evaluation and who wish to become
Maturity Model
authorized lead evaluators. It prepares
This three-day course introduces par-
participants to become authorized to
ticipants to the People CMM and the
lead evaluations based on the software
elements of managing and developing
capability evaluation (SCE) method to
the work force of an organization. It
support selecting suppliers of software
emphasizes understanding of the five
products and services.
maturity levels and their KPAs and
helps participants to make valid judge- Mastering Process Improvement
ments regarding an organization’s This five-day course is for those who
implementation of these KPAs. will serve as leaders or key members
of software engineering or systems
Introduction to the Software
engineering process improvement
Acquisition Capability Maturity
groups. It prepares participants with a
Model how-to understanding of the skills and
This two-day course is designed to activities required to guide process
give participants an overview of the improvement in the organization.
SA-CMM and its fundamental con-
cepts. The course centers around the Research
five maturity levels of the model and Understanding High-Maturity
their characteristic KPAs. Course dis- Practices
cussions and exercises are designed to A growing number of organizations
give participants a basic understanding are concerned with how to quantita-
of the principles and activities of the tively manage their engineering
SA-CMM and to show how use of this processes and use measurement to
structured approach to process support innovation and technology
improvement can be applied to a vari- transition. The purpose of this research
ety of acquisition activities in is to
government and industry. 1. identify the specific engineering
SCAMPI Lead AssessorSM Training and management practices of high-
This five-day course prepares partici- maturity organizations in terms of
pants to become authorized SCAMPI- their methodologies, techniques,
based lead assessors in the SEI and tools
Appraiser Program. There is a three- 2. identify technical areas that sup-
day version of this course for those port the continuing improvement
having appropriate assessment experi- of high-maturity organizations and
ence, e.g. with CBA IPI. identify specific improvement
needs of mature organizations
CBA Lead Assessor Training 3. focus on maturity level 5 issues of
This five-day course prepares partici- managing innovation and technol-
pants to become authorized CBA IPI- ogy transition in a well-
based lead assessors in the SEI instrumented environment
Appraiser Program (for leading
assessments based on the SW-CMM).

® Capability Maturity Model and CMM are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
CMM Integration, CMMI, SCAMPI, SCAMPI lead assessor, and SCE are service marks of
Carnegie Mellon University.

4 • 3/01 Capability Maturity Model Integration Initiative

Software Engineering Management Practices
Capability Maturity Model Integration Initiative

For more information, Background business value ratio (benefits/costs: 5:1),

please contact— improved customer satisfaction, and
As organizations struggle to be competi-
improved employee morale.
tive and profitable, executives look for
SEI Customer Relations guidance. One approach to organiza- CMM Integration models provide orga-
tional improvement, the Capability nizations with a best-practices
Maturity Model® (CMM®) approach, framework addressing both the systems
relies on a collection of best practices in engineering and software engineering
412 / 268-5800 a particular discipline, such as software disciplines; and optionally, Integrated
engineering, systems engineering, and Product and Process Development
Email integrated product and process develop- (IPPD). These models leverage the suc- ment (IPPD). More recently, cess of the Software CMM while
organizations have been seeking a way providing richer coverage of product
World Wide Web to successfully and easily integrate their engineering practices and achieving
CMM-based improvement activities. compatibility with appropriate interna-
tional standards.
The SEI, in collaboration with govern-
ment and industry, has developed the
Areas of Work
CMM IntegrationSM (CMMISM) V1.0
Product Suite to help organizations more Capability Maturity Model
easily integrate their process improve- Integration
Capability maturity models are struc-
ment activities.
tured collections of recommended
management and engineering practices
Goals that help organizations to characterize
• Transition the existing separate- their ability to perform in the areas
discipline communities to CMMI. addressed by each model, establish
• Accommodate additional disci- goals for improvement, set priorities for
plines selected for integration into immediate actions, and establish a cul-
the CMMI Product Suite. ture of excellence.
• Harmonize the CMMI Product Suite Industry, government, and the SEI are
with appropriate national and inter- now refining the CMMI V1.0 Product
national standards. Suite to V1.1 to reflect lessons learned
from using V1.0, address the acquisition
Benefits discipline, and provide a method for
evaluating a supplier’s process
CMMs reflect a set of disciplined prac- capability.
tices that, if followed, lead to more
predictable and efficient development CMMs currently supported by the SEI
and evolution of products that are soft- include:
ware intensive.
CMMI for Systems Engineering/
The CMM for Software (SW-CMM) is Software Engineering (CMMI-SE/SW)
in use at more than five thousand organi- This model addresses management and
zations worldwide to support product engineering practices that
organizations’ adoption of more effec- improve an organization’s ability to
tive management practices. Typical develop and maintain products that are
benefits experienced from using the SW- software intensive.
CMM include: productivity gains
(35%), reduction in time to market
(20%), quality improvements (40%),

