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5/21/2019 transcript/attandance refelction - Google Docs

Mariaisabel Delgado

Mrs. DeLeon

English 4

Many things interest me and what interest me I have a bigger opportunity to pass that class. It

really doesn’t mean that you will pass that class because of your interest and how good you are in

that class because it’s your favorite subject or because they are fun. Some of the class you are

interested in you can also have a struggle with it and not be good in it. You don’t have to be good

with that subject even the subject that you most hate and it doesn’t give you interest you can still do

good or bad.

All of my years being in high school like my attendance and grades have been really good. I think

I did better than my middle school year to be honest. My freshman and sophomore year was the

easiest year for me to pass. Which I did pass and because of a good GPA I got an award for the top

students who had a good GPA. Which I was really happy to earn one for the first time in Merced

High. I was mostly an A or B student in all of my classes.

There is two years that have been very rough for me which are my junior year and my senior

year. My junior year I really had a hard time because that year I decided to take 2 AP classes which

was history and english I think that it was a good experience but a wrong choice for me in my

opinion because I didn’t do good in those two classes because of how hard it for me and there was

times that I wanted to get out of the class but at the same time I didn’t want too because I really

liked the classes and I got to learn new things in there where I probably would never learn in a

regular class but I finally learned my lesson to not do AP classes again or I was going to fail the

classes again. 1/2
5/21/2019 transcript/attandance refelction - Google Docs

Not only AP classes but also math is the worst subject that I am not good at all. My first 2 years I

was really great with math but then because it was an easy class too. Last year and this year it’s

really hard for me even though I study, ask for help, even watch videos on how to do the problems

I don’t understand by even though I still do that and I kinda understand it’s always the test that I

forget everything like everything blinks out. I get stuck and I can’t remember anything about that

subject and that’s why I am not that good with math because of the test it brings my grade down.

Overall the struggles and accomplishments I had in my classes and the grades that I received I do

think that they are correct how they came up too even if there is some that very disappointed me

but I really like how my grades have ended up. My attendance I’m at school everyday never miss

any days unless I have a track meet or trips with clubs. Unless I am very sick then I would miss a

day but even if i’m kinda sick I still end up going to school because I just don’t want to get behind

and miss the important lessons that we will have in classes but my attendance has been very great

for all my school years and my high school years. 2/2

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