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Bullying again and again. Simple as bullying. A repeatedly topic which is very common. Questions like,
why we do bullying? Or why we bully others? Why we are being bullied? Or why they bully us? Simple
questions but are difficult to give an answer. Difficult to find answers Imagine you are being asked by
this question, so what will you feel? You are a bull? Bullying others or you as a victim of bullying. But first
what is bullying?

Based on a source an aggressive behavior involving unwanted, negative actions, also involve a pattern of
repeated behavior over time and also involves an imbalance of power or strength. That how they define
bullying. But basically what is bullying? Hey freak! Piggy bank! Witch! Monsters! Or even like Hey don’t
make friends with them because they are families of criminals! Based from that, those are some
common ways of bullying right? Bullying can be in any form like name-calling, teasing/taunting,
threatening, insults, inappropriate remarks and comments that is the type of verbal bullying. Hurting
someone’s reputation or relationship like spreading rumors, isolation, or even telling others not to be
friends with them, Psychological bullying or Social bullying. How about hurting a person’s body or
possession like hitting, slapping, elbowing, shoving, spitting, kicking, or breaking someone’s belongings,
that is Physical bullying. What if online like discrediting you using social media, threatening you online?
Yes it is what we call cyber bullying. So from those examples, bullying can be formed in different ways in
different types. Imagine simple response from other actions can be a type of bullying. But what are our
intensions in doing bullying, what is the intension of others doing bullying? Is this just for fun?

Anyone can engage in bullying behaviors for a variety of reasons. Bullying behavior can arise from
distrust, fear and misunderstanding, among others. A person is more likely engages such destructive
behaviors if they Don’t like another person. Your personal impression about him/her that you don’t like,
that is one cause of bullying. Another, seeking revenge on another person. You have that strong feeling
of getting or having a revenge, that’s another thing. Another, thinking it will make them popular. And
one more thing, the most obvious and very common. Want to feel tough, strong, and in control.
Someone having this big factors are more likely to engage in this behavior. Sometimes they don’t know
what can be the effect of their actions on that person, neglecting other feedbacks about on what you
have done. So from all of that we can conclude that bullying is very common right? but what would be
the effects of that?.
Bullying, especially among youth, can result in lasting, life-changing effects, often times controlling that
individuals daily life. The effects of bullying can include, but are not limited to, the following. Within
Psychological and mental health effects there are more likely significant drop in self- esteem, often
lasting into adulthood, likeliness to struggle with negative emotions every day, effecting their outlook on
others and themselves. Higher rates of depression. Ongoing stresses. And likewise with social effects.
Example, limitations in their own ability to form friendship or other relationship. Lack of trust to other
people. And lower levels of confidence. Another, most especially with tha Academics effects. Fear or
avoidance of school in general. Sudden decrease in academic performances. Increase in stress which
later interferes with memory, retaining, information, learning ability, or trouble focusing. No longer
desires to pursue higher education or wants to drop out. And that’s it, more heavy effects on someone’s
feeling or more badly to come up with what we call suicide. See, how we call it simple bullying but
imagine it can take others life someone’s life. Knowing that only our God, our Almighty God can take our
lives. So let’s face the truth that bullying is very very very very bad. So bottom-line how can we prevent
this type if discrimination? By also simply STOP BULLYING.

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