3/01 • 1
CMMI for Systems Engineering/ gain insight into its process capability.
Software Engineering/Integrated The process capability of an organiza-
Product and Process Development tion provides one means of predicting
(CMMI-SE/SW/IPPD) the most likely outcomes of an organi-
This model extends the CMMI-SE/ zation’s next engineering project.
SW model and is intended for organi-
Software Risk Evaluation (SRE)
zations developing or maintaining
SRE is a diagnostic and decision-
products in an integrated product and
making tool that is used to identify,
process development environment.
categorize, prioritize, and plan mitiga-
CMM for Software (SW-CMM) tion strategies for specific program
This model addresses software man- risks emanating from product, process,
agement and engineering practices management, resources, and contract
that improve an organization’s ability constraints. The program’s own per-
to develop and maintain software. sonnel participate in identifying and
analyzing risk as well as in generating
People CMM (P-CMM) mitigation plans for the risks facing
This model addresses management the development effort.
practices for developing and managing
the work force of an organization. Process Improvement (PI)
Used in conjunction with other The SEI helps organizations to
CMMs, the P-CMM helps organiza- improve their engineering and man-
tions attract, manage, and retain the agement processes using CMMI
best individuals needed to achieve its products, the SW-CMM, P-CMM, and
goals. SA-CMM as guides. The SCAMPI,
CBA IPI, and SRE are a means for
Software Acquisition CMM helping organizations assess their
(SA-CMM) strengths and weaknesses. Typically,
This model addresses management these assessments are followed up by
practices for those acquiring (rather helping the organization to choose and
than building) software-intensive apply improved processes.
Continuous Risk Management (CRM)
Appraisal and Improvement The CRM approach integrates and
Methods adapts the practice of continuous risk
SCAMPISM (Standard CMMI management with current program
Appraisal Method for Process management practices. The corner-
Improvement) stone of this work is the risk clinic: a
This CMMI-based method is designed customer-site workshop that builds a
for assessing the strengths and weak- tailored risk management practice for
nesses of an organization as a basis for the project and a plan for implementa-
improving its capability. tion. The risk clinic is followed by
CBA IPI (CMM-Based Appraisal for periodic coaching as risk management
Internal Process Improvement) is put into practice. A training package
This method is very similar to can be tailored to the organization’s
SCAMPI but is CMM-based. new business practices.
Team Risk Management (TRM)
Software Capability Evaluation TRM extends CRM to all organiza-
(SCESM) tions in a program (customer and
The SCE is a method for evaluating supplier), tailoring methods and tools
the engineering and management pro- to the joint management of risk. The
cesses of a supplier organization to cornerstone of this work is the team

