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Thomas Joiner

Mr. Phillips

English 3

28 February 2019

Our Abused Tolerance

With my time spent in my World Religion class, I’ve realized that Christians aren’t

tolerated by the new generation, which is my generation. Even though Christians for years have

constantly been told they need to tolerate other beliefs and opinions. This is severely unfair and I

will not stand by and say nothing like many other Christians have. I am a Christian and I do not

believe we have to tolerate other beliefs and opinions if no one will tolerate ours.

In the Bible, more specifically Leviticus 18:22 it says “​You shall not lie with a male as

with a woman; it is an abomination.” This clearly means in eyes of the Christian God

homosexuality is wrong. Although this obviously it means that, some Christians continue to

argue that that homosexuality is okay, however, the Christians that believe this is a sin, say it is

wrong and are attacked, called closed minded and are made out to be hateful towards equality. I

have no hate whatsoever towards homosexuals, I simply just disagree with what they are doing

and share my opinion. We are supposed to tolerate homosexuality but no one wants to tolerate

our opinion on the topic?

Now I’ve heard many other Christians in my generation say that as long as you believe in

a religion or you are a, “good person”, however you would describe that, you will go to Heaven.

As a Christian I have no idea how you could agree with this. A verse in the Bible, John 14:6,

quoting Jesus himself says “I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father
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except through me.” Saying you can go to Heaven just because you’re “good” or because you

believe in something is the same as saying Jesus died on the cross for no reason and spitting in

his face. Some say we have to agree every other religion makes it into Heaven but for those of us

who believe in what Jesus says are not tolerated?

Many people get angry at Christians for Sharing our beliefs, and in full honesty I don’t

understand why. As a Christian I want my friends to go to heaven, I don’t ever want them to go

to Hell. A Christian sharing their belief is simply them saying they want you to go to Heaven and

not Hell. Again going off of John 14:6, knowing Jesus is the only way, we feel the need to share

with others so they don't go to Hell. So me wanting to save a person from Hell is forcing my

religion on them?

So Christians like myself are not tolerated by both non-Christians and “tolerant”

Christians. We should stand up for what our religion says and end the continuous bash upon us.

We should stop them from constantly running us over, abusing our tolerance and be the

Christians we need to be. What do you think? Did jesus die for you to spit in his face or for you

to stand up for him and what the Bible says.

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