2 • 3/01 Capability Maturity Model Integration Initiative

risk clinic: a customer-site work- ages” to those desiring to form
shop that defines the risk SPINs.
management methods and tools to
be used by the program organiza- Courses supporting the transition of
tions as a team. This is followed by CMMs into practice are offered by
periodic coaching as team risk man- the SEI and the SEI’s licensed tran-
agement is put into place. sition partners. Periodic public
Involvement in International courses can be attended by anyone,
Standards with a reduced charge for govern-
Under the auspices of the Interna- ment personnel. In addition,
tional Organization for customer-site courses are offered to
Standardization and the Interna- individual organizations, with a
tional Electrotechnical Commission reduced fee for government
(ISO/IEC), the SEI is involved with organizations.
an effort in software process assess-
ment to promote an emerging Introduction to CMMI Model
standard and coordinate trials to Two separate three-day courses
assess its utility and readiness for introduce the participants to the fun-
standardization. damental concepts of the CMMI
Product Suite and either the staged
Broad Community Support or continuous representation of the
Software Engineering Process CMMI model. The participants will
Group (SEPG) Conference gain enough understanding of the
First held in 1988, the annual SEPG CMMI process areas to begin a pro-
Conference has grown from 25 cess improvement program and
attendees to more than 1800. It is participate on a CMMI-based
the premier conference on software assessment as a team member.
engineering process improvement.
Intermediate Concepts of CMMI
Attendees develop an enhanced
This five-day course provides par-
appreciation for both the cultural
ticipants with a deeper
aspects of technological change and
understanding of CMMI models.
the technical insights that help
This course helps prepare partici-
ensure more effective implementa-
pants to make valid judgements
tion of higher maturity practices.
regarding an organization's imple-
Software Process Improvement mentation of the CMMI process
Network (SPIN) areas; and is a requirement for those
A SPIN is a regionally defined interested in teaching or leading
group of software engineering pro- assessments using the CMMI
fessionals interested in software models.
process improvement. They meet
Introduction to the Capability
regularly to share improvement
Maturity Model for Software
experiences, listen to presentations,
This three-day course introduces
and work together toward solutions
participants to the SW-CMM and its
to common problems. There are
fundamental concepts. It empha-
more than 85 SPINs worldwide.
sizes understanding of the five
Each SPIN is an autonomous (gen-
maturity levels and their key pro-
erally volunteer) organization, but
cess areas (KPAs) as well as helping
the SEI coordinates the “network”
participants to make valid judge-
of SPINs, providing information to
ments regarding an organization’s
existing SPINs and “starter pack-

Capability Maturity Model Integration Initiative 3/01 • 3

implementation of the software engi- SCE Lead Evaluator Training
neering KPAs. This five-day course is for those who
have experience in process assessment
Introduction to the People Capability
or evaluation and who wish to become
Maturity Model
authorized lead evaluators. It prepares
This three-day course introduces par-
participants to become authorized to
ticipants to the People CMM and the
lead evaluations based on the software
elements of managing and developing
capability evaluation (SCE) method to
the work force of an organization. It
support selecting suppliers of software
emphasizes understanding of the five
products and services.
maturity levels and their KPAs and
helps participants to make valid judge- Mastering Process Improvement
ments regarding an organization’s This five-day course is for those who
implementation of these KPAs. will serve as leaders or key members
of software engineering or systems
Introduction to the Software
engineering process improvement
Acquisition Capability Maturity
groups. It prepares participants with a
Model how-to understanding of the skills and
This two-day course is designed to activities required to guide process
give participants an overview of the improvement in the organization.
SA-CMM and its fundamental con-
cepts. The course centers around the Research
five maturity levels of the model and Understanding High-Maturity
their characteristic KPAs. Course dis- Practices
cussions and exercises are designed to A growing number of organizations
give participants a basic understanding are concerned with how to quantita-
of the principles and activities of the tively manage their engineering
SA-CMM and to show how use of this processes and use measurement to
structured approach to process support innovation and technology
improvement can be applied to a vari- transition. The purpose of this research
ety of acquisition activities in is to
government and industry. 1. identify the specific engineering
SCAMPI Lead AssessorSM Training and management practices of high-
This five-day course prepares partici- maturity organizations in terms of
pants to become authorized SCAMPI- their methodologies, techniques,
based lead assessors in the SEI and tools
Appraiser Program. There is a three- 2. identify technical areas that sup-
day version of this course for those port the continuing improvement
having appropriate assessment experi- of high-maturity organizations and
ence, e.g. with CBA IPI. identify specific improvement
needs of mature organizations
CBA Lead Assessor Training 3. focus on maturity level 5 issues of
This five-day course prepares partici- managing innovation and technol-
pants to become authorized CBA IPI- ogy transition in a well-
based lead assessors in the SEI instrumented environment
Appraiser Program (for leading
assessments based on the SW-CMM).

® Capability Maturity Model and CMM are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
CMM Integration, CMMI, SCAMPI, SCAMPI lead assessor, and SCE are service marks of
Carnegie Mellon University.

4 • 3/01 Capability Maturity Model Integration Initiative

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